### main wrapper around SpliceMap
# run splicemap (complete workflow)
# inputs: list with arguments
# output: SAM file path (invisibly) or exeption (on any failure)
SpliceMap <- function(cfg) {
# minimal checks of input argument (mostly done by .write_cfg)
stop("'cfg' must be a list with SpliceMap settings")
if(!('outfile' %in% names(cfg)))
stop("no 'outfile' element in SpliceMap config list 'cfg'")
stop(sprintf("output file %s already exists",cfg[['outfile']]))
if(!('temp_path' %in% names(cfg)))
stop("no 'temp_path' element in SpliceMap config list 'cfg'")
cfg[['temp_path']] <- sub("(\\\\|/)$","",cfg[['temp_path']]) # remove trailing slash for file.exists() on windows
stop(sprintf("'temp_path' %s does not exist",cfg[['temp_path']]))
# prepare subfolder in cfg[['temp_path']] for all temporary files
outdir <- cfg[['temp_path']]
cfg[['temp_path']] <- tempfile(pattern="SpliceMapTemp_", tmpdir=cfg[['temp_path']])
stop(sprintf("could not create directory %s",cfg[['temp_path']]))
if(file.exists(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], "junction2.sam")))
file.rename(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], "junction2.sam"), cfg[['outfile']])
unlink(cfg[['temp_path']], recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE)
# perform the steps normally performed by runSpliceMap using R functionality that is compatible with windows
# 1. prepare files (config file, temp and output directories)
cfgFname <- file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], "run.cfg")
cfg <- .write_cfg(cfg, cfgFname)
# 2. generate SpliceMap sequence, identifier, quality and 25mer files
message("[SpliceMap] splitting reads into 25mers...", appendLF=FALSE)
callstr <- paste(shQuote(path.expand(cfgFname)), "generate25mers")
ret <- system2(file.path(system.file(package="Rbowtie"), "runSpliceMap_QuasR"), callstr, stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
if(length(ret)>0 && grepl("^Total 25-mer extraction section time", ret[length(ret)]))
stop("failed while generating 25mers")
# 3. map 25-mers using bowtie
message("[SpliceMap] aligning 25mers...", appendLF=FALSE)
callstr <- paste(ifelse(!is.null(cfg$try_hard) && cfg$try_hard=="yes", "-y", ""),
sprintf("-S -k %d -m %d -v 2 -r -p %d --best --strata",
cfg[['max_multi_hit']], cfg[['max_multi_hit']], cfg[['num_threads']]),
shQuote(path.expand(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], ""))),
shQuote(path.expand(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], "25mers.map_unsorted"))))
ret <- system2(file.path(system.file(package="Rbowtie"),"bowtie"), callstr, stdout=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)
if(length(ret)>0 && grepl("^(Reported [0-9]+ alignments|No alignments)", ret[length(ret)]))
stop("failed while aligning 25mers")
# 4. sort bowtie output
message("[SpliceMap] sorting 25mer-alignments...", appendLF=FALSE)
callstr <- paste("-idx",
shQuote(path.expand(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], "25mers.map_unsorted"))),
shQuote(path.expand(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], ""))))
ret <- system2(file.path(system.file(package="Rbowtie"), "sortsam"), callstr, stdout=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)
if(length(ret)>0 && grepl("^Finished", ret[length(ret)]))
stop("failed while sorting 25mer-alignments")
unlink(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], "25mers.map_unsorted"), force=TRUE)
# 5. index mapped 25-mers
message("[SpliceMap] indexing 25mer-alignments...", appendLF=FALSE)
callstr <- paste(shQuote(path.expand(cfgFname)), "index25merAlignments")
ret <- system2(file.path(system.file(package="Rbowtie"), "runSpliceMap_QuasR"), callstr, stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
if(length(ret)>0 && grepl("^Total mapping index creation section execution time", ret[length(ret)]))
stop("failed while indexing 25mer-alignments")
unlink(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], ""))
unlink(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], ""))
# 6. call SpliceMap to create spliced alignments for individual chromosomes
refL <- scan(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], "ref_list"),
what=list(chrName="", chrFile="", chrDir="", chrS="", chrE=""), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE)
callstr <- sample(paste(shQuote(path.expand(cfgFname)), refL[['chrName']]))
if(!"parallel", fields="Version")))) {
message("[SpliceMap] finding spliced alignments for ",
length(refL[['chrName']]), " chromosomes using ",
cfg[['num_chromosome_together']], " parallel processes...", appendLF=FALSE)
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cfg[['num_chromosome_together']])
ret <- parallel::parLapplyLB(cl, callstr, system2, command=file.path(system.file(package="Rbowtie"), "SpliceMap"), stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
} else {
message("[SpliceMap] finding spliced alignments for ",
length(refL[['chrName']]), " chromosomes using serial processes...", appendLF=FALSE)
ret <- lapply(callstr, system2, command=file.path(system.file(package="Rbowtie"), "SpliceMap"), stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
if(length(ret)==length(callstr) && all(sapply(ret, length) > 0) && all(grepl("^Total (.+) execution time.*$",unlist(ret))))
stop("failed while finding spliced alignments")
# 6a. identify unmapped reads by comparing input read identifiers with identifiers in alignments --> unmapped.sam
# (Remark: semi-mapped read pairs will appear as mapped)
if("reads_list2" %in% names(cfg)) {
message("[SpliceMap] extracting unmapped reads (paired-end mode)...", appendLF=FALSE)
callstr <- paste("P", paste(shQuote(file.path(path.expand(cfg[['temp_path']]),
sprintf("%s_%s.sam",refL[['chrFile']],refL[['chrS']])))), collapse=" "),
sep=" ")
ret <- system2(file.path(system.file(package="Rbowtie"), "getSpliceMapUnmapped"), callstr, stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
} else {
message("[SpliceMap] extracting unmapped reads (single read mode)...", appendLF=FALSE)
callstr <- paste("S", paste(shQuote(file.path(path.expand(cfg[['temp_path']]),
sprintf("%s_%s.sam",refL[['chrFile']],refL[['chrS']])))), collapse=" "),
sep=" ")
ret <- system2(file.path(system.file(package="Rbowtie"), "getSpliceMapUnmapped"), callstr, stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
if(length(ret)>0 && grepl("^Finished", ret[length(ret)]))
stop("failed extracting unmapped reads")
# 7. combine splice alignment sam files of different chromosomes and create junction.bed/junction.sam files
# (Remark: at the same time:
# - select one random alignment from multiple ones (if selectSingleHit==TRUE)
# - remove semi-mapped pair alignments (only one aligned read in the pair)
# and add these sequence pairs to unmapped2.sam. This will not remove alignment pairs with exactly
# one alignment per read but with set BAM_FUNMAP flags, e.g. pairs that aligned to different chromosomes.)
message("[SpliceMap] combining spliced alignments...", appendLF=FALSE)
callstr <- paste(shQuote(path.expand(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], .Platform$file.sep))),
shQuote(path.expand(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']], 'junction'))),
ret <- system2(file.path(system.file(package="Rbowtie"), "amalgamateSAM"), callstr, stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
if(length(ret)>0 && grepl("^SAM File Amalgamation Time", ret[length(ret)]))
stop("failed combining spliced alignments")
# 7a. combine junction.sam with unmapped reads (unmapped.sam, unmapped2.sam) in read input order --> junction2.sam
# (the on.exit() will rename junction2.sam to cfg[['outfile']])
message("[SpliceMap] reordering final output...", appendLF=FALSE)
callstr <- shQuote(path.expand(file.path(cfg[['temp_path']])))
ret <- system2(file.path(system.file(package="Rbowtie"), "fuseReorder"), callstr, stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
if(length(ret)>0 && grepl("^Finished", ret[length(ret)]))
stop("failed reordering final output")
### helper functions
# create run.cfg file
.write_cfg <- function(lst, file) {
# write out SpliceMap config file and perform parameter validity tests normally done by runSpliceMap
# return list with (potentially completed) config options corresponding to the written config file
# check if required parameters are given (NULL will select default)
req <- c("genome_dir","reads_list1","read_format","bowtie_base_dir","temp_path","num_threads","outfile","selectSingleHit")
if(length(f <- req[!req %in% names(lst)]))
stop(sprintf("required settings are missing for SpliceMap config file: %s", paste(f,collapse=", ")))
if(lst[['read_format']] == 'FASTQ') {
# check quality string
if(!("quality_format" %in% names(lst)))
stop("required settings are missing for SpliceMap config file: quality_format")
if(!(lst[["quality_format"]] %in% c("phred-33","phred-64","solexa")))
stop("'quality_format' must be one of: phred-33, phred-64, solexa")
# make sure that only a single (pair of) read file(s) is given (necessary for getSpliceMapUnmapped)
if(length(lst[["reads_list1"]]) != 1)
stop(sprintf("'reads_list1' has not exactly one element; all reads need to be contained in a single file"))
# consistent behavior of file.exists on windows systems. file.exists("dir/") != file.exists("dir").
for(d in c("genome_dir","bowtie_base_dir","temp_path"))
lst[[d]] <- sub("(\\\\|/)$","",lst[[d]])
# check consistency of paired end input
if("reads_list2" %in% names(lst) && length(lst[["reads_list1"]]) != length(lst[["reads_list2"]]))
stop("'reads_list1' and 'reads_list2' arguments have not the same length")
# check existance of bowtie index
if(!file.exists(lst[["bowtie_base_dir"]])) {
tmp <- sub(paste(basename(lst[["bowtie_base_dir"]]),"$",sep=""),"",lst[["bowtie_base_dir"]])
if(length(tmp2 <- list.files(tmp, pattern="*.ebwt")) < 6)
stop("Invalid bowtie index in 'bowtie_base_dir'.")
# check existance of temp_path
stop(sprintf("'temp_path' (%s) does not exists", lst[["temp_path"]]))
if(!file.exists(tmp <- file.path(lst[["temp_path"]], "debug_logs")))
stop(sprintf("could not create directory %s",tmp))
on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE))
# collapse input file list(s)
if(any(f <- !file.exists(lst[["reads_list1"]])))
stop(sprintf("non-existing sequence files in 'reads_list1': %s", paste(lst[["reads_list1"]][f], collapse=", ")))
lst[["reads_list1"]] <- paste(lst[["reads_list1"]], collapse="\n")
if("reads_list2" %in% names(lst)) {
lst[["reads_list2"]] <- paste(lst[["reads_list2"]], collapse="\n")
if(any(f <- !file.exists(lst[["reads_list2"]])))
stop(sprintf("non-existing sequence files in 'reads_list2': %s", paste(lst[["reads_list2"]][f], collapse=", ")))
# add chromosome file list
stop(sprintf("non-existing 'genome_dir': %s",lst[["genome_dir"]]))
if(!([["genome_dir"]])$isdir)) {
# 'genome_dir' is a file
lst[["genome_files"]] <- normalizePath(lst[["genome_dir"]], winslash="/")
} else {
# 'genome_dir' is a directory
chrs <- normalizePath(list.files(lst[["genome_dir"]], pattern="\\.fa$|\\.fna$|\\.fasta$", full.names = TRUE), winslash="/")
if(length(chrs) == 0)
stop(sprintf("No chromosome files found in '%s' using pattern '\\.fa$|\\.fna$|\\.fasta$'", lst[["genome_dir"]]), winslash="/")
lst[["genome_files"]] <- paste(chrs, collapse="\n")
# check selectSingleHit
if(!is.logical(lst[["selectSingleHit"]]) || length(lst[["selectSingleHit"]])!=1)
stop(sprintf("'selectSingleHit' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
# set defaults (replace NULL)
if(!"max_intron" %in% names(lst) || is.null(lst[["max_intron"]]))
lst[["max_intron"]] <- 400000
if(!"min_intron" %in% names(lst) || is.null(lst[["min_intron"]]))
lst[["min_intron"]] <- 20000
if(!"max_multi_hit" %in% names(lst) || is.null(lst[["max_multi_hit"]]))
lst[["max_multi_hit"]] <- 10
if(!"seed_mismatch" %in% names(lst) || is.null(lst[["seed_mismatch"]]))
lst[["seed_mismatch"]] <- 1
if(!"read_mismatch" %in% names(lst) || is.null(lst[["read_mismatch"]]))
lst[["read_mismatch"]] <- 2
if(!"num_chromosome_together" %in% names(lst) || is.null(lst[["num_chromosome_together"]]))
lst[["num_chromosome_together"]] <- 2
if(!"try_hard" %in% names(lst) || is.null(lst[["try_hard"]]))
lst[["try_hard"]] <- "yes"
# set (overrule) expected settings
lst[["sam_file"]] <- "sam"
lst[["ud_coverage"]] <- "no"
# copy and transform to character
lst2 <- lst
lst2[["min_intron"]] <- sprintf("%d",lst2[["min_intron"]])
lst2[["max_intron"]] <- sprintf("%d",lst2[["max_intron"]])
# make sure only single values are given
if(any(f <- sapply(lst2, length) != 1))
stop(sprintf("only a single value can be given to settings: %s", paste(names(lst2)[f], collapse=", ")))
# create output string
i <- grep("reads_list|genome_files",names(lst2))
out <- c("# SpliceMap config file, created by QuasR",
"> reads_list1", lst2[["reads_list1"]], "<",
if("reads_list2" %in% names(lst2))
c("> reads_list2", lst2[["reads_list2"]], "<")
"> genome_files", lst2[["genome_files"]], "<",
sprintf("%s = %s", names(lst2)[-i], sapply(lst2[-i], as.character)))
write.table(out, file, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
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