#' Convert R graphNEL object to cytoscape.js JSON.
#' @import graph
#' @param g a graphNEL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' g.json <- graphNELtoJSON.string(graphNEL())
#' }
#' @aliases graphNELtoJSON.string
#' @rdname graphNELtoJSON.string
#' @export
graphNELtoJSON.string <- function(g)
if(length(nodes(g)) == 0)
return ("{}")
# allocate more character vectors that we could ever need; unused are deleted at conclusion
vector.count <- 10 * (length(edgeNames(g)) + length (nodes(g)))
vec <- vector(mode="character", length=vector.count)
i <- 1;
vec[i] <- '{"elements": {"nodes": ['; i <- i + 1;
nodes <- nodes(g)
edgeNames <- edgeNames(g)
edges <- strsplit(edgeNames, "~") # a list of pairs
edgeNames <- sub("~", "->", edgeNames)
names(edges) <- edgeNames
noa.names <- names(graph::nodeDataDefaults(g))
eda.names <- names(graph::edgeDataDefaults(g))
nodeCount <- length(nodes)
edgeCount <- length(edgeNames)
for(n in 1:nodeCount){
node <- nodes[n]
vec[i] <- '{"data": '; i <- i + 1
nodeList <- list(id = node) <- graph::nodeData(g, node)[[1]]
if(length( > 0)
nodeList <- c(nodeList,
nodeList.json <- toJSON(nodeList, auto_unbox=TRUE)
vec[i] <- nodeList.json; i <- i + 1
# pre-calculated node positions have historically been conveyed in
# node attributes titles "xPos" and "yPos".
# we now (6 jan 2020) add support for simpler noa names: "x", "y"
if(all(c("xPos", "yPos") %in% names(graph::nodeDataDefaults(g)))){
position.markup <- sprintf(', "position": {"x": %f, "y": %f}',
graph::nodeData(g, node, "xPos")[[1]],
graph::nodeData(g, node, "yPos")[[1]])
vec[i] <- position.markup
i <- i + 1
if(all(c("x", "y") %in% names(graph::nodeDataDefaults(g)))){
position.markup <- sprintf(', "position": {"x": %f, "y": %f}',
graph::nodeData(g, node, "x")[[1]],
graph::nodeData(g, node, "y")[[1]])
vec[i] <- position.markup
i <- i + 1
if(n != nodeCount){
vec [i] <- "},"; i <- i + 1 # sprintf("%s},", x) # another node coming, add a comma
} # for n
vec [i] <- "}]"; i <- i + 1 # close off the last node, the node array ], the nodes element }
if(edgeCount > 0){
vec[i] <- ', "edges": [' ; i <- i + 1
for(e in seq_len(edgeCount)) {
vec[i] <- '{"data": '; i <- i + 1
edgeName <- edgeNames[e]
edge <- edges[[e]]
sourceNode <- edge[[1]]
targetNode <- edge[[2]]
edgeList <- list(id=edgeName, source=sourceNode, target=targetNode) <- graph::edgeData(g, sourceNode, targetNode)[[1]]
if(length( > 0)
edgeList <- c(edgeList,
edgeList.json <- toJSON(edgeList, auto_unbox=TRUE)
vec[i] <- edgeList.json; i <- i + 1
if(e != edgeCount){ # add a comma, ready for the next edge element
vec [i] <- '},'; i <- i + 1
} # for e
vec [i] <- "}]"; i <- i + 1
} # if edgeCount > 0
vec [i] <- "}" # close the edges object
i <- i + 1;
vec [i] <- "}" # close the elements object
vec.trimmed <- vec [which(vec != "")]
paste0(vec.trimmed, collapse=" ")
} # graphNELtoJSON.string
#' Create a cytoscape.js JSON graph from one or two data.frames.
#' @param tbl.edges data.frame, with source, target and interaction columns, others option for edge attributes
#' @param tbl.nodes data.frame, options, useful for orphan nodes, and necessary for adding node attributes
#' @aliases dataFramesToJSON
#' @rdname dataFramesToJSON
#' @export
dataFramesToJSON <- function(tbl.edges, tbl.nodes=NULL)
# catch any factor columns - they only cause trouble
stopifnot(!grepl("factor", as.character(lapply(tbl.edges, class))))
stopifnot(all(c("source", "target") %in% colnames(tbl.edges)))
stopifnot("interaction" %in% colnames(tbl.edges)) <- sort(unique(c(tbl.edges$source, tbl.edges$target)))
if(is.null(tbl.nodes)){ # derive one from tbl.edges, for consistent processing below
node.count <- length(
tbl.nodes <- data.frame(,
type=rep("unspecified", node.count),
} # no tbl.nodes supplied
stopifnot("id" %in% colnames(tbl.nodes))
tbl.nodes <- tbl.nodes[order(tbl.nodes$id),]
nodes <- sort(unique(c(tbl.edges$source, tbl.edges$target, tbl.nodes$id)))
edgeCount <- nrow(tbl.edges)
# allow for plenty of extra character stings in a vector
# the vector is trimmed before the string representation is returned
vector.count <- 10 * (edgeCount + length(nodes))
vec <- vector(mode="character", length=vector.count)
i <- 1;
vec[i] <- '{"elements": {"nodes": ['; i <- i + 1;
noa.names <- colnames(tbl.nodes)[-1]
eda.names <- colnames(tbl.edges)[-(1:2)]
nodeCount <- length(nodes)
for(n in 1:nodeCount){
node <- nodes[n]
vec[i] <- '{"data": '; i <- i + 1
nodeList <- list(id=node)
if(ncol(tbl.nodes) > 1)
nodeList <- c(nodeList, as.list(tbl.nodes[n, -1, drop=FALSE]))
nodeList.json <- toJSON(nodeList, auto_unbox=TRUE)
vec[i] <- nodeList.json; i <- i + 1
# any position information?
if(all(c("x", "y") %in% colnames(tbl.nodes))){
position.markup <- sprintf(', "position": {"x": %f, "y": %f}',
tbl.nodes[n, "x"], tbl.nodes[n, "y"])
vec[i] <- position.markup
i <- i + 1
if(n != nodeCount){
vec [i] <- "},"; i <- i + 1 # sprintf("%s},", x) # another node coming, add a comma
} # for n
vec [i] <- "}]"; i <- i + 1 # close off the last node, the node array ], the nodes element }
if(edgeCount > 0){
vec[i] <- ', "edges": [' ; i <- i + 1
for(e in seq_len(edgeCount)) {
vec[i] <- '{"data": '; i <- i + 1
sourceNode <- tbl.edges[e, "source"]
targetNode <- tbl.edges[e, "target"]
interaction <- tbl.edges[e, "interaction"]
edgeName <- sprintf("%s-(%s)-%s", sourceNode, interaction, targetNode)
edgeList <- list(id=edgeName, source=sourceNode, target=targetNode, interaction=interaction)
if(ncol(tbl.edges) > 3)
edgeList <- c(edgeList, as.list(tbl.edges[e, -(1:3), drop=FALSE]))
edgeList.json <- toJSON(edgeList, auto_unbox=TRUE)
vec[i] <- edgeList.json; i <- i + 1
if(e != edgeCount){ # add a comma, ready for the next edge element
vec [i] <- '},'; i <- i + 1
} # for e
vec [i] <- "}]"; i <- i + 1
} # if edgeCount > 0
vec [i] <- "}" # close the edges object
i <- i + 1;
vec [i] <- "}" # close the elements object
vec.trimmed <- vec [which(vec != "")]
paste0(vec.trimmed, collapse=" ")
} # dataFramesToJSON
# we know of at least two JSON object structures used to specify style:
# simple: an array of selector objects:
# [ {"selector": "node", "css": {
# "shape": "ellipse",
# "text-valign":"center",
# "text-halign":"center",
# ...
# }]
# more complex, exported from the Cytoscape desktop application
# this is also an array of objects, one named "style" which (like the simple format described above)
# contains an array of selectors:
# [ {
# "format_version" : "1.0",
# "generated_by" : "cytoscape-3.7.2",
# "target_cytoscapejs_version" : "~2.1",
# "title" : "cytoscapeSimple",
# "style" : [ {
# "selector" : "node",
# "css" : {
# "background-color" : "rgb(255,255,255)",
# "shape" : "ellipse",
# ...
# }]}]
# the following utility function examines the incoming JSON, returns exactly and only an array of
# selector objects
#' Read in a JSON file, extract the selector elements, return JSON
#' @param file a json file
#' @aliases readAndStandardizeJSONStyleFile
#' @rdname readAndStandardizeJSONStyleFile
#' @export
readAndStandardizeJSONStyleFile <- function(filename)
obj <- fromJSON(filename) # very strict parser, no unquoted field names
if("style" %in% names(obj))
if("selector" %in% names(obj))
stop(sprintf("unrecognized JSON style file format in %s", filename))
} # readAndStandardizeJSONStyleFile
#' Read in a JSON network file, identify (or add) elements field return JSON
#' @param file a json file
#' @aliases readAndStandardizeJSONNetworkFile
#' @rdname readAndStandardizeJSONNetworkFile
#' @export
readAndStandardizeJSONNetworkFile <- function(filename)
obj <- fromJSON(filename) # very strict parser, no unquoted field names
if("elements" %in% names(obj)){
obj <- obj["elements"]
if(all(c("nodes", "edges") %in% names(obj))){
x <- list()
x$elements <- obj[c("nodes", "edges")]
stop(sprintf("unrecognized JSON graph file format in %s", filename))
} # readAndStandardizeJSONNetworkFile
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Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.