#' CompPASS
#' Comparative Proteomic Analysis Software Suite (CompPASS) is based on spoke
#' model. This algorithm was developed by Dr. Mathew Sowa for defining the
#' human deubiquitinating enzyme interaction landscape
#' (Sowa, Mathew E., et al., 2009). The implementation of this algorithm was
#' inspired by Dr. Sowa's online tutorial
#' (\url{}).
#' The output includes Z-score, S-score, D-score and WD-score.
#' This function also computes entropy and normalized
#' WD-score. The source code for this function was based on the source code.
#' \url{}
#' @title CompPASS
#' @param datInput A dataframe with column names: idRun, idBait, idPrey,
#' countPrey. Each row represent one unique protein captured in one
#' pull-down experiment
#' @return A data frame consists of unique bait-prey pairs with
#' Z-score, S-score,D-score and WD-score indicating interacting probabilities.
#' @author Qingzhou Zhang, \email{}
#' @references Sowa, Mathew E., et al. "Defining the human deubiquitinating
#' enzyme interaction landscape." Cell 138.2 (2009): 389-403.
#' \url{}
#' @references Huttlin, Edward L., et al. "The BioPlex network: a systematic
#' exploration of the human interactome." Cell 162.2 (2015): 425-440.
#' \url{}
#' @references Huttlin, Edward L., et al. "Architecture of the human
#' interactome defines protein communities and disease networks."
#' Nature 545.7655 (2017): 505.
#' \url{}
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr n
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(TestDatInput)
#' datScore <- CompPASS(TestDatInput)
#' head(datScore)
CompPASS <- function(datInput){
colInput <-
c("idRun", "idBait", "idPrey", "countPrey")
stop("Input data should be data.frame")
if(!all(colInput %in% colnames(datInput))){
missingCol <-
colnames(datInput)[match(colInput, colnames(datInput))])
stop("Input data missing: ", paste(missingCol, collapse = ", "))
. <- NULL
idPrey <- NULL
idBait <- NULL
idRun <- NULL
countPrey <- NULL
nBait <- NULL
f_sum <- NULL
MeanDiff <- NULL
Mean <- NULL
WD_inner <- NULL
WD_raw <- NULL
WD_raw.factor <- NULL
# Use total number of baits instead of actual AP-MS runs as
# total number of experiments.
# Multiple runs for the same bait were considered as replicated
k <-
# f_sum: number of runs capturing the same prey
f <-
unique(datInput[, c("idBait", "idPrey")]) %>%
group_by(`idPrey`) %>%
summarise(`f_sum` = n())
# p: number of replicates the bait-prey pair captured
p <-
datInput[, c("idBait", "idPrey")] %>%
group_by(`idBait`, `idPrey`) %>%
summarise(`p` = n()) %>%
mutate(`BP` = paste(`idBait`, `idPrey`, sep = "~"))
# Using MAXIMUM spectral count to compute Entropy
e <-
datInput %>%
group_by(`idBait`, `idPrey`, `idRun`) %>%
summarise(`MaxTSC` = max(`countPrey`)) %>%
mutate(`p` = (`MaxTSC` + 1/length(`MaxTSC`))/(sum(`MaxTSC`) + 1)) %>%
mutate(`Entropy` = sum(unlist(lapply(`p`, function(x) {
-1*x*log(x, 2)
})))) %>%
mutate(`BP` = paste(`idBait`, `idPrey`, sep = "~"))
# AvePSM = average speactral counts across replicates.
stats <-
datInput %>%
group_by(`idBait`, `idPrey`) %>%
summarise(`AvePSM` = mean(`countPrey`)) %>%
mutate(`BP` = paste(`idBait`, `idPrey`, sep = "~"))
dat <-
stats %>%
left_join(., unique(e[, c("BP", "Entropy")]), by = "BP") %>%
left_join(., f, by = "idPrey") %>%
left_join(., p[, c("BP", "p")], by = "BP") %>%
mutate(`k` = k)
preyWithBaitOnly <-
stats %>%
group_by(`idPrey`) %>%
summarise(`nBait` = n()) %>%
filter(`nBait` == 1) %>%
dat <-
dat %>%
mutate(`f_num_no_prey` =
ifelse((`idBait` == `idPrey`)&(`idPrey` %in% preyWithBaitOnly),
k, k-`f_sum`))
df_num_no_prey <-
unique(dat[, c("idPrey", "f_num_no_prey")])
f_num_no_prey <-
names(f_num_no_prey) <-
statsM <-
stats %>%
mutate(`AvePSM` = ifelse(`idBait` != `idPrey`,
ifelse(`idPrey` %in% preyWithBaitOnly,
`AvePSM`, NA)))
statsMatrix <-
spread(`statsM`[, c("idBait", "idPrey", "AvePSM")], `idBait`, `AvePSM`)
m <-
as.matrix(statsMatrix[, -1])
rownames(m) <-
prey.mean <-
rowSums(m, na.rm = TRUE) / k
prey.stats <-
data.frame(`idPrey` = names(prey.mean),
`Mean` = prey.mean,
`MeanDiff` = rowSums((m - prey.mean)^2, na.rm = TRUE),
`f_num_no_prey` = f_num_no_prey[names(prey.mean)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
mutate(`SD` =
sqrt((`MeanDiff` + ((`Mean`^2) * (`f_num_no_prey`)))/(k - 1)))
avePSM <-
left_join(`dat`, prey.stats[, c("idPrey", "Mean", "SD")], by = "idPrey")
output <-
avePSM %>%
mutate(`scoreZ` = (`AvePSM` - `Mean`) / (`SD`)) %>%
mutate(`scoreS` = sqrt((`AvePSM`) * (`k`) / (`f_sum`))) %>%
mutate(`scoreD` = sqrt((`AvePSM`) * (((`k`) / (`f_sum`))^`p`))) %>%
mutate(`WD_inner` = (`k` / `f_sum`) * (`SD` / `Mean`)) %>%
mutate(`WD_raw` = sqrt(`AvePSM` * (`WD_inner`^`p`)))
# Weighted WD score
WD_raw <-
WD_raw <-
WD_raw.factor <-
unname(quantile(WD_raw, 0.98)[1])
output[, "scoreWD"] <-
WD_raw / WD_raw.factor
output <-[, c("idBait", "idPrey", "AvePSM",
"scoreZ", "scoreS", "scoreD",
"Entropy", "scoreWD")])
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