#' Exporting data in norm_df data frame (product of dtcr, slograt and
#' swinsor) to bedgraph format compatible with UCSC Genome Browser
#' Function converts annotation from transcript to genomic coordinates and
#' creates two-track bedgraph file (one track for each strand)
#' @param norm_GR norm_GR GRanges with data to be exported, required
#' @param txDb TranscriptDb object with transcript definitions. Names must
#' match those in norm_df
#' @param bed_file character containing file path to BED file with transcript
#' definitions. Supply txDb XOR bedfile
#' @param norm_method character specifying which normalized column
#' should be processed into bedgraph. If not provided, the first column
#' matching dtcr, slograt or swinsor is transformed.
#' @param genome_build character specifying which UCSC genome build should data
#' be displayed in, e.g. "mm9"
#' @param bedgraph_out_file character specifying prefix of output file.
#' Generated file name is: prefix.bedgraph; if file with such a name already
#' exists new tracks will be appended.
#' @param track_name character specifying track name
#' @param track_description character specifying track description
#' @return Function writes bedgraph file.
#' @author Lukasz Jan Kielpinski, Nikos Sidiropoulos
#' @seealso \code{\link{bedgraph2norm}}, \code{\link{norm_df2GR}},
#' \code{\link{dtcr}}, \code{\link{slograt}}, \code{\link{swinsor}},
#' \code{\link{compdata}}
#' @examples
#' dummy_euc_GR_control <- GRanges(seqnames="DummyRNA",
#' IRanges(start=round(runif(100)*100),
#' width=round(runif(100)*100+1)), strand="+",
#' EUC=round(runif(100)*100))
#' dummy_euc_GR_treated <- GRanges(seqnames="DummyRNA",
#' IRanges(start=round(runif(100)*100),
#' width=round(runif(100)*100+1)), strand="+",
#' EUC=round(runif(100)*100))
#' dummy_comp_GR_control <- comp(dummy_euc_GR_control)
#' dummy_comp_GR_treated <- comp(dummy_euc_GR_treated)
#' dummy_norm <- dtcr(control_GR=dummy_comp_GR_control,
#' treated_GR=dummy_comp_GR_treated)
#' write(paste(c("chr1", 134212702, 134229870, "DummyRNA", 0, "+", 134212806,
#' 134228958, 0, 8, "347,121,24,152,66,120,133,1973,",
#' "0,8827,10080,11571,12005,13832,14433,15195,"), collapse = "\t"),
#' file="dummy.bed")
#' norm2bedgraph(norm_GR = dummy_norm, bed_file = "dummy.bed")
#' @import GenomicFeatures
#' @importFrom S4Vectors runValue
#' @export norm2bedgraph
norm2bedgraph <- function(norm_GR, txDb, bed_file, norm_method, genome_build,
###Check conditions:
methods <- names(mcols(norm_GR))
norm_method <- methods[methods %in% c("dtcr","slograt", "swinsor")][1]
message(paste("Warning: normalization method to convert not specified.",
if(missing(txDb) & missing(bed_file))
stop("Specify gene annotation")
#Define functions:
#End of defining functions.
#Function body:
norm_df <- GR2norm_df(norm_GR)
#Which column in the norm_df is data to be displayed
normalized_column <- which(names(norm_df)==norm_method)
#If transcriptDb not specified, make it from BED
if(missing(txDb)){txDb <- BED2txDb(bed_file)}
#Make GRangesList from TranscriptDb
my_exons <- exonsBy(txDb, by="tx", use.names=TRUE)
###Remove transcripts duplicated in transcriptDb:
dup_txs <- names(my_exons)[duplicated(names(my_exons))]
my_exons <- my_exons[!(names(my_exons) %in% dup_txs)]
#Print warning:
my_dup_discarded <- unique(norm_df$RNAid[norm_df$RNAid %in% dup_txs])
if(length(my_dup_discarded) > 0)
message(paste("Warning: transcript",my_dup_discarded,
"discarded. Provided more than one genomic location."))
#Remove unannotated transcripts and parts of transcripts guided by
norm_good <- .remove_unannotated(norm_df, my_exons)
#Split normalized data frame into list of data frames
norm_list <- split(norm_good, f=norm_good$RNAid, drop=TRUE)
#List with positions within transcripts
Pos_list <- lapply(norm_list,
#GRangesList with transcript present in Pos_list
exons_of_interest <- my_exons[names(my_exons) %in% names(Pos_list)]
##Order GRangesList 'exons_if_interest' according to ordering in Pos_list:
#order in data frame. Pos_list is a reference.
ordering_df_Pos <- data.frame(tx_name=names(Pos_list),
ordering_df_exons <- data.frame(tx_name=names(exons_of_interest),
ordering_merged <- merge(ordering_df_Pos, ordering_df_exons, by=1,
all=TRUE, suffixes=c(".Pos",".ex"), sort= FALSE)
ordering_merged <- ordering_merged[order(ordering_merged$i.Pos),]
exons_of_interest <- exons_of_interest[ordering_merged$i.ex]
##End of ordering
#Vector with chromosome names (mathes to Pos_list)
chromosomes <- as.character(runValue(seqnames(exons_of_interest)))
#Vector with strands (mathes to Pos_list)
strands <- as.character(runValue(strand(exons_of_interest)))
#List with genomic coordinates, matches Pos_list
Pos_genomic_list <- transcriptLocs2refLocs(tlocs=Pos_list,
#Merge chromosome, genomic position and strand (first list of data frames)
df_list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(Pos_genomic_list)){
df_list[[i]] <- data.frame(seqname=chromosomes[i],
df_for_bedgraph <-, df_list) #then merge data frames.
#Look for duplicates:
dups <- duplicated(df_for_bedgraph[,c("seqname", "position_off", "position",
"strand")]) |
duplicated(df_for_bedgraph[,c("seqname", "position_off", "position",
"strand")], fromLast=TRUE)
dup_count <- sum(dups)
if(dup_count > 0){
df_for_bedgraph <- df_for_bedgraph[!dups,]
"lines were removed from dataset due to duplication.
Your transcript annotations overlap.\n"))
#Remove NA values:
df_for_bedgraph <- df_for_bedgraph[!$value),]
#And finally split and export two tracks (one for each strand) to a file:
df_plus <- df_for_bedgraph[df_for_bedgraph$strand == "+",
c("seqname", "position_off", "position",
df_minus <- df_for_bedgraph[df_for_bedgraph$strand == "-",
c("seqname", "position_off", "position",
#Compress bedgraph:
df_plus <- .compress_bedgraph(df_plus)
df_minus <- .compress_bedgraph(df_minus)
#End of compression
.save_bedgraph(df_plus = df_plus, df_minus = df_minus,
genome_build = genome_build,
bedgraph_out_file = bedgraph_out_file,
track_name = track_name,
track_description = track_description)
###Auxiliary functions
#Function which removes transcripts for which there is no genomic info
#and positions within transcripts that are outside annotation (needs
#norm_df data frame and GRangesList)
.remove_unannotated <- function(norm_df, exons_GR){
Pos <- NULL
max_lengths <- sum(width(exons_GR))
tx_lengths <- data.frame(RNAid=names(max_lengths), max_lengths)
norm_max_length <- merge(norm_df, tx_lengths, by="RNAid", sort= FALSE)
discarded_transcripts <- as.character(unique(norm_df$RNAid)[!(
unique(norm_df$RNAid) %in% unique(norm_max_length$RNAid))])
if(length(discarded_transcripts) > 0)
message(paste("Warning: transcript",discarded_transcripts,
"discarded. Genomic location not provided.\n"))
norm_out <- subset(norm_max_length, Pos <= max_lengths & Pos > 0)
norm_out <- norm_out[-which(names(norm_out)=="max_lengths")]
norm_out <- norm_out[order(norm_out$RNAid, norm_out$Pos),]
norm_out <- subset(norm_out, Pos > 0)
#Compress bedgraph by reducing equi-valued runs.
.compress_bedgraph <- function(bedgraph_dataframe){
df_list <- split(bedgraph_dataframe, f=bedgraph_dataframe$seqname,
drop=TRUE), lapply(df_list, FUN=.compress_one_chromosome))
#Define internal function:
.compress_one_chromosome <- function(one_chrom){
#Order by position within chromosome
one_chrom <- one_chrom[order(one_chrom$position_off), ]
#Calculate differences between consecutive positions.
#delta(position) and delta(value)
diff_matrix <- matrix(c(diff(one_chrom$position_off),
diff(one_chrom$value)), ncol=2)
#Is repeated? or which consecutive (delta(position)==1) positions
#have the same value (delta(value)==0)
cons_identical <- diff_matrix[,1]==1 & diff_matrix[,2]==0
#Is the start (+1) or the end (-1) of the repeated sequence
seq_start_and_end <- diff(cons_identical)
#If sum==1, then there is no repeated sequence end - must be at the end
if(sum(seq_start_and_end)== 1)
repeat_info <- data.frame(one_chrom,
cons_identical = c(FALSE, cons_identical),
my_delta=c(0, diff(cons_identical), -1))
if(sum(seq_start_and_end)== 0){
if(min(seq_start_and_end, na.rm = TRUE) == max(seq_start_and_end,
na.rm = TRUE))
repeat_info <- data.frame(one_chrom,
cons_identical = c(FALSE, cons_identical),
my_delta=c(0, diff(cons_identical), 0))
if(min(which(seq_start_and_end==1)) <
repeat_info <- data.frame(one_chrom,
cons_identical = c(FALSE,
my_delta=c(0, diff(cons_identical),
repeat_info <- data.frame(one_chrom,
cons_identical = c(FALSE,
my_delta=c(1, diff(cons_identical),
#If sum==-1, then there is no repeated sequence start -
#must be at the beginning
if(sum(seq_start_and_end)== -1)
repeat_info <- data.frame(one_chrom, cons_identical = c(FALSE,
my_delta=c(1, diff(cons_identical), 0))
#Remove repeated, except first and last
repeat_info <- repeat_info[repeat_info$cons_identical == FALSE |
repeat_info$my_delta == -1,]
#Move end position (column 3) of last repeated to end position
#(column 3) of first repeated
repeat_info[repeat_info$my_delta == 1, "position"] <-
repeat_info[repeat_info$my_delta == -1, "position"]
#Remove last repeated
repeat_info <- repeat_info[repeat_info$my_delta != -1,]
#Return first 4 columns
repeat_info[c("seqname", "position_off", "position", "value")]
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