
Defines functions assign.fold create.data.split

Documented in create.data.split

### SIAMCAT - Statistical Inference of Associations between
### Microbial Communities And host phenoTypes R flavor EMBL
### Heidelberg 2012-2018 GNU GPL 3.0

#' @title Split a dataset into training and a test sets.
#' @name create.data.split
#' @description This function prepares the cross-validation by splitting the
#'     data into \code{num.folds} training and test folds for
#'     \code{num.resample} times.
#' @usage create.data.split(siamcat, num.folds = 2, num.resample = 1,
#'     stratify = TRUE, inseparable = NULL, verbose = 1)
#' @param siamcat object of class \link{siamcat-class}
#' @param num.folds integer number of cross-validation folds (needs to be
#'     \code{>=2}), defaults to \code{2}
#' @param num.resample integer, resampling rounds (values \code{<= 1}
#'     deactivate resampling), defaults to \code{1}
#' @param stratify boolean, should the splits be stratified so that an equal
#'     proportion of classes are present in each fold?, defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @param inseparable string, name of metadata variable to be inseparable,
#'     defaults to \code{NULL}, see Details below
#' @param verbose integer, control output: \code{0} for no output at all,
#'     \code{1} for only information about progress and success, \code{2} for
#'     normal level of information and \code{3} for full debug information,
#'     defaults to \code{1}
#' @keywords SIAMCAT create.data.split
#' @return object of class \link{siamcat-class} with the \code{data_split}-slot
#'     filled
#' @details This function splits the labels within a \link{siamcat-class} object
#'     and prepares the internal cross-validation for the model training (see
#'     \link{train.model}).
#'     The function saves the training and test instances for the different
#'     cross-validation folds within a list in the \code{data_split}-slot of the
#'     \link{siamcat-class} object, which is a list with four entries:
#'     \itemize{
#'     \item \code{num.folds} - the number of cross-validation folds
#'     \item \code{num.resample} - the number of repetitions for the
#'     cross-validation
#'     \item \code{training.folds} - a list containing the indices for the
#'     training instances
#'     \item \code{test.folds} - a list containing the indices for the
#'     test instances }
#'     If provided, the data split will take into account a metadata variable
#'     for the data split (by providing the \code{inseparable} argument). For
#'     example, if the data contains several samples for the same individual,
#'     it would make sense to keep data from the same individual within the
#'     same fold.
#'     If \code{inseparable} is given, the \code{stratify} argument will be
#'     ignored.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(siamcat_example)
#' # simple working example
#' siamcat_split <- create.data.split(siamcat_example,
#'     num.folds=10,
#'     num.resample=5,
#'     stratify=TRUE)

create.data.split <- function(siamcat, num.folds = 2, num.resample = 1,
    stratify = TRUE, inseparable = NULL, verbose = 1) {

        if (verbose > 1)
            message("+ starting create.data.split")
        s.time <- proc.time()[3]

        label    <- label(siamcat)
        if (label$type != 'BINARY'){
            stop("SIAMCAT only works with binary labels at the moment!")
        } else {
            group.numbers <- vapply(label$info,
                                    FUN = function(x){
                                        sum(label$label == x)},
                                    FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
            if (any(group.numbers <= 5)){
                stop("Data set has only:\n",
                    paste0(names(group.numbers)[1], "\t", group.numbers[1]),
                    paste0(names(group.numbers)[2], "\t", group.numbers[2]),
                    "\nThis is not enough for SIAMCAT to proceed!"

        labelNum <- as.numeric(label$label)
        names(labelNum) <- names(label$label)
        exm.ids <- names(labelNum)

        if (is.null(inseparable) || inseparable == "" ||
                toupper(inseparable) == "NULL" ||
                toupper(inseparable) == "NONE" ||
                toupper(inseparable) == "UNKNOWN") {
            inseparable <- NULL

        # parse label description
        classes <- sort(label$info)

        ### check arguments
        if (num.resample < 1) {
            if (verbose > 1)
                        "+++ Resetting num.resample = 1 (",
                        " is an invalid number of resampling rounds)"
            num.resample <- 1
        if (num.folds < 2) {
            if (verbose > 1)
                        "+++ Resetting num.folds = 2 (",
                        " is an invalid number of folds)"
            num.folds <- 2
        if (!is.null(inseparable) && stratify) {
            if (verbose > 1)
                    "+++ Resetting stratify to FALSE (Stratification is not
                    supported when inseparable is given"
            stratify <- FALSE
        if (num.folds >= length(labelNum)) {
            if (verbose > 1)
                message("+++ Performing un-stratified",
                        "leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation")
            stratify <- FALSE
            num.folds <- length(labelNum)
        if (!is.null(inseparable) && is.null(meta(siamcat))) {
            stop("Meta-data must be provided if the inseparable parameter is not
        if (!is.null(inseparable)) {
            if (is.numeric(inseparable) && length(inseparable) == 1) {
                stopifnot(inseparable <= ncol(meta(siamcat)))
            } else if (is.character(inseparable) &&
                    length(inseparable == 1)) {
                stopifnot(inseparable %in% colnames(meta(siamcat)))
            } else {
                    "Inseparable parameter must be either a single column index
                    or a single column name of metadata matrix"

        train.list <- list(NULL)
        test.list <- list(NULL)

        for (r in seq_len(num.resample)) {
            labelNum <- sample(labelNum)
            foldid <-
                    label = labelNum,
                    num.folds = num.folds,
                    stratified = stratify,
                    inseparable = inseparable,
                    meta = meta(siamcat)[names(labelNum),],
                    verbose = verbose
            names(foldid) <- names(labelNum)
            stopifnot(length(labelNum) == length(foldid))
            stopifnot(length(unique(foldid)) == num.folds)

            train.temp <- list(NULL)
            test.temp <- list(NULL)

            if (verbose > 1)
                message(paste("+ resampling round", r))
            for (f in seq_len(num.folds)) {
                # make sure each fold contains examples from all classes for
                # stratify==TRUE should be tested before assignment of
                # test/training set
                if (stratify) {
                        labelNum[foldid == f]
                    )) == classes))
                # select test examples
                test.idx <- which(foldid == f)
                train.idx <- which(foldid != f)
                train.temp[f] <- list(names(foldid)[train.idx])
                test.temp[f] <- list(names(foldid)[test.idx])
                # for startify==FALSE, all classes must only be present in the
                # training set e.g. in leave-one-out CV, the test fold
                # cannot contain all classes
                if (!stratify) {
                        labelNum[foldid != f]
                    )) == classes))
                stopifnot(length(intersect(train.idx, test.idx)) == 0)
                if (verbose > 2)
                        "+++ fold ",
                        " contains ",
                        sum(foldid == f),
                        " samples"
            train.list[[r]] <- train.temp
            test.list[[r]] <- test.temp

        data_split(siamcat) <- list(
            training.folds = train.list,
            test.folds = test.list,
            num.resample = num.resample,
            num.folds = num.folds
        e.time <- proc.time()[3]
        if (verbose > 1)
                "+ finished create.data.split in",
                formatC(e.time - s.time, digits = 3),
        if (verbose == 1)
            message("Features splitted for cross-validation successfully.")

#' @keywords internal
assign.fold <-
        inseparable = NULL,
        meta = NULL,
        verbose = 1) {
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ starting assign.fold")
        foldid <- rep(0, length(label))
        classes <- sort(unique(label))
        # Transform number of classes into vector of 1 to x for looping over.
        # stratify positive examples
        if (stratified) {
            # If stratify is TRUE, make sure that num.folds does not exceed the
            # maximum number of examples for the class with
            # the fewest training examples.
            if (any(as.data.frame(table(label))[, 2] < num.folds)) {
                    "+++ Number of CV folds is too large for this data set to
                    maintain stratification. Reduce num.folds or turn
                    stratification off. Exiting."
            for (c in seq_along(classes)) {
                idx <- which(label == classes[c])
                foldid[idx] <- sample(rep(seq_len(num.folds),
                    length.out = length(idx)))
            } else {
                # If stratify is not TRUE, make sure that num.sample is not
                # bigger than number.folds
                if (length(label) < num.folds) {
                        "+++ num.samples is exceeding number of folds,",
                        " setting CV to (k-1) unstratified CV"
                    num.folds <- length(label)
                if (!is.null(inseparable)) {
                    strata <- unique(meta[[inseparable]])
                    sid <-
                        sample(rep(seq_len(num.folds), length.out =
                    for (s in seq_along(strata)) {
                        idx <- which(meta[[inseparable]] == strata[s])
                        foldid[idx] <- sid[s]
                } else {
                    foldid <- sample(rep(seq_len(num.folds),
                        length.out = length(label)))
        # make sure that for each test fold the training fold (i.e. all other
        # folds together) contain examples from all classes except for
        # stratified CV
        if (!stratified) {
            for (f in seq_len(num.folds)) {
                stopifnot(all(sort(unique(label[foldid != f])) == classes))
        } else {
            for (f in seq_len(num.folds)) {
                stopifnot(all(sort(unique(label[foldid == f])) == classes))

        stopifnot(length(label) == length(foldid))
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ finished assign.fold")

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SIAMCAT documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:14 p.m.