
Defines functions checkWeights s2s b2f MakeUniqueString havingIP depMessage scale21 .onAttach

.onAttach <- function(lib, pkg) {
			'\n >=========================================================================<',
			'\n This version of PhenStat includes *FEWER* functions than the previous ones ',
			'\n You *still* can use the previous functions by using `:::`. For example :   ',
			'\n PhenStat:::boxplotSexGenotype   or   PhenStat:::FisherExactTest            ',
			'\n *** Want to know what is new in this version? run PhenStat:::WhatIsNew()   ',
			'\n >=========================================================================<'
		domain = NULL,
		appendLF = TRUE

scale21 <- function(x) {
	if (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) == min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
		message('max and min are the same!')
	} else{
		return((x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - min(x, na.rm = TRUE)))

depMessage = function() {
	cat('\n *** this function would be depricated in the new version of PhenStat.\n')

havingIP <- function() {
	if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
		ipmessage <- system("ipconfig", intern = TRUE)
	} else {
		ipmessage <- system("ifconfig", intern = TRUE)
	validIP <-
	any(grep(validIP, ipmessage))

MakeUniqueString <- function(n = 1, lenght = 12)
	set.seed(Sys.getpid() + as.numeric(Sys.time()))
	randomString <- c(1:n)   # initialize vector
	for (i in 1:n)
		randomString[i] <- paste(sample(c(0:9, LETTERS, 0:9),
																		lenght, replace = TRUE),
														 collapse = "")

b2f = function(x)
	gsub("\\\\", "/", x)

s2s = function(x)
	gsub("[][!#$%()*,.:;<=>@^_`|~.{}]", "_", x)

# Check weight. lme is not clever enough to remove zero weights, we must remove them from the analysis
checkWeights <- function(w,
												 threshold = 10 ^ -18,
												 date  = NULL,
												 normaliseWeights = FALSE,
												 check = 1) {
	if (!is.null(w)  &&  check > 0) {
		if (length(w) != n)
			stop('parameters mismatch! n!=length(w)')
		r      = 1:n
		l      = rep(TRUE,n)
		date   = as.character(date)
		zw     = which(abs(w) > threshold)
		#### need at least 2 observations in a group
		if (check == 1) {
			tz     = table(date[zw])
			MorTh1 = names(tz)[which(tz > 1)]
			zw     = zw[date[zw] %in% MorTh1] # no singleDay-singleData
		if (length(zw) > 0) {
			r      = r[zw]
			if (normaliseWeights) {
				w  = w[zw] / sum(w[zw])
			}	else{
				w  = w[zw] #/ sum(w[zw])
			l[-zw] = FALSE
		} else{
				'\n * Model weights are ignored! ** weight may be all close to zero *** there may be all dates with single weight [can cause error in the mixed model] **** Setting check = 1 or check = 2 may solve the problem.\n'
			w = NULL # (w * 0 + 1) / n
			r = 1:n
			l = rep(TRUE,n)
	} else{
		w = NULL
		r = 1:n
		l = rep(TRUE,n)
	return(list(w = w, wInd = r, index = l))

##### For PhenStat
######### grid search
# PhengridSearch = function(PhenStatTestDataObject,
													# t,
													# x                 ,
													# y                 ,
													# m = mean(y)       ,
													# l = 1             ,
													# k = 1             ,
													# plot = TRUE       ,
													# mutInd = NULL     ,
													# threshold = 10 ^ -16,
													# ...) {
	# lk = length(k)
	# ll = length(l)
	# n  = length(y)
	# m  = unique(m)

	# lmodel = list()
	# wmat   = matrix(0, ncol = n + 1   , nrow = ll * lk) # +1 for index
	# rmat   = matrix(0, ncol = 7       , nrow = ll * lk)
	# colnames(rmat)          = colnames(rmat, do.NULL = FALSE)
	# colnames(rmat)[1:7]     = c('Ind', 'Obs.in.Interval', 'AIC', 'BIC', 'esd', 'k', 'l')

	# counter = 1
	# for (lp in l) {
		# for (kp in k) {
			# weight = SmoothWin::expWeight(
				# t = t,
				# k = kp,
				# l = lp,
				# m = m,
				# plot = FALSE
			# )

			# inn = abs(weight) > threshold

			# if (plot) {
				# plot(
					# t,
					# y,
					# col = inn + 1,
					# pch = inn + 1,
					# main = paste(
						# 'l=',
						# round(lp, 3),
						# ', k=',
						# round(kp, 3),
						# ', #=',
						# sum(inn),
						# sep = ''
					# ),
					# xlab = 'Time',
					# ylab = 'Response',
					# ...
				# )
				# if (!is.null(mutInd))
					# points(t[mutInd], y[mutInd], col = 3, pch = 19)
				# lines(t,
							# scale21(weight) * (max(y, na.rm = TRUE) - min(y, na.rm = TRUE)) + min(y, na.rm = TRUE),
							# lty = 3)
				# abline(v = m)
			# }

			# lmm = testDataset(
				# phenList = PhenStatTestDataObject@phenList,
				# depVariable = PhenStatTestDataObject@depVariable,
				# equation = PhenStatTestDataObject@equation,
				# outputMessages = FALSE,
				# pThreshold = PhenStatTestDataObject@pThreshold,
				# method = PhenStatTestDataObject@method,
				# modelWeight = weight / sum(weight)
			# )

			# lmodel[[counter]]   = lmm
			# rmat  [counter, ]   = c(
				# counter ,
				# sum(inn),
				# AIC(lmm@analysisResults$model.output),
				# BIC(lmm@analysisResults$model.output),
				# sd(resid(lmm@analysisResults$model.output), na.rm = TRUE),
				# kp,
				# lp
			# )
			# wmat[counter, ]    = c(counter, weight / sum(weight))
			# cat('\r', counter, '|', lk * ll)
			# counter           = counter  + 1
		# }
	# }
	# return(list(
		# weights = wmat,
		# output = as.data.frame(rmat),
		# models = lmodel
	# ))
# }

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PhenStat documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:13 p.m.