read.taqman <- function(..., filenames = character(0), phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame"), notes = "", verbose = FALSE)
auxnames <- unlist(list(...))
filenames <- c(filenames, auxnames)
pdata <- pData(phenoData) # number of files
taqInfo <- .read.TaqBatch(filenames, verbose) # need to make this work for tech reps and multiple files
exprs <- taqInfo$exprs
well.order <- taqInfo$well.order
exprs.well.order <- assayDataNew("environment", exprs.well.order = well.order)
n <- length(colnames(exprs))
if (dim(pdata)[1] != n) { # so if we don't have a row for each sample in the pData matrix
warning("Incompatible phenoData object. Created a new one using sample name data derived from raw data.\n")
samplenames <- sub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", colnames(exprs))
pdata <- data.frame(sample = 1:length(samplenames), row.names = samplenames)
phenoData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = pdata,
varMetadata = data.frame(labelDescription = "arbitrary numbering",
row.names = "sample"))
return(new("qPCRBatch", exprs = exprs, phenoData = phenoData, exprs.well.order = well.order))
.read.TaqBatch <- function(filenames, verbose)
totalPlateIds <- vector()
plate.offset <- 0 # this is used to name plates when combining several files
fileNameCount <- 1 # used to count number of files given
for (filename in filenames) {
if (verbose) message("Filename[ ",filename," ]") <- read.delim(filename, skip = 12) # read in file, ignoring the gubbins on the first 12 lines
if (! 1 %in% regexpr("Summary", as.character([,1]))) stop("Problems with Taqman file, Summary info not found") #
EndOfData <- grep("Summary",[,1]) <-[1:EndOfData-1, ] # get rid of from where data finishes until the end of the file$Detector <- make.names($Detector)$Sample <- make.names($Sample)
samples <- unique($Sample) # individual sample names
detectors <- unique($Detector) # individual detector names
if(fileNameCount > 1) { # do some checking if we are the second time around
if(TRUE %in% (samples == colnames(totalExprs))) stop("Can't combine files, > 1 sample labels are the same between samples")
if(TRUE %in% ($PlateID %in% totalPlateIds))
stop ("Can't proceed, duplicate plate Ids in different files. All plate IDs should be unique")
original.order <- list() # initialise the list to keep track of the original order of the$Ct[as.character($Ct) %in% "Undetermined"] <- NA
# Add Plate ID information IF there were none to being with
if ("" %in% as.character($PlateID)) {
wells.per.plate <- max(as.numeric(as.character($Well)))
number.of.plates <- length(as.character($Well)) / wells.per.plate
well.names <- vector(length = length(as.character($Well)))
plate.well <- 1
for (plate.number in 1:number.of.plates) {
for (well.number in 1:wells.per.plate) {
well.names[plate.well] <- paste(plate.number + plate.offset, well.number, sep= "-")
plate.well <- plate.well + 1
plate.offset <- plate.offset + number.of.plates # add the number of plates to offset the plate number$PlateID <- well.names
else { ## otherwise we just paste the well number onto the Plate ID value
totalPlateIds <-$PlateID # put them in a variable for checking for duplication$PlateID <- paste($PlateID, as.character($Well), sep= "-")
allDetectors <-$Detector # save these as a variable because$Detector will get changed
firstTimeFlag <- TRUE
for (sample in samples) { # for each sample
if (verbose) message("Now reading for sample:", sample, "\n")
total.detectors <- length(allDetectors[$Sample == sample])
individual.detectors <- length(unique(allDetectors[$Sample == sample]))
tech.reps <- total.detectors/individual.detectors
if ((tech.reps %% 1) != 0) { # if total number of replicates not a multiple of number of individual detectors
warning.text <- paste("Corrupt taqman file: total number of readings for sample ",
sample, " not a multiple of number of individual number of detectors")
if (tech.reps > 1) { # Currently can't cope with technical replicates
if(verbose) message("More than 1 technical replicate detected\n")
staticDetector <-$Detector[$Sample == sample] # need this since we are modifying$Detector
for(techDetect in unique($Detector[$Sample == sample])) {
techDLength <- sum(staticDetector %in% techDetect)
suffixedNames <- paste(techDetect, 1:techDLength, sep="_TechReps.")$Detector[$Sample == sample][$Detector[$Sample == sample] %in% techDetect] <- suffixedNames
if(fileNameCount > 1) { # do some checking
if(! FALSE %in% (sort($Detector[$Sample == sample]) == sort(rownames(totalExprs)))) {
if(verbose == TRUE) message("we are combining files with the same detector names\n")
else stop("Problem combining files on detector names. Make sure detector names match for all files\n")
}$Detector <- as.character($Detector) # coerce to stop funny behaviour
if(firstTimeFlag == TRUE) {
exprs <- data.frame(unique($Detector), row.names=1) # start the exprs data frame
well.order <- data.frame(unique($Detector), row.names=1)
firstTimeFlag <- FALSE
original.order <- c(original.order,list(cbind(as.character($Detector[$Sample == sample]),
as.character($Ct[$Sample == sample])))) # This bit to add the information about pipetting and order <- data.frame($Detector[$Sample == sample], # put Well data in a matrix$PlateID[$Sample == sample],
names( <- paste("wellInfo_", sample, sep="")
Cts <- data.frame($Detector[$Sample == sample], # put Cts values in a matrix
as.numeric(as.character($Ct[$Sample == sample])),
names(Cts) <- paste("Cts_",sample,sep="")
exprs <- data.frame(merge(exprs, Cts, by="row.names"), row.names=1)
if (! FALSE %in% (row.names(exprs) == row.names(Cts))) stop("BYE")
well.order <- data.frame(merge(well.order,, by="row.names"), row.names=1)
if (verbose) message("sample ", sample, "read\n")
names(well.order) <- samples
names(exprs) <- samples
exprs <- as.matrix(exprs)
well.order <- as.matrix(well.order)
if(fileNameCount == 1) {
totalExprs <- exprs
totalWell.order <- well.order
else {
totalWell.order <- cbind(totalWell.order, well.order)
totalExprs <- cbind(totalExprs,exprs)
fileNameCount <- fileNameCount + 1
taqInfo <- list()
taqInfo$exprs <- totalExprs
taqInfo$well.order <- totalWell.order
checkValidTaqmanFilenames <- function (filenames)
if (!is.character(filenames))
stop(strwrap(paste("file names must be specified using a character",
"vector, not a", sQuote(typeof(filenames)))), call. = FALSE)
if (length(filenames) == 0)
stop("no file names provided")
if (any(sapply(filenames, nchar) < 1))
stop("empty file names are not allowed")
finfo <-
whBad <- sapply(finfo[["isdir"]], function(x) !identical(FALSE,
if (any(whBad)) {
msg <- paste("the following are not valid files:\n",
paste(" ", filenames[whBad], collapse = "\n"))
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
read.qPCR <- function(filename = character(0), phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame"), notes = "", verbose = FALSE)
pdata <- pData(phenoData)
qPCRInfo <- .read.qPCR(filename, verbose)
exprs <- qPCRInfo$exprs
well.order <- qPCRInfo$well.order
exprs.well.order <- assayDataNew("environment", exprs.well.order = exprs)
n <- length(colnames(exprs))
if (dim(pdata)[1] != n) { # so if we don't have a row for each sample in the pData matrix
warning("Incompatible phenoData object. Created a new one using sample name data derived from raw data.\n")
samplenames <- sub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", colnames(exprs))
pdata <- data.frame(sample = 1:length(samplenames), row.names = samplenames)
phenoData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = pdata,
varMetadata = data.frame(labelDescription = "arbitrary numbering",
row.names = "sample"))
if(! is.null(qPCRInfo$well.order)) {
return(new("qPCRBatch", exprs = exprs, phenoData = phenoData, exprs.well.order = well.order))
} else {
return(new("qPCRBatch", exprs = exprs, phenoData = phenoData))
.read.qPCR <- function(filename, verbose)
noWellData <- FALSE <- read.table(filename, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
if(is.null($Well) || is.null($PlateID)) {
noWellData <- TRUE
if (verbose) message("No Well and/or Plate info found, skipping this part", "\n")
} else {$PlateID <- paste($PlateID, as.character($Well), sep= "-")
levels($Sample) <- make.names(levels($Sample))
levels($Detector) <- make.names(levels($Detector))
Ct <- as.character($Cq)
samples <- levels($Sample)
detectors <- levels($Detector)
allDetectors <-$Detector
firstTimeFlag <- TRUE
for (sample in samples) { # for each sample
if (verbose) message("Now reading for sample:", sample, "\n")
total.detectors <- length(allDetectors[$Sample == sample])
individual.detectors <- length(levels(allDetectors[$Sample == sample]))
tech.reps <- total.detectors/individual.detectors$Detector <- as.character($Detector)
if ((tech.reps %% 1) != 0) { # if total number of replicates not a multiple of number of individual detectors
warning.text = paste("File incorrect, make sure that detectors are the same for all samples")
if (tech.reps > 1) {
if(verbose) message("More than 1 technical replicate detected\n")
staticDetector <-$Detector[$Sample == sample]
for(techDetect in unique($Detector[$Sample == sample])) {
techDLength <- sum(staticDetector %in% techDetect)
suffixedNames <- paste(techDetect, 1:techDLength, sep="_TechReps.")$Detector[$Sample == sample][$Detector[$Sample == sample]
%in% techDetect] <- suffixedNames
if(firstTimeFlag == TRUE) {
exprs <- data.frame(unique($Detector), row.names=1) # start the exprs data frame
well.order <- data.frame(unique($Detector), row.names=1)
firstTimeFlag <- FALSE
}$Detector <- as.factor($Detector)
if(noWellData == FALSE) { <- data.frame($Detector[$Sample == sample], # put well info values in a matrix$PlateID[$Sample == sample],
names( <- paste("wellInfo_", sample, sep="")
Cts <- data.frame($Detector[$Sample == sample],
as.numeric(as.character($Cq[$Sample == sample])),
names(Cts) <- paste("Cts_",sample,sep="")
exprs <- data.frame(merge(exprs, Cts, by="row.names"), row.names=1)
if(noWellData == FALSE) {
well.order <- data.frame(merge(well.order,, by="row.names"), row.names=1)
if (verbose) message("sample ", sample, "read\n")
qPCRInfo <- list()
names(exprs) <- samples
qPCRInfo$exprs <- as.matrix(exprs)
if(noWellData == FALSE) {
colnames(well.order) <- names(exprs)
qPCRInfo$well.order <- well.order
checkValidqPCRFilename <- function (filename)
if (!is.character(filename))
stop(strwrap(paste("file name must be specified using a character",
"vector, not a", sQuote(typeof(filename)))), call. = FALSE)
if (length(filename) == 0)
stop("no file name provided")
if (any(sapply(filename, nchar) < 1))
stop("empty file name not allowed")
finfo <-
whBad <- sapply(finfo[["isdir"]], function(x) !identical(FALSE,
if (any(whBad)) {
msg <- paste("not valid file:\n",
paste(" ", filename[whBad], collapse = "\n"))
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
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