########################## MBR-methods ############################
###class builder
.mbr.constructor <- function(tni){
#---create an MBR-object
object <- new(Class="MBR", TNI=tni)
status <- rep('[ ]', 1, 5)
names(status) <- c('Preprocess', 'Permutation','Bootstrap',
'DPI.filter', 'Association')
#---parameters <- list()$TNI$perm <- NA$TNI$boot <- NA$TNI$dpi <- NA$MBR$association <-, 1, 4))
colnames($MBR$association) <- c('minRegulonSize', 'estimator',
'pAdjustMethod', 'nPermutations')
rownames($MBR$association) <- 'Parameter'
#---summary <- list()$MBR$Duals <-, 1, 2))
colnames($MBR$Duals) <- c('Tested','Predicted')
rownames($MBR$Duals) <- 'Duals'
object <- .mbr.set(name="status", para=status, object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="para",, object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="summary",, object=object)
#' A preprocessing function for objects of class MBR.
#' This function converts a TNI class objects and into one MBR class object.
#' @param tni A 'TNI' class object.
#' @param regulatoryElements An optional character vector specifying which
#' 'TNI' regulatory elements should be evaluated. If 'NULL' all regulatory
#' elements will be evaluated.
#' @return An \linkS4class{MBR} object.
#' @examples
#' ##--- load a dataset for demonstration
#' data("tniData", package = "RTN")
#' tfs <- c("IRF8","IRF1","PRDM1","E2F3","STAT4","LMO4","ZNF552")
#' ##--- construct a tni object
#' rtni <- tni.constructor(tniData$expData, regulatoryElements = tfs,
#' rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation)
#' ##--- compute regulons
#' ## set nPermutations>=1000
#' rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni, nPermutations=30)
#' ## set nBootstrap>=100
#' rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni, nBootstrap=30)
#' ## 'eps=NA' estimates threshold from empirical null
#' rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni, eps=NA)
#' ##--- construct a mbr object
#' rmbr <- tni2mbrPreprocess(rtni)
#' @importClassesFrom RTN TNI
#' @import methods
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tni2mbrPreprocess-methods
#' @aliases tni2mbrPreprocess
#' @export
function (tni, regulatoryElements=NULL){
stop("NOTE: input 'tni' object needs permutation/bootstrep analysis!")
mbr.checks(name="regulatoryElements", para=regulatoryElements)
#---check compatibility
tni <- upgradeTNI(tni)
stop("NOTE: TNI object is not compleate: requires preprocessing!")
stop("NOTE: TNI object is not compleate: requires permutation/bootstrap and DPI filter!")
stop("NOTE: TNI object is not compleate: requires DPI filter!")
#--- creates an MBR object
object <- .mbr.constructor(tni)
#--- match regulatoryElements
if(is.null(regulatoryElements)) {
regulatoryElements <- tni.get(tni, "regulatoryElements")
} else {
regulatoryElements <- .checkRegel(tni, regulatoryElements)
#--- get/set status
tni_status <- tni.get(tni, what="status")
status <- names(tni_status[tni_status=="[x]"])
object <- .mbr.set(name="statusUpdate", para=status, object=object)
#--- get updates
tni_summary <- tni.get(tni, what="summary")
mbr_summary <- mbrGet(object, what="summary")
mbr_para <- mbrGet(object, what="para")
##--- mbr_summary
mbr_summary$TNI$tnet <- tni_summary$results$tnet
mbr_summary$TNI$regulonSize <- tni_summary$results$regulonSize
colnames(mbr_summary$TNI$tnet) <- c('Regulators', 'Targets', 'Edges')
##--- mbr_para
mbr_para$perm <- tni_summary$para$perm
##--- bootstrap
mbr_para$boot <- tni_summary$para$boot
##---summary dpi.filter
mbr_para$dpi <- tni_summary$para$dpi
object <- .mbr.set(name="regulatoryElements",
para=regulatoryElements, object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="para", para=mbr_para, object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="summary", para=mbr_summary, object=object)
return (object)
#' Motifs analysis and inference of 'dual regulons'.
#' This function takes an MBR object and compares the shared regulon
#' targets in order to test whether regulon pairs agree on the predicted
#' downstream effects.
#' @param object A processed object of class \linkS4class{MBR}
#' @param regulatoryElements An optional character vector specifying which
#' 'TNI' regulatory elements should be evaluated. If 'NULL' all regulatory
#' elements will be evaluated.
#' @param minRegulonSize A single integer or numeric value specifying the
#' minimum number of elements in a regulon. Gene sets with fewer than this
#' number are removed from the analysis.
#' @param doSizeFilter a logical value. If TRUE, negative and positive targets are
#' independently verified by the 'minRegulonSize' argument.
#' @param pValueCutoff a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values
#' considered significant.
#' @param pAdjustMethod A single character value specifying the p-value
#' adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' function for details).
#' @param estimator A character value specifying the estimator used in the
#' association analysis. One of "spearman" (default), "kendall", or "pearson".
#' @param nPermutations A single integer value specifying the number of
#' permutations for deriving p-values associating regulon pairs.
#' @param miFilter A single logical value specifying to apply the 'miFilter'
#' between two regulators.
#' @param verbose A single logical value specifying to display detailed
#' messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE).
#' @return An \linkS4class{MBR} object with two data.frames in the slot
#' 'results' listing the inferred 'dual regulons' and correspoding statistics.
#' @examples
#' ##--- load a dataset for demonstration
#' data("tniData", package = "RTN")
#' gexp <- tniData$expData
#' annot <- tniData$rowAnnotation
#' tfs <- c("IRF8","IRF1","PRDM1","E2F3","STAT4","LMO4","ZNF552")
#' ##--- construct a tni object
#' rtni <- tni.constructor(gexp, regulatoryElements = tfs, rowAnnotation=annot)
#' ##--- compute regulons
#' ## set nPermutations>=1000
#' rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni, nPermutations=30)
#' ## set nBootstrap>=100
#' rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni, nBootstrap=30)
#' ## 'eps=NA' estimates threshold from empirical null
#' rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni, eps=NA)
#' ##--- construct a mbr object
#' rmbr <- tni2mbrPreprocess(rtni)
#' ##--- run mbrAssociation
#' ## set nPermutations>=1000
#' rmbr <- mbrAssociation(rmbr, pValueCutoff = 0.05, nPermutations=30)
#' @import RTN
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust phyper median pnorm sd
#' @importFrom stats cor quantile pt complete.cases
#' @import methods
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname mbrAssociation-methods
#' @aliases mbrAssociation
#' @export
##Inference of duals
function(object, regulatoryElements=NULL, minRegulonSize=15,
doSizeFilter=FALSE, pValueCutoff=0.001,
pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", estimator="spearman",
nPermutations=1000, miFilter=TRUE, verbose=TRUE){
##--- input check
stop("NOTE: MBR object is not complete: requires preprocessing!")
stop("NOTE: MBR object is not complete: requires permutation/bootstrap and DPI filter!")
stop("NOTE: MBR object is not complete: requires DPI filter!")
##--- gets
tni <- mbrGet(object, what="TNI")
tni_gexp <- tni.get(tni, what="gexp")
tni_para <- tni.get(tni, what="para")
##--- checks
mbr.checks(name="regulatoryElements", para=regulatoryElements)
mbr.checks(name="minRegulonSize", para=minRegulonSize)
mbr.checks(name="estimator", para=estimator)
mbr.checks(name="pValueCutoff", para=pValueCutoff)
mbr.checks(name="pAdjustMethod", para=pAdjustMethod)
mbr.checks(name="nPermutations", para=nPermutations)
mbr.checks(name="miFilter", para=miFilter)
mbr.checks(name="verbose", para=verbose)
if(verbose) cat("-Checking regulons and regulatory elements...\n")
if(is.null(regulatoryElements)) {
regulatoryElements <- mbrGet(object, "regulatoryElements")
} else {
temp <- mbrGet(object, "regulatoryElements")
regulatoryElements <- temp[temp%in%regulatoryElements|
mbr.checks(name="numberRegElements", para=regulatoryElements)
##--- get all regulons (from tni)
regulonsAndMode <- tni.get(tni, what="regulons.and.mode")
regulons <- tni.get(tni, what="regulons")
##--- get regulons for 'regulatoryElements'
regulonsAndMode <- regulonsAndMode[regulatoryElements]
regulons <- regulons[regulatoryElements]
##-----check regulon size (both clouds)
gs.size.max <- unlist(lapply(regulonsAndMode, function(reg){
gs.size.min <- unlist(lapply(regulonsAndMode, function(reg){
##-----stop when no subset passes the size requirement
stop(paste("NOTE: no partial regulon has minimum >= ", minRegulonSize, sep=""))
##-----get filtered list
stop("NOTE: at least two regulons have to pass the 'doSizeFilter' requirement!")
} else {
stop("NOTE: at least two regulons have to pass the 'minRegulonSize' requirement!")
regulonsAndMode <- regulonsAndMode[regulatoryElements]
regulons <- regulons[regulatoryElements]
##--- group of regulons and regulatory elements
targets <- unique(c(unlist(regulons)))
targets <- unique(c(regulatoryElements, targets))
##--- get mi from refnet
if(verbose) {
cat("-Extrating inferred regulatory associations...\n")
mitnet <- abs(tni.get(tni, what="refnet"))
mitnet <- mitnet[targets,regulatoryElements, drop=FALSE]
ntargets <- tni.get(tni,"summary")$results$tnet["tnet.ref","Targets"]
if(verbose) {
cat("-Mapping network triplets between regulons...\n")
##--- compute correlation between regulators and all targets
cortnet <- .tni.cor(tni_gexp, mitnet, estimator=estimator, dg=0,
asInteger=FALSE, mapAssignedAssociation=FALSE)
##--- map interactions for all potential dual regulons
uniregulons <- .getUnionRegulons(regulons)
##--- compute correlation between regulons
## the transformation with double 'cor' calls combines the two distributions
## into a single one, making it more symmetrical, while preserveing the
## directionality of the approach.
regcor <- sapply(regulatoryElements, function(r1){
sapply(regulatoryElements, function(r2){
tar12 <- uniregulons[[r1]][[r2]]
r1 <- cortnet[tar12,r1]
r2 <- cortnet[tar12,r2]
c1 <- cor(r1, r2, method=estimator)
c2 <- cor(abs(r1), abs(r2), method=estimator)
regcor[] <- 0
regcor <- t(regcor)
#--- 'cormat' and 'sigmat' will be returned at the end
cormat <- regcor
sigmat <- cormat
sigmat[,] <- ""
#--- set NAs for regs eventually included in both lists
diag(regcor) <- NA
regcor[upper.tri(regcor)] <- NA
testedDuals <- sum(!
##--- get statlist
statlist <- .getStatlist(regcor=regcor, regulatoryElements)
statlist <- .getMI(statlist, mitnet)
if(miFilter) statlist <- statlist[which(statlist$MI != 0), ]
##--- further assessing inferred duals
if(nrow(statlist) > 0){
##--- n. tests before any filter
n.tests <- sum(!
##--- assessing overlap between regulons
if(verbose) {
tp <- paste("-Assessing overlap between",
overlapStats <- .mbr.overlap(statlist, regulons, ntargets, verbose)
##--- adjust Pvalue for n.tests
overlapStats$Adjusted.Pvalue <- p.adjust(overlapStats$Pvalue,
overlapStats <- overlapStats[overlapStats$Adjusted.Pvalue<pValueCutoff,]
statlist <- statlist[rownames(overlapStats),]
##--- running permutation on R.Regulons
if(verbose) {
tp <- paste("-Assessing correlation between",
if(nrow(statlist) > 0){
##--- Permutation on correlation
corrStats <- .permCorPval(cortnet, statlist, uniregulons,
estimator, nper=nPermutations,
##--- adjust Pvalue for n.tests
corrStats$Adjusted.Pvalue <- p.adjust(corrStats$Pvalue,
method=pAdjustMethod, n=n.tests)
corrStats <- corrStats[corrStats$Adjusted.Pvalue<pValueCutoff,]
statlist <- statlist[rownames(corrStats),]
#--- align results
overlapStats <- overlapStats[rownames(statlist),]
corrStats <- corrStats[rownames(statlist),]
##--- map significant duals in 'sigmat'
for(i in 1:nrow(statlist)){
r1 <- statlist$Regulon1[i]
r2 <- statlist$Regulon2[i]
sigmat[r1,r2] <- "*"
if( r1%in%colnames(sigmat) && r2%in%rownames(sigmat)){
sigmat[r2,r1] <- "*"
##--- organize results
predictedDuals <- nrow(statlist)
labs <- c("Regulon1","Regulon2", "Universe.Size", "Regulon1.Size", "Regulon2.Size",
"Expected.Overlap","Observed.Overlap","Pvalue", "Adjusted.Pvalue")
overlapStats <- overlapStats[,labs]
labs <- c("Regulon1","Regulon2", "MI.Regulators", "R.Regulons",
"Pvalue", "Adjusted.Pvalue")
corrStats <- corrStats[,labs]
} else {
warning("No 'dual regulon' has been observed for the input parameters.",
nm <- as.numeric()
ch <- as.numeric()
overlapStats <- data.frame(Regulon1=ch, egulon2=ch, Universe.Size=nm, Regulon1.Size=nm,
Regulon2.Size=nm, Expected.Overlap=nm, Observed.Overlap=nm,
Pvalue=nm, Adjusted.Pvalue=nm)
corrStats <- data.frame(Regulon1=ch, Regulon2=ch, MI.Regulators=nm,
R.Regulons=nm, Pvalue=nm, Adjusted.Pvalue=nm)
##--- para
mbr_para <- mbrGet(object,what="para") <- data.frame(minRegulonSize, estimator, pAdjustMethod, nPermutations,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
mbr_para$MBR$association['Parameter', ] <-
mbr_summary <- mbrGet(object, what="summary")
mbr_summary$MBR$Duals[,'Tested'] <- testedDuals
mbr_summary$MBR$Duals[,'Predicted'] <- predictedDuals
##--- set
object <- .mbr.set(name="statusUpdate",
para="Association", object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="para",
para=mbr_para, object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="summary",
para=mbr_summary, object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="regulatoryElements",
para=regulatoryElements, object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="dualRegulons",
para=rownames(statlist), object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="dualsCorrelation",
para=corrStats, object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="dualsOverlap",
para=overlapStats, object=object)
object@results$dualsmat <- list(cormat=cormat, sigmat=sigmat)
#' Entry point for external evidences.
#' If available, this function adds external evidences to an 'MBR' object.
#' @param object A processed object of class \linkS4class{MBR} evaluated by the
#' method \code{\link{mbrAssociation}}.
#' @param priorEvidenceTable An 'data.frame' with three columns
#' representing (1) regulatory elements 1, (2) regulatory elements 2,
#' and (3) external evidences between the regulatory elements.
#' @param evidenceColname A single character value specifying a column in
#' the 'priorEvidenceTable'.
#' @param verbose A single logical value specifying to display detailed
#' messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE).
#' @return An \linkS4class{MBR} object with an updated 'data.frame' in the slot
#' 'results' listing the input additional evidences.
#' @examples
#' ##--- load a dataset for demonstration
#' data("tniData", package = "RTN")
#' gexp <- tniData$expData
#' annot <- tniData$rowAnnotation
#' tfs <- c("IRF8","IRF1","PRDM1","E2F3","STAT4","LMO4","ZNF552")
#' ##--- construct a tni object
#' rtni <- tni.constructor(gexp, regulatoryElements = tfs, rowAnnotation=annot)
#' ##--- compute regulons
#' ## set nPermutations>=1000
#' rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni, nPermutations=30)
#' ## set nBootstrap>=100
#' rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni, nBootstrap=30)
#' ## 'eps=NA' estimates threshold from empirical null
#' rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni, eps=NA)
#' ##--- construct a mbr object
#' rmbr <- tni2mbrPreprocess(rtni)
#' ##--- run mbrAssociation
#' ## set nPermutations>=1000
#' rmbr <- mbrAssociation(rmbr, pValueCutoff = 0.05, nPermutations=30)
#' ##--- check results
#' results <- mbrGet(rmbr, what="dualsCorrelation")
#' ##--- add supplementary evidence table
#' ## here we build a 'toy' example using the 'rnorm' function
#' ## for demonstration purposes only!
#' priorEvidenceTable <- results[,c("Regulon1","Regulon2")]
#' priorEvidenceTable$ToyEvidence <- rnorm(nrow(results))
#' priorEvidenceTable
#' ##--- add supplementary evidences
#' # rmbr <- mbrPriorEvidenceTable(rmbr, priorEvidenceTable=priorEvidenceTable, evidenceColname = "ToyEvidence")
#' ##--- check updated results
#' # mbrGet(rmbr, what="dualsCorrelation")
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @import methods
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname mbrPriorEvidenceTable-methods
#' @aliases mbrPriorEvidenceTable
#' @export
##organize duals
setMethod( "mbrPriorEvidenceTable",
function(object, priorEvidenceTable, evidenceColname,
stop("NOTE: MBR object is not compleate: requires 'mbrAssociation' analysis!")
##--- initial checks
mbr.checks(name="object", para=object)
dualsCorrelation <- mbrGet(object, what="dualsCorrelation")
stop("NOTE: empty results in the input 'object'!",call.=FALSE)
#--- update object
object <- .mbr.set(name="dualsCorrelation",
para=dualsCorrelation, object=object)
object <- .mbr.set(name="dualRegulons",
para=rownames(dualsCorrelation), object=object)
#--- add priorEvidenceTable if avaible
##--- general checks
stop("'evidenceColname' should be listed in colnames of 'priorEvidenceTable'!",call.=FALSE)
priorEvidenceTable <- mbr.checks(name="priorEvidenceTable",
##--- check consistency
if(verbose) cat("-Checking annotation consistency in 'priorEvidenceTable'...\n")
.checkConsistencySuppTable(object, priorEvidenceTable, verbose=verbose)
##--- update duals
object <- .updateEvidenceTable(object, priorEvidenceTable, verbose=verbose)
##show summary information on screen
setMethod( "show",
cat("An MBR (Motifs Between Regulons) object:\n")
print(object@status, quote=FALSE)
#' Get information from individual slots in MBR object.
#' Get information from individual slots in an MBR object and any available
#' results from previous analysis.
#' @param object A preprocessed object of class \linkS4class{MBR}
#' @param what a single character value specifying which information should be
#' retrieved from the slots. Options: "TNI", "regulatoryElements",
#' "dualRegulons", "results", "para", "summary",
#' "status", "dualsCorrelation", "dualsOverlap", and "dualsCorMatrix"
#' @return Content from slots in the \linkS4class{MBR} object
#' @examples
#' ##--- load a dataset for demonstration
#' data("tniData", package = "RTN")
#' gexp <- tniData$expData
#' annot <- tniData$rowAnnotation
#' tfs <- c("IRF8","IRF1","PRDM1","E2F3","STAT4","LMO4","ZNF552")
#' ##--- construct a tni object
#' rtni <- tni.constructor(gexp, regulatoryElements = tfs, rowAnnotation=annot)
#' ##--- compute regulons
#' ## set nPermutations>=1000
#' rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni, nPermutations=30)
#' ## set nBootstrap>=100
#' rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni, nBootstrap=30)
#' ## 'eps=NA' estimates threshold from empirical null
#' rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni, eps=NA)
#' ##--- construct a mbr object
#' rmbr <- tni2mbrPreprocess(rtni)
#' ##--- get the 'TNI' slot using 'mbrGet'
#' tni <- mbrGet(rmbr, what="TNI")
#' @import methods
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname mbrGet-methods
#' @aliases mbrGet
#' @export
##get slots from MBR object
setMethod( "mbrGet",
function(object, what="status"){
##---check input arguments
mbr.checks(name="mbrGet", para=what)
##---options that need 'mbrAssociation' evaluation!
optsAssoci <- c("regulatoryElements",
"results", "dualRegulons", "dualsCorrelation",
##---get query
query <- object@TNI
} else if(what=="para"){
query <- object@para
} else if(what=="summary"){
query <- object@summary
} else if(what=="status"){
query <- object@status
} else if(what=="regulatoryElements"){
query <- object@regulatoryElements
} else if(what%in%optsAssoci){
if(object@status["Association"] != "[x]"){
warning("Input 'object' needs 'mbrAssociation' evaluation!", call.=FALSE)
query <- NULL
} else {
query <- object@dualRegulons
} else if(what=="results"){
query <- object@results
} else if(what=="dualsCorrelation"){
query <- object@results$dualsCorrelation
query <- query[sort.list(query$Pvalue),]
} else if(what=="dualsOverlap"){
query <- object@results$dualsOverlap
query <- query[sort.list(query$Pvalue),]
} else if(what=="dualsCorMatrix"){
query <- object@results$dualsmat
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