
Defines functions tryChar2Int is.charInteger assert getSharedFiles pkgconfig getOSBit setAltData2 setAltData1 getAltData2 getAltData1 is.altrep isSEXPList isSharableAtomic getDataInfoTemplate calculateSharedMemorySize getTypeSize

Documented in is.altrep pkgconfig

typeSize <- list(
    logical = 4,
    integer = 4,
    double = 8,
    raw = 1,
    complex = 16
## the size of the type
getTypeSize <- function(x) {
    if (is.null(typeSize[[x]]))
        stop("The type has not been defined: ", x)

calculateSharedMemorySize <- function(x) {
    length(x) * getTypeSize(typeof(x))

getDataInfoTemplate <- function(...){
    args <- list(...)
    dataInfoPropNames = c("dataId", "length", "totalSize", "dataType", "ownData")
    dataInfoNames = c(dataInfoPropNames, sharedAtomicOptions)
    dataInfo = as.list(rep(0, length(dataInfoNames)))
    names(dataInfo) = dataInfoNames
        stop("Illegal data info name has been found")
    dataInfo[names(args)] <- args

isSharableAtomic <- function(x){
    typeof(x) %in% c("raw","logical","integer","double","complex")
isSEXPList <- function(x){

#' Whether an object is an ALTREP object
#' Whether an object is an ALTREP object
#' @param x an R object
#' @examples
#' x <- share(runif(10))
#' is.altrep(x)
#' @return
#' A logical value
#' @export
is.altrep <- function(x) {

## The function return the value in data 1
## if and only if x is a shared object
getAltData1 <- function(x) {

getAltData2 <- function(x) {

setAltData1 <- function(x, value) {
    return(C_setAltData1(x, value))

setAltData2 <- function(x, value) {
    return(C_setAltData2(x, value))

getOSBit <- function(){
    .Machine$sizeof.pointer * 8

#' Find path of the shared memory header file
#' This function will return the path of the shared memory header or
#' the flags that are used to compile the package
#' for the developers who want to use C++ level implementation of the
#' `SharedObject` package
#' @param x Character, "PKG_LIBS" or "PKG_CPPFLAGS"
#' @return path to the header or compiler flags
#' @examples
#' SharedObject:::pkgconfig("PKG_LIBS")
#' SharedObject:::pkgconfig("PKG_CPPFLAGS")
pkgconfig <- function(x){
    if(getOSBit() == 64){
        folder <- "usrlib/x64"
        folder <- "usrlib/i386"
    if(x == "PKG_LIBS"){
        folder <- system.file(folder,
                              package = "SharedObject", mustWork = FALSE)
        if(folder == ""){
            folder <- system.file("usrlib",
                                  package = "SharedObject", mustWork = TRUE)
        files <- "SharedObject.a"
        result <- paste0(folder,"/",files)
        result <- ""

## Get POSIX shared memory files
getSharedFiles <- function(){
    files <- list.files("/dev/shm")
    bits <- as.character(c(32,64))
    res <- list()
    for(i in bits){
        headerId <- paste0("SO_X",i,"_id_")
        headerName <- paste0("SO_X",i,"_nm_")
        idIndex <- startsWith(files, headerId)
        objectId <- substring(files[idIndex], nchar(headerId)+1)
        nameIndex <- startsWith(files, headerName)
        objectName <- substring(files[nameIndex], nchar(headerName)+1)
        res[[paste0(i,"_num")]] <- as.numeric(objectId)
        res[[paste0(i,"_char")]] <- objectName

## Alternative to stopifnot
assert <- function(expr, error){
        stop(error, call. = FALSE)
## x can be a vector of any length
is.charInteger <-function(x){

## x must be a vector of lenght 1
tryChar2Int <-function(x){
        x <- as.numeric(x)

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SharedObject documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:17 p.m.