ReQON <-
function(in_bam, out_bam, region, max_train = -1, SNP = "",
RefSeq = "", nerr = 2, nraf = 0.05, plotname = "", temp_files = 0){
message("\nStart time: ", date(), "\n\n")
diagnostics <- list()
# obtain training region from BAM unpacker
message("Reading in bam file")
s1 <- .jarray(c(paste("INPUT=", in_bam, sep=""), "OUTPUT=train_temp.txt", paste("REGION=", region, sep="")))
bup <- .jnew("org/renci/sequencing/util/BAMUnpacker")
.jcall(bup, "V", "main",s1)
dat <- read.table("train_temp.txt",nrows=max_train)
# data set-up
if(min(dat[,5]) > 32){
dat[,5] <- dat[,5] - 33
dat[,6] <- dat[,6] - 33
startpos <- min(dat[,3])
endpos <- max(dat[,3])
readlen <- endpos - startpos + 1
if (startpos == 0) {
dat[,3] <- dat[,3] + 1
dat[,3] <- abs(dat[,3]-(readlen + 1)*(dat[,7] == '-'))
message("\nNumber of bases in training set: ", dim(dat)[1], "\n")
# find unique positions and remove positions with coverage < 3 if RefSeq unspecified
if(RefSeq == ""){
r <- rle(dat[,2])
w <- which(r$lengths<=2)
s <- r$values[w]
m <- merge(dat[,2],cbind(s,s=1),by=c(1),all.x=T)
w <- which(m[,2]==1)
dat <- dat[-w,]
r <- c()
w <- c()
s <- c()
m <- c()
unipos <- unique(dat[,1:2])
# if given, read in SNP file, remove SNPs from dat, readpos
if(SNP != ""){
message("Removing known SNPs from training set \n")
if(length(grep(".Rdata",SNP)) > 0){
} else{
snp <- read.table(SNP)
snp <- unique(snp[,1:2])
m <- merge(unipos,cbind(snp,snp=1),by=c(1,2),all.x=T)
w <- which(![,3])==1)
unipos <- unipos[-w,]
m <- merge(dat[,1:2],cbind(snp,snp=1),by=c(1,2),all.x=T)
w <- which(![,3])==1)
dat <- dat[-w,]
m <- c()
w <- c()
snp <- c() # save memory
# calculate sequencing errors
message("Determining Sequencing Errors \n")
Y <- matrix(0,length(dat[,2]),1)
if(RefSeq == ""){ # RefSeq not specified
m <- match(unipos[,2],dat[,2])
m <- c(m,dim(dat)[1]+1)
useless <- matrix(0,dim(dat)[1],1)
for(i in 1:nrow(unipos)){
tempseq <- c()
tempseq <- dat[m[i]:(m[i+1]-1),4]
flagA <- (tempseq=='A')
flagC <- (tempseq=='C')
flagG <- (tempseq=='G')
flagT <- (tempseq=='T')
useless[m[i]:(m[i+1]-1)] <- (1 - (flagA + flagC + flagG + flagT))
k <- max(sum(flagA),sum(flagC),sum(flagG),sum(flagT))
temp <- matrix(1,length(tempseq),1)
if(sum(flagA) == k){
temp[flagA] <- 0
if(sum(flagC) == k){
temp[flagC] <- 0
if(sum(flagG) == k){
temp[flagG] <- 0
if(sum(flagT) == k){
temp[flagT] <- 0
Y[m[i]:(m[i+1]-1)] <- temp
} else if(RefSeq != ""){ # RefSeq file given
if(length(grep(".Rdata",RefSeq)) > 0){
} else{
ref <- read.table(RefSeq)
ref <- ref[(ref[,1]==dat[1,1]),]
useless <- matrix(0,dim(dat)[1],1)
dat2ref <- findInterval(dat[,2],ref[,2])
if (max(dat2ref) == max(ref[,2])){ # remove rows with no reference
warning("\t Removing bases with no matching location in RefSeq.")
m <- merge(dat[,1:2],cbind(ref[,1:2],ref=1),by=c(1,2),all.x=T)
w <- which([,3]) == 1)
dat <- dat[-w,]
warning("\t Removed", length(w), "bases without given RefSeq.\n")
dat2ref <- findInterval(dat[,2],ref[,2])
useless <- matrix(0,dim(dat)[1],1)
m <- c()
w <- c()
flag <- (dat[,4] == 'A')|(dat[,4] == 'C')|(dat[,4] == 'G')|(dat[,4] == 'T')
useless <- 1 - flag
tempseq <- (ref[dat2ref,3] == 'A') + 2*(ref[dat2ref,3] == 'C') + 3*(ref[dat2ref,3] == 'G') + 4*(ref[dat2ref,3] == 'T')
dattemp <- (dat[,4] == 'A') + 2*(dat[,4] == 'C') + 3*(dat[,4] == 'G') + 4*(dat[,4] == 'T')
Y <- (tempseq != dattemp)
dat2ref <- c()
flag <- c()
tempseq <- c()
dattemp <- c()
ref <- c() # save memory
# remove ambiguous positions (> max(nerr,coverage*nraf) errors)
coverage <- rle(dat[,2])
thresh <- pmax(nerr, coverage$lengths*nraf)
w <- which(Y == 1)
r <- rle(dat[w,2])
m <- merge(coverage$values,cbind(r$values,matrix(1,length(r$values),1)),by=c(1),all.x=T)
w <- which(![,2])==1)
w <- which(r$lengths > thresh[w])
s <- r$values[w]
m <- merge(dat[,2],cbind(s,s=1),by=c(1),all.x=T)
useless <- (useless | ![,2]))
# calculate error rate
# if(sum(useless)>0){
w <- which(useless == 1)
Y <- Y[-w]
dat <- dat[-w,]
# }
w <- c()
useless <- c()
err <- sum(Y) / length(Y)
message("Training set error rate = ", sprintf("%.5f",err), "\n")
message("Number of bases in filtered training set: ", length(Y), "\n")
flag <- which(Y == 1)
rp <- dat[flag,3]
flag <- c()
h <- hist(rp,breaks = c(0:readlen),plot=FALSE)
diagnostics$ReadPosErrors <- h$counts
# find flagged positions
FlagPos <- c()
pos <- c(1:readlen)
for(i in 1:readlen){
if(diagnostics$ReadPosErrors[i] > 1.5*(sum(Y)/readlen)){
FlagPos <- c(FlagPos,pos[i])
# Find base called
baseI <- cbind(1*(dat[,4]=='A'), 1*(dat[,4]=='C'), 1*(dat[,4]=='G'))
# set-up for logistic regression
flag <- matrix(0,length(dat[,3]),length(FlagPos))
for(i in 1:length(FlagPos)){
flag[,i] <- (dat[,3] == FlagPos[i])
X <- cbind(dat[,5], 1*(dat[,5] == 0), dat[,6], baseI, dat[,3], flag)
baseI <- c() # save memory
flag <- c()
dat <- c()
# fit logistic regression
message("Calculating Training Parameters \n")
m <- ceiling(nrow(X)/10000000)
out.c <- c()
for(j in 1:m){
mark <- c(round((nrow(X)/m)*(j-1)+1),min(round((nrow(X)/m)*j),nrow(X)))
out <-,mark[2]-mark[1]+1,1),X[mark[1]:mark[2],]),Y[mark[1]:mark[2]],family = binomial())
out.c <- cbind(out.c,out$coefficient)
out <- c()
coeff <- c()
for(j in 1:nrow(out.c)){
coeff[j] <- median(out.c[j,])
coeff[which(] <- 0 # Replace NA's with 0's
# save coefficients and flagged positions
diagnostics$FlagPos <- FlagPos
diagnostics$coeff <- coeff
write.table(FlagPos,file="FlagPos.txt",sep="\t",quote=FALSE,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE)
write.table(coeff,file="Coeff.txt",sep="\t",quote=FALSE,row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE)
# read in recalibrated data
inner <- cbind(X=1,X) %*% coeff
recalqc <- 1/(1+exp(-1*inner))
recalqc <- floor(-10*log10(recalqc))
inner <- c()
# calculate quality score frequencies
maxqc <- max(cbind(recalqc,X[,1]))
h <- hist(X[,1],breaks=c(-1:maxqc),plot=FALSE)
counts <- sum(h$counts)
diagnostics$QualFreqBefore <- h$counts/counts
h <- hist(recalqc,breaks=c(-1:maxqc),plot=FALSE)
diagnostics$QualFreqAfter <- h$counts/counts
# calculate empirical error rates
flag <- which(Y==1)
h <- hist(X[flag,1],breaks=c(-1:maxqc),plot=FALSE)
Nbefore_err <- h$counts
diagnostics$ErrRatesBefore <- -10*log10(Nbefore_err / (diagnostics$QualFreqBefore*counts))
diagnostics$ErrRatesBefore[diagnostics$ErrRatesBefore > maxqc] <- maxqc
h <- hist(recalqc[flag],breaks=c(-1:maxqc),plot=FALSE)
Nafter_err <- h$counts
diagnostics$ErrRatesAfter <- -10*log10(Nafter_err / (diagnostics$QualFreqAfter*counts))
diagnostics$ErrRatesAfter[diagnostics$ErrRatesAfter > maxqc] <- maxqc
h <- c()
flag <- c()
# calculate FWSE
diagnostics$FWSE <- c()
temp1 <- (diagnostics$ErrRatesBefore - c(0:maxqc))^2
temp2 <- temp1 * diagnostics$QualFreqBefore
flag2 <- which(
if (length(flag2)>0){
diagnostics$FWSE[1] <- sum(temp2[-flag2])
} else {
diagnostics$FWSE[1] <- sum(temp2)
temp1 <- (diagnostics$ErrRatesAfter - c(0:maxqc))^2
temp2 <- temp1 * diagnostics$QualFreqAfter
flag2 <- which(
if (length(flag2)>0){
diagnostics$FWSE[2] <- sum(temp2[-flag2])
} else {
diagnostics$FWSE[2] <- sum(temp2)
# make recalibration plots
if(plotname != ""){
message("Making recalibration plots \n")
# set up plot
# plot (1,1) - errors by read position
ReadPosErrorPlot(diagnostics$ReadPosErrors, startpos = startpos)
# plot (1,2) - distribution of scores
QualFreqPlot(diagnostics$QualFreqBefore, diagnostics$QualFreqAfter)
# plot (2,1) - Before error rates
f1 <- FWSEplot(diagnostics$ErrRatesBefore, diagnostics$QualFreqBefore, col = "blue", lim = c(0, maxqc),
main_title = "Reported vs. Empirical Quality: Before")
# plot (2,2) - After error rates
f2 <- FWSEplot(diagnostics$ErrRatesAfter, diagnostics$QualFreqAfter, col = "red", lim = c(0, maxqc),
main_title = "Reported vs. Empirical Quality: After")
X <- c() # save memory
# run recalibrator
message("Recalibrating bam File")
s2 <- .jarray(c(paste("INPUT=", in_bam, sep=""), paste("BAM_OUTPUT=", out_bam, sep=""), "COEFF=Coeff.txt", "FLAGGED=FlagPos.txt"))
bre <- .jnew("org/renci/sequencing/util/BAMRecalibrator")
.jcall(bre, "V", "main",s2)
message("Recalibration complete \n")
# delete temporary files
if(temp_files == 0){
message("Deleting temporary files \n")
message("\nEnd time: ", date(), "\n")
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