#' @export ZeroOrderPhaseCorrection
#' @importFrom stats quantile sd
#' @importFrom graphics par plot
ZeroOrderPhaseCorrection <- function(Spectrum_data, type.zopc = c("rms", "manual", "max"),
plot_rms = NULL, returnAngle = FALSE, createWindow = TRUE,
angle = NULL, plot_spectra = FALSE,
ppm.zopc = TRUE, exclude.zopc = list(c(5.1,4.5)),
verbose = FALSE) {
# Data initialisation and checks ----------------------------------------------
# Entry arguments definition:
# plot_rms : graph of rms criterion returnAngle : if TRUE, returns avector of
# optimal angles createWindow : for plot_rms plots angle : If angle is not NULL,
# spectra are rotated according to the angle vector values
# plot_spectra : if TRUE, plot rotated spectra
checkArg(verbose, c("bool"))
begin_info <- beginTreatment("ZeroOrderPhaseCorrection", Spectrum_data, verbose = verbose)
Spectrum_data <- begin_info[["Signal_data"]]
n <- nrow(Spectrum_data)
m <- ncol(Spectrum_data)
rnames <- rownames(Spectrum_data)
# Check input arguments
type.zopc <- match.arg(type.zopc)
checkArg(ppm.zopc, c("bool"))
checkArg(unlist(exclude.zopc), c("num"), = TRUE)
# type.zopc in c("max", "rms") -----------------------------------------
if (type.zopc %in% c("max", "rms")) {
# angle is found by optimization
# rms function to be optimised
rms <- function(ang, y, meth = c("max", "rms")) {
# if (debug_plot) { graphics::abline(v=ang, col='gray60') }
roty <- y * exp(complex(real = 0, imaginary = ang)) # spectrum rotation
Rey <- Re(roty)
if (meth == "rms") {
ReyPos <- Rey[Rey >= 0] # select positive intensities
POSss <- sum((ReyPos)^2, na.rm = TRUE) # SS for positive intensities
ss <- sum((Rey)^2, na.rm = TRUE) # SS for all intensities
return(POSss/ss) # criterion : SS for positive values / SS for all intensities
} else {
maxi <- max(Rey, na.rm = TRUE)
# Define the interval where to search for (by defining Data)
if (is.null(exclude.zopc)) {
Data <- Spectrum_data
} else {
# if ppm.zopc == TRUE, then exclude.zopc is in the colnames values, else, in the column
# index
if (ppm.zopc == TRUE) {
colindex <- as.numeric(colnames(Spectrum_data))
} else {
colindex <- 1:m
# Second check for the argument exclude.zopc
diff <- diff(unlist(exclude.zopc))[1:length(diff(unlist(exclude.zopc)))%%2 !=0]
for (i in 1:length(diff)) {
if (ppm.zopc == TRUE & diff[i] >= 0) {
stop(paste("Invalid region removal because from <= to in ppm.zopc"))
} else if (ppm.zopc == FALSE & diff[i] <= 0) {stop(paste("Invalid region removal because from >= to in column index"))}
Int <- vector("list", length(exclude.zopc))
for (i in 1:length(exclude.zopc)) {
Int[[i]] <- indexInterval(colindex, from = exclude.zopc[[i]][1],
to = exclude.zopc[[i]][2], inclusive = TRUE)
vector <- rep(1, m)
vector[unlist(Int)] <- 0
if (n > 1) {
Data <- sweep(Spectrum_data, MARGIN = 2, FUN = "*", vector) # Cropped_Spectrum
} else {
Data <- Spectrum_data * vector
} # Cropped_Spectrum
# angles computation
Angle <- c()
for (k in 1:n){
# The function is rms is periodic (period 2pi) and it seems that there is a phase
# x such that rms is unimodal (i.e. decreasing then increasing) on the interval
# [x; x+2pi]. However, if we do the optimization for example on [x-pi; x+pi],
# instead of being decreasing then increasing, it might be increasing then
# decreasing in which case optimize, thinking it is a valley will have to choose
# between the left or the right of this hill and if it chooses wrong, it will end
# up at like x-pi while the minimum is close to x+pi.
# Supposing that rms is unimodal, the classical 1D unimodal optimization will
# work in either [-pi;pi] or [0;2pi] (this is not easy to be convinced by that I
# agree) and we can check which one it is simply by the following trick
f0 <- rms(0, Data[k, ],meth = type.zopc)
fpi <- rms(pi, Data[k, ], meth = type.zopc)
if (f0 < fpi) {
interval <- c(-pi, pi)
} else {
interval <- c(0, 2 * pi)
# graphs of rms criteria
debug_plot <- FALSE # rms should not plot anything now, only when called by optimize
if (!is.null(plot_rms) && rnames[k] %in% plot_rms) {
x <- seq(min(interval), max(interval), length.out = 100)
y <- rep(1, 100)
for (K in (1:100)) {
y[K] <- rms(x[K], Data[k, ], meth = type.zopc)
if (createWindow == TRUE) { = FALSE)
graphics::plot(x, y, main = paste("Criterion maximization \n",
rownames(Data)[k]), ylim = c(0, 1.1),
ylab = "positiveness criterion", xlab = "angle ")
debug_plot <- TRUE
# Best angle
best <- stats::optimize(rms, interval = interval, maximum = TRUE,
y = Data[k,], meth = type.zopc)
ang <- best[["maximum"]]
if (debug_plot) {
graphics::abline(v = ang, col = "red")
graphics::text(x = (ang+0.1*ang), y = max(y)*0.9, labels = round(ang, 3), col="red")
# Spectrum rotation
Spectrum_data[k, ] <- Spectrum_data[k, ] * exp(complex(real = 0, imaginary = ang))
Angle <- c(Angle, ang)
} else {
# type.zopc is "manual" -------------------------------------------------------
# if Angle is already specified and no optimisation is needed
Angle <- angle
if (!is.vector(angle)) {
stop("angle is not a vector")
if (!is.numeric(angle)) {
stop("angle is not a numeric")
if (length(angle) != n) {
stop(paste("angle has length", length(angle), "and there are", n, "spectra to rotate."))
for (k in 1:n) {
Spectrum_data[k, ] <- Spectrum_data[k, ] * exp(complex(real = 0, imaginary = - angle[k]))
# Draw spectra
if (plot_spectra == TRUE) {
if (createWindow == TRUE) { = FALSE)
graphics::par(mfrow = c(4, 2))
nn <- ceiling(n/4)
i <- 1
while (i <= n) {
if (createWindow == TRUE & i%%4==0) { = FALSE)
graphics::par(mfrow = c(4, 2))
last <- min(i + 4 - 1, n)
graphics::plot(Re(Spectrum_data[i, ]), type = "l", ylab = "intensity",
xlab = "Index", main = paste0(rownames(Spectrum_data)[i], " - Real part"))
graphics::plot(Im(Spectrum_data[i, ]), type = "l", ylab = "intensity",
xlab = "Index", main = paste0(rownames(Spectrum_data)[i], " - Imaginary part"))
i <- i + 1
i <- last + 1
# Data finalisation ----------------------------------------------
Spectrum_data <- endTreatment("ZeroOrderPhaseCorrection", begin_info, Spectrum_data,
verbose = verbose)
if (returnAngle) {
return(list(Spectrum_data = Spectrum_data, Angle = Angle))
} else {
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