tsort <- function(x)
if ( !isDirected(x) ) stop("requires directed graph")
nv <- length(nodes(x))
em <- edgeMatrix(x)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_tsort_D",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
if ( any(ans != 0) ) ans <- nodes(x)[ans+1]
else ans <- character(0)
mstree.kruskal <- function(x)
nv <- length(nodes(x))
em <- edgeMatrix(x, duplicates=TRUE) # conform with edgeWeights unlisted
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(x))
ans <- .Call("BGL_KMST_D",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),
ans[[1]] <- apply(ans[[1]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(x))
rownames(ans[[1]]) <- c("from", "to")
rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("weight")
names(ans) <- c("edgeList", "weights")
ans$nodes <- nodes(x)
prim.minST <- function ()
.Defunct("mstree.prim", "RBGL")
mstree.prim <- function ( g )
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g, duplicates=TRUE) # conform with edgeWeights unlisted
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
ans <- .Call("BGL_PRIM_U",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),
ans[[1]] <- apply(ans[[1]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
rownames(ans[[1]]) <- c("from", "to")
rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("weight")
names(ans) <- c("edgeList", "weights")
ans$nodes <- nodes(g)
setGeneric("bfs", function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
setMethod("bfs",c("graph", "missing", "missing"),
function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
bfs(object, nodes(object)[1], TRUE))
setMethod("bfs",c("graph", "missing", "logical"),
function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
bfs(object, nodes(object)[1], checkConn))
setMethod("bfs",c("graph", "character", "missing"),
function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
bfs(object, node, TRUE))
setMethod("bfs",c("graph", "character", "logical"),
function( object, node, checkConn)
bfs(object, node, checkConn))
setMethod("bfs",c("graph", "character", "logical"),
function (object, node = nodes(object)[1], checkConn = TRUE)
nodvec <- nodes(object)
if (!checkConn)
warning("API is changing: checkConn is disregarded, connectivity always checked.")
if ( <- match(node, nodvec)))
stop("starting node not found in nodes of graph")
if (length(ccc <- connectedComp(object)) > 1)
warning("graph is not connected; returning bfs applied to each connected component")
alln <- lapply(ccc, function(x) nodes(subGraph(x, object)))
hasStart <- sapply(alln, function(x) node %in% x)
def <- lapply(ccc[-which(hasStart)],
function(x) bfs(subGraph(x, object)))
names(def) <- NULL
wsta <- bfs(subGraph(ccc[[which(hasStart)]], object), node)
return(c(list(wsta), def))
nv <- length(nodvec)
em <- edgeMatrix(object, duplicates = TRUE)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_bfs_D",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em - 1),
as.integer(rep(1, ne)), as.integer(startind - 1),
sapply((ans + 1), function(x, y) y[x], nodes(object))
if (!isGeneric("dfs"))
setGeneric("dfs", function(object,node,checkConn=TRUE)
setMethod("dfs",c("graph", "missing", "missing"),
function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
dfs(object, nodes(object)[1], TRUE))
setMethod("dfs",c("graph", "character", "missing"),
function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
dfs(object, node, TRUE))
setMethod("dfs",c("graph", "character", "logical"),
function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE) {
if (!checkConn)
warning("API is changing: checkConn is disregarded, connectivity always checked.")
nodvec <- nodes(object)
if ( <- match(node,nodvec)))
warning("starting node not found in nodes of graph,\nnodes element 1 used")
startind <- 1
if (length(ccc <- connectedComp(object)) > 1)
warning("graph is not connected; returning dfs applied to each connected component")
def <- lapply(ccc, function(x) dfs(subGraph(x, object)))
names(def) <- NULL
nv <- length(nodvec)
em <- edgeMatrix(object,duplicates=TRUE)
ne <- ncol(em)
if (startind != 1) # here we rearrange the node references in edgematrix
{ # to reflect altered start index
tem <- em
em[tem == 1] <- startind
em[tem == startind] <- 1
ans <- .Call("BGL_dfs_D",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.integer(rep(1,ne)),
fixup <- function(x)
tm <- x;
x[tm==(1-1)] <- startind-1
x[tm==(startind-1)] <- (1-1)
ans <- lapply(ans, fixup)
names(ans) <- c("discovered", "finish")
lapply(ans, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(object))
dijkstra.sp <- function(g,start=nodes(g)[1], eW=unlist(edgeWeights(g)))
if (!is.character(start)) stop("start must be character")
if (length(start) !=1 ) stop("start must have length 1")
II <- match(start, nodes(g), 0)
if ( II == 0 ) stop("start not found in nodes of g")
if ( isDirected(g) )
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
em <- edgeMatrix(g,TRUE)
if ( any(eW < 0, na.rm=TRUE) )
stop("'dijkstra.sp' requires that all edge weights are nonnegative")
nN <- nodes(g)
nv <- length(nN)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_dijkstra_shortest_paths_D",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW), as.integer(II - 1),
names(ans) <- c("distances", "penult")
ans[["distances"]][ ans[["distances"]] == .Machine$double.xmax ] <- Inf
names(ans[["distances"]]) <- names(ans[["penult"]]) <- nN
ans$penult <- ans$penult + 1
ans[["start"]] <- II
names(ans[["start"]]) <- nN[II]
connectedComp <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1,ne)),
strongComp <- function (g)
if (!isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to directed graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
x <- .Call("BGL_strong_components_D",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1,ne)),
edgeConnectivity <- function (g)
if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_edge_connectivity_U",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1.,ne)),
mes <- ans[[2]]
mes <- lapply(mes,function(x,y) y[x+1], nodes(g)) # +1 for zero-based BGL
list(connectivity=ans[[1]], minDisconSet=mes)
minCut <- function (g)
if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_min_cut_U",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1.,ne)),
s_names <- sapply(ans[[2]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
vs_names <- sapply(ans[[3]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
if ( length(s_names) > length(vs_names) )
{ temp <- s_names; s_names <- vs_names; vs_names <- temp }
list(mincut=ans[[1]], "S"=s_names, "V-S"=vs_names)
removeSelfLoops <- function(g)
g1 <- g
for ( n in nodes(g) )
if ( n %in% adj(g, n)[[1]] ) g1 <- removeEdge(n, n, g1)
highlyConnSG <- function (g, sat=3, ldv=c(3, 2, 1))
lldv <- length(ldv)
#x = ldv[1:lldv-1] - ldv[2:lldv]
seq2use = seq_len(lldv-1)
x = ldv[seq2use] - ldv[(seq2use+1)]
if ( length(ldv) <= 1 ||
length(ldv[ldv>0]) != length(ldv) ||
length(x[x>0]) != length(x) )
stop("ldv has to be decreasing sequence of positive integers")
if ( sat <= 0 ) stop("sat has to be positive")
if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")
for ( n in nodes(g) )
if ( n %in% adj(g, n)[[1]] )
stop("graph contains self-circle(s), use 'removeSelfLoops' first.")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_highly_conn_sg",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1.,ne)),
as.integer(sat), as.integer(lldv), as.integer(ldv),
ans_names <- lapply(ans, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
extractPath <- function(s, f, pens) {
# use list of penultimates (from dijkstra.sp) to establish
# linear path from node s to node f
path <- f
maxl <- length(pens)
i <- 0
while (path[1] != s) {
if (i > maxl) # no path available
path <- "NA"
path <- c(pens[f], path)
f <- pens[f]
i <- i+1
sp.between.scalar <- function (g, start, finish)
stop("sp.between.scalar is obsolete, use sp.between instead")
sp.between <- function (g, start, finish, detail=TRUE)
if ( length(start) <= 0 || length(finish) <= 0 )
stop("missing starting or finishing nodes")
nG = nodes(g)
if ( !all(start %in% nG) )
stop("all starting nodes have to be in the graph")
if ( !all(finish %in% nG) )
stop("all finishing nodes have to be in the graph")
##get the node index, given the name
nodeind <- function(n) match(n, nG)
tmp = cbind(start, finish)
fl = split(tmp[,2], tmp[,1])
ustart <- unique(start)
ans <- list()
ws <- list()
if ( any(eWW < 0, na.rm=TRUE) )
stop("'sp.between' requires that all edge weights are nonnegative")
for (i in seq_len(length(ustart)))
curdi <- dijkstra.sp(g, ustart[i], eWW)$penult
thiss <- ustart[i]
thisf <- fl[[thiss]]
for (j in seq_len(length(thisf) ) )
ans[[paste(thiss, thisf[j], sep = ":")]] <-
nG[extractPath(nodeind(thiss), nodeind(thisf[j]), curdi)]
getw <- function(nl)
res <- NA
# obtain weights in g for path of nodes in char vec nl
if ( length(nl) > 1 )
res <- rep(NA,length(nl)-1) # only n-1 pairs
wstr <- eW[nl]
#for (i in 1:(length(nl)-1))
for (i in seq_len(length(nl)-1))
res[i]<-wstr[[i]][nl[i+1]] # use numerical names of weights
names(res) <- paste(nl[-length(nl)], nl[-1],
ws <- lapply(ans, function(x) getw(x))
lens <- lapply(ws, sum)
ans2 <- vector("list", length=length(ans))
names(ans2) = names(ans)
for (i in seq_len(length(ans)))
if ( detail )
ans2[[i]] <- list(length=lens[[i]],
ans2[[i]] <- list(length=lens[[i]])
johnson.all.pairs.sp <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
if (isDirected(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
else em <- edgeMatrix(g, TRUE)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
ans <- .Call("BGL_johnson_all_pairs_shortest_paths_D",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em - 1), as.double(eW),
tmp <- matrix(ans, nrow = length(nodes(g)))
dimnames(tmp) <- list(nodes(g), nodes(g))
tmp[ tmp >= .Machine$double.xmax ] <- Inf
floyd.warshall.all.pairs.sp <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
if (isDirected(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
else em <- edgeMatrix(g, TRUE)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
ans <- .Call("BGL_floyd_warshall_all_pairs_shortest_paths_D",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em - 1), as.double(eW),
tmp <- matrix(ans, nrow = length(nodes(g)))
dimnames(tmp) <- list(nodes(g), nodes(g))
tmp[ tmp >= .Machine$double.xmax ] <- Inf
} <- function(g, start=nodes(g)[1])
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
if ( is.character(start) ) s <- match(start, nodes(g), 0)
else s <- start
if ( s <= 0 || s > nv ) stop("start not found in nodes of g")
ans <- .Call("BGL_bellman_ford_shortest_paths",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em - 1), as.double(eW), as.integer(s-1),
ans[[2]][ ans[[2]] >= .Machine$double.xmax ] <- Inf
ans[[3]] <- ans[[3]] + 1
names(ans[[2]]) <- names(ans[[3]]) <- nodes(g)
list("all edges minimized"=ans[[1]], "distance"=ans[[2]],
"penult"=ans[[3]], "start"=nodes(g)[s])
dag.sp <- function(g, start=nodes(g)[1])
if (!isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to directed graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
if ( is.character(start) ) s <- match(start, nodes(g), 0)
else s <- start
if ( s <= 0 || s > nv ) stop("start not found in nodes of g")
ans <- .Call("BGL_dag_shortest_paths",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em - 1), as.double(eW), as.integer(s-1),
ans[[1]][ ans[[1]] >= .Machine$double.xmax ] <- Inf
ans[[2]] <- ans[[2]] + 1
names(ans[[1]]) <- names(ans[[2]]) <- nodes(g)
list("distance"=ans[[1]], "penult"=ans[[2]], "start"=nodes(g)[s])
transitive.closure <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
if (isDirected(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
else em <- edgeMatrix(g, TRUE)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_transitive_closure_D",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em - 1),
v_names <- sapply(ans[[1]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
nv <- length(v_names)
ans[[2]] <- ans[[2]] + 1
ne <- ncol(ans[[2]])
edL <- vector("list", length=nv)
names(edL) <- v_names
for(i in seq_len(nv)) edL[[i]] <- list(edges=ans[[2]][2,][which(ans[[2]][1,]==i)])
g <- new("graphNEL", nodes=v_names, edgeL=edL, edgemode=edgemode(g))
max.flow.internal <- function (g, source, sink, method="Edmonds.Karp")
if (!isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to directed graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
if ( is.character(source) ) s <- match(source, nodes(g), 0)
else s <- source
if ( is.character(sink) ) t <- match(sink, nodes(g), 0)
else t <- sink
if ( s <= 0 || s > nv || t <= 0 || t > nv )
stop("both source and sink need to be nodes in the graph")
# nodes are numbered from 1 in R graph, but from 0 in BGL graph
if ( method == "Push.Relabel" )
ans <- .Call("BGL_push_relabel_max_flow",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),
as.integer(s-1), as.integer(t-1),
else if ( method == "Edmonds.Karp" )
ans <- .Call("BGL_edmonds_karp_max_flow",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),
as.integer(s-1), as.integer(t-1),
else if ( method == "Kolmogorov")
ans <- .Call("BGL_kolmogorov_max_flow",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),
as.integer(s-1), as.integer(t-1),
stop("unknown method")
rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("from", "to")
rownames(ans[[3]]) <- c("flow")
f_names <- sapply(ans[[2]][1,]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
t_names <- sapply(ans[[2]][2,]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
ans[[2]][1,] <- f_names
ans[[2]][2,] <- t_names
list("maxflow"=ans[[1]], "edges"=ans[[2]], "flows"=ans[[3]])
edmonds.karp.max.flow <- function (g, source, sink)
max.flow.internal(g, source, sink, "Edmonds.Karp")
push.relabel.max.flow <- function (g, source, sink)
max.flow.internal(g, source, sink, "Push.Relabel")
kolmogorov.max.flow <- function(g, source, sink)
max.flow.internal(g, source, sink, "Kolmogorov")
edmondsMaxCardinalityMatching <- function(g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("edmondsMaxCardinalityMatching",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
ans[[1]] <- as.logical(ans[[1]])
ans[[2]] <- apply(ans[[2]], 2, function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] } )
rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("vertex", "matched vertex")
names(ans) <- c("Is max matching: ", "Matching: ")
isomorphism <- function(g1, g2)
nv1 <- length(nodes(g1))
em1 <- edgeMatrix(g1)
ne1 <- ncol(em1)
nv2 <- length(nodes(g2))
em2 <- edgeMatrix(g2)
ne2 <- ncol(em2)
ans <- .Call("BGL_isomorphism",
as.integer(nv1), as.integer(ne1), as.integer(em1-1),
as.integer(nv2), as.integer(ne2), as.integer(em2-1),
cuthill.mckee.ordering <- function(g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_cuthill_mckee_ordering",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
r_names <- sapply(ans[[1]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
list("reverse cuthill.mckee.ordering"=r_names,
"original bandwidth"=ans[[2]], "new bandwidth"=ans[[3]])
sequential.vertex.coloring <- function(g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_sequential_vertex_coloring",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
names(ans[[2]]) = nodes(g)
list("no. of colors needed"=ans[[1]], "colors of nodes"=ans[[2]])
minDegreeOrdering <- function(g, delta=0)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_min_degree_ordering",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), as.integer(delta),
ip_names <- sapply(ans[[1]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
p_names <- sapply(ans[[2]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
list("inverse_permutation"=ip_names, "permutation"=p_names)
sloan.ordering <- function(g, w1=1, w2=2)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_sloan_ordering",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), w1, w2,
s_names <- sapply(ans[[1]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
list("sloan.ordering"=s_names, "bandwidth"=ans[[2]],
"profile"=ans[[3]], "maxWavefront"=ans[[4]],
"aver.wavefront"=ans[[5]], "rms.wavefront"=ans[[6]])
bandwidth <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_bandwidth",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
gprofile <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_profile",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
ith.wavefront <- function (g, start=nodes(g)[1])
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
if ( is.character(start) ) s <- match(start, nodes(g), 0)
else s <- start
if ( s <= 0 || s > nv )
stop("starting node needs to be from the graph")
ans <- .Call("BGL_ith_wavefront",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.integer(s-1),
maxWavefront <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_max_wavefront",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
aver.wavefront <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_aver_wavefront",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
rms.wavefront <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_rms_wavefront",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
init.incremental.components <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_init_incremental_components",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
ans[-1] <- lapply(nodes(g), function(x)x) # ans[-1], function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
names(ans[[1]]) = "no. of initial components"
incremental.components <- function (g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_incremental_components",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
ans[-1] <- lapply(ans[-1], function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
names(ans[[1]]) = "no. of connected components"
same.component <- function (g, node1, node2)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
if ( is.character(node1) ) v1 <- match(node1, nodes(g), 0)
else v1 <- node1
if ( is.character(node2) ) v2 <- match(node2, nodes(g), 0)
else v2 <- node2
if ( v1 <= 0 || v1 > nv || v2 <= 0 || v2 > nv )
stop("nodes need to be from the graph")
ans <- .Call("BGL_same_component",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
as.integer(v1-1), as.integer(v2-1),
circle.layout <- function ( g, radius=1 )
warning("API is changed: use circleLayout instead.")
circleLayout(g, radius)
circleLayout <- function ( g, radius=1 )
if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")
if ( radius < 0 ) stop("requires: radius > 0 ")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_circle_layout",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
rownames(ans) <- c("x", "y")
colnames(ans) <- nodes(g)
kamada.kawai.spring.layout <- function ( g, edge_or_side=1, es_length=1 )
warning("API is changed: use kamadaKawaiSpringLayout instead.")
kamadaKawaiSpringLayout(g, edge_or_side, es_length)
kamadaKawaiSpringLayout <- function ( g, edge_or_side=1, es_length=1 )
if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")
if ( edge_or_side <= 0 ) stop("requires: es_length > 0")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
ans <- .Call("BGL_kamada_kawai_spring_layout",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),
as.logical(edge_or_side), as.double(es_length),
rownames(ans) <- c("x", "y")
colnames(ans) <- nodes(g)
brandes.betweenness.centrality <- function ( g )
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
if ( any(eW <= 0, na.rm=TRUE) )
stop("'brandes.betweenness.centrality' requires that all edge weights are positive")
ans <- .Call("BGL_brandes_betweenness_centrality",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
colnames(ans[[1]]) <- nodes(g)
colnames(ans[[3]]) <- nodes(g)
rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("centrality")
rownames(ans[[5]]) <- c("from", "to")
ans[[5]] <- apply(ans[[5]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
betweenness.centrality.clustering <- function(g, threshold=-1, normalize=TRUE )
# errmsg <- paste0("This function has been withdrawn due to a LLVM C++ library incompatibility; ",
# "See the manual for a workaround for non-LLVM systems")
# stop(errmsg)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
ans <- .Call("BGL_betweenness_centrality_clustering",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
as.double(eW), as.double(threshold), as.logical(normalize),
if ( ans[[1]] > 0 )
ans[[2]] <- apply(ans[[2]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("from", "to")
rownames(ans[[3]]) <- c("centrality")
list("no.of.edges" = ans[[1]],
biConnComp <- function(g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <-.Call("BGL_biconnected_components_U",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1,ne)),
ans[[2]] <- apply(ans[[2]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
ans[[3]] <- ans[[3]] + 1 # comp no. starts from 1
r <- vector("list", ans[[1]])
for ( i in seq_len(ans[[1]]))
r[[i]] <- unique(as.vector(ans[[2]][,which(ans[[3]]==i)]))
articulationPoints <- function(g)
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <-.Call("BGL_articulation_points_U",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1,ne)),
ans <- sapply(ans+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
kingOrdering <- function(g)
list("kingOrdering is not implemented yet")
randomGraphLayout<- function(g, minX=0, maxX=1, minY=0, maxY=1)
if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")
if ( minX >= maxX || minY >= maxY )
stop("requires: minX < maxX and minY < maxY ")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_random_layout",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
as.double(minX), as.double(maxX),
as.double(minY), as.double(maxY),
rownames(ans) <- c("x", "y")
colnames(ans) <- nodes(g)
fruchtermanReingoldForceDirectedLayout<- function(g, width=1, height=1)
if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")
if ( length(connComp(g)) > 1 )
warning("This implementation doesn't handle disconnected graphs well.")
if ( width <= 0 || height <= 0 )
stop("requires: width > 0 and height > 0 ")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_FRFD_layout",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
as.double(width), as.double(height),
rownames(ans) <- c("x", "y")
colnames(ans) <- nodes(g)
gursoyAtunLayout <- function(g)
list("gursoyAtunLayout is not implemented yet")
astarSearch <- function(g)
list("astarSearch is not implemented yet")
is.triangulated <- function(g)
if( isDirected(g) ) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("isTriangulated",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
if(ans[1] == 0 ) FALSE else TRUE
maxClique <- function (g, nodes=NULL, edgeMat=NULL) {
# new version allows omission of g and direct hand-in of nodes and edgeMat
if (!missing(g) && isDirected(g))
stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
if (!(missing(g)) & (!is.null(nodes) | !is.null(edgeMat)))
stop("if g is supplied, must not supply nodes or edgeMat")
if (is.null(nodes)) gn = g@nodes else gn = nodes
if (is.null(edgeMat)) em <- edgeMatrix(g) else em = edgeMat
nv <- length(gn)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("maxClique", as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em - 1), PACKAGE = "RBGL")
ans_names <- lapply(ans, function(x) {
list(maxCliques = ans_names)
.maxClique <- function(g)
# old version, requires internal computation of nodes and edgeMatrix
if (isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("maxClique",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
ans_names <- lapply(ans, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
kCliques <- function(g)
if( isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
ans <- .Call("kCliques",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),
if ( length(ans) > 0 )
gn1 <- function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] }
gn2 <- function(x) { lapply(x, gn1) }
ans_names <- lapply(ans, gn2)
names(ans_names) <- paste(seq_len(length(ans_names)), "-cliques", sep="")
ans_names <- ans
lambdaSets <- function(g)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
ans <- .Call("lambdaSets",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),
makelist <- function(y)
z <- table(y) > 1
z <- names(z[z])
ans <- vector("list", length=length(z))
for ( i in seq_len(length(z)) )
ans[i] <- list(names(y[y==z[i]]))
colnames(ans[[2]]) <- nodes(g)
t <- vector("list", length=nrow(ans[[2]]))
names(t) <- paste("lambda-", 0:(nrow(ans[[2]])-1), " sets", sep="")
for ( i in seq_len(nrow(ans[[2]]) ))
t[i] <- makelist(ans[[2]][i,])
list("max edge connectivity" = ans[[1]], t)
clusteringCoef <- function(g, Weighted=FALSE, vW=degree(g))
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
if ( nv != length(vW) )
stop("length(vW) is not equal to number of nodes in the graph")
ans <- .Call("clusteringCoef",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
as.integer(Weighted), as.double(vW),
list("clustering coefficient" = ans)
transitivity <- function(g)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("transitivity",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
list("transitivity" = ans)
clusteringCoefAppr <- function(g, k=length(nodes(g)), Weighted=FALSE, vW=degree(g))
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
if ( nv != length(vW) )
stop("length(vW) is not equal to number of nodes in the graph")
ans <- .Call("clusteringCoefAppr", as.integer(k),
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
as.integer(Weighted), as.double(vW),
list("clustering coefficient" = ans)
graphGenerator <- function(n, d, o)
if ( n < 3 )
stop("Number of nodes (n) should be at least 3.")
if ( d < 2 )
stop("Degree of nodes (d) should be at least 2.")
if ( o <= 0 )
stop("Parameter (o) should be positive.")
ans <- .Call("graphGenerator",
as.integer(n), as.integer(d), as.integer(o),
# convert node indexes: from 0-based in C to 1-based in R
ans[[3]] <- ans[[3]] + 1
rownames(ans[[3]]) <- c("from", "to")
list("no. of nodes" = ans[[1]], "no.of edges" = ans[[2]], "edges"=ans[[3]])
dominatorTree <- function(g, start=nodes(g)[1])
if ( length(start) !=1 ) stop("start must have length 1")
if ( is.character(start) ) s <- match(start, nodes(g), 0)
else s <- start
nv <- length(nodes(g))
if ( s <= 0 || s > nv ) stop("start not found in nodes of g")
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("BGL_dominator_tree",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),
gn1 <- function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] }
ans <- sapply(ans, gn1)
names(ans) <- nodes(g)
sloanStartEndVertices<- function(g)
list("this is a helper-function for sloan-ordering, used explicitly" )
lengauerTarjanDominatorTree<- function(g, start=nodes(g)[1])
dominatorTree(g, start)
minimumCycleRatio<- function(g)
list("This function is not implemented yet")
maximumCycleRatio<- function(g)
list("This function is not implemented yet")
boyerMyrvoldPlanarityTest<- function(g)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("boyerMyrvoldPlanarityTest",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")
planarFaceTraversal<- function(g)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("planarFaceTraversal",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")
ans <- sapply(ans, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
planarCanonicalOrdering<- function(g)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("planarCanonicalOrdering",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")
ans <- sapply(ans, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
chrobakPayneStraightLineDrawing<- function(g)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("chrobakPayneStraightLineDrawing",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")
colnames(ans) <- nodes(g)
rownames(ans) <- c("x", "y")
isStraightLineDrawing<- function(g, drawing)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
if ( !is.matrix(drawing) || nrow(drawing) != 2 || ncol(drawing) != nv )
stop("needs 2xm matrix for coordinates")
ans <- .Call("isStraightLineDrawing",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.integer(drawing),
isKuratowskiSubgraph<- function(g)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("isKuratowskiSubgraph",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")
ans[[1]] <- as.logical(ans[[1]])
ans[[2]] <- as.logical(ans[[2]])
ans[[3]] <- apply(ans[[3]], 2, function(x) nodes(g)[x+1])
rownames(ans[[3]]) = c("from", "to")
list("Is planar: " = ans[[1]],
"Is there a Kuratowski Subgraph: " = ans[[2]],
"Edges of Kuratowski Subgraph: " = ans[[3]])
makeConnected<- function(g)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("makeConnected",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")
ans <- apply(ans, 2, function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] } )
gn = new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes(g), edgemode="undirected")
gn <- addEdge(ans[1,], ans[2, ], gn)
makeBiconnectedPlanar<- function(g)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("makeBiconnectedPlanar",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")
names(ans) <- c("Is planar: ", "new graph")
ans[[1]] <- as.logical(ans[[1]])
if ( ans[[1]] )
ans[[2]] <- apply(ans[[2]], 2, function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] } )
gn = new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes(g), edgemode="undirected")
gn <- addEdge(ans[[2]][1,], ans[[2]][2, ], gn)
ans[[2]] <- gn
makeMaximalPlanar<- function(g)
if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
ans <- .Call("makeMaximalPlanar",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")
names(ans) <- c("Is planar: ", "new graph")
ans[[1]] <- as.logical(ans[[1]])
if ( ans[[1]] )
ans[[2]] <- apply(ans[[2]], 2, function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] } )
gn = new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes(g), edgemode="undirected")
gn <- addEdge(ans[[2]][1,], ans[[2]][2, ], gn)
ans[[2]] <- gn
edmondsOptimumBranching <- function(g)
if(!isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for directed graphs")
nv <- length(nodes(g))
em <- edgeMatrix(g)
ne <- ncol(em)
eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
ans <- .Call("edmondsOptimumBranching",
as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),
ans[[1]] <- apply(ans[[1]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
rownames(ans[[1]]) <- c("from", "to")
rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("weight")
names(ans) <- c("edgeList", "weights")
ans$nodes <- unique(as.vector(ans[[1]]))
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