#' @importFrom methods new is as
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @import httpuv
#' @import BrowserViz
#' @import graph
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom base64enc base64decode
#' @name RCyjs-class
#' @rdname RCyjs-class
#' @exportClass RCyjs
.RCyjs <- setClass ("RCyjs",
representation = representation(graph="graph"),
contains = "BrowserViz"
# built with npm and webpack (cd inst/browserCode; make) this html+javascript file has all of the
# browser-side code. note that the determination of the RCyjs install directory happens
# at LOAD time, AFTER the package is built and installed.
cyjsBrowserFile <- NULL
.onLoad <- function(...){
cyjsBrowserFile <<- system.file(package="RCyjs", "browserCode", "dist", "rcyjs.html")
printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))
setGeneric('setGraph', signature='obj', function(obj, graph) standardGeneric ('setGraph'))
setGeneric('addGraph', signature='obj', function(obj, graph) standardGeneric ('addGraph'))
setGeneric('deleteGraph', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('deleteGraph'))
setGeneric('loadStyleFile', signature='obj', function(obj, filename) standardGeneric ('loadStyleFile'))
setGeneric('getJSON', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('getJSON'))
setGeneric('addGraphFromFile', signature='obj', function(obj, jsonFileName) standardGeneric ('addGraphFromFile'))
setGeneric('getNodeCount', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getNodeCount'))
setGeneric('getEdgeCount', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getEdgeCount'))
setGeneric('getNodes', signature='obj', function(obj, which="all") standardGeneric ('getNodes'))
setGeneric('getSelectedNodes', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('getSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric('clearSelection', signature='obj', function(obj, which="both") standardGeneric ('clearSelection'))
setGeneric('invertNodeSelection', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('invertNodeSelection'))
setGeneric('hideSelectedNodes', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('hideSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric('hideNodes', signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs) standardGeneric ('hideNodes'))
setGeneric('showNodes', signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs) standardGeneric ('showNodes'))
setGeneric('deleteSelectedNodes', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('deleteSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric('redraw', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric ('redraw'))
setGeneric('setNodeAttributes', signature='obj', function(obj, attribute, nodes, values) standardGeneric('setNodeAttributes'))
setGeneric('setEdgeAttributes', signature='obj', function(obj, attribute, sourceNodes, targetNodes, edgeTypes, values) standardGeneric('setEdgeAttributes'))
setGeneric("setDefaultStyle", signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('setDefaultStyle'))
setGeneric("setDefaultNodeSize", signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric('setDefaultNodeSize'))
setGeneric("setDefaultNodeWidth", signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric('setDefaultNodeWidth'))
setGeneric("setDefaultNodeHeight", signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric('setDefaultNodeHeight'))
setGeneric("setDefaultNodeColor", signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric('setDefaultNodeColor'))
setGeneric("setDefaultNodeShape", signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric('setDefaultNodeShape'))
setGeneric("setDefaultNodeFontColor", signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric('setDefaultNodeFontColor'))
setGeneric("setDefaultNodeFontSize", signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric('setDefaultNodeFontSize'))
setGeneric("setDefaultNodeBorderWidth", signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric('setDefaultNodeBorderWidth'))
setGeneric("setDefaultNodeBorderColor", signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric('setDefaultNodeBorderColor'))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeFontSize", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeFontSize"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowShape", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowShape"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeColor", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeColor"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeFontSize", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeFontSize"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeWidth", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeWidth"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeLineColor", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeLineColor"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeFont", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeFont"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeFontWeight", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeFontWeight"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeTextOpacity", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeTextOpacity"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeLineStyle", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeLineStyle"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeOpacity", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeOpacity"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor"))
setGeneric("setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowShape", signature="obj", function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric("setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowShape"))
setGeneric("setNodeSize", signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs, newValues) standardGeneric('setNodeSize'))
setGeneric("setNodeWidth", signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs, newValues) standardGeneric('setNodeWidth'))
setGeneric("setNodeHeight", signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs, newValues) standardGeneric('setNodeHeight'))
setGeneric("setNodeColor", signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs, newValues) standardGeneric('setNodeColor'))
setGeneric("setNodeShape", signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs, newValues) standardGeneric('setNodeShape'))
setGeneric("setNodeFontColor", signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs, newValues) standardGeneric('setNodeFontColor'))
setGeneric("setNodeFontSize", signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs, newValues) standardGeneric('setNodeFontSize'))
setGeneric("setNodeBorderWidth", signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs, newValues) standardGeneric('setNodeBorderWidth'))
setGeneric("setNodeBorderColor", signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs, newValues) standardGeneric('setNodeBorderColor'))
setGeneric('setNodeLabelRule', signature='obj', function(obj, attribute) standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelRule'))
setGeneric('setNodeLabelAlignment', signature='obj', function(obj, horizontal, vertical) standardGeneric ('setNodeLabelAlignment'))
setGeneric('setNodeSizeRule', signature='obj', function(obj, attribute, control.points, node.sizes) standardGeneric('setNodeSizeRule'))
setGeneric('setNodeColorRule', signature='obj', function(obj, attribute, control.points, colors, mode) standardGeneric('setNodeColorRule'))
setGeneric('setEdgeStyle', signature='obj', function(obj, mode) standardGeneric('setEdgeStyle'))
setGeneric('layout', signature='obj', function(obj, strategy="random") standardGeneric('layout'))
setGeneric('getSupportedNodeShapes', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('getSupportedNodeShapes'))
setGeneric('getSupportedEdgeDecoratorShapes', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('getSupportedEdgeDecoratorShapes'))
setGeneric('getLayoutStrategies', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('getLayoutStrategies'))
setGeneric('layoutSelectionInGrid', signature='obj', function(obj, x, y, w, h) standardGeneric('layoutSelectionInGrid'))
setGeneric('layoutSelectionInGridInferAnchor', signature='obj', function(obj, w, h) standardGeneric('layoutSelectionInGridInferAnchor'))
setGeneric('getPosition', signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs=NA) standardGeneric('getPosition'))
setGeneric('setPosition', signature='obj', function(obj, tbl.pos) standardGeneric('setPosition'))
setGeneric('getNodeSize', signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs=NA) standardGeneric('getNodeSize'))
setGeneric('saveLayout', signature='obj', function(obj, filename) standardGeneric('saveLayout'))
setGeneric('getJSON', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('getJSON'))
setGeneric('savePNG', signature='obj', function(obj, filename) standardGeneric('savePNG'))
setGeneric('saveJPG', signature='obj', function(obj, filename, resolutionFactor=1) standardGeneric('saveJPG'))
#setGeneric('saveAsWebPage', signature='obj', function(obj, filename) standardGeneric('saveAsWebPage'))
setGeneric('restoreLayout', signature='obj', function(obj, filename) standardGeneric('restoreLayout'))
setGeneric('setZoom', signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric('setZoom'))
setGeneric('getZoom', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('getZoom'))
setGeneric('setBackgroundColor', signature='obj', function(obj, newValue) standardGeneric ('setBackgroundColor'))
setGeneric('fit', signature='obj', function(obj, padding=30) standardGeneric('fit'))
setGeneric('fitSelection', signature='obj', function(obj, padding=30) standardGeneric('fitSelection'))
setGeneric('selectNodes', signature='obj', function(obj, nodeIDs) standardGeneric('selectNodes'))
setGeneric('sfn', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('sfn'))
setGeneric('selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes'))
setGeneric('hideAllEdges', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('hideAllEdges'))
setGeneric('showAll', signature='obj', function(obj, which="both") standardGeneric('showAll'))
setGeneric('hideEdges', signature='obj', function(obj, edgeType) standardGeneric('hideEdges'))
setGeneric('showEdges', signature='obj', function(obj, edgeType) standardGeneric('showEdges'))
setGeneric('vAlign', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('vAlign'))
setGeneric('hAlign', signature='obj', function(obj) standardGeneric('hAlign'))
#setGeneric("setNodeImage", signature='obj', function(obj, imageURLs) standardGeneric('setNodeImage'))
#' Create an RCyjs object
#' @description
#' The RCyjs class provides an R interface to cytoscape.js, a rich, interactive, full-featured, javascript
#' network (graph) library. One constructs an RCyjs instance on a specified port (default 9000),
#' the browser code is loaded, and a websocket connection opened.
#' @rdname RCyjs-class
#' @param portRange The constructor looks for a free websocket port in this range. 16000:16100 by default
#' @param title Used for the web browser window, "RCyjs" by default
#' @param graph a Biocondcutor graphNEL object
#' @param quiet A logical variable controlling verbosity during execution
#' @return An object of the RCyjs class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' setNodeLabelRule(rcy, "label");
#' setNodeSizeRule(rcy, "count", c(0, 30, 110), c(20, 50, 100));
#' setNodeColorRule(rcy, "count", c(0, 100), c(colors$green, colors$red), mode="interpolate")
#' redraw(rcy)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' }
# constructor
RCyjs = function(portRange=16000:16100, title="RCyjs", graph=graphNEL(), quiet=TRUE)
obj <- .RCyjs(BrowserViz(portRange, title, quiet, browserFile=cyjsBrowserFile,
if(length(nodes(graph)) > 0){
setGraph(obj, graph)
printf("loading graph with %d nodes", length(nodes(graph)))
layout(obj, "random")
} # if graph
# if(!quiet)
# message(sprintf("RCyjs ctor about to retrun RCyjs object"))
# setBrowserWindowTitle(obj, title)
} # RCyjs: constructor
#' setGraph
#' \code{setGraph} Establish a new graph in RCyjs, removing any previous graph
#' This method will remove any previous graph in the browser, adding
#' a new one. Setting visual properties and performing layout must follow.
#' @rdname setGraph
#' @aliases setGraph
#' @param obj RCyjs instance
#' @param graph a graphNEL
#' @return nothing
#' @seealso\code{\link{addGraph}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' sampleGraph <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo")
#' setGraph(rcy, sampleGraph)
#' }
setMethod('setGraph', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, graph) {
x <- deleteGraph(obj)
x <- addGraph(obj, graph)
#' deleteGraph
#' \code{deleteGraph} Remove all nodes and edges, the elements of the current graph.
#' This method will remove any previous graph in the browser
#' @rdname deleteGraph
#' @aliases deleteGraph
#' @param obj RCyjs instance
#' @return nothing
#' @seealso \code{\link{addGraph}} \code{\link{setGraph}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' sampleGraph <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=sampleGraph)
#' deletetGraph(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('deleteGraph', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="deleteGraph", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=""))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' addGraph
#' \code{addGraph} send these nodes and edges (with attributes) to RCyjs for display
#' This version transmits a graph (nodes, edges and attributes) to the browser
#' by writing the data to a file, and sending that filename to be read in the
#' browser by javascript.
#' @rdname addGraph
#' @aliases addGraph
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param graph a graphNEL
#' @return nothing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' setGraph(rcy, g)
#' }
setMethod('addGraph', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, graph) {
graph.class <- class(graph)
stopifnot(graph.class %in% c("graphNEL", "json"))
if(graph.class == "graphNEL")
g.json.string <- graphNELtoJSON.string(graph)
else if(graph.class == "json")
g.json.string <- fromJSON(graph)
g.json.assignmentString <- paste("network = ", g.json.string)
temp.filename <- tempfile(fileext=".json")
if(!obj@quiet & graph.class == "graphNEL")
printf("writing graph (%d nodes, %d edges to %s",
length(nodes(graph)), length(edgeNames(graph)), temp.filename)
write(g.json.assignmentString, file=temp.filename)
payload <- list(filename=temp.filename)
send(obj, list(cmd="addGraph", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=payload))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' addGraphFromFile
#' \code{addGraphFromFile} add graph from specified file, which contains a cytoscape.js JSON graph
#' More description
#' @rdname addGraphFromFile
#' @aliases addGraphFromFile
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param jsonFileName path to the file
#' @return nothin
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs()
#' filename <- system.file(package="RCyjs", "extdata", "sampleGraph.json")
#' addGraphFromFile(rcy, filename)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy, 200)
#' }
setMethod('addGraphFromFile', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, jsonFileName) {
payload <- list(filename=jsonFileName)
send(obj, list(cmd="addGraph", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=payload))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' loadStyleFile
#' \code{loadStyleFile} load a named JSON cytoscape.js style file into the browser
#' @references \url{}
#' Though we provide access to individual styling rules (see below) we often find
#' it convenient to express all aspects of a visual style in a single JSON file
#' @rdname loadStyleFile
#' @aliases loadStyleFile
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param filename contains json in the proper cytoscape.js format
#' @return nothing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- demo()
#' filename <- system.file(package="RCyjs", "extdata", "sampleStyle1.js");
#' loadStyleFile(rcy, filename)
#' }
setMethod('loadStyleFile', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, filename) {
warning(sprintf("style file '%s' cannot be found", filename))
send(obj, list(cmd="loadStyleFile", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' getNodes
#' \code{getNodes} returns a data.frame, one row per node, providing id and (if present) name and
#' label columns
#' Every node is guaranteed to have an "id" attribute. Becuase "name" and "label" are commonly
#' used as well, they are returned as columns in the data.frame if present
#' @rdname getNodes
#' @aliases getNodes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param which a character string, either "all", "visible" or "hidden"
#' @return a data.frame with at least and "id" column
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' getNodes(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('getNodes', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, which) {
stopifnot(which %in% c("all", "visible", "hidden"))
payload <- list(which=which)
send(obj, list(cmd="getNodes", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=payload))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0)
#' getNodeCount
#' \code{getNodeCount} the number of nodes in the current cytoscape.js graph
#' @rdname getNodeCount
#' @aliases getNodeCount
#' @param obj RCyjs instance
#' @return numeric count
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' getNodeCount(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('getNodeCount', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="getNodeCount", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=""))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0)
#' getEdgeCount
#' \code{getEdgeCount} the number of edges in the current cytoscape.js graph
#' @rdname getEdgeCount
#' @aliases getEdgeCount
#' @param obj RCyjs instance
#' @return numeric count
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' getEdgeCount(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('getEdgeCount', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="getEdgeCount", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=""))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0)
#' clearSelection
#' \code{clearSelection} deselect all selected nodes, all selected edges, or both
#' @rdname clearSelection
#' @aliases clearSelection
#' @param obj an RCyjs object
#' @param which a character string: "both" (the default), "nodes" or "edges"
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' selectNodes(rcy, c("A", "B"))
#' clearSelection(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('clearSelection', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, which="both") {
stopifnot(which %in% c("both", "nodes", "edges"))
payload <- list(which=which)
send(obj, list(cmd="clearSelection", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' getSelectedNodes
#' \code{getSelectedNodes} get the selected nodes
#' @rdname getSelectedNodes
#' @aliases getSelectedNodes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return a data.frame with (at least) an id column
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' <- getNodes(rcy)$id
#' selectNodes(rcy,
#' }
setMethod('getSelectedNodes', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="getSelectedNodes", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0){
result <- fromJSON(result)
if(! # always empty, indicates no selected nodes
result <- data.frame()
#' invertNodeSelection
#' \code{invertNodeSelection} deselect all selected nodes, select all previously unselected nodes
#' @rdname invertNodeSelection
#' @aliases invertNodeSelection
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' target <- nodes(g)[1]
#' selectNodes(rcy, target)
#' invertNodeSelection(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('invertNodeSelection', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="invertNodeSelection", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0)
#' hideSelectedNodes
#' \code{hideSelectedNodes} hide selected nodes from view
#' The hidden nodes are not deleted from the graph
#' @rdname hideSelectedNodes
#' @aliases hideSelectedNodes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' target <- nodes(g)[1]
#' selectNodes(rcy, target)
#' hideSelectedNodes(rcy)
#' getNodes(rcy, "hidden")
#' getNodes(rcy, "visible")
#' showAll(rcy, which="nodes")
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{showAll}}
setMethod('hideSelectedNodes', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="hideSelectedNodes", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0)
#' deleteSelectedNodes
#' \code{deleteSelectedNodes} put somewhat more detailed description here
#' multi-line description goes here with
#' continuations on subsequent lines
#' if you like
#' @rdname deleteSelectedNodes
#' @aliases deleteSelectedNodes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return explain what the method returns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' target <- nodes(g)[1]
#' selectNodes(rcy, target)
#' deleteSelectedNodes(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('deleteSelectedNodes', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="deleteSelectedNodes", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0)
#' hideNodes
#' \code{hideNodes} hide the named nodes from view
#' The hidden nodes are not deleted from the graph
#' @rdname hideNodes
#' @aliases hideNodes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' target <- nodes(g)[1]
#' selectNodes(rcy, target)
#' hideNodes(rcy)
#' getNodes(rcy, "hidden")
#' getNodes(rcy, "visible")
#' showAll(rcy, which="nodes")
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{showAll}}
setMethod('hideNodes', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, nodeIDs) {
send(obj, list(cmd="hideNodes", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=nodeIDs))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0)
#' showNodes
#' \code{showNodes} show the named nodes from view
#' @rdname showNodes
#' @aliases showNodes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' target <- nodes(g)[1]
#' hideNodes(rcy, "A")
#' getNodes(rcy, "hidden")
#' getNodes(rcy, "visible")
#' showNodes(rcy, "A")
#' getNodes(rcy, "visible")
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{showAll}}
setMethod('showNodes', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, nodeIDs) {
send(obj, list(cmd="showNodes", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=nodeIDs))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0)
#' setNodeSizeRule
#' \code{setNodeSizeRule} control node size via values of the specified attribute
#' actual node sizes are interpolated via the specified relationship of control.points node.sizes
#' @rdname setNodeSizeRule
#' @aliases setNodeSizeRule
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param attribute a character string, the node attribute category whose value controls size
#' @param control.points a list of values of the attribute
#' @param node.sizes the corresponding node size, one specified for each of the control.points
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy, 100)
#' setNodeSizeRule(rcy, "count", c(0, 30, 110), c(20, 50, 100));
#' redraw(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('setNodeSizeRule', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, attribute, control.points, node.sizes) {
payload <- list(attribute=attribute,
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeSizeRule", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string.
#' setNodeColorRule
#' \code{setNodeColorRule} control node color via values of the specified attribute
#' for interpolate mode, in which the node attribute should be a continusously varying numerical quantity
#' in-between colors are calculated for in-between values.
#' for lookup mode, in which the node attribute is a discrete string variable, simple color lookup is performed.
#' @rdname setNodeColorRule
#' @aliases setNodeColorRule
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param attribute a character string, the node attribute category whose value controls color
#' @param control.points a list of all possible values of the attribute
#' @param colors the corresponding node color, one specified for each of the control.points
#' @param mode a character string, either "interpolate" or "lookup"
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy, 100)
#' setNodeColorRule(rcy, "count", c(0, 100), c("green", "red"), mode="interpolate")
#' redraw(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('setNodeColorRule', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, attribute, control.points, colors, mode=c("interpolate", "lookup")) {
payload <- list(attribute=attribute,
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeColorRule", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string.
#' setEdgeStyle
#' \code{setEdgeStyle} plain & fast (haystack) vs fancy & slower (bezier)
#' cytoscape.js offers two kinds of edge rendering - a tradeoff in richess and speed
#' edge target decorations (arrows, tee, etc) are only rendered with the "bezier" style
#' @rdname setEdgeStyle
#' @aliases setEdgeStyle
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param mode a character string, either "bezier" or "haystack"
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy, 100)
#' loadStyleFile(rcy, system.file(package="RCyjs", "extdata", "sampleStyle2.js"))
#' setEdgeStyle(rcy, "bezier")
#' redraw(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('setEdgeStyle', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, mode=c("bezier", "haystack")) {
payload <- mode
send(obj, list(cmd="setEdgeStyle", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string.
#' setNodeAttributes
#' \code{setNodeAttributes} put somewhat more detailed description here
#' multi-line description goes here with
#' continuations on subsequent lines
#' if you like
#' @rdname setNodeAttributes
#' @aliases setNodeAttributes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param attribute a character string
#' @param nodes character strings - node ids
#' @param values scalar values, all of one type (all numeric, or all character, or all integer, ...)
#' @return explain what the method returns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy, 100)
#' setNodeAttributes(rcy, "lfc", c("A", "B", "C"), c(0, 0, 0))
#' redraw(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('setNodeAttributes', 'RCyjs',
function(obj, attribute, nodes, values){
if (length (nodes) == 0)
return ()
if(length(values) == 1)
values <- rep(values, length(nodes))
payload <- list(attribute=attribute, nodes=nodes, values=values)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeAttributes", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0)
}) # setNodeAttributes
#' setEdgeAttributes
#' \code{setEdgeAttributes} on the graph in the browse
#' Edges are specified by sourceNode/targetNode/edgeType triples.
#' @rdname setEdgeAttributes
#' @aliases setEdgeAttributes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param attribute a character string
#' @param sourceNodes vector of character strings
#' @param targetNodes vector of character strings
#' @param edgeTypes vector of character strings
#' @param values vector of character strings
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy, 100)
#' loadStyleFile(rcy, system.file(package="RCyjs", "extdata", "sampleStyle2.js"));
#' setEdgeAttributes(rcy, attribute="score",
#' sourceNodes=c("A", "B", "C"),
#' targetNodes=c("B", "C", "A"),
#' edgeTypes=c("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"),
#' values=c(0, 0, 0))
setMethod('setEdgeAttributes', 'RCyjs',
function(obj, attribute, sourceNodes, targetNodes, edgeTypes, values){
if (length (sourceNodes) == 0)
return ()
if(length(sourceNodes) == 1)
values <- rep(values, length(sourceNodes))
payload <- list(attribute=attribute, sourceNodes=sourceNodes, targetNodes=targetNodes,
edgeTypes=edgeTypes, values=values)
send(obj, list(cmd="setEdgeAttributes", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
result <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
if(nchar(result) > 0)
}) # setEdgeAttributes
#' redraw
#' \code{redraw} re-render the graph, using the latest style rules and assignements
#' @rdname redraw
#' @aliases redraw
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return explain what the method returns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy, 100)
#' setNodeAttributes(rcy, "lfc", c("A", "B", "C"), c(0, 0, 0))
#' redraw(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('redraw', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="redraw", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultStyle
#' \code{setDefaultStyle} use some sensible rendering options for all elements of the graph
#' @rdname setDefaultStyle
#' @aliases setDefaultStyle
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodesSize", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultStyle(rcy)
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultStyle", 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setDefaultStyle", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setDefaultNodeSize
#' \code{setDefaultNodeSize} set all nodes to the same specifed size, in pixels
#' @rdname setDefaultNodeSize
#' @aliases setDefaultNodeSize
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a numeric, in pixels
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodesSize", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultNodeSize(rcy, 80)
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultNodeSize", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalNodeSize", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultNodeWidth
#' \code{setDefaultNodeWidth} set all nodes to the same specifed width, in pixels
#' @rdname setDefaultNodeWidth
#' @aliases setDefaultNodeWidth
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a numeric, in pixels
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodesWidth", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultNodeWidth(rcy, 80)
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultNodeWidth", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalNodeWidth", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setNodeWidth
#' \code{setNodeWidth} set the specified nodes to the specifed widths, in pixels
#' @rdname setNodeWidth
#' @aliases setNodeWidth
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs a character string (one or more)
#' @param newValues a numeric, in pixels (one, or as many as there are nodeIDs)
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setNodesWidth", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setNodeWidth(rcy, 80)
#' }
setMethod("setNodeWidth", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, nodeIDs, newValues) {
# allow for many nodes, 1 value - in an unnuanced way
node.count <- length(nodeIDs)
value.count <- length(newValues)
if(value.count < node.count)
newValues <- rep(newValues[1], node.count)
payload <- list(nodes=nodeIDs, values=newValues)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeWidth", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setNodeHeight
#' \code{setNodeHeight} set the specified nodes to the specifed heights, in pixels
#' @rdname setNodeHeight
#' @aliases setNodeHeight
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs a character string (one or more)
#' @param newValues a numeric, in pixels (one, or as many as there are nodeIDs)
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setNodesHeight", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setNodeHeight(rcy, 80)
#' }
setMethod("setNodeHeight", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, nodeIDs, newValues) {
# allow for many nodes, 1 value - in an unnuanced way
node.count <- length(nodeIDs)
value.count <- length(newValues)
if(value.count < node.count)
newValues <- rep(newValues[1], node.count)
payload <- list(nodes=nodeIDs, values=newValues)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeHeight", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setNodeSize
#' \code{setNodeSize} set the specified nodes to the specifed sizes, in pixels
#' @rdname setNodeSize
#' @aliases setNodeSize
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs a character string (one or more)
#' @param newValues a numeric, in pixels (one, or as many as there are nodeIDs)
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setNodesSize", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setNodeSize(rcy, 80)
#' }
setMethod("setNodeSize", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, nodeIDs, newValues) {
# allow for many nodes, 1 value - in an unnuanced way
node.count <- length(nodeIDs)
value.count <- length(newValues)
if(value.count < node.count)
newValues <- rep(newValues[1], node.count)
payload <- list(nodes=nodeIDs, values=newValues)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeSize", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setNodeColor
#' \code{setNodeColor} set the specified nodes to the specifed color
#' @rdname setNodeColor
#' @aliases setNodeColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs a character string (one or more)
#' @param newValues a character string, legal CSS color names (one or more)
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setNodeColor", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setNodeColor(rcy, 80)
#' }
setMethod("setNodeColor", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, nodeIDs, newValues) {
# allow for many nodes, 1 value - in an unnuanced way
node.count <- length(nodeIDs)
value.count <- length(newValues)
if(value.count < node.count)
newValues <- rep(newValues[1], node.count)
payload <- list(nodes=nodeIDs, values=newValues)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setNodeShape
#' \code{setNodeShape} set the specified nodes to specifed shapes
#' @rdname setNodeShape
#' @aliases setNodeShape
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs a character string (one or more)
#' @param newValues a character string, one of the legitimate cytoscape.js node shapes
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setNodeShape", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setNodeShape(rcy, 80)
#' }
setMethod("setNodeShape", "RCyjs",
function (obj, nodeIDs, newValues) {
if(!(all(newValues %in% getSupportedNodeShapes(obj))))
stop(sprintf("unrecognized shapes: %s",
paste(setdiff(newValues, getSupportedNodeShapes(obj)), collapse=",")))
# allow for many nodes, 1 value - in an unnuanced way
node.count <- length(nodeIDs)
value.count <- length(newValues)
if(value.count < node.count)
newValues <- rep(newValues[1], node.count)
payload <- list(nodes=nodeIDs, values=newValues)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeShape", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setNodeFontColor
#' \code{setNodeFontColor} set the specified nodes to the same specifed node font color
#' @rdname setNodeFontColor
#' @aliases setNodeFontColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs a character string (one or more)
#' @param newValues a character string, a legal CSS color name (one or more)
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setNodeFontColor", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setNodeFontColor(rcy, "red")
#' }
setMethod("setNodeFontColor", "RCyjs",
function (obj, nodeIDs, newValues) {
# allow for many nodes, 1 value - in an unnuanced way
node.count <- length(nodeIDs)
value.count <- length(newValues)
if(value.count < node.count)
newValues <- rep(newValues[1], node.count)
payload <- list(nodes=nodeIDs, values=newValues)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeFontColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setNodeFontSize
#' \code{setNodeFontSize} set the specified nodes to the same specifed node font size
#' @rdname setNodeFontSize
#' @aliases setNodeFontSize
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs a character string (one or more)
#' @param newValues a numeric, in pixels (one, or as many as there are nodeIDs)
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setNodeFontSize", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setNodeFontSize(rcy, 5)
#' }
setMethod("setNodeFontSize", "RCyjs",
function (obj, nodeIDs, newValues) {
# allow for many nodes, 1 value - in an unnuanced way
node.count <- length(nodeIDs)
value.count <- length(newValues)
if(value.count < node.count)
newValues <- rep(newValues[1], node.count)
payload <- list(nodes=nodeIDs, values=newValues)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeFontSize", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setNodeBorderWidth
#' \code{setNodeBorderWidth} set the specified nodes to the same specifed node border width, in pixels
#' @rdname setNodeBorderWidth
#' @aliases setNodeBorderWidth
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs a character string (one or more)
#' @param newValues numeric, in pixels (one, or as many as there are nodeIDs)
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setNodeBorderWidth", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setNodeBorderWidth(rcy, 3)
#' }
setMethod("setNodeBorderWidth", "RCyjs",
function (obj, nodeIDs, newValues) {
# allow for many nodes, 1 value - in an unnuanced way
node.count <- length(nodeIDs)
value.count <- length(newValues)
if(value.count < node.count)
newValues <- rep(newValues[1], node.count)
payload <- list(nodes=nodeIDs, values=newValues)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeBorderWidth", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setNodeBorderColor
#' \code{setNodeBorderColor} set the specified nodes to the specifed node border color
#' @rdname setNodeBorderColor
#' @aliases setNodeBorderColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs a character string (one or more)
#' @param newValues legal CSS color names (one or more)
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setNodeBorderColor", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setNodeBorderColor(rcy, "green")
#' }
setMethod("setNodeBorderColor", "RCyjs",
function (obj, nodeIDs, newValues) {
# allow for many nodes, 1 value - in an unnuanced way
node.count <- length(nodeIDs)
value.count <- length(newValues)
if(value.count < node.count)
newValues <- rep(newValues[1], node.count)
payload <- list(nodes=nodeIDs, values=newValues)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeBorderColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setDefaultNodeHeight
#' \code{setDefaultNodeHeight} set all nodes to the same specifed width, in pixels
#' @rdname setDefaultNodeHeight
#' @aliases setDefaultNodeHeight
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a numeric, in pixels
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodeHeight", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultNodeHeight(rcy, 80)
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultNodeHeight", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalNodeHeight", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultNodeColor
#' \code{setDefaultNodeColor} put somewhat more detailed description here
#' multi-line description goes here with
#' continuations on subsequent lines
#' if you like
#' @rdname setDefaultNodeColor
#' @aliases setDefaultNodeColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a character string, any valid CSS color name
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodeColor", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultNodeColor(rcy, "lightblue")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultNodeColor", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalNodeColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultNodeShape
#' \code{setDefaultNodeShape} change the shape of all nodes
#' @rdname setDefaultNodeShape
#' @aliases setDefaultNodeShape
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a character string, one of "ellipse", "triangle", "rectangle", "roundrectangle",
#' "bottomroundrectangle","cutrectangle", "barrel",
#' "rhomboid", "diamond", "pentagon", "hexagon",
#' "concavehexagon", "heptagon", "octagon", "star", "tag", "vee"
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodeShape", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultNodeShape(rcy, "barrel")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultNodeShape", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue=c("ellipse", "triangle", "rectangle", "roundrectangle",
"bottomroundrectangle","cutrectangle", "barrel",
"rhomboid", "diamond", "pentagon", "hexagon",
"concavehexagon", "heptagon", "octagon", "star", "tag", "vee")){
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalNodeShape", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultNodeFontColor
#' \code{setDefaultNodeFontColor}
#' @rdname setDefaultNodeFontColor
#' @aliases setDefaultNodeFontColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue any CSS color
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodeColor", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultNodeFontColor(rcy, "red")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultNodeFontColor", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalNodeFontColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultNodeFontSize
#' \code{setDefaultNodeFontSize} put somewhat more detailed description here
#' multi-line description goes here with
#' continuations on subsequent lines
#' if you like
#' @rdname setDefaultNodeFontSize
#' @aliases setDefaultNodeFontSize
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue numeric, in points
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodeFontSize", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultNodeFontSize(rcy, 8)
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultNodeFontSize", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalNodeFontSize", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultNodeBorderWidth
#' \code{setDefaultNodeBorderWidth} in pixels
#' @rdname setDefaultNodeBorderWidth
#' @aliases setDefaultNodeBorderWidth
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue numeric, in pixels
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodeBorderWidth", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultNodeBorderWidth(rcy, 2)
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultNodeBorderWidth", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalNodeBorderWidth", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setDefaultNodeBorderColor
#' \code{setDefaultNodeBorderColor} put somewhat more detailed description here
#' @rdname setDefaultNodeBorderColor
#' @aliases setDefaultNodeBorderColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue any CSS color
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodeBorderColor", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultNodeBorderColor(rcy, "red")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultNodeBorderColor", 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalNodeBorderColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowShape
#' \code{setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowShape} put somewhat more detailed description here
#' multi-line description goes here with
#' continuations on subsequent lines
#' if you like
#' @rdname setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowShape
#' @aliases setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowShape
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a character string, one of "triangle", "triangle-tee", "triangle-cross", "triangle-backcurve",
#' "vee", "tee", "square", "circle", "diamond", "none"
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowShape", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowShape(rcy, "tee")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowShape", "RCyjs",
function(obj, newValue=c("triangle", "triangle-tee", "triangle-cross", "triangle-backcurve",
"vee", "tee", "square", "circle", "diamond", "none")) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalEdgeTargetArrowShape", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultEdgeColor
#' \code{setDefaultEdgeColor}
#' @rdname setDefaultEdgeColor
#' @aliases setDefaultEdgeColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a character string, any valid CSS color
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultNodeColor", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultNodeFontColor(rcy, "red")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultEdgeColor", "RCyjs",
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalEdgeColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor
#' \code{setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor}
#' @rdname setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor
#' @aliases setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a character string, and valid CSS color
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor(rcy, "red")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultEdgeTargetArrowColor", "RCyjs",
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalEdgeTargetArrowColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultEdgeWidth
#' \code{setDefaultEdgeWidth} in pixels
#' @rdname setDefaultEdgeWidth
#' @aliases setDefaultEdgeWidth
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a numeric
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultEdgeWidth", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultEdgeWidth(rcy, 1)
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultEdgeWidth", "RCyjs",
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalEdgeWidth", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setDefaultEdgeLineColor
#' \code{setDefaultEdgeLineColor}
#' @rdname setDefaultEdgeLineColor
#' @aliases setDefaultEdgeLineColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a character string, and valid CSS color
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultEdgeLineColor", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultEdgeLineColor(rcy, "red")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultEdgeLineColor", "RCyjs",
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalEdgeLineColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setDefaultEdgeLineStyle
#' \code{setDefaultEdgeLineStyle} put somewhat more detailed description here
#' multi-line description goes here with
#' continuations on subsequent lines
#' if you like
#' @rdname setDefaultEdgeLineStyle
#' @aliases setDefaultEdgeLineStyle
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a character string, one of "solid", "dotted", or "dashed"
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultEdgeLineStyle", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultEdgeLineColor(rcy, "dashed")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultEdgeLineStyle", "RCyjs",
function (obj, newValue=c("solid", "dotted", "dashed")) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalEdgeLineStyle", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor
#' \code{setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor}
#' @rdname setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor
#' @aliases setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a character string, and valid CSS color
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor(rcy, "red")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowColor", "RCyjs",
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalEdgeSourceArrowColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowShape
#' \code{setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowShape} put somewhat more detailed description here
#' multi-line description goes here with
#' continuations on subsequent lines
#' if you like
#' @rdname setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowShape
#' @aliases setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowShape
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a character string, one of "triangle", "triangle-tee", "triangle-cross", "triangle-backcurve",
#' "vee", "tee", "square", "circle", "diamond", "none"
#' @return no value returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowShape", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowShape(rcy, "tee")
#' }
setMethod("setDefaultEdgeSourceArrowShape", "RCyjs",
function(obj, newValue=c("triangle", "triangle-tee", "triangle-cross", "triangle-backcurve",
"vee", "tee", "square", "circle", "diamond", "none")) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setGlobalEdgeSourceArrowShape", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setNodeLabelRule
#' \code{setNodeLabelRule} put somewhat more detailed description here
#' multi-line description goes here with
#' continuations on subsequent lines
#' if you like
#' @rdname setNodeLabelRule
#' @aliases setNodeLabelRule
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param attribute a character string, the node attribute to display as label
#' @return explain what the method returns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- createTestGraph(nodeCount=20, edgeCount=20)
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="layouts", graph=g)
#' setNodeLabelRule(rcy, "label");
#' }
setMethod('setNodeLabelRule', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, attribute) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeLabelRule", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string.
#' setNodelLabelAlignment
#' \code{setNodeLabelAlignment} put somewhat more detailed description here
#' multi-line description goes here with
#' continuations on subsequent lines
#' if you like
#' @rdname setNodeLabelAlignment
#' @aliases setNodeLabelAlignment
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param horizontal character string
#' @param vertical character string
#' @return explain what the method returns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy, 100)
#' loadStyleFile(rcy, system.file(package="RCyjs", "extdata", "sampleStyle2.js"));
#' setNodeLabelAlignment(rcy, "center", "top")
setMethod('setNodeLabelAlignment', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, horizontal, vertical) {
stopifnot(vertical %in% c("top", "center", "bottom"))
stopifnot(horizontal %in% c("left", "center", "right"))
payload = list(vertical=vertical, horizontal=horizontal)
send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeLabelAlignment", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string.
## #' setNodeImage
# #'
# #' \code{setNodeImage} put somewhat more detailed description here
# #'
# #' multi-line description goes here with
# #' continuations on subsequent lines
# #' if you like
# #'
# #' @rdname setNodeImage
# #' @aliases setNodeImage
# #'
# #' @param obj an RCyjs instance
# #' @param imageURLs a vector of character strings
# #'
# #' @return explain what the method returns
# #'
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples
# #' x <- 3 + 2
# #'
# setMethod('setNodeImage', 'RCyjs',
# function (obj, imageURLs) {
# recognizedNodes <- intersect(names(imageURLs), nodes(obj@graph))
# send(obj, list(cmd="setNodeImage", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
# payload=imageURLs))
# while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
# wait(obj, 100)
# }
# invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string.
# })
#' getSupportedNodeShapes
#' \code{getSupportedNodeShapes} return a list of those currently offered
#' @rdname getSupportedNodeShapes
#' @aliases getSupportedNodeShapes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return a list of character strings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- createTestGraph(nodeCount=20, edgeCount=20)
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="shapes", graph=g)
#' shapes <- getSupportedNodeShapes(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('getSupportedNodeShapes', "RCyjs",
c("ellipse", "triangle", "rectangle", "roundrectangle",
"bottomroundrectangle","cutrectangle", "barrel",
"rhomboid", "diamond", "pentagon", "hexagon",
"concavehexagon", "heptagon", "octagon", "star", "tag", "vee")
#' getSupportedEdgeDecoratorShapes
#' \code{getSupportedEdgeDecoratorShapes} return a list of those currently offered
#' @rdname getSupportedEdgeDecoratorShapes
#' @aliases getSupportedEdgeDecoratorShapes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return a list of character strings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- createTestGraph(nodeCount=20, edgeCount=20)
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="shapes", graph=g)
#' shapes <- getSupportedEdgeDecoratorShapes(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('getSupportedEdgeDecoratorShapes', "RCyjs",
c("triangle", "triangle-tee", "triangle-cross", "triangle-backcurve",
"vee", "tee", "square", "circle", "diamond", "none")
#' getLayoutStrategies
#' \code{getLayoutStrategies} return a list of those currently offered
#' @rdname getLayoutStrategies
#' @aliases getLayoutStrategies
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return a list of character strings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- createTestGraph(nodeCount=20, edgeCount=20)
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="layouts", graph=g)
#' strategies <- getLayoutStrategies(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('getLayoutStrategies', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
builtinStrategies = c("breadthfirst", "circle", "concentric", "cose", "grid", "random")
extensionStrategies = c("cola", "dagre", "cose-bilkent")
return(sort(c(builtinStrategies, extensionStrategies)))
#' layout
#' \code{layout} apply a layout algorithm to the current grap
#' @rdname layout
#' @aliases layout
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param strategy a character string, one of the supported algorithms
#' @return explain what the method returns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- createTestGraph(nodeCount=20, edgeCount=20)
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="layouts", graph=g)
#' strategies <- getLayoutStrategies(rcy)
#' for(strategy in stategies){
#' layout(rcy, strategy)
#' Sys.sleep(1)
#' }
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{getLayoutStrategies}}
setMethod('layout', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, strategy="random") {
if(!strategy %in% getLayoutStrategies(obj))
stop(sprintf("unrecognized layout strategy: '%s'", strategy))
send(obj, list(cmd="doLayout", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=strategy))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' layoutSelectionInGrid
#' \code{layoutSelectionInGrid} arrange selected nodes in this region
#' @rdname layoutSelectionInGrid
#' @aliases layoutSelectionInGrid
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param x numeric this will be the top left x coordinate of the grid
#' @param y numeric the top right
#' @param w numeric width of the grid
#' @param h numeric height of the grid
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy, 100)
#' loadStyleFile(rcy, system.file(package="RCyjs", "extdata", "sampleStyle2.js"));
#' selectNodes(rcy, nodes(g))
#' layoutSelectionInGrid(rcy, -1000, 10, 100, 400)
#' }
setMethod('layoutSelectionInGrid', 'RCyjs',
function(obj, x, y, w, h){
payload <- list(x=x, y=y, w=w, h=h)
send(obj, list(cmd="layoutSelectionInGrid", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' layoutSelectionInGridInferAnchor
#' \code{layoutSelectionInGridInferAnchor} the top-most, left-most of the selected nodes is the anchor
#' anchor (the top left) of the grid is the location of the topmost/leftmost node, then arrange
#' all the selected nodes in a box anchored here.
#' @rdname layoutSelectionInGridInferAnchorm
#' @aliases layoutSelectionInGridInferAnchor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param w numeric, the width of the grid box
#' @param h numeric, the height of the grid box
#' @return explain what the method returns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy, 100)
#' loadStyleFile(rcy, system.file(package="RCyjs", "extdata", "sampleStyle2.js"));
#' selectNodes(rcy, nodes(g))
#' layoutSelectionInGrid(rcy, -1000, 10, 100, 400)
#' }
setMethod('layoutSelectionInGridInferAnchor', 'RCyjs',
function(obj, w, h){
payload <- list(w=w, h=h)
send(obj, list(cmd="layoutSelectionInGridInferAnchor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' getPosition
#' \code{getPosition} for all or specified nodes
#' @rdname getPosition
#' @aliases getPosition
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs a vector of character strings, default NA
#' @return a data.frame with "id", "x" and "y" columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="getPosition", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' tbl.pos <- getPosition(rcy)
#' tbl.posA <- getPosition(rcy, "A")
#' }
setMethod('getPosition', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, nodeIDs=NA) {
nodeIDs <- ""
send(obj, list(cmd="getPosition", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setPosition
#' \code{setPosition} of nodes by their id
#' @rdname setPosition
#' @aliases setPosition
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param tbl.pos a data.frame with three columns: id, x, y
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="getPosition", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' tbl.pos <- getPosition(rcy)
#' # shift all the nodes to the right
#' tbl.pos$x <- tbl.pos$x + 50
#' setPosition(rcy, tbl.pos)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{getPosition}}
setMethod('setPosition', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, tbl.pos) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setPosition", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=tbl.pos))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' saveLayout
#' \code{saveLayout} to a named file
#' All node positions are saved to a functionally opaque RData object,
#' in a file whose name you supply. These files are used by
#' restoreLayout.
#' @rdname saveLayout
#' @aliases saveLayout
#' @param obj a RCyjs instance
#' @param filename "layout.RData" by default
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' layout(rcy, "grid")
#' saveLayout(rcy, filename="gridLayout.RData")
#' layout(rcy, "circle")
#' restoreLayout(rcy, "gridLayout.RData")
#' }
#' @seealso\code{\link{restoreLayout}}
setMethod('saveLayout', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, filename="layout.RData") {
tbl.layout <- getPosition(obj)
save(tbl.layout, file=filename)
#' restoreLayout
#' \code{restoreLayout} restore a previously-saved layout
#' @rdname restoreLayout
#' @aliases restoreLayout
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param filename a character string, default "layout.RData"
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' layout(rcy, "grid")
#' saveLayout(rcy, filename="gridLayout.RData")
#' layout(rcy, "circle")
#' restoreLayout(rcy, "gridLayout.RData")
#' }
#' @seealso\code{\link{saveLayout}}
setMethod('restoreLayout', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, filename="layout.RData") {
tbl.layout <- NA
x <- setPosition(obj, tbl.layout)
#' getJSON
#' \code{getJSON} a JSON string from the browser, describing the graph in cytoscape.js terms
#' @rdname getJSON
#' @aliases getJSON
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return a JSON string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' sampleGraph <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="getJSON", graph=sampleGraph)
#' s <- getJSON(rcy)
#' s.asList <- fromJSON(s) # easier to inspect if you wish toa
#' }
setMethod('getJSON', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="getJSON", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=""))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' savePNG
#' \code{savePNG} write current cytoscape view, at current resolution, to a PNG file.
#' @rdname savePNG
#' @aliases savePNG
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param filename a character string
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="layouts", graph=createTestGraph(nodeCount=20, edgeCount=20))
#' style.filename <- system.file(package="RCyjs", "extdata", "sampleStyle1.js");
#' loadStyleFile(rcy, style.filename)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy)
#' filename <- tempfile(fileext=".png")
#' savePNG(rcy, filename)
#' }
setMethod('savePNG', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, filename) {
send(obj, list(cmd="getPNG", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
png <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
png.parsed <- fromJSON(png)
substr(png.parsed, 1, 30) # [1] ""
nchar(png.parsed) # [1] 768714
png.parsed.headless <- substr(png.parsed, 23, nchar(png.parsed)) # chop off the uri header
png.parsed.binary <- base64decode(png.parsed.headless)
conn <- file(filename, "wb")
writeBin(png.parsed.binary, conn)
#' saveJPG
#' \code{saveJPG} write current cytoscape view, at current resolution, to a JPG file.
#' @rdname saveJPG
#' @aliases saveJPG
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param filename a character string
#' @param resolutionFactor numeric, default 1, higher values multiply resolution beyond screen dpi
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="layouts", graph=createTestGraph(nodeCount=20, edgeCount=20))
#' style.filename <- system.file(package="RCyjs", "extdata", "sampleStyle1.js");
#' loadStyleFile(rcy, style.filename)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' fit(rcy)
#' filename <- tempfile(fileext=".jpg")
#' saveJPG(rcy, filename, resolutionFactor)
#' }
setMethod('saveJPG', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, filename, resolutionFactor=1) {
payload <- list(resolutionFactor=resolutionFactor)
send(obj, list(cmd="getJPG", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
jpg <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
jpg.parsed <- fromJSON(jpg)
substr(jpg.parsed, 1, 30) # [1] ""
nchar(jpg.parsed) # [1] 768714
jpg.parsed.headless <- substr(jpg.parsed, 23, nchar(jpg.parsed)) # chop off the uri header
jpg.parsed.binary <- base64decode(jpg.parsed.headless)
conn <- file(filename, "wb")
writeBin(jpg.parsed.binary, conn)
## #' saveAsWebPage
## #'
## #' \code{saveAsWebPage} write current cytoscape graph and style to a standalone webpage
## #'
## #' @rdname saveAsWebPage
## #' @aliases saveAsWebPage
## #'
## #' @param obj an RCyjs instance
## #' @param filename a character string
## #'
## #' @return no return value
## #'
## #' @export
## #'
## #' @examples
## #' if(interactive()){
## #' rcy <- RCyjs(title="layouts", graph=createTestGraph(nodeCount=20, edgeCount=20))
## #' style.filename <- system.file(package="RCyjs", "extdata", "sampleStyle1.js");
## #' loadStyleFile(rcy, style.filename)
## #' layout(rcy, "cose")
## #' fit(rcy)
## #' filename <- tempfile(fileext=".html")
## #' saveAsWebPage(rcy, filename)
## #' }
## setMethod('saveAsWebPage', 'RCyjs',
## function (obj, filename) {
## payload <- list(resolutionFactor=resolutionFactor)
## send(obj, list(cmd="getJPG", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
## payload=payload))
## while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
## wait(obj, 100)
## }
## jpg <- getBrowserResponse(obj)
## jpg.parsed <- fromJSON(jpg)
## substr(jpg.parsed, 1, 30) # [1] ""
## nchar(jpg.parsed) # [1] 768714
## jpg.parsed.headless <- substr(jpg.parsed, 23, nchar(jpg.parsed)) # chop off the uri header
## jpg.parsed.binary <- base64decode(jpg.parsed.headless)
## conn <- file(filename, "wb")
## writeBin(jpg.parsed.binary, conn)
## close(conn)
## })
#' noaNames
#' \code{noaNames} the names of the unique node attribute categories on the graph (not their values)
#' @rdname noaNames
#' @aliases noaNames
#' @param graph a graphNEL
#' @return character strings, the names of the unique node attribute categories on the graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' noaNames(g)
#' }
noaNames <- function (graph)
#' edaNames
#' \code{edaNames} the names of the unique edge attribute categories on the graph (not their values)
#' @rdname edaNames
#' @aliases edaNames
#' @param graph a graphNEL
#' @return character strings, the names of the unique edge attribute categories on the graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' edaNames(g)
#' }
edaNames <- function (graph)
return (names(edgeDataDefaults (graph)))
#' noa
#' \code{noa} retrieve the node/attribute-value pairs, for the specified node attribute category
#' @rdname noa
#' @aliases noa
#' @param graph a graphNEL
#' @param a character string
#' @return character strings, the names of the unique edge attribute categories on the graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' noa(g, "lfc")
#' }
noa <- function (graph,
if (! %in% noaNames(graph))
return (NA)
return(unlist(nodeData (graph,
} # noa
#' eda
#' \code{eda} retrieve the node/attribute-value pairs, for the specified node attribute category
#' @rdname eda
#' @aliases eda
#' @param graph a graphNEL
#' @param a character string
#' @return character strings, the names of the unique edge attribute categories on the graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' edaNames(g) # discover the attribute category names
#' eda(g, "edgeType")
#' eda(g, "score")
#' }
eda <- function(graph,
if (! %in% edaNames (graph))
return (NA)
} # eda
#' fit
#' \code{fit} zoom in (or out) to display all nodes in the current graph
#' @rdname fit
#' @aliases fit
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param padding numeric, in pixels
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' setZoom(rcy, 0.5) # zoom out
#' fit(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('fit', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, padding=30) {
send(obj, list(cmd="fit", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=padding))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' fitSelection
#' \code{fitSelection} zoom in to include only currently selected nodes
#' @rdname fitSelection
#' @aliases fitSelection
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param padding numeric, in pixels
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' selectNodes(rcy, "A")
#' fitSelection(rcy, padding=100)
#' }
setMethod('fitSelection', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, padding=30) {
send(obj, list(cmd="fitSelected", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=padding))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' selectNodes
#' \code{selectNodes} by node id
#' @rdname selectNodes
#' @aliases selectNodes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param nodeIDs character strings
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' selectNodes(rcy, c("A", "B"))
#' }
setMethod('selectNodes', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, nodeIDs) {
send(obj, list(cmd="selectNodes", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes
#' \code{selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes}
#' @rdname selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes
#' @aliases selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' selectNodes(rcy, "A")
#' getSelectedNodes(rcy) # just one
#' selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes()
#' getSelectedNodes(rcy) # now three
#' }
setMethod('selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="sfn", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=""))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' sfn
#' \code{sfn} select first neighbors of the currently selected nodes
#' @rdname sfn
#' @aliases sfn
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' selectNodes(rcy, "A")
#' getSelectedNodes(rcy) # just one
#' sfn()
#' getSelectedNodes(rcy) # now three
#' }
setMethod('sfn', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
#' hideAllEdges
#' \code{hideAllEdges}
#' @rdname hideAllEdges
#' @aliases hideAllEdges
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' hideAllEdges()
#' showAll(rcy, "edges")
#' }
setMethod('hideAllEdges', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="hideAllEdges", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' showAll
#' \code{showAll} show any hidden objects: nodes, edges, or both
#' @rdname showAll
#' @aliases showAll
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param which a character string, either "nodes", "edges" or "both"
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' selectNodes(rcy, getNodes(rcy)$id)
#' hideSelectedNodes(rcy)
#' showAll(rcy, "nodes")
#' }
setMethod('showAll', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, which=c("both", "nodes", "edges")) {
payload <- match.arg(which)
send(obj, list(cmd="showAll", callback="handleResponse", status="request", payload=payload))
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' hideEdges
#' \code{hideEdges} hide all edges of the specified type
#' edgeType is a crucial feature for RCyjs. We assume it is an attribute found
#' on every edge in every graph.
#' @rdname hideEdges
#' @aliases hideEdges
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param edgeType a character string
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' getNodes(rcy)
#' edaNames(rcy) # includes "edgeType"
#' eda(rcy, "edgeType") # includes "phosphorylates"
#' hideEdges(rcy, edgeType="phosphorylates")
#' showEdges(rcy, edgeType="phosphorylates")
#' }
setMethod('hideEdges', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, edgeType) {
send(obj, list(cmd="hideEdges", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' showEdges
#' \code{showEdges} if hidden, edges of the specified type will be made visible
#' edgeType is a crucial feature for RCyjs. We assume it is an attribute found
#' on every edge in every graph.
#' @rdname showEdges
#' @aliases showEdges
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param edgeType a character string
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' getNodes(rcy)
#' edaNames(rcy) # includes "edgeType"
#' eda(rcy, "edgeType") # includes "phosphorylates"
#' hideEdges(rcy, edgeType="phosphorylates")
#' showEdges(rcy, edgeType="phosphorylates")
#' }
setMethod('showEdges', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, edgeType) {
send(obj, list(cmd="showEdges", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' getZoom
#' \code{getZoom} learn the zoom level of the current display
#' @rdname getZoom
#' @aliases getZoom
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' getZoom(rcy)
#' Sys.sleep(1)
#' setZoom(rcy, 5)
#' getZoom(rcy)
#' }
setMethod('getZoom', 'RCyjs',
function (obj) {
send(obj, list(cmd="getZoom", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
#' setZoom
#' \code{setZoom} zoom in or out
#' @rdname setZoom
#' @aliases setZoom
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue numeric, typically be 0.1 (zoomed way out, nodes are small) and 10 (zoomed way in, nodes are large)
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' setZoom(rcy, 0.2)
#' Sys.sleep(1)
#' setZoom(rcy, 5)
#' }
setMethod('setZoom', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setZoom", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' setBackgroundColor
#' \code{setBackgroundColor} of the entire cytoscape.js div
#' @rdname setBackgroundColor
#' @aliases setBackgroundColor
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @param newValue a character string, any valid CSS color
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=simpleDemoGraph())
#' setBackgroundColor(rcy, "lightblue")
#' }
setMethod('setBackgroundColor', 'RCyjs',
function (obj, newValue) {
send(obj, list(cmd="setBackgroundColor", callback="handleResponse", status="request",
while (!browserResponseReady(obj)){
wait(obj, 100)
invisible(getBrowserResponse(obj)); # the empty string
#' vAlign
#' \code{vAlign} vertically align selected nodes
#' The shared x coordinate will be the mean of the x coordinates of selected nodes.
#' The y coordinates are preserved.
#' @rdname vAlign
#' @aliases vAlign
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' selectNodes(rcy, nodes(g)[1:2])
#' vAlign(rcy)
#' }
setMethod("vAlign", "RCyjs",
function(obj) {
.alignSelectedNodes(obj, "vertical")
#' hAlign
#' \code{hAlign} horizontally align selected nodes
#' The shared y coordinate will be the mean of the y coordinates of selected nodes.
#' The x coordinates are preserved.
#' @rdname hAlign
#' @aliases hAlign
#' @param obj an RCyjs instance
#' @return no return value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' g <- simpleDemoGraph()
#' rcy <- RCyjs(title="rcyjs demo", graph=g)
#' layout(rcy, "cose")
#' selectNodes(rcy, nodes(g)[1:2])
#' hAlign(rcy)
#' }
setMethod("hAlign", "RCyjs",
function(obj) {
.alignSelectedNodes(obj, "horizontal")
.alignSelectedNodes <- function(rcy, axis) {
selectedNodes <- getSelectedNodes(rcy)$id
if(length(selectedNodes) < 2){
printf("select 2 or more nodes");
tbl.pos <- getPosition(rcy, selectedNodes)
if(axis == "vertical"){
x.mean <- sum(tbl.pos$x)/nrow(tbl.pos)
tbl.pos$x <- x.mean
y.mean <- sum(tbl.pos$y)/nrow(tbl.pos)
tbl.pos$y <- y.mean
setPosition(rcy, tbl.pos)
} # .alignSelectedNodes
myQP <- function(queryString)
#printf("=== RCYjs-class::myQP");
# for reasons not quite clear, the query string comes in with extra characters
# following the expected filename:
# "?sampleStyle.js&_=1443650062946"
# check for that, cleanup the string, then see if the file can be found
ampersand.loc <- as.integer(regexpr("&", queryString, fixed=TRUE))
#printf("ampersand.loc: %d", ampersand.loc)
if(ampersand.loc > 0){
queryString <- substring(queryString, 1, ampersand.loc - 1);
questionMark.loc <- as.integer(regexpr("?", queryString, fixed=TRUE));
#printf("questionMark.loc: %d", questionMark.loc)
if(questionMark.loc == 1)
queryString <- substring(queryString, 2, nchar(queryString))
filename <- queryString;
#printf("myQP filename: '%s'", filename)
#printf(" exists? %s", file.exists(filename));
return(list(contentType="text/plain", body=sprintf("file not found: %s", filename)))
#printf("--- about to scan %s", filename);
# reconstitute linefeeds though collapsing file into one string, so json
# structure is intact, and any "//" comment tokens only affect one line
text <- paste(scan(filename, what=character(0), sep="\n", quiet=TRUE), collapse="\n")
#printf("%d chars read from %s", nchar(text), filename);
return(list(contentType="text/plain", body=text));
} # myQP
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.