# RCytoscape/inst/test_cytoscape.R
library (RCytoscape)
library (RUnit)
if (!exists ('cy'))
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
# the peculiar naming of this function ensures that it will be called first, before all other methods. i think!
test...aaaaFirstTestCalled = function ()
print ('------- first test, deleting any pre-existing CytoscapeWindows')
deleteAllWindows (CytoscapeConnection ());
run.tests = function ()
options ('warn'=2) # make sure that any R warnings are treated as fatal errors
# before doing anything else, make sure that the Cytoscape plugin version is one we can respond to
test.plugin.version ()
# start with a clean slate, and no windows
# many of the tests modify the default visual style, quite heedless of prior or successor tests.
# if you wish to restore the initial default style, it is saved here, just once, upon entry to this method
#save.default.vizmap ()
deleteAllWindows (cy)
test.create.class ()
test.deleteWindow ()
test.deleteAllWindows ()
test.getWindowID ()
test.getWindowList ()
test.getNodeShapes ()
test.getAttributeClassNames ()
test.getArrowShapes ()
test.getLineStyles ()
test.getLayoutNames ()
test.getLayoutNameMapping ()
test.getLayoutPropertyNames ()
test.getLayoutPropertyType ()
test.getLayoutPropertyValue ()
test.setLayoutProperties ()
test.sendNodes ()
test.sendEdges ()
test.setNodeAttributes ()
test.setEdgeAttributes ()
test.noa ()
test.eda ()
test.cy2.edge.names ()
test.getAdjacentEdgeNames ()
test.panelOperations ()
test.showGraphicsDetails ()
test.setDefaultNodeShape ()
test.setDefaultNodeColor ()
test.setDefaultNodeSize ()
test.setDefaultNodeBorderColor ()
test.setDefaultNodeBorderWidth ()
test.setDefaultNodeFontSize ()
test.setDefaultNodeLabelColor ()
test.setDefaultEdgeLineWidth ()
test.setDefaultEdgeColor ()
test.setDefaultEdgeFontSize ()
test.setNodeLabelRule ()
test.setEdgeLabelRule ()
test.setNodeTooltipRule ()
test.setEdgeTooltipRule ()
test.setNodeColorRule ()
test.setNodeBorderColorRule ()
test.setNodeBorderWidthRule ()
test.setNodeSizeRule ()
test.setNodeShapeRule ()
test.setNodeOpacityRule ()
test.setNodeColorDirect ()
test.setNodeBorderColorDirect ()
test.setNodeLabelDirect ()
test.setNodeLabelPropertiesDirect ()
test.setNodeOpacityDirect ()
test.setEdgeOpacityDirect ()
test.setEdgeColorDirect ()
test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect ()
test.setEdgeLabelDirect ()
test.setEdgeFontSizeDirect ()
test.setEdgeLabelColorDirect ()
test.setEdgeTooltipDirect ()
test.setEdgeLineWidthDirect ()
test.setEdgeLineStyleDirect ()
test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect ()
test.setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect ()
test.setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect ()
test.setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect ()
test.setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect ()
test.setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect ()
test.setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect ()
test.setEdgeLabelPositionDirect ()
test.setEdgeLabelWidthDirect ()
test.countNodes ()
test.countEdges ()
test.countNodesAndEdgesInEmptyGraph ()
test.getAllNodes ()
test.getAllEdges ()
test.selectNodes ()
test.nodeNeighborReportingAndSelection ()
test.invertSelection ()
test.deleteSelectedNodes ()
test.hideNodes ()
test.selectEdges ()
test.setEdgeLineStyleRule ()
test.setEdgeLineWidthRule ()
test.setEdgeColorRule ()
test.setEdgeTargetArrowRule ()
test.setEdgeArrowColorRules ()
test.setEdgeSourceArrowRule () ()
test.unmatchedAttributesError () ()
test.randomUndirectedGraph ()
test.simpleGraph ()
test.simpleGraphWithReciprocalEdge ()
test.setGraph ()
test.setNodePosition ()
test.getNodePosition ()
test.getNodePosition.colonInNodeName ()
test.getNodeSize ()
test.haveNodeAttribute ()
test.haveEdgeAttribute ()
test.copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph ()
test.copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph ()
test.getGraphFromCyWindow ()
test.sendDegenerateGraphs ()
test.sendBigGraph ()
test.createWindowFromSelection ()
test.addGraphToGraph ()
test.addGraphToGraph.degenerateFirstGraph ()
test.existing.CytoscapeWindow ()
test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.noEdges ()
test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.emptyGraph ()
test.getAttributeNames ()
test.addGetAndDeleteEdgeAttributes ()
test.addGetAndDeleteNodeAttributes ()
#test.getAllNodeAttributes ()
#test.getAllEdgeAttributes ()
test.getVisualStyleNames ()
test.copyVisualStyle ()
test.setVisualStyle ()
test.defaultColors ()
test.setWindowSizeRaiseWindow ()
test.fitContent ()
test.windowCoordinates ()
test.zoom () ()
test.setNodeSizeDirect ()
test.setNodeWidthAndHeightDirect ()
test.setNodeFontSizeDirect ()
test.setNodeShapeDirect ()
test.setEdgeVizPropertiesDirect ()
test.graphBAM ()
test.hexColorToInt ()
test.addCyNode ()
test.addCyEdge ()
test.twoGraphsDoubleEdges ()
test..classicGraphToNodePairTable ()
test.rcy.edgeNames ()
test..getNovelEdges ()
test.setNodeImageDirect ()
#test.validity ()
test.tooltip.delays ()
options ('warn'=0)
} # run.tests
save.default.vizmap = function ()
{ <<- ''
if (! %in% getVisualStyleNames (cy)) # it has not previously been stored
copyVisualStyle (CytoscapeConnection (), 'default', '')
} # save.default.vizmap
# almost every test needs to
# !) announce it's name to stdout
# 2) delete any previous window with the same title, should any exist
# these services are provided here
window.prep = function (title)
write (noquote (sprintf ('------- %s', title)), stderr ())
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy)))
deleteWindow (cy, title)
} # window.prep
test.plugin.version = function ()
title = 'test.plugin.version'
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
plugin.version.string = pluginVersion (cy)
string.tmp1 = strsplit (plugin.version.string,' ')[[1]][1]
string.tmp2 = gsub ('[a-z]', '', string.tmp1)
string.tmp3 = gsub ('[A-Z]', '', string.tmp2)
major.minor.version = as.numeric (string.tmp3)
#tokens = strsplit (version.string, ' ')[[1]][1]
#version.numbers = as.integer (strsplit (tokens, '\\.')[[1]])
#major.minor.version = version.numbers [1] + (version.numbers [2]/10.0)
msg (cy, paste ('CytoscapeRPC version', major.minor.version))
checkTrue (major.minor.version >= 1.8)
} # test.plugin.version
test.create.class = function ()
title = 'test.create.class'
window.prep (title)
g = new ('graphNEL')
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
checkTrue (validObject (cw))
} # test.create.class
test.deleteWindow = function ()
title = 'test.deleteWindow'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, new ('graphNEL'))
original.window.count = getWindowCount (cy)
deleteWindow (cw)
new.window.count = getWindowCount (cy)
checkTrue (new.window.count == original.window.count - 1)
# now delete a window by name
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, new ('graphNEL'))
original.window.count = getWindowCount (cy)
deleteWindow (cy, title)
new.window.count = getWindowCount (cy)
checkTrue (new.window.count == original.window.count - 1)
} # test.deleteWindow
test.deleteAllWindows = function ()
title = 'test.deleteAllWindows'
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
deleteAllWindows (cy)
new.window.count = getWindowCount (cy)
checkEquals (new.window.count, 0)
msg (cy, 'deleted all windows')
} # test.deleteAllWindows
test.getWindowID = function ()
title = 'test.getWindowID'
window.prep (title)
cw3 = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw3)
redraw (cw3)
layoutNetwork (cw3)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
id = getWindowID (cy, 'test.getWindowID')
checkEquals (id,
invisible (cw3)
} # test.getWindowID
test.getWindowList = function ()
title = 'test.getWindowList'
window.prep (title)
cw2 = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, new ('graphNEL'))
window.list = getWindowList (cw2)
checkTrue (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cw2)))
invisible (cw2)
} # test.getWindowList
test.getNodeShapes = function ()
title = 'test.getNodeShapes'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
shapes = getNodeShapes (cy)
checkTrue (length (shapes) > 10)
msg (cy, title)
# pick a few specific shapes to test
checkTrue (all (sapply (c ('trapezoid', 'ellipse', 'triangle'), function (s) s %in% shapes)))
} # test.getNodeShapes
test.getAttributeClassNames = function ()
title = 'test.getAttributeClassNames'
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
possible.values = getAttributeClassNames (cy)
checkTrue (grep ('numeric', possible.values) > 0)
checkTrue (grep ('integer', possible.values) > 0)
checkTrue (grep ('character', possible.values) > 0)
} # test.getAttributeClassNames
test.getArrowShapes = function ()
title = 'test.getArrowShapes'
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
shapes = getArrowShapes (cy)
checkTrue (length (shapes) >= 8)
# pick a few specific shapes to test
msg (cy, 'getArrowShapes')
checkTrue (all (sapply (c ('Diamond', 'T', 'Circle'), function (s) s %in% shapes)))
} # test.getArrowShapes
test.getLineStyles = function ()
title = 'test.getLineStyles'
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
styles = getLineStyles (cy)
checkTrue (length (styles) > 10)
# pick a few specific styles to test
msg (cy, 'getLineStyles')
checkTrue (all (sapply (c ('SOLID', 'DOT', 'EQUAL_DASH'), function (s) s %in% styles)))
} # test.getLineStyles
test.getLayoutNames = function ()
title = 'test.getLayoutNames'
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
names = getLayoutNames (cy)
checkTrue (length (names) > 15)
# pick a few specific styles to test
msg (cy, 'getLayoutNames')
checkTrue (all (sapply (c ('grid', 'jgraph-spring', 'circular'), function (s) s %in% names)))
} # test.getLayoutNames
test.getLayoutNameMapping = function ()
cy = CytoscapeConnection () = getLayoutNameMapping (cy)
checkTrue (length ( >= 18) # 20 on (4 mar 2011)
checkEquals ( [['Sugiyama Layout']], "jgraph-sugiyama")
checkEquals ( [['Edge-Weighted Spring Embedded']], "kamada-kawai-noweight")
checkEquals ( [['Grid Layout']], "grid")
} # test.getLayoutNameMapping
test.getLayoutPropertyNames = function ()
print (noquote ('------- test.getLayoutPropertyNames'))
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
props = getLayoutPropertyNames (cy, 'force-directed')
expected = c ("defaultNodeMass", "defaultSpringCoefficient", "defaultSpringLength",
"edge_weight_group", "force_alg_settings", "max_weight", "min_weight", "numIterations",
"partition", "selected_only", "standard", "weight_type")
checkTrue (length (intersect (props, expected)) > (length (props) - 2)) # some variation across Cytoscape versions
props = getLayoutPropertyNames (cy, 'isom')
expected = c ("coolingFactor", "initialAdaptation", "maxEpoch", "minAdaptation", "minRadius",
"radius", "radiusConstantTime", "sizeFactor")
checkEquals (sort (props), expected)
} # test.getLayoutPropertyNames
test.getLayoutPropertyType = function ()
print (noquote ('------- test.getLayoutPropertyType'))
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
# a couple of single call tests
checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyType (cy, 'isom', 'coolingFactor'), 'DOUBLE')
checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyType (cy, 'force-directed', 'edge_weight_group'), 'GROUP')
props = getLayoutPropertyNames (cy, 'force-directed')
# now get all the property types for the force-directed layout
propTypes.all = sapply (sort (props), function (prop) getLayoutPropertyType (cy, 'force-directed', prop))
# check them all
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["defaultNodeMass"]], "DOUBLE")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["defaultSpringCoefficient"]], "DOUBLE")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["defaultSpringLength"]], "DOUBLE")
#checkEquals (propTypes.all [["discrete"]], "BOOLEAN")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["edge_attribute"]], "EDGEATTRIBUTE")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["edge_weight_group"]], "GROUP")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["force_alg_settings"]], "GROUP")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["max_weight"]], "DOUBLE")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["min_weight"]], "DOUBLE")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["numIterations"]], "INTEGER")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["partition"]], "BOOLEAN")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["selected_only"]], "BOOLEAN")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["standard"]], "GROUP")
checkEquals (propTypes.all [["weight_type"]], "LIST")
} # test.getLayoutPropertyType
test.getLayoutPropertyValue = function ()
print (noquote ('------- test.getLayoutPropertyValue'))
cy = CytoscapeConnection () = 'force-directed'
props = getLayoutPropertyNames (cy,
prop = 'edge_attribute'
checkTrue (prop %in% props)
checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop), 'weight')
prop = 'numIterations'
checkTrue (prop %in% props)
checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop), 100)
prop = 'min_weight'
checkTrue (prop %in% props)
checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop), 0.0)
prop = 'max_weight'
checkTrue (prop %in% props)
checkTrue (getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop) > 1e300)
for (prop in props) {
value = getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop)
#printf ('force-directed layout %s: %s', prop, value)
} # for prop
} # test.getLayoutPropertyValue
test.setLayoutProperties = function ()
# first, do some 'blind' (that is, window-less) tests
cy = CytoscapeConnection () = 'force-directed'
prop = 'numIterations'
setLayoutProperties (cy,, list (numIterations=200))
checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop), 200)
# return to the defaults
setLayoutProperties (cy,, list (numIterations=100))
checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop), 100)
# now create a Cy window and manipulate the layout
title = 'test.setLayoutProperties'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
# use a popular (and tunable) layout algorithm, show how selected properties can be modified,
# and demonstrate how they affect the layout. = getLayoutNameMapping (cy)[['Edge-Weighted Spring Embedded']]
checkTrue ('edge_attribute' %in% getLayoutPropertyNames (cy,
checkTrue ('distance_strength' %in% getLayoutPropertyNames (cy,
setLayoutProperties (cy,, list (edge_attribute='score', distance_strength=100))
layoutNetwork (cw,
setLayoutProperties (cy,, list (edge_attribute='score', distance_strength=-100))
layoutNetwork (cw,
setLayoutProperties (cy,, list (edge_attribute='score', distance_strength=100))
layoutNetwork (cw,
invisible (cw)
} # test.setLayoutProperties
test.collectTimings = function ()
title = 'test.collectTimings'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy)))
deleteWindow (cy, title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph (), collectTimings=TRUE)
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.collectTimings
test.sendNodes = function ()
title = 'test.sendNodes'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cwa = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
sendNodes (cwa)
layoutNetwork (cwa, "grid") # no edges, so other layouts will simply superimpose the nodes
redraw (cwa)
msg (cwa, 'sendNodes')
invisible (cwa)
} # test.sendNodes
test.sendEdges = function ()
title = 'test.sendEdges'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
sendNodes (cwe)
sendEdges (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-circle')
redraw (cwe)
msg (cwe, 'sendEdges')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.sendEdges
test.setNodeAttributes = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeAttributes'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy)))
deleteWindow (cy, title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cwb = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
sendNodes (cwb)
attribute.names = noa.names (g)
for ( in attribute.names) {
result = setNodeAttributes (cwb,
layoutNetwork (cwb, 'grid')
redraw (cwb)
msg (cwb, 'setNodeAttributes')
# now call the direct method, which -- in contrast to the unmarked method (setNodeAttributes) -- does not
# extract attributes from the graph; they are instead supplied separately, and thus are well suited to
# successive updates, as in a movie
result = setNodeAttributesDirect (cwb, 'count', 'int', c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (38, 105, 0))
# sending a single attribute to CytoscapeRPC runs into a problem: xmlrpc maps these to scalars,
# rather than as lists of length 1, and no CytoscapeRPC method is matched.
# (10 dec 2010) RCytoscape::setNodeAttributesDirect solves this inelegantly, but duplicating
# the node name and attribute values, making lists of length 2
result = setNodeAttributesDirect (cwb, 'count', 'int', 'A', 432)
invisible (cwb)
} # test.setNodeAttributes
# depends on prior creation of cwe by test.sendEdges
test.setEdgeAttributes = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeAttributes'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy)))
deleteWindow (cy, title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
attribute.names = eda.names (cwe@graph)
for ( in attribute.names) {
result = setEdgeAttributes (cwe,
edge.names = as.character (cy2.edge.names (cwe@graph))
checkEquals (length (edge.names), 3)
edge.values = c ('alligator', 'hedgehog', 'anteater')
result = setEdgeAttributesDirect (cwe, 'misc', 'string', edge.names, edge.values)
# sending a single attribute to CytoscapeRPC runs into a problem: xmlrpc maps these to scalars,
# rather than as lists of length 1, and no CytoscapeRPC method is matched.
# (10 dec 2010) RCytoscape::setEdgeAttributesDirect solves this inelegantly, but duplicating
# the edge name and attribute values, making lists of length 2
result = setEdgeAttributesDirect (cwe, 'misc', 'string', edge.names [1], edge.values [1])
msg (cwe, 'setEdgeAttributes')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setEdgeAttributes
test.noa = function ()
title = 'test.noa'
window.prep (title)
g.simple = makeSimpleGraph ()
result = noa (g.simple, 'type')
checkEquals (length (result), 3)
checkEquals (sort (names (result)), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
checkEquals (result [['A']], 'kinase')
checkEquals (result [['B']], 'transcription factor')
checkEquals (result [['C']], 'glycoprotein')
checkTrue ( (noa (g.simple, 'bogusAttributeName')))
invisible (g.simple)
} # test.noa
test.eda = function ()
title = 'test.eda'
window.prep (title)
g.simple = makeSimpleGraph ()
result = eda (g.simple, 'edgeType')
checkEquals (length (result), 3)
checkEquals (sort (names (result)), c ("A|B", "B|C", "C|A"))
checkEquals (result [['A|B']], 'phosphorylates')
checkEquals (result [['B|C']], 'synthetic lethal')
checkEquals (result [['C|A']], 'undefined')
checkTrue ( (eda (g.simple, 'bogusAttributeName')))
invisible (g.simple)
} # test.eda
test.cy2.edge.names = function ()
title = 'test.cy2.edge.names'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
# this graph has the expected 'edgeType' edge attribute, used to make a standard cytoscape edge name
edge.names = cy2.edge.names (g)
checkEquals (edge.names [['A~B']], "A (phosphorylates) B")
checkEquals (edge.names [['B~C']], "B (synthetic lethal) C")
checkEquals (edge.names [['C~A']], "C (undefined) A")
# now create a tiny graph, two nodes, one edge, with NO edgeType attribute. make sure it is converted properly
g2 = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
g2 = graph::addNode ('A', g2)
g2 = graph::addNode ('B', g2)
g2 = graph::addEdge ('A', 'B', g2)
edge.names.2 = cy2.edge.names (g2)
checkEquals (edge.names.2 [['A~B']], "A (unspecified) B")
g3 = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed') = cy2.edge.names (g3)
checkTrue ( (
# now create a directed graphNEL with one reciprocal edge. do we get the cy2 edge names properly?
g.recip <<- RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
g.recip <<- graph::addEdge ('C', 'B', g.recip)
edgeData (g.recip, 'C', 'B', attr='edgeType') <<- 'synthetic rescue'
edgeData (g.recip, 'C', 'B', attr='score') <<- 42
edgeData (g.recip, 'C', 'B', attr='misc') <<- 'ellany'
g.recip.cy2.edge.names <<- cy2.edge.names (g.recip)
checkEquals (length (g.recip.cy2.edge.names), 4)
checkEquals (sort (names (g.recip.cy2.edge.names)), c ("A~B", "B~C", "C~A", "C~B"))
checkEquals (sort (as.character (g.recip.cy2.edge.names)),
c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (synthetic rescue) B", "C (undefined) A"))
invisible (g3)
# now try the subsetting version, where only the cy2 edge names of the specified edges -- a subset -- are returned
g = makeSimpleGraph ()
r.edge.names = sort (edgeNames (g))
checkEquals (r.edge.names, c ("A~B", "B~C", "C~A"))
checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))),
c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (undefined) A"))
checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [1], "A (phosphorylates) B")
checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [2], "B (synthetic lethal) C")
checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [3], "C (undefined) A")
checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [1:2], c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C"))
checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [c(1,3)], c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "C (undefined) A"))
checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [2:3], c ("B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (undefined) A"))
} # test.cy2.edge.names
# depends on prior creation of cw by test.createClass, providing a new.CytoscapeWindow object, with a 'uri' slot
test.panelOperations = function ()
title = 'test.panelOperations'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title)
hidePanel (cw, 'Control Panel')
hidePanel (cw, 'd')
floatPanel (cw, 'Control Pa')
floatPanel (cw, 'DATA')
dockPanel (cw, 'control ')
dockPanel (cw, 'data panel')
msg (cw, 'test.panelOperations')
} # test.panelOperations
test.showGraphicsDetails = function ()
title = 'test.showGraphicsDetails'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
showGraphicsDetails (cw, FALSE)
showGraphicsDetails (cw, TRUE)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
showGraphicsDetails (cy, FALSE)
showGraphicsDetails (cy, TRUE)
invisible (cw)
} # test.showGraphicsDetails
test.setDefaultNodeShape = function (direct=FALSE)
title = 'test.setDefaultNodeShape'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
shapes = getNodeShapes (cwe)
if (direct) { # debug
for (shape in shapes) {
if (!exists ('xml.rpc')) library (XMLRPC)
xml.rpc (cwe@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Node Shape', shape);
redraw (cwe);
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for shape
} # direct
setDefaultNodeShape (cwe, 'octagon'); redraw (cwe)
msg (cwe, 'octagon')
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultNodeShape (cwe, 'ellipse'); redraw (cwe)
msg (cwe,'ellipse')
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultNodeShape (cwe, 'triangle'); redraw (cwe)
msg (cwe, 'triangle')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setDefaultNodeShape
test.setDefaultNodeColor = function (direct=FALSE)
title = 'test.setDefaultNodeColor'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
if (direct) { # useful for debuggin
for (i in 1:3) {
if (!exists ('xml.rpc')) library (XMLRPC)
xml.rpc (cwe@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Node Color', '#AAAA00'); redraw (cwe)
xml.rpc (cwe@uri, 'Cytoscape.setDefaultVizMapValue', 'default', 'Node Color', '#00AAAA'); redraw (cwe)
} # for i
} # direct
setDefaultNodeColor (cwe, '#AA00AA')
redraw (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setDefaultNodeColor
test.setDefaultNodeSize = function (direct=FALSE)
title = 'test.setDefaultNodeSize'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
for (i in 1:3) {
setDefaultNodeSize (cwe, 20)
redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultNodeSize (cwe, 200)
redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
setDefaultNodeSize (cwe, 60)
redraw (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setDefaultNodeSize
test.setDefaultNodeBorderColor = function (direct=FALSE)
title = 'test.setDefaultNodeBorderColor'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
for (i in 1:3) {
setDefaultNodeBorderColor (cwe, '#FFFFFF');
redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultNodeBorderColor (cwe, '#FF0000');
redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setDefaultNodeBorderColor
test.setDefaultNodeBorderWidth = function (direct=FALSE)
title = 'test.setDefaultNodeBorderWidth'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
for (i in 1:3) {
setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cwe, 5)
redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cwe, 0)
redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cwe, 1)
redraw (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setDefaultNodeBorderWidth
test.setDefaultNodeFontSize = function (direct=FALSE)
title = 'test.setDefaultNodeFontSize'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
for (i in 1:3) {
setDefaultNodeFontSize (cwe, 3); redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultNodeFontSize (cwe, 30); redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultNodeFontSize (cwe, 12); redraw (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setDefaultNodeFontSize
test.setDefaultNodeLabelColor = function (direct=FALSE)
title = 'test.setDefaultNodeLabelColor'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
for (i in 1:3) {
setDefaultNodeLabelColor (cwe, '#FFAAAA');redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultNodeLabelColor (cwe, '#000000');redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setDefaultNodeLabelColor
test.setDefaultEdgeLineWidth = function (direct=FALSE)
title = 'test.setDefaultEdgeLineWidth'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
for (i in 1:3) {
setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cwe, 5); redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cwe, 0); redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cwe, 1); redraw (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setDefaultEdgeLineWidth
test.setDefaultEdgeColor = function (direct=FALSE)
title = 'test.setDefaultEdgeColor'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
for (i in 1:3) {
setDefaultEdgeColor (cwe, '#FFFFFF'); redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
setDefaultEdgeColor (cwe, '#FF0000'); redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
setDefaultEdgeColor (cwe, '#000000'); redraw (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setDefaultEdgeColor
test.setDefaultEdgeFontSize = function ()
title = 'test.setDefaultEdgeFontSize'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
setNodeSizeDirect (cwe, getAllNodes (cwe), 40)
setEdgeLabelRule (cwe, 'edgeType') # gives us some text we can inspect for changing font size (below)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hideAllPanels (cwe)
for (i in 1:3) {
setDefaultEdgeFontSize (cwe, i * 15);
redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
setDefaultEdgeFontSize (cwe, 12);
redraw (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setDefaultEdgeFontSize
test.setNodeLabelRule = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeLabelRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'c'); hidePanel (cwe, 'd');
setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'label')
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'type')
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'lfc')
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'count')
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'label')
msg (cwe, 'test.setNodeLabelRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setNodeLabelRule
test.setEdgeLabelRule = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeLabelRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'c'); hidePanel (cwe, 'd');
setEdgeLabelRule (cwe, 'edgeType')
Sys.sleep (1)
setEdgeLabelRule (cwe, 'score')
Sys.sleep (1)
setEdgeLabelRule (cwe, 'canonicalName')
msg (cwe, 'test.setEdgeLabelRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setEdgeLabelRule
test.setNodeTooltipRule = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeTooltipRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'c'); hidePanel (cwe, 'd');
#setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'label')
setNodeTooltipRule (cwe, 'type')
#setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'lfc')
#setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'count')
#setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'label')
msg (cwe, 'test.setNodeTooltipRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setNodeTooltipRule
test.setEdgeTooltipRule = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeTooltipRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'c'); hidePanel (cwe, 'd');
setEdgeTooltipRule (cwe, 'edgeType')
msg (cwe, 'test.setEdgeTooltipRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setEdgeTooltipRule
test.setNodeColorRule = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeColorRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
# first, specify a mode='interpolate' rule -- the default
node.attribute.values = c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0)
node.colors = c ('#008800', '#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000', '#880000')
setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'lfc', node.attribute.values, node.colors, mode='interpolate')
Sys.sleep (1)
# now, a lookup rule
node.attribute.values = c ("kinase", "transcription factor", "glycoprotein")
node.colors = c ('#8888FF', '#00F088', "#00CCCC")
setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, node.colors, mode='lookup')
Sys.sleep (1)
# now, a lookup rule with an incomplete lookup table: does the default.color argument work? cy2.7 bug -- not yet.
# instead, the node is painted the cytoscape default color, pale red
node.attribute.values = c ("kinase", "transcription factor")
node.colors = c ('#8888FF', '#00F088')
setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, node.colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#AA33AA')
msg (cwe, 'test.setNodeColorRule')
# now, use 1 element lists.
node.attribute.values = c ("kinase")
node.colors = c ('#FFFFFF')
setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, node.colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#AA33AA')
msg (cwe, 'test.setNodeColorRule')
redraw (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setNodeColorRule
test.setNodeBorderColorRule = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeBorderColorRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
# set the stage by making all the nodes white, to provide better contrast for the node border colors
node.attribute.values = c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0)
colors = c ('#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF')
setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'lfc', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='interpolate')
# first, specify a mode='interpolate' rule -- the default
node.attribute.values = c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0)
colors = c ('#008800', '#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000', '#880000')
setNodeBorderColorRule (cwe, 'lfc', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='interpolate')
Sys.sleep (1)
# now, a lookup rule. bright red, green and blue borders
node.attribute.values = c ("kinase", "transcription factor", "glycoprotein")
colors = c ('#FF0000', '#00FF00', "#0000FF")
setNodeBorderColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup')
Sys.sleep (1)
# now, a lookup rule with an incomplete lookup table: does the default.color argument work? cy2.7 bug -- not yet.
# the glycoprotein node, 'Gene C', should have a white border around white fill
node.attribute.values = c ("kinase", "transcription factor")
colors = c ('#0000FF', '#FF0000')
setNodeBorderColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#FFFFFF')
# now, one element lists
node.attribute.values = c ("transcription factor")
colors = c ('#FF00FF')
setNodeBorderColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#FFFFFF')
msg (cwe, 'test.setNodeBorderColorRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setNodeBorderColorRule
test.setNodeBorderWidthRule = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeBorderWidthRule'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hideAllPanels (cy)
# set the stage by making all the nodes white, to provide better contrast for the node border colors
node.attribute.values = c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0)
colors = c ('#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF')
setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'lfc', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='interpolate')
setDefaultNodeBorderColor (cwe, '#FF0000')
for (i in 1:3) {
# 3 different node border sizes
node.attribute.values = c ("kinase", "transcription factor", "glycoprotein")
border.widths = c (0, 10, 20)
setNodeBorderWidthRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, border.widths)
# swap them around different node border sizes
node.attribute.values = c ("kinase", "transcription factor", "glycoprotein")
border.widths = c (20, 0, 10);
setNodeBorderWidthRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, border.widths)
} # for i
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setNodeBorderWidthRule
test.setNodeSizeRule = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeSizeRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
hidePanel (cwe, 'd'); hidePanel (cwe, 'c');
# first, create a simple 2-point rule, with 'below' and 'above' values strong enough to see that they are working
# recall that makeSimpleGraph creates count attributes like this:
# noa (getGraph (cwe), 'count') # A.A B.B C.C
# "2" "30" "100"
count.control.points = c (20, 40)
node.sizes = c (1, 80, 120, 300)
setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'count', count.control.points, node.sizes, mode='interpolate')
system ('sleep 2')
# now chop off the below & above values. A should grow to 80, almost as big as B, and C should shrink to 120, larger that B
count.control.points = c (20, 40)
node.sizes = c (80, 120)
setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'count', count.control.points, node.sizes, mode='interpolate')
system ('sleep 2')
# now use a mode='lookup' rule. specify two sizes, look to see that the third type, glycoprotein, gets the tiny small size
molecule.types = c ('kinase', 'transcription factor')
node.sizes = c (60, 80)
setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'type', molecule.types, node.sizes, default.size= 5, mode='lookup')
redraw (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setNodeSizeRule
test.setNodeShapeRule = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeShapeRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
# specify shapes for only two of the three nodes and node types. make sure that the third node gets
# the default shape
# make rule for 2 of 3 node types, leaving the third as the default
node.shapes = c ('diamond', 'triangle')
attribute.values = c ('kinase', 'glycoprotein')
setNodeShapeRule (cwe,'type', attribute.values, node.shapes, default.shape='ellipse')
# test one-element lists
node.shapes = c ('diamond')
attribute.values = c ('glycoprotein')
setNodeShapeRule (cwe,'type', attribute.values, node.shapes, default.shape='ellipse')
msg (cwe, 'test.setNodeShapeRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setNodeShapeRule
test.setNodeOpacityRule = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeOpacityRule'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
# make the node borders prominent
setDefaultNodeBorderColor (cw, '#FFFF00')
setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cw, 10)
lfc.values = c (-3.0, 0, 3.0)
# make the nodes big, give them strong colors
setNodeSizeDirect (cw, nodes (cw@graph), 100)
setNodeColorRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c ('#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF'), mode='interpolate'); redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
# first, the continuous 'interpolate' case, in which opacity is a function of lfc
opacities = c (10, 128, 255)
x <<- cw
setNodeOpacityRule (cw,'lfc', lfc.values, opacities, mode='interpolate')
redraw (cw)
# reset
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='interpolate', aspect='all');
redraw (cw)
# now try a few of the aspect-specific rules, still in interpolate mode
# border:
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='interpolate', aspect='border');
redraw (cw)
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (40,128, 0), mode='interpolate', aspect='border');
redraw (cw)
# reset
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='interpolate'); redraw (cw)
# label
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (40,128, 0), mode='interpolate', aspect='border');
redraw (cw)
# reset
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='interpolate'); redraw (cw)
# border
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (40,128, 0), mode='interpolate', aspect='border');
redraw (cw)
# a mix...
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (128, 128, 128), mode='interpolate', aspect='border, label, fill');
redraw (cw)
scalar.values = as.character (noa (cw@graph, 'type'))
# reset
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup'); redraw (cw)
# label
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (40,128, 0), mode='lookup', aspect='border');
redraw (cw)
# reset
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup'); redraw (cw)
# border
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (40,128, 0), mode='lookup', aspect='border');
redraw (cw)
# a mix...
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (128, 128, 128), mode='lookup', aspect='border, label, fill');
redraw (cw)
# make everything except labels transparent
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (0, 0, 0), mode='lookup', aspect='border, fill');
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup', aspect='label')
redraw (cw)
# make everything except borders transparent
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (0, 0, 0), mode='lookup', aspect='label, fill');
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup', aspect='border')
redraw (cw)
# make everything except fill transparent
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (0, 0, 0), mode='lookup', aspect='label, border');
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup', aspect='fill')
redraw (cw)
# now restore everything
setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup', aspect='all')
redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeOpacityRule
test.setNodeColorDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeColorDirect'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
setNodeColorDirect (cw, 'A', '#AA0088')
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeColorDirect (cw, 'A', '#AA4488')
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeColorDirect (cw, 'A', '#AA8888')
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeColorDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B'), '#448844')
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeColorirect
test.setNodeBorderColorDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeBorderColorDirect'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
setNodeBorderColorDirect (cw, 'A', '#AA0088')
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeBorderColorDirect (cw, 'A', '#AA4488')
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeBorderColorDirect (cw, 'A', '#AA8888')
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeBorderColorDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B'), '#448844')
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeBorderColorDirect
test.setNodeLabelDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeLabelDirect'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
setNodeLabelDirect (cw, 'A', 'new A label')
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
# try multiple nodes, one label, which RCy will replicate into the right number
setNodeLabelDirect (cw, nodes (cw@graph), '')
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeLabelDirect (cw, c ('A', 'C'), c ('AzA', 'ByB'))
redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeLabelDirect
test.setNodeLabelPropertiesDirect = function ()
print ('--- test.setNodeLabelsPropertiesDirect')
title = 'test.setNodeLabelPropertiesDirect'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
sizes = c (10, 50, 80)
colors = c ('#0000FF', '#00FF00', '#FF0000')
for (i in 1:length (sizes)) {
setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, 'A', sizes [i])
setNodeLabelColorDirect (cw, 'A', colors [i])
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeLabelsPropertiesDirect
test.setNodeOpacityDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeOpacityDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
g = addNode ('D', g)
nodeData (g, 'D', 'label') = 'blink'
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
setNodeSizeDirect (cw, 'D', 120)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
fitContent (cw)
setZoom (cw, 0.8 * getZoom (cw))
redraw (cw)
setNodeFillOpacityDirect (cw, 'A', 0); redraw (cw);
setNodeLabelOpacityDirect (cw, 'B', 0); redraw (cw);
setNodeBorderOpacityDirect (cw, 'C', 0); redraw (cw);
for (i in 1:3) {
setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, 'D', 0); redraw (cw);
#Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, 'D', 255); redraw (cw);
#Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, c ('A', 'C'), 255); redraw (cw)
setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, c ('B', 'D'), 50); redraw (cw)
setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), c (10, 50, 100, 200)); redraw (cw)
setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), c (200, 100, 50, 10)); redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), 255); redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeOpacityDirect
test.setEdgeOpacityDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeOpacityDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cw, 10)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edge.names = cy2.edge.names (g)
for (reps in 1:3) {
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [1], 80);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [2], 0);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [3], 255);
redraw (cw);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [2], 80);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [3], 0);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [1], 255);
redraw (cw);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [1], 80);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [3], 40);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [2], 255);
redraw (cw);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [1], 0);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [3], 0);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [2], 0);
redraw (cw);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [1], 255);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [3], 255);
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [2], 255);
redraw (cw);
} # for reps
for (i in 1:3) {
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names, 0); redraw (cw)
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names, 255); redraw (cw)
} # for i
for (i in 1:3) {
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names, c (0, 128, 255)); redraw (cw)
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names, c (255, 0, 128)); redraw (cw)
} # for i
Sys.sleep (1)
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names, 255); redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeOpacityDirect
test.setEdgeColorDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeColorDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edge.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g) [1])
for (i in 1:5) {
setEdgeColorDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, '#FF0000'); redraw (cw);
Sys.sleep (1)
setEdgeColorDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, '#00FF00'); redraw (cw);
Sys.sleep (1)
setEdgeColorDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, '#0000FF'); redraw (cw);
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeColorDirect
test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow ('setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect.test', graph=makeSimpleGraph())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
setWindowSize (cw, 800, 800)
fitContent (cw)
edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
supported.arrow.shapes = getArrowShapes (cw)
# first try passing three edges and three arrow shapes
setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [2:5])
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
# now try passing three edges and one arrow.shapes
setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [6])
redraw (cw)
# now loop through all of the arrow.shapes
for (shape in supported.arrow.shapes) {
setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, shape)
Sys.sleep (1)
redraw (cw)
# restore the default
setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'No Arrow')
redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect
test.setEdgeLabelDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeOpacityDirect'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow ('setEdgeLabelDirect.test', graph=makeSimpleGraph())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
edge.names = cy2.edge.names (cw@graph)[1:2]
for (i in 1:10) {
setEdgeLabelDirect (cw, edge.names, 255 - (i * 25))
redraw (cw)
for (i in 1:10) {
setEdgeLabelDirect (cw, edge.names, i * 25)
redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeLabelDirect
#test.setEdgeFontFaceDirect = function ()
# title = 'test.setEdgeFontFaceDirect'
# window.prep (title)
# g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
# cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
# displayGraph (cw)
# layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
# redraw (cw)
# edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
# fonts = c ('courier', 'arial')
# for (font in fonts) {
# setEdgeFontFaceDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, font); redraw (cw);
# Sys.sleep (1)
# } # for i
#} # test.
test.setEdgeFontSizeDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeOpacityDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
for (i in 1:5) {
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, i * 30); redraw (cw);
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
} # test.
test.setEdgeLabelColorDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeOpacityDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
for (i in 1:5) {
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, i * 30); redraw (cw);
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
} # test.
test.setEdgeTooltipDirect = function ()
title = 'setEdgeTooltipDirect.test'
window.prep (title)
cw <- new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (cw@graph))
# first try passing three edges and three tooltips
setEdgeTooltipDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, c ('tooltip #1', 'tooltip #2', 'tooltip #3'))
redraw (cw)
# now try passing three edges and one tooltip
setEdgeTooltipDirect (cw, edges.of.interest [1:2], 'a general purpose tooltip')
redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeTooltipDirect
test.setEdgeLineWidthDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeLineWidthDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edges.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1:2]
for (i in 1:10) {
setEdgeLineWidthDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, i)
redraw (cw)
setEdgeLineWidthDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 1)
redraw (cw)
} # test.setEdgeLineWidthDirect
test.setEdgeLineStyleDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeLineStyleDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
supported.styles = getLineStyles (cw)
# first try passing three edges and three styles
setEdgeLineStyleDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.styles [5:7])
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
# now try passing three edges and one styles
setEdgeLineStyleDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.styles [8])
redraw (cw)
# now loop through all of the styles
for (style in supported.styles) {
setEdgeLineStyleDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, style)
Sys.sleep (1)
redraw (cw)
setEdgeLineStyleDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'SOLID')
redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeLineStyleDirect
test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
setWindowSize (cw, 800, 800)
fitContent (cw)
edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
supported.arrow.shapes = getArrowShapes (cw)
# first try passing three edges and three arrow.shapes
setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [5:7])
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
# now try passing three edges and one arrow shape
setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [8])
redraw (cw)
# now loop through all of the arrow.shapes
for (shape in supported.arrow.shapes) {
setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, shape)
Sys.sleep (1)
redraw (cw)
# restore the default
setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'No Arrow')
redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect
test.setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
supported.arrow.shapes = getArrowShapes (cw)
# first try passing three edges and three arrow.shapes
setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [5:7])
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
# now try passing three edges and one arrow shape
setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [8])
redraw (cw)
# now loop through all of the arrow.shapes
for (shape in supported.arrow.shapes) {
setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, shape)
Sys.sleep (1)
redraw (cw)
# restore the default
setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'No Arrow')
redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setTargetArrowShapeDirect
test.setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
arrows = c ('Arrow', 'Diamond', 'Circle')
edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
setEdgeSourceArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
colors.1 = c ("#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF")
colors.2 = c ("#AA00AA", "#00AAAA", "#0000AA")
edge.names = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g) [1:3])
for (i in 1:2) {
setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect (cw, edge.names, colors.1)
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect (cw, edge.names, colors.2)
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect
test.setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
setWindowSize (cw, 800, 800)
fitContent (cw)
arrows = c ('Arrow', 'Diamond', 'Circle')
edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
setEdgeSourceArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
colors.1 = c ("#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF")
colors.2 = c ("#AA00AA", "#00AAAA", "#0000AA")
edge.names = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g) [1:3])
for (i in 1:2) {
setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect (cw, edge.names, colors.1)
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect (cw, edge.names, colors.2)
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect
test.setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeOpacityDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
for (i in 1:5) {
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, i * 30); redraw (cw);
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
} # test.
test.setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
# make sure the source arrows are visible
setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'Circle')
# first try passing three edges and three arrow opacity values
setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, c (64, 128, 255))
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
# now try passing three edges and just one opacity value; it will be applied to all arrows
setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 32)
redraw (cw)
# now loop through all of the arrow.opacitys
for (opacity in seq (0, 255, by=45)) {
setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, opacity)
Sys.sleep (1)
redraw (cw)
# restore the default
setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 255)
redraw (cw)
} # test.setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect
test.setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
# make sure the target arrows are visible
setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'Circle')
# first try passing three edges and three arrow opacity values
setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, c (64, 128, 255))
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
# now try passing three edges and just one opacity value; it will be applied to all arrows
setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 32)
redraw (cw)
# now loop through all of the arrow.opacitys
for (opacity in seq (0, 255, by=45)) {
setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, opacity)
Sys.sleep (1)
redraw (cw)
# restore the default
setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 255)
redraw (cw)
} # test.setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect
test.setEdgeLabelPositionDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeOpacityDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
for (i in 1:5) {
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, i * 30); redraw (cw);
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
} # test.
test.setEdgeLabelWidthDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeOpacityDirect'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
for (i in 1:5) {
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, i * 30); redraw (cw);
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
} # test.
test.countNodes = function ()
title = 'test.countNodes'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
checkEquals (getNodeCount (cwe), length (nodes (getGraph (cwe))))
invisible (cwe)
} # test.countNodes
test.countEdges = function ()
title = 'test.countEdges'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy)))
deleteWindow (cy, title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
checkEquals (getEdgeCount (cwe), length (edgeNames (getGraph (cwe))))
invisible (cwe)
} # test.countNodes
test.countNodesAndEdgesInEmptyGraph = function ()
title = 'test.countNodesAndEdgesInEmptyGraph'
window.prep (title)
g.empty = new ("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
checkEquals (length (nodes (g.empty)), 0)
checkEquals (length (edges (g.empty)), 0)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g.empty) # default behavior, but let's make it explicit
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
checkEquals (getNodeCount (cwe), 0)
checkEquals (getEdgeCount (cwe), 0)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.countNodesAndEdgesInEmptyGraph
test.getAllNodes = function ()
title = 'test.getAllNodes'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
cwe.nodes = getAllNodes (cwe)
checkEquals (length (intersect (cwe.nodes, nodes (cwe@graph))), 3)
msg (cwe, 'test.getAllNodes')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.getAllNodes
test.getAllEdges = function ()
title = 'test.getAllEdges'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
cwe.edges = getAllEdges(cwe)
checkTrue ("C (undefined) A" %in% cwe.edges)
checkTrue ("B (synthetic lethal) C" %in% cwe.edges)
checkTrue ("A (phosphorylates) B" %in% cwe.edges)
msg (cwe, 'test.getAllEdges')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.getAllEdges
test.selectNodes = function ()
title = 'test.selectNodes'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
clearSelection (cwe)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0)
cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, c ('A', 'B'), preserve=T)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, 'C', preserve=T)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 3)
clearSelection (cwe)
cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, c ('A', 'B'), preserve=TRUE)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, 'C', preserve=FALSE)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 1)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodes (cwe), 'C')
clearSelection (cwe)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0) = c ('bogus', 'missing')
selectNodes (cwe,
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0) = c (, nodes (cwe@graph))
selectNodes (cwe,
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 3)
msg (cwe, 'test.selectNodes')
msg (cwe, 'test.selectNodes')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.selectNodes
test.nodeNeighborReportingAndSelection = function ()
title = 'test.nodeNeighborReportingAndSelection'
window.prep (title)
# create a circular graph
LETTERS = toupper (letters)
source.nodes <- LETTERS [1:26]
target.nodes <- c (LETTERS [2:26], LETTERS [1])
weights <- runif (length (letters))
df <- data.frame (from=source.nodes, to=target.nodes, weight=weights)
g.bam <- graphBAM (df, edgemode='directed')
g.bam <- initEdgeAttribute (g.bam, 'weight', 'numeric', 0.0)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g.bam)
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
# paint the edges shades of green as function of weight
setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cw, 5)
setEdgeColorRule (cw, 'weight', c (0, 1), c ('#FFFFFF', '#00FF00'), mode='interpolate')
# select M, then its immediate neighbors
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cw), 0)
checkEquals (sort (getFirstNeighbors (cw, 'M')), c ('L', 'N'))
selectNodes (cw, 'M')
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cw), 1)
selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes (cw)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cw), 3)
checkEquals (sort (getSelectedNodes (cw)), c ('L', 'M', 'N'))
sfn (cw)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cw), 5)
nodes = sort (getSelectedNodes (cw))
checkEquals (nodes, c ("K", "L", "M", "N", "O"))
invisible (cw)
} # test.nodeNeighborReportingAndSelection
test.invertSelection = function ()
title = 'test.invertSelection'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
clearSelection (cwe)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0)
cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, c ('A', 'B'))
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
for (i in 1:5) {
invertNodeSelection (cwe)
redraw (cwe)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 1)
invertNodeSelection (cwe)
redraw (cwe)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
} # for i
#deleteSelectedNodes ()
clearSelection (cwe)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.invertSelection
test.deleteSelectedNodes = function ()
title = 'test.deleteSelectedNodes'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
clearSelection (cwe)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0)
cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, c ('A', 'B'))
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
for (i in 1:5) {
invertNodeSelection (cwe)
redraw (cwe)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 1)
invertNodeSelection (cwe)
redraw (cwe)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
} # for i
invisible (cwe)
} # test.invertNodeSelection
# reveals unexpected behavior of 'unhideAll': nodes & edges from other unknown places are 'unhidden' as well (pshannon: 07 jan 2011)
test.hideNodes = function ()
title = 'test.hideNodes'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
clearSelection (cwe)
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0)
cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, c ('A', 'B'))
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
checkEquals (getNodeCount (cwe), 3)
hideSelectedNodes (cwe)
checkEquals (getNodeCount (cwe), 1)
unhideAll (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe)
redraw (cwe)
#checkEquals (getNodeCount (cwe), 3)
msg (cwe, 'test.selectNodes')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.hideNodes
test.selectEdges = function ()
title = 'test.selectEdges'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
clearSelection (cw)
checkEquals (getSelectedEdgeCount (cw), 0)
# not yet possible to select edges through CytoscapeRPCCallHandler
selectEdges (cw, "A (phosphorylates) B")
checkEquals (getSelectedEdgeCount (cw), 1)
Sys.sleep (1)
clearSelection (cw)
checkEquals (getSelectedEdgeCount (cw), 0)
msg (cw, 'test.selectEdges')
invisible (cw)
} # test.selectEdges
test.getAdjacentEdgeNames = function ()
title = 'test.getAdjacentEdgeNames'
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
expected.names = c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (undefined) A")
checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))), expected.names)
checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, 'A')), expected.names [c (1,3)])
checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, 'B')), expected.names [c (1,2)])
checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, 'C')), expected.names [c (2,3)])
checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, c ('A', 'B'))), expected.names [1:3])
checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, c ('B', 'C'))), expected.names [1:3])
checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, c ('A', 'C'))), expected.names [1:3])
invisible (g)
} # test.getAdjacentEdgeNames
test.setEdgeLineStyleRule = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeLineStyleRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
line.styles = c ('SINEWAVE', 'DOT', 'PARALLEL_LINES')
edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
checkEquals (length (intersect (line.styles, getLineStyles (cwe))), 3)
setEdgeLineStyleRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, line.styles)
# test one-element lists
line.styles = c ('DOT')
edgeType.values = c ('synthetic lethal')
checkEquals (length (intersect (line.styles, getLineStyles (cwe))), 1)
setEdgeLineStyleRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, line.styles)
msg (cwe, 'test.setEdgeLineStyleRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setEdgeLineStyleRule
test.setEdgeLineWidthRule = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeLineWidthRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
line.styles = c ('SINEWAVE', 'DOT', 'PARALLEL_LINES')
edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
checkEquals (length (intersect (line.styles, getLineStyles (cwe))), 3)
setEdgeLineStyleRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, line.styles)
setEdgeLineWidthRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, c (0, 8, 16))
# try one-element lists
setEdgeLineWidthRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values [1], 10)
msg (cwe, 'test.setEdgeLineStyleRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setEdgeLineWidthRule
test.setEdgeColorRule = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeColorRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
colors = c ('#FF0000', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00')
setEdgeColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, colors, mode='lookup')
Sys.sleep (1)
all.white = c ('#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF')
setEdgeColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values [2], mode='lookup', '#000000')
# now create a continuous ('interpolate') mode rule, using the score edge attribute
score.values = c (-15, 0, 40);
colors = c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000')
setEdgeColorRule (cwe, 'score', score.values, colors, mode='interpolate')
# now swap the colors
colors = c ('#FF0000', '#000000', '#00FF00')
setEdgeColorRule (cwe, 'score', score.values, colors, mode='interpolate')
msg (cwe, 'test.setEdgeColorRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setEdgeColorRule
test.setEdgeOpacityRule = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeOpacityRule'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
edgeType.values = c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined")
# want to see edges and both arrows, to check success of opacity rule
setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, rep ('ARROW', 3))
setEdgeSourceArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, rep ('ARROW', 3))
setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cw, 5)
redraw (cw)
# do the lookup rule
opacities = c (25, 100, 255)
setEdgeOpacityRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, opacities, mode='lookup')
redraw (cw)
# now do the interpolated version
opacities = c (10, 125, 255)
control.points = c (-12, 0, 35)
setEdgeOpacityRule (cw, 'score', control.points, opacities, mode='interpolate')
redraw (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeOpacityRule
test.setEdgeTargetArrowRule = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeTargetArrowRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
arrows = c ('Delta', 'T', 'Diamond')
edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
checkEquals (length (intersect (arrows, getArrowShapes (cwe))), 3)
setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
msg (cwe, 'test.setEdgeTargetArrowRule')
# now test the list-of-length-one call. the called method will double the list to get past the xmlrpc
# treatment of lists of length one as scalars, and a failed signature match
arrows = c ('Circle')
edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates')
checkEquals (length (intersect (arrows, getArrowShapes (cwe))), 1)
setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
msg (cwe, 'test.setEdgeTargetArrowRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setEdgeTargetArrowRule
test.setEdgeArrowColorRules = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeArrowColorRules'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
#xml.rpc (cwe@uri, 'Cytoscape.discreteMapper', as.character (, 'default', 'edgeType', 'Edge Target Arrow Color',
# '#FFFFFF', c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"),
# #c ("#0000AA", "#00AA00", "#AA0000"))
# c ("#AA00AA", "#AAAA00", "#AA0000"))
#xml.rpc (cwe@uri, 'Cytoscape.createContinuousEdgeVisualStyle', 'edgeType', 'Edge Target Arrow Color',
# c (-40, 0, 40), c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'))
colors.1 = c ("#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF")
colors.2 = c ("#AA00AA", "#AAAA00", "#AA0000")
setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"), colors.1)
setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"), colors.1)
system ('sleep 2')
setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"), colors.2)
setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"), colors.2)
# test one-element list
setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', "phosphorylates", '#000000')
msg (cwe, 'test.setEdgeArrowColorRules')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setEdgetArrowColorRules
test.setEdgeSourceArrowRule = function ()
title = 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowRule'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
arrows = c ('Arrow', 'Diamond', 'Circle')
edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
checkEquals (length (intersect (arrows, getArrowShapes (cwe))), 3)
setEdgeSourceArrowRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
# test one-element rule
setEdgeSourceArrowRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values [2], arrows [2])
msg (cwe, 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowRule')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setEdgeSourceArrowRule
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = function ()
title = ''
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
# establish the rules which apply during the full run of the movie
# different node sizes and node colors are created, not by changing these rules, but
# by changing node attribute values, for the integer attribute 'count' and the numeric attribute 'lfc'
count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
sizes = c (20, 50, 100)
setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'lfc', c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0), c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'), mode='interpolate')
count = 3
# three renderings of the 3-node, 3-edge network are created in this loop, which runs 'count' times
# the first two set new attributes on the R graph data structure, then ask RCy to send those values
# to R from the graph
# the third rendering bypasses storage of new attribute values on the R graph, sending them instead
# directly to Cytoscape. (hence 'setNodeAttributesDirect')
for (i in 1:count) {
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'A', 'lfc') = -3.0
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'B', 'lfc') = -0.7
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'C', 'lfc') = -1.9
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'A', 'count') = 10
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'B', 'count') = 140
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'C', 'count') = 32
result = setNodeAttributes (cwe, 'lfc')
result = setNodeAttributes (cwe, 'count')
redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'A', 'lfc') = 3.0
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'B', 'lfc') = 0.7
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'C', 'lfc') = 1.9
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'A', 'count') = 50
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'B', 'count') = 22
nodeData (cwe@graph, 'C', 'count') = 180
result = setNodeAttributes (cwe, 'lfc')
result = setNodeAttributes (cwe, 'count')
redraw (cwe)
Sys.sleep (1)
count.A = round (runif (1, 1, 200))
count.B = round (runif (1, 1, 200))
count.C = round (runif (1, 1, 200))
result = setNodeAttributesDirect (cwe, 'count', 'int', c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (count.A, count.B, count.C));
result = setNodeAttributesDirect (cwe, 'lfc', 'numeric', c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
redraw (cwe)
if (i < count) Sys.sleep (1)
} # for i
msg (cwe, '')
invisible (cwe)
} #
test.unmatchedAttributesError = function ()
title = 'test.unmatchedAttributesError'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
# this works
count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
sizes = c (20, 50, 100)
setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
redraw (cwe)
# this should fail gracefully
count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
sizes = c (20, 50, 100)
setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
redraw (cwe)
msg (cwe, 'test.unmatchedAttributesError')
invisible (cwe)
} # test.unmatchedAttributesError
#run.tests ()
#RCytoscape:::makeRandomGraph ()
# this tests the otherwise invisible method in RCytocape.R, called to compensate for the extra edges and edge attributes
# packed into an undirected graph = function ()
title = ''
window.prep (title)
# create a small random graph,
set.seed (333)
V = letters [1:4]
gu = randomEGraph (V, 0.7)
# add 2 node attributes
nodeDataDefaults (gu, 'count') = 0
nodeDataDefaults (gu, 'char') = 'X'
counts = sample (1:100, length (nodes (gu)))
chars = sample (letters, length (nodes (gu)))
for (i in 1: length (nodes (gu))) {
nodeData (gu, nodes (gu)[i], 'count') = counts [i]
nodeData (gu, nodes (gu)[i], 'char') = chars [i]
} # for i
# now add an edge attribute, in addition to the 'weight' attribute which randomEGraph supplies
edgeDataDefaults (gu, 'pmid') = '9999999'
edge.node.pairs = strsplit (edgeNames (gu), '\\~')
for (node.pair in edge.node.pairs) {
source.node = node.pair [1]
target.node = node.pair [2]
pmid.fake = 87654321 + sample (1:1000, 1)
edgeData (gu, source.node, target.node, 'pmid') = as.character (pmid.fake)
} # for node.pair
gu.fixed = (gu)
gu.copy = gu
# do some basic checks: nodes? edges? count of node & edge attributes? edge attribute names? node attribute names?
checkEquals (sort (nodes (gu)), sort (nodes (gu.fixed)))
checkEquals (sort (edgeNames (gu)), sort (edgeNames (gu.fixed)))
checkEquals (length (edgeDataDefaults (gu)), length (edgeDataDefaults (gu.fixed)))
checkEquals (length (nodeDataDefaults (gu)), length (nodeDataDefaults (gu.fixed)))
checkEquals (eda.names (gu), eda.names (gu.fixed))
checkEquals (noa.names (gu), noa.names (gu.fixed))
# now check that the default edge attribute values are all the same
if (length (edgeDataDefaults (gu) > 0))
checkTrue (all (sapply (names (edgeDataDefaults (gu)), function (
checkEquals (edgeDataDefaults (gu,, edgeDataDefaults (gu.fixed,
# having checked the default eda's above, now check the specific assigned values
edge.node.pairs = strsplit (edgeNames (gu.fixed), '\\~')
eda.names = eda.names (gu.fixed)
for (node.pair in edge.node.pairs) {
source.node = node.pair [1]
target.node = node.pair [2]
for (edge.attribute in eda.names) {
checkEquals (unlist (edgeData (gu, source.node, target.node, edge.attribute), use.names=FALSE),
unlist (edgeData (gu.fixed, source.node, target.node, edge.attribute), use.names=FALSE))
} # for each edge.attribute
} # for edge
# was all the node data transferred properly?
if (length (nodeDataDefaults (gu)) > 0) {
for (node in nodes (gu)) {
for (node.attribute in noa.names (gu.fixed)) {
checkEquals (unlist (nodeData (gu, node, node.attribute), use.names=FALSE),
unlist (nodeData (gu.fixed, node, node.attribute), use.names=FALSE))
} # for node.attribute
} # for node
} # if length
invisible (gu.fixed)
} #
test.randomUndirectedGraph = function ()
title = 'test.randomUndirectedGraph'
window.prep (title)
g.random = RCytoscape::makeRandomGraph ()
edgeData (g.random, '1', '2', 'weight') = 0.55
edgeData (g.random, '1', '2', 'pmid') = '12345678'
cwr = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g.random)
displayGraph (cwr)
layoutNetwork (cwr, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwr)
invisible (cwr)
} # test.randomUndirectedGraph
test.simpleGraph = function (apply.viz.rules=TRUE, do.redraw=TRUE)
title = 'test.simpleGraph'
window.prep (title)
g.simple = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cws = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g.simple)
displayGraph (cws)
layoutNetwork (cws, 'jgraph-spring')
if (apply.viz.rules) {
setNodeLabelRule (cws, 'label')
setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cws, 5)
node.attribute.values = c ("kinase", "transcription factor")
colors = c ('#A0AA00', '#FF0000')
setNodeBorderColorRule (cws, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#88FF22')
count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
sizes = c (20, 50, 100)
setNodeSizeRule (cws, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
setNodeColorRule (cws, 'lfc', c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0), c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'), mode='interpolate')
redraw (cws)
} # if apply.viz.rules
invisible (cws)
} # test.simpleGraph
test.simpleGraphWithReciprocalEdge = function ()
title = 'test.simpleGraphWithReciprocalEdge'
window.prep (title)
g.simple = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
g.simple = graph::addEdge ('C', 'B', g.simple)
edgeData (g.simple, 'C', 'B', attr='edgeType') = 'synthetic rescue'
edgeData (g.simple, 'C', 'B', attr='score') = 42
edgeData (g.simple, 'C', 'B', attr='misc') = 'ellany'
g <<- g.simple
cws = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g.simple)
cws.x <<- cws
displayGraph (cws)
layoutNetwork (cws, 'jgraph-spring')
setNodeLabelRule (cws, 'label')
node.attribute.values = c ("kinase", "transcription factor")
colors = c ('#A0AA00', '#FF0000')
setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cws, 5)
setNodeBorderColorRule (cws, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#88FF22')
count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
sizes = c (20, 50, 100)
setNodeSizeRule (cws, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
setNodeColorRule (cws, 'lfc', c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0), c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'), mode='interpolate')
arrows = c ('Arrow', 'Arrow', 'Arrow', 'None')
edgeType.values <- c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'synthetic rescue', 'undefined')
setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cws, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'synthetic rescue', 'undefined')
edgeColors = c ('#0000AA', '#000000', '#00AA00', '#FFFFFF')
setEdgeColorRule (cws, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, edgeColors, mode='lookup')
redraw (cws)
msg (cws, title)
invisible (cws)
} # test.simpleGraphWithReciprocalEdge
test.setGraph = function ()
title = 'test.setGraph'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title)
checkEquals (length (nodes (getGraph (cw))), 0)
new.graph = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = setGraph (cw, new.graph)
checkEquals (length (nodes (getGraph (cw))), 3)
msg (cw, 'test.setGraph')
invisible (cw)
} # test.setGraph
test.setNodePosition = function ()
title = 'test.setNodePosition'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring') # get a reasonable starting layout, with the nodes well-separate
center.x = 200
center.y = 200
radius = 200
angles = rep (seq (0, 360, 5), 3) # sweep through full revoltion 3 times, 5 degrees at a time
# move just the A node, swinging it around the 'center' at 200, 200.
# it would be nice not know more about the coordinate system than I now do, perhaps to
# query current position on any node
for (angle in angles) { = angle * pi / 180
x = center.x + (radius * cos (
y = center.y + (radius * sin (
setNodePosition (cwe, 'A', x, y)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.setNodePosition
test.getNodePosition = function ()
title = 'test.getNodePosition'
window.prep (title)
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
xx <<- cwe
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring') # get a reasonable starting layout, with the nodes well-separate
# the scheme: get current positions, find their mean, place all the nodes there,
# get their new positions, check to see that they are the means just set.
positions <<- getNodePosition (cwe, c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
# place the nodes on top of each other, at the center of their 3-cornered original layout
center.x = as.integer (round (mean (as.integer (sapply (positions, function (pos) pos$x)))))
center.y = as.integer (round (mean (as.integer (sapply (positions, function (pos) pos$y)))))
setNodePosition (cwe, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), rep (center.x, 3), rep (center.y, 3))
current.x = getNodePosition (cwe, 'A')[[1]]$x
current.y = getNodePosition (cwe, 'A')[[1]]$y
#printf ('center: %d %d', center.x, center.y)
#printf ('current: %d %d', current.x, current.y)
checkEqualsNumeric (current.x, center.x, tol=1)
checkEqualsNumeric (current.y, center.y, tol=1)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.getNodePosition
# until now, the encoding trick for returning node positions from RCytoscape has been to separate node name from x,y by ':'
# "2022:417.0,122.0" "659:156.0,0.0"
test.getNodePosition.colonInNodeName = function ()
title = 'test.getNodePosition.colonInNodeName'
window.prep (title)
g = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph () = 'abcd:xyz::1234,funky?!'
g = graph::addNode (, g)
nodeData (g,, 'label') =
cwe = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cwe)
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cwe)
xx <<- cwe
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'jgraph-spring') # get a reasonable starting layout, with the nodes well-separate
# the scheme: get current positions, find their mean, place all the nodes there,
# get their new positions, check to see that they are the means just set.
positions <<- getNodePosition (cwe, c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
# place the nodes on top of each other, at the center of their 3-cornered original layout
center.x = as.integer (round (mean (as.integer (sapply (positions, function (pos) pos$x)))))
center.y = as.integer (round (mean (as.integer (sapply (positions, function (pos) pos$y)))))
# rearrange the positions
layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
# superimpose A,B, and C in the center
setNodePosition (cwe, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), rep (center.x, 3), rep (center.y, 3))
x.funky = center.x + 50
y.funky = center.y + 50
# offset
setNodePosition (cwe,, x.funky, y.funky)
fitContent (cwe)
setZoom (cwe, 0.75 * getZoom (cwe))
# now check that the nodes have been repositioned from grid to centered (A,B,C) and offset (
current.x = getNodePosition (cwe, 'A')[[1]]$x
current.y = getNodePosition (cwe, 'A')[[1]]$y
checkEqualsNumeric (current.x, center.x, tol=1)
checkEqualsNumeric (current.y, center.y, tol=1)
funky.pos.x = getNodePosition (cwe, [[1]]$x
funky.pos.y = getNodePosition (cwe, [[1]]$y
checkEqualsNumeric (funky.pos.x, x.funky, tol=1)
checkEqualsNumeric (funky.pos.y, y.funky, tol=1)
invisible (cwe)
} # test.getNodePosition.colonInNodeName
test.getNodeSize = function ()
title = 'test.getNodeSize'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
# establish a good starting point
setNodeSizeDirect (cw, nodes (cw@graph), rep (100, 3))
redraw (cw)
sizes = getNodeSize (cw, nodes (cw@graph))
# these next test pass fine in uncomplicated circumstances, but (apparently) fail due to
# vizmap complexities when lots of windows are or have been open
#checkEquals (sizes$width, c (100, 100, 100))
#checkEquals (sizes$height, c (100, 100, 100))
setNodeSizeDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B'), 150); redraw (cw)
sizes = getNodeSize (cw, nodes (cw@graph))
# these next test pass fine in uncomplicated circumstances, but (apparently) fail due to
# vizmap complexities when lots of windows are or have been open
#checkEquals (sizes$width, c (150, 150, 100))
#checkEquals (sizes$height, c (150, 150, 100))
setNodeSizeDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B'), c (180, 32)); redraw (cw)
sizes = getNodeSize (cw, nodes (cw@graph))
#checkEquals (sizes$width, c (180, 32, 100))
#checkEquals (sizes$height, c (180, 32, 100))
# now allow for non-symmetric dimensions, in which width and height are set separately
lockNodeDimensions (cw, FALSE)
setNodeHeightDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (12, 22, 32))
setNodeWidthDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (120, 122, 132))
redraw (cw)
sizes = getNodeSize (cw, 'B')
#checkEquals (sizes$width, 122)
#checkEquals (sizes$height, 22)
# return to symmetric dimensions
lockNodeDimensions (cw, TRUE)
redraw (cw)
# not sure how width and height are rectified. it appears that the last-used width=height values are returned
sizes = getNodeSize (cw, nodes (cw@graph))
#checkEquals (sizes$width, sizes$height)
invisible (cw)
} # test.getNodeSize
test.haveNodeAttribute = function ()
title = 'test.haveNodeAttribute'
window.prep (title)
cw3 = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw3)
redraw (cw3)
layoutNetwork (cw3)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
nodes.with.attribute = RCytoscape:::haveNodeAttribute (cy, nodes (getGraph (cw3)), 'lfc')
checkEquals (sort (nodes.with.attribute), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
checkEquals (length (RCytoscape:::haveNodeAttribute (cy, nodes (getGraph (cw3)), 'type')), 3)
checkEquals (length (RCytoscape:::haveNodeAttribute (cy, nodes (getGraph (cw3)), 'label')), 3)
checkEquals (length (RCytoscape:::haveNodeAttribute (cy, nodes (getGraph (cw3)), 'count')), 3)
checkEquals (length (RCytoscape:::haveNodeAttribute (cy, nodes (getGraph (cw3)), 'bogus')), 0)
invisible (cw3)
} # test.haveNodeAttribute
test.haveEdgeAttribute = function ()
title = 'test.haveEdgeAttribute'
window.prep (title)
cw3 = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw3)
redraw (cw3)
layoutNetwork (cw3)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
cy2.edgenames = as.character (cy2.edge.names (getGraph (cw3)))
edges.with.attribute = RCytoscape:::haveEdgeAttribute (cy, cy2.edgenames, 'edgeType')
checkEquals (length (edges.with.attribute), 3)
checkTrue ("A (phosphorylates) B" %in% edges.with.attribute)
checkTrue ("B (synthetic lethal) C" %in% edges.with.attribute)
checkTrue ("C (undefined) A" %in% edges.with.attribute)
checkTrue (length (RCytoscape:::haveEdgeAttribute (cy, cy2.edgenames, 'score')) == 3)
checkTrue (length (RCytoscape:::haveEdgeAttribute (cy, cy2.edgenames, 'misc')) == 3)
checkTrue (length (RCytoscape:::haveEdgeAttribute (cy, cy2.edgenames, 'bogus')) == 0)
} # test.haveEdgeAttribute
hiddenTest.haveEdgeAttribute.oneEdgeOnly = function ()
title = 'test.haveEdgeAttribute.oneEdgeOnly'
window.prep (title)
g = makeSimpleGraph ()
g = removeNode ('A', g)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
cy2.edgenames = as.character (cy2.edge.names (getGraph (cw)))
checkTrue (length (RCytoscape:::haveEdgeAttribute (cy, cy2.edgenames, 'score')) == 1)
} # hiddenTest.haveEdgeAttribute.oneEdgeOnly
test.copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph = function ()
title = 'test.copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph'
window.prep (title)
cw3 = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw3)
redraw (cw3)
layoutNetwork (cw3)
# we can now depend upon Cytoscape holding its own version of cw3@graph
# in expected use, we expect that 'getGraphFromWindow' will be called, to get the nodes, edges, and both
# node & edge attributes
# but here, we only want to test the reliabiilty of querying the Cytoscape version of the graph for all of its node
# attributes. so we build a 3-node graph, *without* attributes, and pass that to copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph,
# which should copy those Cytoscape graph node attributes onto the graph we pass in.
g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
g = graph::addNode (c ('A', 'B', 'C'), g)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
g2 = RCytoscape:::copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph (cy, getWindowID (cy, title), g)
checkEquals (length (intersect (noa.names (g2), c ("canonicalName", "count", "label", "lfc", "type"))), 5)
checkEquals (as.character (nodeData (g2, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), attr='canonicalName')), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
checkEquals (as.integer (nodeData (g2, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), attr='count')), c (2, 30, 100))
checkEquals (as.numeric (nodeData (g2, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), attr='lfc')), c (-3, 0, 3))
checkEquals (as.character (nodeData (g2, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), attr='type')), c ("kinase", "transcription factor", "glycoprotein"))
invisible (cw3)
} # test.copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph
test.copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph = function ()
title = 'test.copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph'
window.prep (title)
cw3 = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw3)
redraw (cw3)
layoutNetwork (cw3)
g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
g = graph::addNode (c ('A', 'B', 'C'), g)
g = graph::addEdge("A", "B", g)
g = graph::addEdge("B", "C", g)
g = graph::addEdge("C", "A", g)
# "C (undefined) A" "B (synthetic lethal) C" "A (phosphorylates) B"
edgeDataDefaults (g, 'edgeType') = 'undefined'
edgeData (g, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') = 'phosphorylates'
edgeData (g, 'B', 'C', 'edgeType') = 'synthetic lethal'
edgeData (g, 'C', 'A', 'edgeType') = 'undefined'
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
g2 = RCytoscape:::copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph (cy, cw3, g)
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'score') [['A|B']], 35)
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'score') [['B|C']], -12)
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'score') [['C|A']], 0)
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'edgeType') [['A|B']], 'phosphorylates')
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'edgeType') [['B|C']], 'synthetic lethal')
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'edgeType') [['C|A']], 'undefined')
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'interaction') [['A|B']], 'phosphorylates')
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'interaction') [['B|C']], 'synthetic lethal')
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'interaction') [['C|A']], 'undefined')
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'misc') [['A|B']], 'default misc')
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'misc') [['B|C']], 'default misc')
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'misc') [['C|A']], 'default misc')
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'canonicalName') [['A|B']], "A (phosphorylates) B")
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'canonicalName') [['B|C']], "B (synthetic lethal) C")
checkEquals (eda (g2, 'canonicalName') [['C|A']], "C (undefined) A")
invisible (g2)
} # test.copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph
test.getGraphFromCyWindow = function ()
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
title = 'test.getGraphFromCyWindow'
window.prep (title)
cw3 = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw3)
redraw (cw3)
layoutNetwork (cw3)
g3 = getGraphFromCyWindow (cy, 'test.getGraphFromCyWindow')
checkEquals (sort (nodes (g3)), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
checkEquals (length (intersect (noa.names (g3), c ("canonicalName", "count", "label", "lfc", "type"))), 5)
checkEquals (as.character (sort (noa (g3, 'canonicalName'))), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
checkEquals (as.integer (sort (noa (g3, 'count'))), c (2, 30, 100))
checkEquals (as.character (sort (noa (g3, 'label'))), c ('Gene A', 'Gene B', 'Gene C'))
checkEquals (as.numeric (sort (noa (g3, 'lfc'))), c (-3, 0, 3))
checkEquals (as.character (sort (noa (g3, 'type'))), c ("glycoprotein", "kinase", "transcription factor"))
checkEquals (length (intersect (eda.names (g3), c ("canonicalName", "edgeType", "interaction", "misc", "score"))), 5)
checkEquals (sort (names (cy2.edge.names (g3))), c ('A~B', 'B~C', 'C~A'))
checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g3))), c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (undefined) A"))
checkEquals (as.character (sort (eda (g3, 'edgeType'))), c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"))
checkEquals (as.character (sort (eda (g3, 'canonicalName'))), c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (undefined) A"))
checkEquals (as.character (sort (eda (g3, 'interaction'))), c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"))
checkEquals (as.character (sort (eda (g3, 'misc'))), c ("default misc", "default misc", "default misc"))
checkEquals (as.numeric (sort (eda (g3, 'score'))), c (-12, 0, 35))
invisible (g3)
} # test.getGraphFromCyWindow
# try graphs with no edges, then one with neither nodes nor edges
# todo: try single node, and single edge graphs.
test.sendDegenerateGraphs = function ()
title = 'test.sendDegenerateGraphs'
window.prep (title) <<- new ('graphNEL') <<- addNode (c ('A', 'B'),
cw.degen <<- new.CytoscapeWindow (title,
displayGraph (cw.degen)
redraw (cw.degen)
layoutNetwork (cw.degen, 'grid')
title = 'test.sendEmptyGraph'
window.prep (title)
g.empty <<- new ('graphNEL')
cw.empty <<- new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g.empty)
displayGraph (cw.empty)
redraw (cw.empty)
layoutNetwork (cw.empty, 'grid')
invisible (cw.empty)
} # test.sendDegenerateGraphs
# sending single strings from R to java via xmlrpc, when lists are expected, changes the signature match.
# make sure we have a solution.
#test.sendGraphWithSingleEdge = function ()
# title = 'test.sendGraphWithSingleEdge'
# window.prep (title)
# g = makeSimpleGraph ()
# g = removeNode ('B', g)
# cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
# displayGraph (cw)
# redraw (cw)
# layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
# checkEquals (getEdgeCount (cw), 1)
# invisible (cw)
#} # test.sendGraphWithSingleEdge
test.sendBigGraph = function ()
title = 'test.sendBigGraph'
window.prep (title)
probability.of.edge.being.selected = 0.05
node.names = as.character (1:30)
g.big <<- randomEGraph (node.names, probability.of.edge.being.selected)
g.big <<- initEdgeAttribute (g.big, 'weight', 'numeric', 0.0)
write (sprintf (title, length (nodes (g.big)), length (edgeNames (g.big))), stderr ())
cbig <<- new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g.big)
stopifnot (class (cbig) == "CytoscapeWindowClass")
displayGraph (cbig)
redraw (cbig)
layoutNetwork (cbig, 'grid')
invisible (cbig)
} # test.sendBigGraph
test.createWindowFromSelection = function ()
title = 'test.createWindowFromSelection'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
selectNodes (cw, c ('A', 'C'))
new.window.title = 'NEW'
if (new.window.title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy)))
deleteWindow (cy, new.window.title)
c2 = createWindowFromSelection (cw, new.window.title, TRUE)
redraw (c2)
layoutNetwork (c2)
clearSelection (c2)
selectNodes (c2, 'C')
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (c2), 1)
new.window.title = 'NEW, just 1 node'
if (new.window.title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy)))
deleteWindow (cy, new.window.title)
c3 = createWindowFromSelection (c2, new.window.title, T)
redraw (c3)
layoutNetwork (c3)
invisible (list (cw=cw, c2=c2, c3=c3))
} # test.createWindowFromSelection
test.addGraphToGraph = function ()
title = 'test.addGraphToGraph'
window.prep (title)
cw3 <<- new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw3)
redraw (cw3)
layoutNetwork (cw3)
g2 <<- new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
g2 <<- graph::addNode ('A', g2)
g2 <<- graph::addNode ('B', g2)
g2 <<- graph::addNode ('D', g2)
g2 <<- graph::addNode ('E', g2)
g2 <<- initNodeAttribute (g2, "label", "char", "default node label")
g2 <<- initNodeAttribute (g2, "type", "char", "unspecified type")
g2 <<- initNodeAttribute (g2, "SCORE", "numeric", 0.0)
g2 <<- initEdgeAttribute (g2, "edgeType", "char", "unspecified")
g2 <<- initEdgeAttribute (g2, "probability", "numeric", 0.0)
nodeData (g2, 'D', 'label') <<- 'Gene D'
nodeData (g2, 'E', 'label') <<- 'Gene E'
nodeData (g2, 'D', 'type') <<- 'new and novel'
nodeData (g2, 'E', 'type') <<- 'new and credible'
nodeData (g2, 'D', 'SCORE') <<- 1001.01
nodeData (g2, 'E', 'SCORE') <<- 99.09
g2 <<- graph::addEdge ('D', 'E', g2)
g2 <<- graph::addEdge ('A', 'E', g2)
#g2 <<- graph::addEdge ('A', 'B', g2)
edgeData (g2, 'D', 'E', 'probability') <<- 0.95
edgeData (g2, 'D', 'E', 'edgeType') <<- 'literature'
edgeData (g2, 'A', 'E', 'edgeType') <<- 'inferred'
addGraphToGraph (cw3, g2)
redraw (cw3)
layoutNetwork (cw3)
# now copy the combined graph back to R, check it for consistency
cw.copy <<- existing.CytoscapeWindow ('test.addGraphToGraph', copy=T)
# first, simple node and edge names
checkEquals (sort (nodes (cw.copy@graph)), c ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'))
checkEquals (sort (edgeNames (cw.copy@graph)), c ("A~B", "A~E", "B~C", "C~A", "D~E"))
# are all the expected node and edge attributes present?
checkEquals (length (intersect (noa.names (cw.copy@graph), c ("canonicalName", "count", "label", "lfc", "SCORE", "type"))), 6)
# edge attributes
checkEquals (length (intersect (eda.names (cw.copy@graph), c ("canonicalName", "edgeType", "interaction", "misc", "probability", "score"))), 6)
# check the node label attributes
checkEquals (nodeData (cw.copy@graph, attr='label')$A, 'Gene A')
checkEquals (nodeData (cw.copy@graph, attr='label')$B, 'Gene B')
checkEquals (nodeData (cw.copy@graph, attr='label')$C, 'Gene C')
checkEquals (nodeData (cw.copy@graph, attr='label')$D, 'Gene D')
checkEquals (nodeData (cw.copy@graph, attr='label')$E, 'Gene E')
# check the edgeType attributes
checkEquals (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'B', attr='edgeType')[[1]], 'phosphorylates')
checkEquals (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'E', attr='edgeType')[[1]], 'inferred')
checkEquals (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'B', 'C', attr='edgeType')[[1]], 'synthetic lethal')
checkEquals (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'C', 'A', attr='edgeType')[[1]], 'undefined')
checkEquals (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'D', 'E', attr='edgeType')[[1]], 'literature')
# check the edge probability attributes
checkEquals (as.numeric (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'B', attr='probability')[[1]]), 0.0)
checkEquals (as.numeric (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'E', attr='probability')[[1]]), 0.0)
checkEquals (as.numeric (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'B', 'C', attr='probability')[[1]]), 0.0)
checkEquals (as.numeric (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'C', 'A', attr='probability')[[1]]), 0.0)
checkEquals (as.numeric (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'D', 'E', attr='probability')[[1]]), 0.95)
checkEquals (as.integer (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'B', attr='score')[[1]]), 35)
checkEquals (as.integer (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'E', attr='score')[[1]]), 0)
checkEquals (as.integer (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'B', 'C', attr='score')[[1]]), -12)
checkEquals (as.integer (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'C', 'A', attr='score')[[1]]), 0)
checkEquals (as.integer (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'D', 'E', attr='score')[[1]]), 0)
invisible (cw.copy)
} # test.addGraphToGraph
test.addGraphToGraph.degenerateFirstGraph = function ()
window.title = 'test.addGraphToGraph.degenerateFirstGraph'
g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
g = addNode ('A', g)
g = addNode ('E', g)
g = addNode ('F', g)
window.prep (window.title)
cw <<- new.CytoscapeWindow (window.title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
g2 <<- makeSimpleGraph ()
addGraphToGraph (cw, g2)
invisible (cw)
} # test.addGraphToGraph.degenerateFirstGraph
test.existing.CytoscapeWindow = function ()
title = 'test.existing.CytoscapeWindow'
window.prep (title)
# first, try our standard 3-node, 3-edge testing graph
cw <<- new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
cw2 <<- existing.CytoscapeWindow (title, copy=TRUE)
g2 <<- cw2@graph
checkEquals (sort (nodes (g2)), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
checkEquals (sort (edgeNames (g2)), c ("A~B", "B~C", "C~A"))
} # test.existingCytoscapeWindow
test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.noEdges = function ()
window.title = 'test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.noEdges'
window.prep (window.title)
g.edgeless = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
g.edgeless = addNode ('X', g.edgeless)
g.edgeless = addNode ('Y', g.edgeless)
g.edgeless = addNode ('Z', g.edgeless)
cw.edgeless = new.CytoscapeWindow (window.title, graph=g.edgeless)
displayGraph (cw.edgeless)
redraw (cw.edgeless)
layoutNetwork (cw.edgeless)
cw3 = existing.CytoscapeWindow (window.title, copy=TRUE)
g3 = cw3@graph
checkEquals (sort (nodes (g3)), c ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))
checkEquals (length (edgeNames (g3)), 0)
invisible (cw3)
} # test.existingCytoscapeWindow.noEdges
test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.emptyGraph = function ()
window.title = 'test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.emptyGraph'
window.prep (window.title)
cw.empty = new.CytoscapeWindow (window.title)
checkEquals (length (nodes (cw.empty@graph)), 0)
displayGraph (cw.empty)
redraw (cw.empty)
layoutNetwork (cw.empty)
cw3 <<- existing.CytoscapeWindow (window.title, copy=TRUE)
g3 <<- cw3@graph
checkEquals (length (nodes (g3)), 0)
checkEquals (length (edges(g3)), 0)
} # test.existingCytoscapeWindow.emptyGraph
# can we create an edge attribute de novo?
# can we set its value? retrieve its value?
test.getAttributeNames = function ()
} # test.addEdgeAttribute
test.addGetAndDeleteEdgeAttributes = function ()
title = 'test.addGetAndDeleteEdgeAttributes'
window.prep (title)
g = makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = CytoscapeWindow ('test.addGetAndDeleteEdgeAttributes', graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
# in this test we add two new edge attributes, 'species' and 'ageInYears'
# if they are already defined, from a previous run of this test, start by deleting them. = intersect (c ('ageInYears', 'treeSpecies'), getEdgeAttributeNames(cy))
for ( in
deleteEdgeAttribute (cy,
# canonicalName and interaction are added by Cytoscape
checkEquals (length (intersect (getEdgeAttributeNames (cy), c ("canonicalName", "edgeType", "interaction", "misc", "score"))), 5)
# now add an attribute to two of the edges
first.two.edges = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g)[1:2])
values = c ('hemlock', 'yew')
setEdgeAttributesDirect (cw, 'treeSpecies', 'char', first.two.edges, values)
# now add an attribute to a single edge. this exercises a different branch in RCytoscape:setEdgeAttributesDirect
first.edge = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g)[1])
value = 'one century'
setEdgeAttributesDirect (cw, 'ageInYears', 'char', first.edge, value)
checkTrue ('ageInYears' %in% getEdgeAttributeNames (cw))
# get names from cy2.edge.names (cw@graph)
checkEquals (getEdgeAttribute (cw, "B (synthetic lethal) C", 'treeSpecies'), "yew")
checkEquals (getEdgeAttribute (cw, "B (synthetic lethal) C", 'score'), -12)
deleteEdgeAttribute (cy, 'species')
deleteEdgeAttribute (cy, 'ageInYears')
invisible (cw)
} # test.addGetAndDeleteEdgeAttributes
test.addGetAndDeleteNodeAttributes = function ()
title = 'test.addGetAndDeleteNodeAttributes'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
# in this test we add two new node attributes, 'species' and 'ageInYears'
# if they are already defined, from a previous run of this test, start by deleting them. = intersect (c ('ageInYears', 'treeSpecies'), getNodeAttributeNames(cy))
for ( in
deleteNodeAttribute (cy,
g = makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
redraw (cw)
x <<- cw
# canonicalName is added by Cytoscape
checkEquals (length (intersect (getNodeAttributeNames (cy), c ("canonicalName", "count", "label", "lfc", "type"))), 5)
# now add an attribute to two of the nodes
first.two.nodes = nodes (g) [1:2]
values = c ('cedar', 'ash')
setNodeAttributesDirect (cw, 'treeSpecies', 'char', first.two.nodes, values)
# now add an attribute to a single node. this exercises a different branch in RCytoscape:setNodeAttributesDirect
first.node = nodes (g) [1]
value = 'one millenium'
setNodeAttributesDirect (cw, 'ageInYears', 'char', first.node, value)
checkTrue ('ageInYears' %in% getNodeAttributeNames (cw))
checkEquals (getNodeAttribute (cw, 'B', 'type'), 'transcription factor')
checkEquals (getNodeAttribute (cw, 'A', 'ageInYears'), 'one millenium')
checkEquals (getNodeAttribute (cw, 'B', 'ageInYears'), '')
deleteNodeAttribute (cy, 'species')
deleteNodeAttribute (cy, 'ageInYears')
invisible (cw)
} # test.addGetAndDeleteNodeAttributes
test.getAllNodeAttributes = function ()
title = 'test.getAllNodeAttributes'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
cwc = existing.CytoscapeWindow (title, copy=T)
tbl.noa <<- getAllNodeAttributes (cwc)
checkEquals (nrow (tbl.noa), 3)
checkTrue (ncol (tbl.noa) >= 5)
expected.colnames = c ("canonicalName", "count", "label", "lfc", "type") # created here
checkEquals (length (intersect (colnames (tbl.noa), expected.colnames)), 5)
checkEquals (sort (rownames (tbl.noa)), c ("A", "B", "C"))
# now try a graph with only one node attribute. this case used to fail (pshannon, 16 feb 2011)
g2 = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
g2 = initNodeAttribute (g2, 'label', 'char', 'NA')
g2 = addNode ('A', g2)
nodeData (g2, 'A', 'label') = 'a label for A'
window.title = 'single node attribute test'
if (window.title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cw)))
deleteWindow (cw, window.title)
cw2 = new.CytoscapeWindow (window.title, graph=g2)
tbl.noa2 = getAllNodeAttributes (cw2)
checkEquals (ncol (tbl.noa2), 1)
checkEquals (nrow (tbl.noa2), 1)
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.noa2), 'label')
checkEquals (rownames (tbl.noa2), 'A')
invisible (list (a=tbl.noa, b=tbl.noa2))
} # test.getAllNodeAttributes
test.getAllEdgeAttributes = function ()
title = 'test.getAllEdgeAttributes'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
tbl.eda = getAllEdgeAttributes (cw)
checkEquals (class (tbl.eda), 'data.frame')
checkEquals (dim (tbl.eda), c (3, 5))
checkEquals (sort (rownames (tbl.eda)), c ("A|B", "B|C", "C|A"))
checkEquals (sort (colnames (tbl.eda)), c ("edgeType", "misc", "score", "source", "target"))
checkEquals (class (tbl.eda$score), 'numeric')
# now try a graph with one edge, and just one edge attribute, to make sure that this edge case is handled properly
g2 = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
g2 = initEdgeAttribute (g2, 'edgeType', 'char', 'unspecified')
g2 = addNode ('A', g2)
g2 = addNode ('B', g2)
g2 = addEdge ('A', 'B', g2)
edgeData (g2, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') = 'phosphorylates'
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
window.title = 'edge attribute test, one attribute only'
if (window.title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy)))
deleteWindow (cy, window.title)
cw2 = new.CytoscapeWindow (window.title, graph=g2, create.window=FALSE)
tbl.eda2 = getAllEdgeAttributes (cw2)
checkEquals (ncol (tbl.eda2), 3)
checkEquals (nrow (tbl.eda2), 1)
checkEquals (sort (colnames (tbl.eda2)), c ('edgeType', 'source', 'target'))
invisible (tbl.eda2)
} # test.getAllEdgeAttributes
test.getVisualStyleNames = function ()
title = 'test.getVisualStyleNames'
window.prep (title)
cw3 = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw3)
redraw (cw3)
layoutNetwork (cw3)
current.names = getVisualStyleNames (cw3)
checkTrue (length (intersect (current.names, c (title, 'default', 'Nested Network Style', 'Minimal', 'Sample1', 'Universe'))) >= 3)
invisible (cw3)
} # test.getVisualStyleNames
test.copyVisualStyle = function ()
title = 'test.copyVisualStyle'
window.prep (title)
cw4 = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw4)
redraw (cw4)
layoutNetwork (cw4)
current.names = getVisualStyleNames (cw4)
# code around a very weird bug, which I do not understand at all (pshannon, 26 dec 2010) = FALSE; = sprintf ("tmp.%s", runif (1, 1, 1000))
copyVisualStyle (cw4, 'default',
new.names = getVisualStyleNames (cw4)
checkEquals (setdiff (new.names, current.names),
invisible (cw4)
} # test.copyVisualStyle
test.setVisualStyle = function ()
title = 'test.setVisualStyle'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
cw5 = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw5)
redraw (cw5)
layoutNetwork (cw5)
current.names = getVisualStyleNames (cw5)
for ( in current.names) {
setVisualStyle (cy,
Sys.sleep (1)
} # for
invisible (cw5)
} # test.setVisualStyle
# meager test only: make sure all of these methods can be called
# todo: call set, call get, check for color match
test.defaultColors = function ()
title = 'test.defaultColors'
window.prep (title)
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
getDefaultBackgroundColor (cy)
getDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor (cy)
getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor (cy)
getDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor (cy)
getDefaultNodeSelectionColor (cy)
black = '#000000'
red = '#FF0000'
white = '#FFFFFF'
green = '#00FF00'
gray = '#888888'
setDefaultBackgroundColor (cy, white)
setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor (cy, red)
setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor (cy, green)
setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor (cy, red)
setDefaultNodeSelectionColor (cy, green)
} # test.defaultColors
test.setWindowSizeRaiseWindow = function ()
title = 'test.setWindowSizeRaiseWindow'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
raiseWindow (cw)
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
for (i in 1:10) {
setWindowSize (cw, 200, 200)
setWindowSize (cw, 400, 400)
} # for i
# now raise a few random windows by name
if (!exists ('cy'))
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
window.names = as.character (getWindowList (cy))
if (length (window.names) > 2) { # only if there are multiple windows
for (i in 1:10) {
index = as.integer (runif (1, 1, length (window.names)))
raiseWindow (cy, window.names [index])
raiseWindow (cw)
} # for i
} # if 3 or more windows are open
invisible (cw)
} # test.setWindowSizeRaiseWindow
test.fitContent = function ()
title = 'test.fitContent'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
clearSelection (cw)
selectNodes (cw, 'A')
checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cw), 1)
for (i in 1:10) {
fitSelectedContent (cw)
fitContent (cw)
} # for i
} # test.fitContent
test.windowCoordinates = function ()
title = 'test.windowCoordinates'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
center = getCenter (cw)
checkEquals (names (center), c ('x', 'y'))
corners = getViewCoordinates (cw)
checkEquals (names (corners), c ('top.x', 'top.y', 'bottom.x', 'bottom.y'))
invisible (cw)
} # test.windowCoordinates
test.zoom = function ()
title = 'test.zoom'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
setWindowSize (cw, 1200, 800)
fitContent (cw)
smaller = 0.5
larger = 2
for (i in 1:10)
setZoom (cw, smaller * getZoom (cw))
for (i in 1:10)
setZoom (cw, larger * getZoom (cw))
invisible (cw)
} # test.zoom
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = function ()
title = 'test.setCenter'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
setWindowSize (cw, 1200, 800)
fitContent (cw)
setZoom (cw, 0.5 * getZoom (cw))
center.orig = getCenter (cw)
delta = 100
x.left = center.orig$x - delta
x.right = center.orig$x + delta
y.up = center.orig$y - delta
y.down = center.orig$y + delta
for (i in 1:10) {
setCenter (cw, x.left, y.up)
setCenter (cw, as.integer (x.left), as.integer (y.up)) # make sure the called function casts this int back to numeric
setCenter (cw, x.left, y.down)
setCenter (cw, x.right, y.down)
setCenter (cw, x.right, y.up)
} # for i
setCenter (cw, center.orig$x, center.orig$y)
invisible (cw)
} #
test.setNodeSizeDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeSizeDirect'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
lockNodeDimensions (cw, TRUE)
small = 30
large = 300
for (i in 1:10) {
setNodeSizeDirect (cw, 'A', small);
redraw (cw)
setNodeSizeDirect (cw, 'A', large);
redraw (cw)
} # for i
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeSizeDirect
test.setNodeWidthAndHeightDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeWidthAndHeightDirect'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
lockNodeDimensions (cw, FALSE)
small = 30
large = 300
for (i in 1:10) {
setNodeWidthDirect (cw, 'A', small);
setNodeHeightDirect (cw, 'A', large);
redraw (cw)
setNodeWidthDirect (cw, 'A', large);
setNodeHeightDirect (cw, 'A', small);
redraw (cw)
} # for i
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeWidthAndHeightDirect
test.setNodeFontSizeDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeFontSizeDirect'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
starting.size = 4
setNodeSizeDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), 50)
setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B'), 12)
redraw (cw)
for (i in 1:20) {
setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, 'A', starting.size + i)
setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, 'B', starting.size + (i*3))
redraw (cw)
} # for i
starting.size = 32
for (i in 20:1) {
setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, 'A', starting.size - i)
setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, 'B', starting.size - (i*3))
redraw (cw)
} # for i
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeSizeDirect
test.setNodeShapeDirect = function ()
title = 'test.setNodeShapeDirect'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
lockNodeDimensions (cw, TRUE)
setNodeSizeDirect (cw, 'A', 100)
for (new.shape in getNodeShapes (cw)) {
setNodeShapeDirect (cw, 'A', new.shape)
redraw (cw)
} # for new.shape
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeShapeDirect
test.setEdgeVizPropertiesDirect = function (cw=NULL)
title = 'test.setEdgeVizPropertiesDirect'
if (is.null (cw)) {
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
cy2.edgeNames = sort (getAllEdges (cw))
e1 = cy2.edgeNames [1]
e2 = cy2.edgeNames [2]
e3 = cy2.edgeNames [3]
colors = c ('#440000', '#004400', '#000044', '#880000', '#008800', '#000088', '#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF', '#FFFFFF')
arrow.shapes = c ('No Arrow', 'Diamond', 'Delta', 'Arrow', 'T', 'Circle', 'Half Arrow Top', 'Half Arrow Bottom', 'Diamond', 'T')
labels = paste ('label', seq (10,100,10), sep='-'); labels [10] = ''
tooltips = paste ('tooltip', seq (10,100,10), sep='-'); tooltips [10] = ''
widths = c (1:9, 1)
for (i in 1:10) {
setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, c (e2, e3), 25 * i)
setEdgeColorDirect (cw, e1, colors [i])
setEdgeLineStyleDirect (cw, e2, line.styles [i])
setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, e1, arrow.shapes [i])
setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, e1, arrow.shapes [i])
setEdgeLabelDirect (cw, e2, labels [i])
setEdgeLabelColorDirect (cw, e2, colors [i])
setEdgeTooltipDirect (cw, e2, tooltips [i])
setEdgeLineWidthDirect (cw, e3, widths [i])
setEdgeFontSizeDirect (cw, e2, widths [i] * 3)
setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect (cw, e1, colors [11-i])
setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect (cw, e1, colors [11-i])
setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect (cw, e2, 25 * i)
setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect (cw, e1, 25 * i)
setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect (cw, e1, 255 - (25 * i))
redraw (cw)
Sys.sleep (1)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setEdgeVizPropertiesDirect
test.graphBAM = function ()
title = 'test.graphBAM'
window.prep (title)
# example is taken from Nishant's man page
source.nodes <- c ("a", "a", "b", "c", "d")
target.nodes <- c ("b", "c", "c", "d", "a")
weights <- c(2.3, 2.3, 4.3, 1.0, 3.0)
df <- data.frame (from=source.nodes, to=target.nodes, weight=weights)
g.bam <- graphBAM (df)
g.bam <- initEdgeAttribute (g.bam, 'weight', 'numeric', 0.0)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g.bam)
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
# paint the edges shades of red as function of weight
setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cw, 5)
setEdgeColorRule (cw, 'weight', c (0, 5), c ('#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'), mode='interpolate')
invisible (cw)
} # test.graphBAM
test.hexColorToInt = function ()
print (noquote ('------- test.hexColorToInt'))
x = RCytoscape:::hexColorToInt ('#80FF00')
checkEquals (x$red, 128)
checkEquals (x$green, 255)
checkEquals (x$blue, 0)
y = RCytoscape:::hexColorToInt ('FFFFFF')
checkEquals (y$red, 255)
checkEquals (y$green, 255)
checkEquals (y$blue, 255)
z = RCytoscape:::hexColorToInt ('#44A713')
checkEquals (z$red, 68)
checkEquals (z$green, 167)
checkEquals (z$blue, 19)
} # test.hexColorToInt
# add a node to an existing graph.
# questions:
# 1) what edge attribute values are assigned to this new edge?
# 2) can we assign new values to those attributes? use setEdgeAttributesDirect
test.addCyNode = function ()
title = 'test.addCyNode'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
checkEquals (getNodeCount (cw), 3)
addCyNode (cw, 'NEW')
layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
checkEquals (getNodeCount (cw), 4)
invisible (cw)
} # test.addCyNode
# add an edge to an existing graph.
# questions:
# 1) what edge attribute values are assigned to this new edge?
# 2) can we assign new values to those attributes? use setEdgeAttributesDirect
test.addCyEdge = function ()
title = 'test.addCyEdge'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
checkEquals (getEdgeCount (cw), 3)
directed.edge = TRUE
addCyEdge (cw, 'A', 'B', 'synthetic rescue', directed.edge)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
checkEquals (getEdgeCount (cw), 4)
invisible (cw)
} # test.addCyEdge
test.twoGraphsDoubleEdges = function ()
title = 'test.twoGraphsDoubleEdges'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
g2 = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
g2 = initEdgeAttribute (g2, 'edgeType', 'char', 'unspecified')
g2 = addNode ('A', g2)
g2 = addNode ('B', g2)
g2 = addEdge ('A', 'B', g2)
edgeData (g2, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') = 'synthetic rescue'
# fails: addGraphToGraph (cw, g2)
xml.rpc (cw@uri, 'Cytoscape.createEdge',, 'A', 'B', 'synthetic rescue', T)
redraw (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw)
} # test.twoGraphsoubleEdges
test..classicGraphToNodePairTable = function ()
print (noquote ('------- test..classicGraphToNodePairTable'))
# first, our standard demo graph, directed, no reciprocal edges
g = makeSimpleGraph ()
tbl.g = RCytoscape:::.classicGraphToNodePairTable (g)
checkEquals (dim (tbl.g), c (3, 3))
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.g), c ("source", "target", "edgeType"))
checkEquals (tbl.g$edgeType, c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"))
checkEquals (tbl.g$source, c ("A", "B", "C"))
checkEquals (tbl.g$target, c ("B", "C", "A"))
# now extend the standard demo graph by adding an edge between C and B, making B & C reciprocally related nodes
#gx = makeSimpleGraph ()
#gx = graph::addEdge ('C', 'B', gx)
#edgeData (gx, 'C', 'B', attr='edgeType') = 'synthetic rescue'
#tbl.egx = RCytoscape:::.classicGraphToNodePairTable (gx)
#checkEquals (dim (tbl.egx), c (4, 3))
#checkEquals (colnames (tbl.egx), c ("source", "target", "edgeType"))
#checkEquals (tbl.egx$edgeType, c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined", "synthetic rescue"))
#checkEquals (tbl.egx$source, c ("A", "B", "C", "C"))
#checkEquals (tbl.egx$target, c ("B", "C", "A", "B"))
} # test..classicGraphToNodePairTable
test.rcy.edgeNames = function ()
print (noquote ('------- test.rcy.edgeNames'))
g = makeSimpleGraph ()
checkEquals (sort (RCytoscape:::.rcyEdgeNames (g)), c ("A~B", "B~C", "C~A"))
# now extend the standard demo graph by adding an edge between C and B, making B & C reciprocally related nodes
gx = makeSimpleGraph ()
gx = graph::addEdge ('C', 'B', gx)
edgeData (gx, 'C', 'B', attr='edgeType') = 'synthetic rescue'
checkEquals (sort (RCytoscape:::.rcyEdgeNames (gx)), c ("A~B", "B~C", "C~A", "C~B"))
} # test.rcy.edgeNames
# a standard demo, up on the website. source it, run it. a graph is created, displayed, retrieved, checked for identity
hiddentest.graphAM.round.trip = function ()
title = 'test.graphAM.round.trip'
write (noquote (sprintf ('------- %s', title)), stderr ())
source ('')
run (0:7)
} # test.graphAM.round.trip
restore.defaults = function ()
cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
setDefaultBackgroundColor (cy, '#CCCCFF')
setDefaultNodeShape (cy, 'ellipse')
lockNodeDimensions (cy, TRUE)
setDefaultNodeSelectionColor (cy, '#FFFF00')
setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor (cy, '#00FF00')
setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor (cy, '#FF0000')
setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor (cy, '#00FF00')
setDefaultNodeSize (cy, 30)
setDefaultNodeColor (cy, '#FF8888') # a guess
setDefaultNodeBorderColor (cy, '#000000')
setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cy, 1)
setDefaultNodeFontSize (cy, 12)
setDefaultNodeLabelColor (cy, '#000000')
setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cy, 1)
setDefaultEdgeColor (cy, '#0000FF')
} # restore.defaults
test..getNovelEdges = function ()
g.3e <<- makeSimpleGraph ()
g.0e <<- new ("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
g.0e = initEdgeAttribute (g.0e, 'edgeType', 'char', 'unspecified')
# no novel edges if the 2nd arg has no edges
checkTrue ( (RCytoscape:::.getNovelEdges (g.3e, g.0e)))
# three novel edges if the 1st arg has zero edges, the second has 3
novel.edges <<- RCytoscape:::.getNovelEdges (g.0e, g.3e)
checkEquals (length (novel.edges), 3)
# add one edge to g.0e which is an exact duplicate of the first edge of g.3e
g.1e = addNode ('A', g.0e)
g.1e = addNode ('B', g.1e)
g.1e = addEdge ('A', 'B', g.1e)
edgeData (g.1e, 'A', 'B', attr='edgeType') = 'phosphorylates'
g1 <<- g.1e
g3 <<- g.3e
novel.edges <<- RCytoscape:::.getNovelEdges (g.3e, g.1e)
checkEquals (length (novel.edges), 0)
novel.edges <<- RCytoscape:::.getNovelEdges (g.1e, g.3e)
checkEquals (length (novel.edges), 2)
} # test..getNovelEdges
# apparently does not run reliably at bioc
hiddenTest.saveImage = function ()
title = 'test.saveImage'
window.prep (title)
g.simple = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g.simple)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
setNodeLabelRule (cw, 'label')
redraw (cw)
#--- png first
filename = sprintf ('%s/%s', tempdir (), 'saveImageTest.png')
printf ('saving image file to %s', filename)
saveImage (cw, filename, 'png', 1.0)
checkTrue (file.exists (filename))
if (pluginVersion (cy) == '1.8') {
#--- now pdf
filename = sprintf ('%s/%s', tempdir (), 'saveImageTest.pdf')
printf ('saving image file to %s', filename)
saveImage (cw, filename, 'pdf')
checkTrue (file.exists (filename))
#--- now svg
filename = sprintf ('%s/%s', tempdir (), 'saveImageTest.svg')
printf ('saving image file to %s', filename)
saveImage (cw, filename, 'svg')
checkTrue (file.exists (filename))
} # if plugin version 1.8 is being used
invisible (cw)
} # test.saveImage
# apparently does not run reliably at bioc
hiddenTest.saveNetwork = function ()
title = 'test.saveNetwork'
window.prep (title)
g.simple = RCytoscape::makeSimpleGraph ()
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g.simple)
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
setNodeLabelRule (cw, 'label')
redraw (cw)
filename = sprintf ('%s/%s', tempdir (), 'saveNetworkTest.gml')
printf ('saving gml file to %s', filename)
saveNetwork (cw, filename)
checkTrue (file.exists (filename))
invisible (cw)
} # test.saveNetwork
test.setNodeImageDirect = function (apply.viz.rules=FALSE)
title = 'test.imageUrl'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, makeSimpleGraph ())
displayGraph (cw)
layoutNetwork (cw, 'jgraph-spring')
setNodeLabelRule (cw, 'label')
setNodeImageDirect (cw, 'A', '')
setNodeImageDirect (cw, 'B', '')
setNodeImageDirect (cw, 'C', '')
setNodeColorDirect (cw, 'A', '#0000FF')
setNodeColorDirect (cw, 'B', '#FF00FF')
setNodeColorDirect (cw, 'C', '#FF0000')
redraw (cw)
setWindowSize (cw, 800, 800)
fitContent (cw)
invisible (cw)
} # test.setNodeImageDirect
test.validity = function ()
title = 'test.validity error #1'
window.prep (title)
g.undirected = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='undirected')
g.undirected = graph::addNode ('A', g.undirected)
g.undirected = graph::addNode ('B', g.undirected)
g.undirected = graph::addEdge ('A', 'B', g.undirected)
g.undirected = initEdgeAttribute (g.undirected, 'edgeType', 'char', 'unspecified')
edgeData (g.undirected, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') = 'reciprocal'
# should not fail, but warning should be given
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g.undirected)
checkEquals (validCyWin (cw), TRUE)
# fix the edgeType complaint
window.prep (title)
g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
# should fail with 'You must provide an 'edgeType' edge attribute, which will be mapped to Cytoscape's crucial ...
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
checkEquals (validCyWin (cw), FALSE)
# fix the edgeType complaint
title = 'test.validity fixed'
g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'edgeType', 'char', 'unspecified')
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
print (checkTrue (validCyWin (cw)))
# add a new node attribute the old-fashioned R graph way, make sure the failure to properly initialize is caught
nodeDataDefaults (g, attr='pval') = 1.0
title = 'test.validity error #2'
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
checkTrue (!validCyWin (cw))
# add a new edge attribute the old-fashioned R graph way, make sure the failure to properly initialize is caught
title = 'test.validity error #3'
edgeDataDefaults (g, attr='score') = 0.0
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
checkTrue (!validCyWin (cw))
# now fix them both
title = 'test.validity fix all'
g = initNodeAttribute (g, 'pval', 'numeric', 1.0)
g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'score', 'numeric', 0)
window.prep (title)
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
print (checkTrue (validCyWin (cw)))
invisible (cw)
} # test.validity
# not really an automated test, except of syntax. cut and paste these commands into your R session to see that
# they really perform as expected.
test.tooltip.delays = function ()
cw = demoSimpleGraph ()
# display immediately, stay up until mouse moves away
setTooltipInitialDelay (cw, 0)
setTooltipDismissDelay (cw, 0)
# display after 1 second, for 1 second
setTooltipInitialDelay (cw, 1000)
setTooltipDismissDelay (cw, 1000)
} # test.tooltip.delays
# also not an automated test, though exception testing could accomplish that
test.detectUnitializedNodeAttributes = function ()
# starting with the code in makeSampleGraph, change 3 node and 1 edge attribute to use the standard (not RCy)
# attribute initializations. this is an error with respect to RCy, which needs explicit typing of the attributes
# see if they are caught
g = new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
#g = initNodeAttribute(g, "type", "char", "undefined")
#g = initNodeAttribute(g, "lfc", "numeric", 1)
#g = initNodeAttribute(g, "label", "char", "default node label")
g = initNodeAttribute(g, "count", "integer", 0)
nodeDataDefaults (g, attr='type') = ''
nodeDataDefaults (g, attr='lfc') = 0.0
nodeDataDefaults (g, attr='label') = ''
g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "edgeType", "char", "undefined")
g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "score", "numeric", 0)
g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "misc", "char", "default misc")
g = graph::addNode("A", g)
g = graph::addNode("B", g)
g = graph::addNode("C", g)
nodeData(g, "A", "type") = "kinase"
nodeData(g, "B", "type") = "transcription factor"
nodeData(g, "C", "type") = "glycoprotein"
nodeData(g, "A", "lfc") = -3
nodeData(g, "B", "lfc") = 0
nodeData(g, "C", "lfc") = 3
nodeData(g, "A", "count") = 2
nodeData(g, "B", "count") = 30
nodeData(g, "C", "count") = 100
nodeData(g, "A", "label") = "Gene A"
nodeData(g, "B", "label") = "Gene B"
nodeData(g, "C", "label") = "Gene C"
g = graph::addEdge("A", "B", g)
g = graph::addEdge("B", "C", g)
g = graph::addEdge("C", "A", g)
edgeData(g, "A", "B", "edgeType") = "phosphorylates"
edgeData(g, "B", "C", "edgeType") = "synthetic lethal"
edgeData(g, "A", "B", "score") = 35
edgeData(g, "B", "C", "score") = -12
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title = 'detect unitialized node attributes', graph = g, deleteAnyWindowsOfSameTitle=TRUE)
} # test.detectUnitializedNodeAttributes
# also not an automated test, though exception testing could accomplish that
test.detectUnitializedEdgeAttributes = function ()
# starting with the code in makeSampleGraph, change 3 node and 1 edge attribute to use the standard (not RCy)
# attribute initializations. this is an error with respect to RCy, which needs explicit typing of the attributes
# see if they are caught
g = new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
g = initNodeAttribute(g, "type", "char", "undefined")
g = initNodeAttribute(g, "lfc", "numeric", 1)
g = initNodeAttribute(g, "label", "char", "default node label")
g = initNodeAttribute(g, "count", "integer", 0)
g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "edgeType", "char", "undefined")
g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "score", "numeric", 0)
#g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "misc", "char", "default misc")
edgeDataDefaults (g, attr='misc') = ''
g = graph::addNode("A", g)
g = graph::addNode("B", g)
g = graph::addNode("C", g)
nodeData(g, "A", "type") = "kinase"
nodeData(g, "B", "type") = "transcription factor"
nodeData(g, "C", "type") = "glycoprotein"
nodeData(g, "A", "lfc") = -3
nodeData(g, "B", "lfc") = 0
nodeData(g, "C", "lfc") = 3
nodeData(g, "A", "count") = 2
nodeData(g, "B", "count") = 30
nodeData(g, "C", "count") = 100
nodeData(g, "A", "label") = "Gene A"
nodeData(g, "B", "label") = "Gene B"
nodeData(g, "C", "label") = "Gene C"
g = graph::addEdge("A", "B", g)
g = graph::addEdge("B", "C", g)
g = graph::addEdge("C", "A", g)
edgeData(g, "A", "B", "edgeType") = "phosphorylates"
edgeData(g, "B", "C", "edgeType") = "synthetic lethal"
edgeData(g, "A", "B", "score") = 35
edgeData(g, "B", "C", "score") = -12
cw = new.CytoscapeWindow (title = 'detect unitialized node attributes', graph = g, deleteAnyWindowsOfSameTitle=TRUE)
} # test.detectUnitializedNodeAttributes
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = function ()
print ('-----')
nNode <- 500
nEdge <- 5000
tmpNodes <- as.character(seq(1, nNode))
allEdges <- expand.grid(tmpNodes, tmpNodes, stringsAsFactors = F)
allEdges <- allEdges[(allEdges[, 1] != allEdges[, 2]), ]
allEdges <- allEdges[(sample(nrow(allEdges), nEdge)), ]
edgeWeight <- rnorm(nEdge)
gu <- new("graphNEL", nodes = tmpNodes, edgemode = "undirected")
gu = initNodeAttribute(gu, "type", "char", "undefined")
gu = initNodeAttribute(gu, "lfc", "numeric", 1)
gu = initNodeAttribute(gu, "label", "char", "default node label")
gu = initEdgeAttribute(gu, "edgeType", "char", "undefined")
gu = initEdgeAttribute(gu, "weight", "numeric", 0)
gu = addEdge(allEdges[, 1], allEdges[, 2], gu, edgeWeight)
nodeData (gu, nodes (gu), 'label') = nodes (gu)
t0 = Sys.time ()
g.fixed <<- (gu)
t1 = Sys.time ()
elapsed.time = as.numeric (difftime (t1, t0, units='secs'))
checkTrue (elapsed.time < 5) # consistently about 0.5 seconds in interactive testing
checkTrue (all (nodes (gu) == nodes (g.fixed)))
checkTrue (all (edgeNames (gu) == edgeNames (g.fixed)))
# the main test
checkEquals (length (unlist (edges (gu))), 2 * length (unlist (edges (g.fixed))))
} #
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