## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
## ----installation, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
# if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("SpatialDecon")
## ----setup--------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----loaddata-----------------------------------------------------------------
norm = mini_geomx_dataset$normalized
raw = mini_geomx_dataset$raw
annot = mini_geomx_dataset$annot
raw[seq_len(5), seq_len(5)]
# better segment names:
colnames(norm) = colnames(raw) = rownames(annot) =
paste0(annot$ROI, annot$
## ----estimateBG---------------------------------------------------------------
# use the NegProbe to estimate per-observation background
per.observation.mean.neg = norm["NegProbe", ]
# and define a background matrix in which each column (observation) is the
# appropriate value of per-observation background:
bg = sweep(norm * 0, 2, per.observation.mean.neg, "+")
## ----derivebg-----------------------------------------------------------------
bg2 = derive_GeoMx_background(norm = norm,
probepool = rep(1, nrow(norm)),
negnames = "NegProbe")
## ----showsafetme, fig.height=5, fig.width=10, fig.cap = "The safeTME cell profile matrix"----
signif(safeTME[seq_len(3), seq_len(3)], 2)
heatmap(sweep(safeTME, 1, apply(safeTME, 1, max), "/"),
labRow = NA, margins = c(10, 5))
## ----downloadmatrix, fig.height=7, fig.width=10, fig.cap = "The Mouse Brain profile matrix"----
mousebrain = download_profile_matrix(matrixname = "Mouse_Brain")
heatmap(sweep(mousebrain, 1, apply(mousebrain, 1, max), "/"),
labRow = NA, margins = c(12, 5), cexCol = 0.7)
## ----runiss-------------------------------------------------------------------
res = spatialdecon(norm = norm,
bg = bg,
X = safeTME,
align_genes = TRUE)
## ----plotissres, fig.height = 5, fig.width = 8, fig.cap = "Cell abundance estimates"----
heatmap(res$beta, cexCol = 0.5, cexRow = 0.7, margins = c(10,7))
## ----showmatches--------------------------------------------------------------
## ----runisstils---------------------------------------------------------------
# vector identifying pure tumor segments:
annot$istumor = (annot$ == "Tumor")
# run spatialdecon with all the bells and whistles:
restils = spatialdecon(norm = norm, # normalized data
raw = raw, # raw data, used to down-weight low-count observations
bg = bg, # expected background counts for every data point in norm
X = safeTME, # safeTME matrix, used by default
cellmerges = safeTME.matches, # safeTME.matches object, used by default
cell_counts = annot$nuclei, # nuclei counts, used to estimate total cells
is_pure_tumor = annot$istumor, # identities of the Tumor segments/observations
n_tumor_clusters = 5) # how many distinct tumor profiles to append to safeTME
## ----shownewX, fig.height=5, fig.width=8, fig.cap = "safeTME merged with newly-derived tumor profiles"----
heatmap(sweep(restils$X, 1, apply(restils$X, 1, max), "/"),
labRow = NA, margins = c(10, 5))
## ----compareresults, fig.height=6, fig.width=8, fig.cap = "Cell abundance estimates with and without modelling tumor profiles"----
par(mfrow = c(2, 3))
par(mar = c(5,7,2,1))
for (i in seq_len(6)) {
cell = rownames(res$beta)[i]
plot(res$beta[cell, ], restils$beta.granular[cell, ],
xlab = paste0(cell, " score under basic setting"),
ylab = paste0(cell, " score when tumor\ncells are modelled"),
pch = 16,
col = c(rgb(0,0,1,0.5), rgb(1,0,0,0.5))[1 + annot$istumor],
xlim = range(c(res$beta[cell, ], restils$beta.granular[cell, ])),
ylim = range(c(res$beta[cell, ], restils$beta.granular[cell, ])))
if (i == 1) {
legend("topleft", pch = 16, col = c(rgb(0,0,1,0.5), rgb(1,0,0,0.5)),
legend = c("microenv.", "tumor"))
## ----barplot, fig.width=9, fig.height=6, fig.cap="Barplots of TIL abundance"----
# For reference, show the TILs color data object used by the plotting functions
# when safeTME has been used:
# show just the TME segments, since that's where the immune cells are:
layout(mat = (matrix(c(1, 2), 1)), widths = c(7, 3))
TIL_barplot(restils$cell.counts$cell.counts, draw_legend = TRUE,
cex.names = 0.5)
# or the proportions of cells:
TIL_barplot(restils$prop_of_nontumor[, annot$ == "TME"],
draw_legend = TRUE, cex.names = 0.75)
## ----florets, fig.width=8, fig.height=6, fig.cap = "TIL abundance plotted on PC space"----
# PCA of the normalized data:
pc = prcomp(t(log2(pmax(norm, 1))))$x[, c(1, 2)]
# run florets function:
par(mar = c(5,5,1,1))
layout(mat = (matrix(c(1, 2), 1)), widths = c(6, 2))
florets(x = pc[, 1], y = pc[, 2],
b = restils$beta, cex = 2,
xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2")
par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
legend("center", fill = cellcols[rownames(restils$beta)],
legend = rownames(restils$beta), cex = 0.7)
## ----collapse, fig.width=5, fig.height=5, fig.cap="Cell abundance estimates with related cell types collapsed"----
matching = list()
matching$myeloid = c( "macrophages", "monocytes", "mDCs")
matching$T.NK = c("CD4.T.cells","CD8.T.cells", "Treg", "NK")
matching$B = c("B")
matching$mast = c("mast")
matching$neutrophils = c("neutrophils")
matching$stroma = c("endothelial.cells", "fibroblasts")
collapsed = collapseCellTypes(fit = restils,
matching = matching)
heatmap(collapsed$beta, cexRow = 0.85, cexCol = 0.75)
## ----appendtumor, fig.width = 10, fig.height= 5, fig.cap = "safeTME merged with newly-derived tumor profiles"----
pure.tumor.ids = annot$ == "Tumor"
safeTME.with.tumor = mergeTumorIntoX(norm = norm,
bg = bg,
pure_tumor_ids = pure.tumor.ids,
X = safeTME,
K = 3)
heatmap(sweep(safeTME.with.tumor, 1, apply(safeTME.with.tumor, 1, max), "/"),
labRow = NA, margins = c(10, 5))
## ----reverse, fig.height=6, fig.width=6, fig.cap="Residuals from reverseDecon"----
rdecon = reverseDecon(norm = norm,
beta = res$beta)
# look at the residuals:
heatmap(pmax(pmin(rdecon$resids, 2), -2))
## ----reverse2, fig.height=6, fig.width=6, fig.cap="Genes' dependency on cell mixing"----
# look at the two metrics of goodness-of-fit:
plot(rdecon$cors, rdecon$, col = 0)
showgenes = c("CXCL14", "LYZ", "NKG7")
text(rdecon$cors[setdiff(names(rdecon$cors), showgenes)],
rdecon$[setdiff(names(rdecon$cors), showgenes)],
setdiff(names(rdecon$cors), showgenes), cex = 0.5)
text(rdecon$cors[showgenes], rdecon$[showgenes],
showgenes, cex = 0.75, col = 2)
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