### SIAMCAT - Statistical Inference of Associations between
### Microbial Communities And host phenoTypes R flavor EMBL
### Heidelberg 2012-2018 GNU GPL 3.0
# ##############################################################################
# label object
# check label object for validity
#'@keywords internal
check.label <- function(object){
errors <- character()
# check that all entries are there
if (!all(names(object) == c('label', 'info', 'type'))){
msg <- 'Label object does not contain all needed entries!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that label is binary or test
if (object$type != 'BINARY' & object$type != 'TEST'){
msg <- 'Label object is neither binary nor a test label!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that info and label match up
if (!all(sort(unique(object$label)) == object$info)){
msg <- 'label info does not match to label entries!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that info has names
if (is.null(names(object$info))){
msg <- 'Label info does not contain group names!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(errors) == 0) NULL else errors
# ##############################################################################
# Filtered data/parameters
# check filtered data/parameters for validity
#'@keywords internal
check.filt.feat <- function(object){
errors <- character()
if (is.null(object$filt.param)){
msg <- "Filtering parameters are missing!"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check if all entries are lists
if (!all(vapply(object$filt.param, class,
FUN.VALUE = character(1)) == 'list')){
msg <- "Filtering parameters are not in the right format!"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check if each entry is of length 3
if (!all(vapply(object$filt.param, length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) == 4)){
msg <- "Filtering parameters are not in the right format!"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check if they have the correct entries
if (!all(vapply(object$filt.param, names,
FUN.VALUE = character(4)) ==
c('filter.method', 'cutoff', 'rm.unmapped', 'feature.type'))){
msg <- "Filtering parameters do not contain all needed entries!"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that taxa are rows == TRUE
if (is.null(object$filt.feat)){
msg <- "Filtered features are missing!"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(errors) == 0) NULL else errors
# ##############################################################################
# Associations
# check associations for validity
#'@keywords internal
check.assoc <- function(object){
errors <- character()
if (is.null(object$assoc.param)){
msg <- "Association parameters are missing!"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (is.null(object$assoc.results)){
msg <- "Association results are missing!"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that assoc.param contains all entries
if (!all(names(object$assoc.param) == c('detect.lim', 'pr.cutoff',
'probs.fc', 'mult.corr', 'alpha', 'feature.type'))){
msg <- 'Association testing parameters do not contain all entries!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that all entries are valid and in the expected ranges
if (!all(vapply(object$assoc.param, class,
FUN.VALUE=character(1)) == c('numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric',
'character', 'numeric', 'character'))){
msg<-'Association testing parameters do not contain the expected classes!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# detect.lim
if (object$assoc.param$detect.lim > 1 | object$assoc.param$detect.lim < 0){
msg<-'Detection limit (pseudocount) is not valid (not between 1 and 0)!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# pr.cutoff
if (object$assoc.param$pr.cutoff > 1 | object$assoc.param$pr.cutoff < 0){
msg<-'Prevalence cutoff is not valid (not between 1 and 0)!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# probs.fc
if (any(object$assoc.param$probs.fc > 1) |
any(object$assoc.param$probs.fc < 0)){
msg<-'Quantiles for FC calculation are not valid (not between 1 and 0)!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# mult.corr
if (!object$assoc.param$mult.corr %in%
c('none', 'bonferroni', 'holm', 'fdr', 'bhy')){
msg<-'Multiple testing correction method not valid!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# alpha
if (object$assoc.param$alpha > 1 | object$assoc.param$alpha < 0){
msg<-'Significance level (alpha) is not valid (not between 1 and 0)!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# feat.type
if (!object$assoc.param$feature.type %in%
c('filtered', 'original', 'normalized')){
msg <- 'Feature type is not valid!
(should be original, filtered, or normalized)'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that assoc.results contains all that it should
if (!all(colnames(object$assoc.results)==c("fc", "p.val", "auc",
"", "", "pr.shift", "pr.n", "pr.p", "bcol", "p.adj"))){
msg <- 'Association results do not contain all needed entries!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (nrow(object$assoc.results) < 1){
msg <- 'Association results are empty!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(errors) == 0) NULL else errors
# ##############################################################################
# Normalization data/parameters
# check normalization data/parameters for validity
#'@keywords internal
check.norm.feat <- function(object){
errors <- character()
if (is.null(object$norm.param)){
msg <- "Normalization parameters are missing!"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
norm.method <- object$norm.param$norm.method
# check if norm method is there
if (is.null(norm.method)){
msg <- 'norm.method is NULL!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (!norm.method %in%
'log.std','log.clr', 'std', 'pass')){
mgs <- paste0('norm.method ', norm.method, 'not recognized!')
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check if retained feat is there
if (is.null(object$norm.param$retained.feat)){
msg <- 'retained.feat is missing!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# for each norm method, check additional entries
if (startsWith(norm.method, 'log')){
if (is.null(object$norm.param$log.n0)){
msg <- 'Detection limit (pseudocount) is missing!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (object$norm.param$log.n0 > 1 | object$norm.param$log.n0 < 0){
msg<-'Detection limit (pseudocount) is not between 0 and 1!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# std
if (endsWith(norm.method, 'std')){
# feat.mean or
if (is.null(object$norm.param$feat.mean) |
msg<-'Needed entries for std-normalization are missing!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# log.unit n.p, norm.margin,, feat.norm.denom
if (norm.method == 'log.unit'){
if (is.null(object$norm.param$n.p)){
msg<-'Vector norm is missing!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (is.null(object$norm.param${
msg<-'Normalization function is missing!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (is.null(object$norm.param$norm.margin)){
msg<-'Normalization margin is missing!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (is.null(object$norm.param$feat.norm.denom)){
msg<-'Feature specific denominator is missing!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (is.null(object$norm.feat)){
msg <- "Normalized features are missing!"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(errors) == 0) NULL else errors
# ##############################################################################
# Data split
# check data split for validity
#'@keywords internal <- function(object){
errors <- character()
# check names
if (!all(names(object) == c('training.folds', 'test.folds',
'num.resample', 'num.folds'))){
msg <- 'Data split does not contain all needed entries!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that num.resample and num.folds are numbers
if (length(object$num.resample) != 1 |
msg <- 'num.resample should be numeric and of length 1!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(object$num.folds) != 1 |
msg <- 'num.folds should be numeric and of length 1!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that training.folds is a list (of the right length)
if (!is.list(object$training.folds)){
msg <- 'training.folds should be a list!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(object$training.folds) != object$num.resample){
msg <- 'training.folds should be of length num.resample!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (!all(vapply(object$training.folds, length,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) == object$num.folds)){
msg <- 'All training.folds should be of length num.folds!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# same for test.folds
if (!is.list(object$test.folds)){
msg <- 'test.folds should be a list!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(object$test.folds) != object$num.resample){
msg <- 'test.folds should be of length num.resample!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (!all(vapply(object$test.folds, length,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) == object$num.folds)){
msg <- 'All test.folds should be of length num.folds!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that no samples are in training and test fold at the same time
test.consistency <- any(c(vapply(seq_len(object$num.resample),
any(object$test.folds[[x]][[y]] %in%
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
}, FUN.VALUE=logical(object$num.folds))))
if (test.consistency){
msg <- 'Some samples are in both training and test folds!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(errors) == 0) NULL else errors
# ##############################################################################
# Model list
# check model list for validity
#'@keywords internal
check.model.list <- function(object){
errors <- character()
if (!all(c('model.type', 'feature.type', 'models') %in% names(object))){
msg <- 'Model list does not contain all needed entries!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check model.type
length.model.type <- length(object$model.type)
if (length.model.type != 1){
msg <- paste0('Model type is of length ', length.model.type, '.',
' Should be length 1!')
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that all models in the list are mlr models
if (any(vapply(object$models, class,
FUN.VALUE = character(1)) != 'WrappedModel')){
msg <- 'Models are supposed to be mlr-WrappedModels!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check feature type
if (!object$feature.type %in% c('original', 'filtered', 'normalized')){
msg <- paste0('Feature type ', object$feature.type,
' is not recognized!
Should be either original, filtered, or normalized!')
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(errors) == 0) NULL else errors
# ##############################################################################
# Prediction matrix
# check.prediction.matrix function
# ##############################################################################
# Evaluation data
# check evaluation data for validity
#'@keywords internal <- function(object){
errors <- character()
# check that all entries are there
if (!all(c('roc', 'auroc', 'prc', 'auprc', 'ev') %in% names(object))){
msg <- 'Not all needed entries are given!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check roc
if (!is(object$roc,'roc')){
msg <- 'Entry for roc is not an object of class roc (from pROC)!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check prc
if (!is.list(object$prc) |
!all(names(object$prc) ==c('recall', 'precision')) |
length(unique(vapply(object$prc, length, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))))!=1){
msg <- paste0('No valid entry for prc ',
'(missing entries or no list with entries of equal length)!')
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check ev
if (!is.list(object$ev) |
!all(names(object$ev) == c("tp", "tn", "fp", "fn", "thresholds"))){
msg <- 'Not a valid entry for ev (missing entries or no list)!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check that the lenghts of each entry in ev are the same
if (length(unique(vapply(object$ev, length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))) != 1){
msg <- 'No concordance for the entries in ev (unequal length)!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check concordance between ev and prc
if (length(object$prc$recall) != length(object$ev$thresholds)){
msg <- 'No concordance for the entries in ev and prc (unequal length)!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# for the case that there are multiple repeats
if (!is.null(object$roc.all)){
# check if all entries are there
if (!all(c('roc.all', 'auroc.all', 'prc.all', 'auprc.all', 'ev.all')
%in% names(object))){
msg <- 'Not all needed entries are given!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# test roc.all
if (!all(vapply(object$roc.all, class,
FUN.VALUE = character(1)) == 'roc')){
msg <- 'roc.all entries are not objects of class roc!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# test lenght concordance
if (length(unique(
vapply(object[grep('.all', names(object))], length,
FUN.VALUE = integer(1))))!=1){
msg<-'entries for individual repeats do not have concordant length!'
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(errors) == 0) NULL else errors
# ##############################################################################
# check siamcat object for validity
#'@keywords internal
check.siamcat <- function(object){
errors <- character()
temp <- check.label(label(object))
if (!is.null(temp)){
errors <- c(errors, temp)
if (!is.null(filt_feat(object, verbose=0))){
temp <- check.filt.feat(filt_feat(object))
if (!is.null(temp)){
errors <- c(errors, temp)
if (!is.null(associations(object, verbose=0))){
temp <- check.assoc(object@associations)
if (!is.null(temp)){
errors <- c(errors, temp)
if (!is.null(norm_feat(object, verbose=0))){
temp <- check.norm.feat(norm_feat(object))
if (!is.null(temp)){
errors <- c(errors, temp)
if (!is.null(data_split(object, verbose=0))){
temp <-
if (!is.null(temp)){
errors <- c(errors, temp)
if (!is.null(model_list(object, verbose=0))){
temp <- check.model.list(model_list(object))
if (!is.null(temp)){
errors <- c(errors, temp)
if (!is.null(eval_data(object, verbose=0))){
temp <-
if (!is.null(temp)){
errors <- c(errors, temp)
if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors
# ##############################################################################
# SIAMCAT object
#' The S4 SIAMCAT class
#' @name siamcat-class
#' @rdname siamcat-class
#' @description The SIAMCAT class
#' @details The S4 SIAMCAT class stores the results from the SIAMCAT
#' workflow in different slots. The different slots will be filled by
#' different functions (referenced in the description below).
#' In order to contruct a SIAMCAT class object, please refer to the
#' documentation of the construction function \link{siamcat}.
#' The SIAMCAT class is based on the \link[phyloseq]{phyloseq-class}. Therefore,
#' you can easily import a \code{phyloseq} object into SIAMCAT.
#' @slot phyloseq object of class \link[phyloseq]{phyloseq-class}
#' @slot label list containing the label information for the samples and
#' some metadata about the label, created by \link{create.label} or when
#' creating the \link{siamcat-class} object by calling \link{siamcat}
#' @slot filt_feat list containing the filtered features as matrix and
#' the list of filtering parameters, created by calling the
#' \link{filter.features} function
#' @slot associations list containing the parameters for association
#' testing and the results of association testing with these parameters in
#' a dataframe, created by calling the \link{check.associations} function
#' @slot norm_feat list containing the normalized features as matrix and
#' the list of normalziation parameters (for frozen normalization), created by
#' calling the \link{normalize.features} function
#' @slot data_split list containing cross-validation instances, created by
#' calling the \link{} function
#' @slot model_list list containing the trained models, the type of model
#' that was trained, and on which kind of features it was trained, created by
#' calling the \link{train.model} function
#' @slot pred_matrix matrix of predictions, created by calling the
#' \link{make.predictions} function
#' @slot eval_data list containing different evaluation metrics, created by
#' calling the \link{evaluate.predictions} function
#' @exportClass siamcat
phyloseq = "phyloseq",
label = "list",
filt_feat = "list",
associations = "list",
norm_feat = "list",
data_split = "list",
model_list = "list",
pred_matrix = "matrix",
eval_data = "list"
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