# Copyright (c) 2008 Camille Maumet
# GPL >= 3 (LICENSE.txt) licenses.
#----------------------------- tool_case ---------------------------------------
# This toolcase contain all the methods required both by the double layer of
# external cv and the one layer of external cv
# Author: Camille Maumet
# Creation: March 2008
# Last Modified: 17 Jul. 2008
# Perform a cv per model define by <optionValues> using the
# NSC on <data> with the folds <testFoldInds> and return
# the corresponding error rates for each model and the best no of genes:
# --> Perform a CV: For each fold
# and for each size of subset :
# * Perform an RFE on the training data to find the best subset of
# genes of a given size
# * Train with the best subset of genes of a given size and test
# on the test data
# @param dataset (ExpressionSet)Data on which the classification is done
# testFoldInds (list(numeric)) List of fold indices
# optionValues (numeric) Vector containing the thresholds to be
# considered during feature selection
# classes (vector(character)) Name of the classes
# verbose (logical) Debug variable
# kernel (character) Ignored (just here for the similarity with other
# funcitons)
# @return resCvPerModel (list) Result of cv per model:
# resCvPerModel$bestOptionValue: Value of the best option
# resCvPerModel$cvErrorRates: cv error rate for each threshold
# resCvPerModel$classErrorRates: class error rate for each thresh
# resCvPerModel$noSamplesPerFold: No of samples in each fold
# resCvPerModel$errorRatesPerFold: Error rate in each fold
# resCvPerModel$seErrorRates: standard error on cv error rate
# resCvPerModel$selectedGenes: genes selected with each thershold
performACvPerModelWithNSCAndNSC <- function( dataset,
kernel="linear") {
# --- Variables
start <- Sys.time() # starting time
noModels <- length(optionValues) # Number of different thresholds
noFolds <- length(testFoldInds) # Number of folds
noSamplesPerFolds <- sapply(testFoldInds, length)
noFeatures <- length(featureNames(dataset)) # Total number of genes
# Variable to be updated during the computation
resCvPerModel <- alist()
# --- Core of the method ---
x <- exprs(dataset) # Levels of gene expression
y <- pData(dataset)[[1]] # class labels
# Format the data to be usable by the pamr package
mydata <- list( x=x,
# Number of samples from each class
noSamplesPerClass <- tapply(classes,1:2, function(x) sum(y==x) )
# /!\ thresholds must be in ascending order
thresholdedTrain <- pamr.train(data=mydata, threshold=optionValues)
# Real number of threshold used (Some of them are not used if 0 genes
# are selected)
noModels <- length(thresholdedTrain$threshold)
resultCV <-, data=mydata, folds=testFoldInds)
# Best size of subset
#no.genes <- resultCV$size[which.min(resultCV$error)]
# -- Store the best no of genes
# reverse 2 times to get the bigger threshold corresponding to the smallest
# cv error rate
resCvPerModel$bestOptionValue <- rev(resultCV$threshold)[which.min(rev(resultCV$error))]
# -- Store the error rates
resCvPerModel$cvErrorRates <- resultCV$error # CV error rate
# Number of error for each model in each class
noErrorPerClass <- tapply(classes, 1:2,
function(class) apply(resultCV$yhat, 2, function(pred) sum(pred[which(y==class)]!=y[which(y==class)])))
# Tranform into matrix
noErrorPerClass <- sapply(noErrorPerClass, function(x) x)
# Find the corrsponding error rates per class
resCvPerModel$classErrorRates <- apply(noErrorPerClass,1,'/', noSamplesPerClass)
rownames(resCvPerModel$classErrorRates) <- classes
# no samples per folds
resCvPerModel$noSamplesPerFold <- noSamplesPerFolds
# Error rate in each fold
resCvPerModel$errorRatesPerFold <- t( sapply(resultCV$folds,
rev(apply( resultCV$yhat[f,], 2,
function(pred) sum(pred!=y[f])/length(f)) )
} ))
# Standard error
resCvPerModel$seErrorRates <- as.numeric(sqrt(apply(resCvPerModel$errorRatesPerFold, 2, var)/noFolds))
# Genes selected for each size of subset and each fold
resCvPerModel$selectedGenes <- alist()
# Values used to rank the genes for each gene in each fold for
# each subset (RFE scrore)
for (i in 1:noFolds){
# /!\ Necessary to be able to get the names of the genes out of pamr.listgenes
resultCV$cv.objects[[i]]$gene.subset <- 1:noFeatures
# -- Store the selected genes
for (i in 1:noModels){
genesPerOneModel <- lapply(resultCV$cv.objects,
function(train) {
# /!\ The nsc algo stops at the first nonzero = 0 and
# does not try the following thresholds
if (length(train$nonzero)>=i && train$nonzero[i] > 0){
genes <- pamr.listgenes(train, mydata, threshold=resultCV$threshold[i])
# Keep the maximum value for any class
genesWithoutNames <- matrix(as.numeric(genes[,2:dim(genes)[2]]),
dim<-c( nrow(genes),
scores <- t(genesWithoutNames)
# Copy the names of the genes from the first column
colnames(scores) <- genes[,1]
rownames(scores) <- colnames(genes)[2:length(colnames(genes))]
} else {
scores <- numeric(0)
resCvPerModel$selectedGenes[[i]] <- new("selectedGenesPerOneOption",
currIndex <- 1
# Perform a cv per model defined by <optionValues> using the
# RFE-SVM on <dataset> with the folds <testFoldInds> and return
# the corresponding error rates for each model and the best no of genes:
# --> Perform a CV: For each fold
# and for each size of subset :
# * Perform an RFE on the training data to find the best subset of
# genes of a given size
# * Train with the best subset of genes of a given size and test
# on the test data
# @param dataset (ExpressionSet)Data on which the classification is done
# testFoldInds (list(numeric)) List of fold indices
# optionValues (numeric) Vector containing the thresholds to be
# considered during feature selection
# classes (vector(character)) Name of the classes
# verbose (logical) Debug variable
# kernel (character) Type of kernel for the SVM
# @return resCvPerModel (list) Result of cv per model:
# resCvPerModel$bestOptionValue: Value of the best option
# resCvPerModel$cvErrorRates: cv error rate for each size of
# subset
# resCvPerModel$classErrorRates: class error rate for each size of
# subset
# resCvPerModel$noSamplesPerFold: No of samples in each fold
# resCvPerModel$errorRatesPerFold: Error rate in each fold
# resCvPerModel$seErrorRates: standard error on cv error rate
# resCvPerModel$selectedGenes: genes selected for each size of
# subset
performACvPerModelWithSVMAndRFE <- function( dataset,
kernel="linear") {
noFolds <- length(testFoldInds)
resCvPerModel <- alist()
# Genes selected per model and per fold and scores of feature selection
resCvPerModel$selectedGenes <- alist()
# Number of samples
noSamples <- length(sampleNames(dataset))
# Cross-validated recursive feature elimination:
# --> Perform a CV: For each fold
# and for each size of subset :
# * Perform an RFE on the training data to find the best subset of
# genes of a given size
# * Train with the best subset of genes of a given size and test
# on the test data
model <- x = aperm(exprs(dataset)),
y = pData(dataset)[[1]],
#nfold = noFolds,
foldInds = testFoldInds,
noSelectedFeatures = optionValues,
foldCreation = foldCreation,
kern = kernel,
# Best size of subset
no.genes <- model$noFeatures[which.min(model$]
# -- Store the best no of genes
resCvPerModel$bestOptionValue <- no.genes
# -- Store the error rates
resCvPerModel$cvErrorRates <- model$ # CV error rate
resCvPerModel$seErrorRates <- model$ # standard error on CV error rate
resCvPerModel$classErrorRates <- model$error.ind # class error rate
resCvPerModel$noSamplesPerFold <- model$noSample.perfold # no samples per folds
# The models are ordered from the biggest to the smallest subset,
# we reverse the order
if (dim(model$error.rate.perfold)[2] > 1){
# Reverse the order of the models (gene subsets)
resCvPerModel$errorRatesPerFold <- model$error.rate.perfold[,dim(model$error.rate.perfold)[2]:1]
} else {
resCvPerModel$errorRatesPerFold <- model$error.rate.perfold
# Genes selected for each size of subset and each fold
selectedGenes <- alist()
# Values used to rank the genes for each gene in each fold for
# each subset (RFE scrore)
selectedGenes <- rev(model$rankingCriterion)
selectedGenes <- lapply(selectedGenes,
namedListFolds <- lapply(listFolds,
function(listGenes) {
matGenes <- matrix(listGenes, dim<-c(1, length(listGenes)))
rownames(matGenes) <- "rfe-scores"
colnames(matGenes) <- featureNames(dataset)[as.numeric(names(listGenes))]
# -- Store the selected genes
for (i in 1:length(selectedGenes)){
resCvPerModel$selectedGenes[[i]] <- new("selectedGenesPerOneOption",
# Code useful for lda or naiveBayes, unused in current version ################
#performACvPerModel <- function( dataset,
# #noFolds,
# testFoldInds,
# foldCreation,
# optionValues,
# classifierName,
# classes,
# #noTopGenes,
# verbose=FALSE,
# kernel="linear",
# featureSelectionFun,
# trainTestFun) {
# noFolds <- length(testFoldInds)
# resCvPerModel <- alist()
# # Genes selected per model and per fold and scores of feature selection
# resCvPerModel$selectedGenes <- alist()
# noSamples <- length(sampleNames(dataset)) # Number of samples
# noModels <- length(optionValues)# Number of sizes of genes subsets
# # Labels of the output classes
# presentClasses <- factor(levels(dataset$type))
# noClasses <- length(presentClasses)
# # -- Variables to be updated during the computation
# # Store the standard error on CV error rate
# resCvPerModel$seErrorRates <- vector("numeric", noModels)
# # Store the error rate for each fold and each size of subset
# resCvPerModel$errorRatesPerFold <- matrix(nrow=noFolds, ncol=noModels)
# # Indices of the genes selected
# selectedGenes <- alist()
# # Score of the genes selected during feature selection
# orderingCriterion <- alist()
# resCvPerModel$classErrorRates <- alist()
# for ( i in 1:noClasses){
# resCvPerModel$classErrorRates[[i]] <- matrix(nrow=noFolds, ncol=noModels)
# }
# # Indices of the folds
# # Get the training indices from the test indices
# foldInds <- lapply(testFoldInds, setdiff, x=seq(1:noSamples))
# # For each fold
# for (j in 1:noFolds) {
# if (verbose){
# print(paste("--- Fold ", j, " ---"))
# }
# # ------ Perform an RFE on the training dataset to find the best subset of
# # genes of a given size ------
# # For each fold and each number of genes to be selected, compute a RFE
# resultFeatSelection <- featureSelectionFun(
# dataset=dataset[,foldInds[[j]]],
# subsetsSizes=optionValues,
# kernel=kernel,
# verbose=verbose)
# # Can be < to noModels with nsc when the threshold which leads to 0 gene
# # is found before the end
# practicalNoOfOptions <- length(resultFeatSelection$relevantGenes)
# # For each size of subset
# for (k in 1:practicalNoOfOptions){
# if (j==1){
# orderingCriterion[[k]] <- alist()
# }
# # Get the genes chosen by feature selection for the current size
# # of subset
# relevantGenes <- resultFeatSelection$relevantGenes[[k]]
# if (length(relevantGenes) > 0){
# # ----- Train with the best subset of genes of a given size and test
# # on the test data -----
# errors <- trainTestFun( classifierName=classifierName,
# dataset=dataset,
# relevantGenes=relevantGenes,
# trainInd=foldInds[[j]],
# classes=presentClasses,
# kernel=kernel,
# bestThreshold=resultFeatSelection$bestThreshold)
# # Error rate for the current fold and model
# resCvPerModel$errorRatesPerFold[j,k] <- errors$errorRate
# for (p in 1:noClasses){
# resCvPerModel$classErrorRates[[p]][j,k] <- errors$classErrorRates[p]
# }
# # -- Store the genes selected and their score during feture selection
# #orderingCriterion[[k]][[j]] <- (rev(resultFeatSelection$TestedModels)[[k]])$orderingCriterion
# # TODO #5
# orderingCriterion[[k]][[j]] <- resultFeatSelection$scores[[k]]
# ## Here
# if (j == noFolds){
# resCvPerModel$selectedGenes[[k]] <- new("selectedGenesPerOneOption",
# orderingCriterion[[k]],
# optionValue=optionValues[k])
# }
# }
# }
# }
# # -- Store the error rates
# # CV error rate
# #resCvPerModel$cvErrorRates <- as.numeric(lapply(intConfuMatrices, findErrorRate, classes))
# noSamplesPerFold <- noSamples - as.numeric(lapply(foldInds, length))
# resCvPerModel$cvErrorRates <- apply(resCvPerModel$errorRatesPerFold, 2, weighted.mean, w=noSamplesPerFold/noSamples)
# resCvPerModel$seErrorRates <- sqrt(apply(resCvPerModel$errorRatesPerFold, 2, var)/noFolds)
# # Class error rate
# resCvPerModel$classErrorRates <- t(matrix(unlist(lapply(resCvPerModel$classErrorRates, function(x) apply(x,2, weighted.mean, w=noSamplesPerFold/noSamples))),ncol=noClasses))
# rownames(resCvPerModel$classErrorRates) <- classes
# # -- Store the best no of genes
# resCvPerModel$bestOptionValue <- optionValues[which.min(resCvPerModel$cvErrorRates)]
# resCvPerModel$noSamplesPerFold <- noSamplesPerFold
# return(resCvPerModel)
# Code useful for lda or naiveBayes, unused in current version ################
# Feature Selection with RFE-SVM
# @param dataset (ExpressionSet) microarray data
# subsetsSizes (vector(numeric)) Sizes of subsets to be tried
# kernel (character) Kernel for the SVM
# verbose (logical) debug variable
RFESVMFeatureSelection <- function(dataset, subsetsSizes, kernel, verbose) {
# Perform a RFE to find the best genes for each size of subset
resultRFE <- x=aperm(exprs(dataset)),
# possible bug
scores <- lapply(rev(resultRFE$TestedModels), '[[', "orderingCriterion")
scores <- lapply(scores, function(scorePerOneModel){
x <- matrix(scorePerOneModel, dim<-c(1, length(scorePerOneModel)))
rownames(x) <- "rfe-score"
colnames(x) <- featureNames(dataset[as.numeric(names(scorePerOneModel)),])
relevantGenes <- lapply(rev(resultRFE$TestedModels), '[[', "modelFeatures")
# Feature Selection with NSC
# @param dataset (ExpressionSet) microarray data
# subsetsSizes (vector(numeric)) thresholds to be tried
# kernel (character) Kernel for the SVM
# verbose (logical) debug variable
NSCFeatureSelection <- function(dataset, subsetsSizes, kernel, verbose) {
# Train the NSC to find the best genes for each size of subset
mydata <- list( x=exprs(dataset),
trainedNSC <- pamr.train(data=mydata, threshold=subsetsSizes)
# -- Store the selected genes
genesPerOneModel <-tapply(trainedNSC$threshold, 1:length(trainedNSC$threshold),
function(thres) {
if (trainedNSC$nonzero[which(trainedNSC$threshold==thres)] > 0){
genes <- pamr.listgenes(trainedNSC, mydata, threshold=thres)
if (is.matrix(genes)){
noColumns <- ncol(genes) - 1
noRows <- nrow(genes)
} else {
# Case in which we have one gene only
noColumns <- length(genes) - 1
noRows <- 1
genesWithoutNames <- matrix(as.numeric(genes[,2:dim(genes)[2]]),
dim<-c( noRows, noColumns))
scores <- t(genesWithoutNames)
# Copy the names of the genes from the first column
colnames(scores) <- genes[,1]
rownames(scores) <- colnames(genes)[2:length(colnames(genes))]
} else {
scores <- numeric(0)
} )
return(list(relevantGenes=lapply(genesPerOneModel, colnames),
# Code useful to compute lda or NaiveBayes, not used in the current version of
# our package
#MLITrainTest <- function(classifierName, dataset, relevantGenes, trainInd, classes, kernel, bestThreshold){
# # --- Variables ---
# noClasses <- length(classes)
# noErrorsPerClass <- vector("numeric", noClasses)
# # --- Core of the function ---
# switch( classifierName,
# lda = intCvInfo <- MLearn(type~., dataset[relevantGenes,], ldaI, trainInd=trainInd),
# naiveBayes = intCvInfo <- MLearn(type~., dataset[relevantGenes,], naiveBayesI, trainInd=trainInd),
# stop(paste("In 'performACvPerModel' classifier ", classifierName, " is not supported"))
# )
# confuMatrix <- confuMat(intCvInfo)
# for (i in 1:noClasses){
# noErrorsPerClass[i] <- sum(confuMatrix[i,upper.tri(confuMatrix)[i,]], confuMatrix[i,lower.tri(confuMatrix)[i,]], na.rm=TRUE)
# }
# # Error rates calculation
# return(errorRate=findErrorRate(confuMatrix, classes),
# classErrorRates=findClassErrorRates(confuMatrix, classes),
# noErrorsPerClass=noErrorsPerClass)
# Training and testing with SVM-RFE
# @param classifierName (character) Name of the classifier (ignored)
# dataset (ExpressionSet) microarray data set
# relevantGenes (vector(character)): Genes previously selected by RFE
# trainInd (list(numeric)) Indices of the training fold
# classes (vector(character)) name of the classes
# kernel (character) kernel of the SVM
# bestThreshold (numeric) Best size of subset (ignored)
# @return list:
# $errorRate: error rate
# $classErrorRates: class error rates
# $noErrorsPerClass: No of errors in each class
SVMTrainTest <- function(classifierName, dataset, relevantGenes,
trainInd, classes, kernel, bestThreshold){
# --- Variables ---
noClasses <- length(classes) # no of classes
# Variables to be updated during the computation
noSamplesPerClass <- vector("numeric") # no of samples per class
noErrorsPerClass <- vector("numeric") # no of errors per class
# --- Core of the function ---
# Train the support vector machine on the training data considering only the
# relevant genes
fmodel <- svm( aperm(exprs(dataset[relevantGenes,trainInd])),
# Test the support vector machine on the test data considering only the
# relevant genes
if (is.matrix(aperm(exprs(dataset))[-trainInd,])==TRUE){
} else{
# Error rates calculation
realOutput <- pData(dataset)[[1]][-trainInd]
comparison <- out!= realOutput
for (i in 1:noClasses) {
noErrorsPerClass[i] <- sum(comparison[realOutput==classes[i]], na.rm=TRUE)
noSamplesPerClass[i] <- sum(realOutput==classes[i])
noTestSamples <- length(sampleNames(dataset)) - length(trainInd)
return( list(errorRate=sum(noErrorsPerClass)/noTestSamples,
# Training and testing with SVM-RFE
# @param classifierName (character) Name of the classifier (ignored)
# dataset (ExpressionSet) microarray data set
# relevantGenes (vector(character)): Genes previously selected by NSc
# trainInd (list(numeric)) Indices of the training fold
# classes (vector(character)) name of the classes
# kernel (character) kernel of the SVM (ignored)
# bestThreshold (numeric) Best threshold
# @return list:
# $errorRate: error rate
# $classErrorRates: class error rates
# $noErrorsPerClass: No of errors in each class
NSCTrainTest <- function(classifierName, dataset, relevantGenes, trainInd,
classes, kernel, bestThreshold){
# --- Variables ---
noClasses <- length(classes) # no of classes
# Variables to be updated during the computation
noSamplesPerClass <- vector("numeric") # no of samples per class
noErrorsPerClass <- vector("numeric") # no of errors per class
# --- Core of the function ---
# Train the nearest shrunken centroid on the training data with the
# best threshold
trainData <- list( x=exprs(dataset[,trainInd]),
trainedNSC <- pamr.train(data=trainData, threshold=bestThreshold)
# Test the nsc on the test data considering only the
# relevant genes
# threshold of zero, we want to keep all relevant genes
prediction <- pamr.predict(fit=trainedNSC, exprs(dataset[,-trainInd]), threshold=bestThreshold)
# Error rates calculation
realOutput <- pData(dataset)[[1]][-trainInd]
comparison <- prediction!= realOutput
for (i in 1:noClasses) {
noErrorsPerClass[i] <- sum(comparison[realOutput==classes[i]], na.rm=TRUE)
noSamplesPerClass[i] <- sum(realOutput==classes[i])
noTestSamples <- length(sampleNames(dataset)) - length(trainInd)
return( list(errorRate=sum(noErrorsPerClass)/noTestSamples,
# Perform a cv the classifier <classifierName> on <dataset> with <trainIndices>
# as the indices of the training data.
# @param dataset (ExpressionSet) microarray data set
# trainIndices (list(numeric)) Indices of the training fold
# noGenes: size of subset or threshold condidered
# classes (vector(character)) name of the classes
# classifierName (character) name of the classifier
# kernel (character) kernel of the SVM (ignored)
# featureSelectionFun (function) function to be used for feature
# selection
# trainTestFun (function) function to be used for training/testing
# @return list:
# $errorRate: error rate
# $classErrorRates: class error rates
# $noErrorsPerClass: No of errors in each class
# $relevantGenes: relevant genes sected by RFE or NSC
performAValidation <- function( dataset, trainIndices, noGenes, classes,
classifierName, verbose=FALSE, kernel="linear",
featureSelectionFun, trainTestFun) {
# Number of classes
noClasses <- length(classes)
# Number of errors for each class
noErrorsPerClass <- vector("numeric", noClasses)
resFeatSelection <- featureSelectionFun(dataset=dataset[,trainIndices],
genes <- resFeatSelection$relevantGenes[[1]]
# rankingCriterion carry the information given by genes (names of
# the genes) and the score of each of this gene during feature selection
# --> print(paste("genes", paste(genes, collapse=" ")))
# --> print(rankingCriterion)
rankingCriterion <- resFeatSelection$scores[[1]]
errors <- trainTestFun( classifierName=classifierName,
return(list(errorRate=errors$errorRate, classErrorRates=errors$classErrorRates,
# Return the frequency of all genes in <selectedGenesPerFold>
# @param selectedGenesPerFold (list(vector("character")) List of genes selected
# for each fold. selectedGenesPerFold[[i]]
# corresponds to the genes selected in the ith fold
# @return topGenes (frequencyGenes)
# topGenes[[i]]@frequ contains the ith frequency
# topGenes[[i]]@geneList contains the corresponding genes
frequencyTopGenes <- function(selectedGenesPerFold) {
topGenes <- alist()
currListInd <- 1
noGenes <- length(rownames(selectedGenesPerFold[[1]]))
noTrials <- length(selectedGenesPerFold)
genes <- character()
noFolds <- length(selectedGenesPerFold)
for (i in 1:noFolds){
genes <- c(genes, colnames(selectedGenesPerFold[[i]]))
tableGenes <- table(genes)
for (i in (noTrials*noGenes):1){
if (length(labels(which(tableGenes==i))) != 0){
topGenes[[currListInd]] <- new("frequencyGenes",
currListInd <- currListInd + 1
# Return the indices of <noFolds> balanced testing folds according to the
# output <outputClasses>
# @param outputClasses (factor) Vector of outputs
# noFolds (numeric) Number of folds to be created
divideTestFolds <- function(outputClasses, noFolds) {
# Order the outputCalsses to create balanced bins
orderedIndices <- order(outputClasses)
noSamples <- length(outputClasses)
noBins <- floor(noSamples/noFolds) # Number of bins to be created
noSamplesPerBin <- noFolds*noBins # Min number of samples per bin
# Random assignment of the element of each bin to each fold
foldallocs <- vector()
for (j in 1:noBins) {
foldallocs <- c(foldallocs,sample(1:noFolds, replace=F))
# Consider the remaining indices
numLeft = noSamples-noSamplesPerBin
foldallocs <- c(foldallocs,sample(1:noFolds,numLeft, replace=F))
# The indices of the folds correspond to the ordered indices (orderedIndices),
# splitted according to their assignment by foldallocs
foldsIndices <- split(orderedIndices,foldallocs)
# Return the indices of <noFolds> naive testing folds according to the
# output <outputClasses>
# @param noSamples (numeric) Number of samples
# noFolds (numeric) Number of folds to be created
divideNaiveTestFolds <- function(noSamples, noFolds){
# --- Test of the parameters ----
if ( ! is.numeric(noSamples) || noSamples<=0 ){
stop("Invalid parameter: noSamples must be a positive integer")
if ( ! is.numeric(noFolds) || noFolds<=0 ){
stop("Invalid parameter: noFolds must be a positive integer")
if (noFolds != trunc(noFolds)){
warning("Value truncated: noFolds truncated")
if (noSamples != trunc(noSamples)){
warning("Value truncated: noFolds truncated")
if ( noFolds<2 || noFolds>noSamples ){
stop("Invalid value: noFolds must greater than 2 and smaller than noSamples")
foldInds <- alist()
groups <- alist()
sizeFold <- floor(noSamples/noFolds)
rest <- vector()
for (i in 1:sizeFold){
groups[[i]] <- seq(((i-1)*noFolds+1), i*noFolds)
for (i in 1:noFolds){
foldInds[[i]] <- vector()
for (j in 1:sizeFold){
foldInds[[i]] <- c(foldInds[[i]], groups[[j]][i])
if (sizeFold!=noSamples/noFolds){
rest <- seq(sizeFold*noFolds+1,noSamples)
for (i in 1:length(rest)){
foldInds[[i]] <- c(foldInds[[i]], rest[i])
return (foldInds)
# Return the indices of <noFolds> balanced training folds according to the
# output <outputClasses>
# @param outputClasses (factor) Vector of outputs
# noFolds (numeric) Number of folds to be created
# @return trainFoldInds (list) List of folds indices trainFoldInds[[i]]
# contains the indices for folds i
divideTrainFolds <- function(outputClasses, noFolds)
# --- Test of the parameters ----
if ( ! is.factor(outputClasses)){
stop("Invalid parameter: outputClasses must be a vector of factors")
if ( ! is.numeric(noFolds) || noFolds<=0 ){
stop("Invalid parameter: noFolds must be a positive integer")
if (noFolds != trunc(noFolds)){
warning("Value truncated: noFolds truncated")
noSamples <- length(outputClasses)
if ( noFolds<2 || noFolds>noSamples ){
stop("Invalid value: noFolds must greater than 2 and smaller than the number of samples in outputClasses")
trainFoldInds <- alist()
testFoldInds <- divideTestFolds(outputClasses, noFolds)
for (i in 1:length(testFoldInds))
trainFoldInds[[i]] <- setdiff(1:noSamples, testFoldInds[[i]])
return (trainFoldInds)
# Return the indices of <noFolds> neive testing folds according to the
# output <outputClasses>
# @param noSamples (numeric) Number of samples
# noFolds (numeric) Number of folds to be created
divideNaiveTrainFolds <- function(noSamples, noFolds)
if ( ! is.numeric(noFolds) || noFolds<=0 ){
stop("Invalid parameter: noFolds must be a positive integer")
if (noFolds != trunc(noFolds)){
warning("Value truncated: noFolds truncated")
if ( noFolds<2 || noFolds>noSamples ){
stop("Invalid value: noFolds must greater than 2 and smaller than the number of samples in outputClasses")
trainFoldInds <- alist()
testFoldInds <- divideNaiveTestFolds(noSamples, noFolds)
for (i in 1:length(testFoldInds))
trainFoldInds[[i]] <- setdiff(1:noSamples, testFoldInds[[i]])
return (trainFoldInds)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Divide a data set into <noFolds> according to the <typeFold> method.
# If <train> is TRUE the indices of the training folds are returned,
# if FALSE, the indices of the testing folds are returned
# @param noFolds (numeric): Number of folds to be created
# typeFold (character): Type of fold creation (balanced, naive
# original)
# train (logical): TRUE if the function must return training indices
# FALSE for testing indices
# outputClasses (character): vector of class labels corresponding
# to the samples
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
divideInFolds <- function(noFolds, typeFold, train, outputClasses) {
# Indices of the different folds
foldInds <- alist()
# Number of samples
noSamples <- length(outputClasses)
if (typeFold=="original"){
leave.out <- trunc(noSamples/noFolds)
o <- sample(1:noSamples)
foldTestInds <- vector("list", noFolds)
for (j in 1:(noFolds - 1)) {
jj <- (1 + (j - 1) * leave.out)
foldTestInds[[j]] <- (o[jj:(jj + leave.out - 1)])
foldTestInds[[noFolds]] <- o[(1 + (noFolds - 1) * leave.out):noSamples]
} else{
if (typeFold=="naive"){
foldTestInds <- divideNaiveTestFolds(noSamples, noFolds)
foldTestInds <- divideTestFolds(outputClasses, noFolds)
if (train) {
# If we want the training indices
foldInds <- lapply(foldTestInds, setdiff, x=seq(1,noSamples))
} else {
foldInds <- foldTestInds
# Code useful for lda or naiveBayes, unused in current version ################
## Merge the confusion matrices stored in <listConfuMatrices> to create a new
## confusion matrix which summarise their results
## @param listConfuMatrices (list) List of confusion matrices to be merged
## @return newConfuMat () New confusion matrix
#findConfuMat <- function(listConfuMatrices, classes){
# if (! is.list(listConfuMatrices)){
# extConfuMat <- listConfuMatrices
# listConfuMatrices <- alist()
# listConfuMatrices[[1]] <- extConfuMat
# }
# for ( i in 1:length(listConfuMatrices) ){
# if (is.null(dimnames(listConfuMatrices[[i]]))){
# dimnames(listConfuMatrices[[i]]) <- list(given=classes, predicted=classes)
# }
# }
# newConfuMat <- matrix(0, nrow=nlevels(classes), ncol=nlevels(classes))
# dimnames(newConfuMat) <- list(given=classes, predicted=classes)
# for (i in 1:length(listConfuMatrices)){
# # The resulting confusion matrix corresponds to the sum of the other matrices
# # Handle the case when one or more classes are not present in the predicted classes
# newConfuMat[match(dimnames(listConfuMatrices[[i]])$given,classes),match(dimnames(listConfuMatrices[[i]])$predicted,classes)] <- newConfuMat[match(dimnames(listConfuMatrices[[i]])$given,classes),match(dimnames(listConfuMatrices[[i]])$predicted,classes)] + listConfuMatrices[[i]]
# }
# return(newConfuMat)
## Find the error rate corresponding to the confusion matrix <confuMatrix>
## @param confuMatrix () Confusion matrix to be analysed
## @return (numeric) Error rate
#findErrorRate <- function(confuMatrix, classes){
# # If it's not a square matrix, convert it to a square one
# if (! all(dim(confuMatrix) == length(classes))){
# confuMatrix <- findConfuMat(confuMatrix, classes)
# }
# noErrors <- sum(confuMatrix[upper.tri(confuMatrix)], confuMatrix[lower.tri(confuMatrix)])
# return( noErrors / sum(confuMatrix) )
## Find the individual classes error rates corresponding to the confusion matrix <confuMatrix>
## @param confuMatrix () Confusion matrix to be analysed
## @return (numeric) Error rate
#findClassErrorRates <- function(confuMatrix, classes){
# noClasses <- length(classes)
# classErrorRates <- vector("numeric", noClasses)
# # If it's not a square matrix, convert it to a square one
# if (! all(dim(confuMatrix) == noClasses)){
# confuMatrix <- findConfuMat(confuMatrix, classes)
# }
# for (i in 1:noClasses){
# noErrors <- sum(confuMatrix[i,upper.tri(confuMatrix)[i,]], confuMatrix[i,lower.tri(confuMatrix)[i,]])
# noSamplesInClass <- sum(confuMatrix[i,])
# if (noSamplesInClass != 0){
# classErrorRates[i] <- noErrors/sum(confuMatrix[i,])
# } else {
# classErrorRates[i] <- 0
# }
# }
# return( classErrorRates )
# Code useful for lda or naiveBayes, unused in current version ################
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