#' @rdname regenrich_rankScore
#' @export
function(object) standardGeneric("regenrich_rankScore"))
.regenrich_rankScore = function(object) {
enrichTest = object@paramsIn$enrichTest
enrichTest = match.arg(enrichTest, enrichTest)
resEnrich = object@resEnrich
pFC = mcols(object)
if (enrichTest == "FET") {
resFET = resEnrich@allResult
stopifnot(rownames(resFET) > 0)
res = .rankScore(resFET = resFET, pDEA = pFC[, seq(2)],
fcDEA = pFC[, c(1, 3)])
} else if (enrichTest == "GSEA") {
resSEA = resEnrich@allResult
stopifnot(rownames(resSEA) > 0)
res = .rankScore(resSEA = resSEA, pDEA = pFC[, seq(2)],
fcDEA = pFC[, c(1, 3)])
} else {
stop("'enrichTest' must be 'FET' or 'GSEA'.")
object@resScore = res
#' Regulator scoring and ranking
#' As the fourth step of RegEnrich analysis, regulator ranking
#' is followed by differential expression analysis (regenrich_diffExpr),
#' regulator-target network inference (regenrich_network), and
#' enrichment analysis (regenrich_enrich).
#' @param object a `RegenrichSet` object, to which
#' \code{\link{regenrich_diffExpr}}, \code{\link{regenrich_network}},
#' and \code{\link{regenrich_enrich}} functions all have been already applied.
#' @return This function returns a `RegenrichSet` object
#' with an updated `resScore` slots, which is a `regEnrichScore` (also
#' `data.frame`) object, and an updated
#' `paramsIn` slot. In the `regEnrichScore` object there are five columns,
#' which are 'reg' (regulator), 'negLogPDEA' (-log10(p values of differential
#' expression analysis)), 'negLogPEnrich' (-log10(p values of enrichment
#' analysis), 'logFC' (log2 fold changes), and 'score' (RegEnrich ranking
#' score).
#' @rdname regenrich_rankScore
#' @include regenrichClasses.R
#' @seealso Previous step \code{\link{regenrich_enrich}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # library(RegEnrich)
#' data("Lyme_GSE63085")
#' data("TFs")
#' data = log2(Lyme_GSE63085$FPKM + 1)
#' colData = Lyme_GSE63085$sampleInfo
#' # Take first 2000 rows for example
#' data1 = data[seq(2000), ]
#' design = model.matrix(~0 + patientID + week, data = colData)
#' # Initializing a 'RegenrichSet' object
#' object = RegenrichSet(expr = data1,
#' colData = colData,
#' method = 'limma', minMeanExpr = 0,
#' design = design,
#' contrast = c(rep(0, ncol(design) - 1), 1),
#' networkConstruction = 'COEN',
#' enrichTest = 'FET')
#' \donttest{
#' # Differential expression analysis
#' object = regenrich_diffExpr(object)
#' # Network inference using 'COEN' method
#' object = regenrich_network(object)
#' # Enrichment analysis by Fisher's exact test (FET)
#' object = regenrich_enrich(object)
#' # Regulators ranking
#' (object = regenrich_rankScore(object))
#' }
setMethod("regenrich_rankScore", signature = "RegenrichSet",
definition = .regenrich_rankScore)
## The key function to calculate RegEnrich rank scores.
## @description The key function to generate a summary table
## for the results of differential analysis, enrichment
## analysis and RegEnrich rank scores. @param resFET Result
## table by \code{regFET} @param resSEA Result table by
## \code{regSEA}. If \code{resFET} is provided, this
## \code{resSEA} will not be used. The default is
## \code{NULL}. @param pDEA A data.frame of p-values for the
## regulators by differential expression analysis. The first
## column is the gene name/ID, the second column is the
## p-values. @param fcDEA Same format as pDEA. log2 fold
## change for the regulators by differential expression
## analysis (optional). The default is \code{NULL}. @return
## A \code{regEnrichScore} object, including \code{reg}
## (regulators), \code{negLogPDEA} (-log10(pD)),
## \code{negLogPEnrich} (-log10(pE)), \code{logFC}
## (log2(fold change)), \code{score} (RegEnrich scores),
.rankScore = function(resFET = NULL, resSEA = NULL, pDEA, fcDEA = NULL) {
# stopifnot(!(is.null(resFET) | is.null(resSEA)))
if (!is.null(resFET)) {
enrichP = data.frame(reg = resFET$ID, pval = resFET$pvalue,
padj = resFET$p.adjust, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
if (!is.null(resSEA)) {
enrichP = data.frame(reg = resSEA$regulator, pval = resSEA$pval,
padj = resSEA$padj, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
stop("Either 'resFET' or 'resSEA' should be provided!")
# Calculate -log10(p)
stopifnot(!any(duplicated(pDEA[, 1]))) # Gene duplicates are not allowed
id = match(enrichP$reg, pDEA[, 1])
negLogPDEA = -log10(pDEA[id, 2])
negLogPDEA[] = 0
negLogPEnrich = -log10(enrichP$pval)
negLogPEnrich[is.infinite(negLogPEnrich)] =
# Include fold change
if (!is.null(fcDEA)) {
id = match(enrichP$reg, fcDEA[, 1])
logFC = fcDEA[id, 2]
} else {
logFC = Inf
# Calculate scores
normFun = function(x) {
mx = max(x[is.finite(x)])
mnx = min(x[is.finite(x)])
if ((mx - mnx) == 0) {
return(rep(0, length(x)))
} else {
normx = (x - mnx)/(mx - mnx)
normx[is.infinite(normx)] = 1
score = normFun(negLogPDEA) + normFun(negLogPEnrich)
res = newScore(reg = enrichP$reg, negLogPDEA = negLogPDEA,
negLogPEnrich = negLogPEnrich, logFC = logFC,
score = score)
if (nrow(res) > 0) {
res = arrange(, desc(score))
rownames(res) = seq(nrow(res))
res = as(res, "Score")
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