log.cpm <- function(df){
df.cpm <- apply(df, 2, function(y) log10(y*1e6/sum(y) + 1))
} <- function(otu_count) {
otu_relabu <- otu_count
for (i in 1:ncol(otu_count)) {
otu_relabu[,i] <- otu_relabu[,i]/sum(otu_relabu[,i])
# Trying to not use the pstat object directly
pstat.extraction <- function(p) {
tables <- list()
# Taxon Levels
# unranked taxon x classifications
tables$TAX <-
# Counts
# unranked taxon x samples
tables$OTU <-
# Relative Abundance
# unranked taxon x samples
tables$RLA <-
# Sample Data
# samples x traits
tables$SAM <-
# Takes the relative abundances at an unranked level and
# upsamples them to higher taxonomical levels
upsample.ra <- function(ra.unranked, tax.table, newlev) {
df = ra.unranked
df$newlev = tax.table[[newlev]]
df.melt = melt(df, id.vars = c("newlev"))
df.melt.agg = aggregate(.~variable+newlev, data=df.melt, FUN=sum)
df.ra = dcast(df.melt.agg, variable~newlev)
rownames(df.ra) = df.ra$variable
df.ra$variable = NULL
# Used to dynamically adjust plot height
output$dynamic_ra_plot <- renderUI({
height = paste(input$plot_sra_height, "px", sep="")
plotlyOutput("ra_plot", width="800px", height=height)
# Used to dynamically generate selectable organisms based on taxlev
output$sra_order_organisms <- renderUI({
shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
tables <- pstat.extraction(pstat)
TAX_TABLE <- tables$TAX
choices <- unique(TAX_TABLE[[input$sra_taxlev]])
selectizeInput('sra_order_organisms', label='Reorder Organisms', choices=choices, multiple=TRUE)
plot_ra <- function() {
shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
# Future proofing this plot
tables <- pstat.extraction(pstat)
TAX_TABLE <- tables$TAX
RA_TABLE <- tables$RLA
SAM_DATA <- tables$SAM
# Isolate samples of interest
if (!is.null(input$sra_isolate_samples)) {
SAM_DATA <- SAM_DATA[rownames(SAM_DATA) %in% input$sra_isolate_samples,,drop=FALSE]
RA_TABLE <- RA_TABLE[,colnames(RA_TABLE) %in% input$sra_isolate_samples,drop=FALSE]
# Sum by taxon level
df.ra <- upsample.ra(RA_TABLE, TAX_TABLE, input$sra_taxlev)
# If grouping is selected
if (input$group_samples & !is.null(input$gra_select_conditions)) {
if (input$gra_select_conditions == "All") {
df.ra$covariate <- rep("All", nrow(df.ra))
} else {
df.ra$covariate <- SAM_DATA[[input$gra_select_conditions]]
df.ra.melted <- melt(df.ra, id.vars = "covariate")
df.avg.ra <- aggregate( . ~ variable + covariate , data = df.ra.melted, mean)
df.avg.ra <- dcast(data = df.avg.ra,formula = covariate~variable)
rownames(df.avg.ra) <- df.avg.ra$covariate
df.sam <- df.avg.ra[,"covariate",drop=FALSE]
colnames(df.sam) <- input$gra_select_conditions
df.avg.ra$covariate <- NULL
df.avg.ra <- df.avg.ra[,order(colSums(df.avg.ra))]
df.ra <- df.avg.ra
# Reorder by most prominent organisms
df.ra <- df.ra[,order(colSums(df.ra))]
# Put selected organisms first
if (!is.null(input$sra_order_organisms)) {
organisms.order <- c(setdiff(colnames(df.ra), input$sra_order_organisms), rev(input$sra_order_organisms))
df.ra <- df.ra[,organisms.order]
# Order samples by organisms if not by conditons
if (input$sra_sort_by == "organisms") {
for (i in 1:ncol(df.ra)) {
df.ra <- df.ra[order(df.ra[,i]),]
# If any conditions are selected make a side bar
if (!is.null(input$sra_select_conditions) || (input$group_samples & input$gra_select_conditions != "All")) {
if (!input$group_samples) {
df.sam <- SAM_DATA[,input$sra_select_conditions,drop=FALSE]
# Order samples by conitions if not by organisms
if (input$sra_sort_by == "conditions") {
for (i in ncol(df.sam):1) {
df.sam <- df.sam[order(df.sam[[i]]),,drop=FALSE]
# Reorder stacked barplot
df.ra <- df.ra[order(match(rownames(df.ra), rownames(df.sam))),,drop=FALSE]
} else {
df.sam <- df.sam[order(match(rownames(df.sam), rownames(df.ra))),,drop=FALSE]
# Retain hover-text information before conditions are factorized
hover.txt <- c()
for (i in 1:ncol(df.sam)) {
hover.txt <- cbind(hover.txt, df.sam[[i]])
# Plotly | Heatmap
df.sam[] <- lapply(df.sam, factor)
m <- data.matrix(df.sam)
m.row.normalized <- apply(m, 2, function(x)(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))
hm <- plot_ly(x = colnames(m), y = rownames(m), z = m.row.normalized,
type = "heatmap",
hoverinfo = "x+y+text",
text=hover.txt) %>%
layout(xaxis = list(title = "", tickangle = -45),
yaxis = list(showticklabels = FALSE, type = 'category', ticks = ""))
# Plotly | Stacked Bar Plots
df.plot <- df.ra
df.plot$samples <- rownames(df.plot)
sbp <- plot_ly(df.plot, y = ~samples, x = df.plot[[colnames(df.plot)[1]]],
type = 'bar',
orientation = 'h',
name = substr(colnames(df.plot)[1], 1, 40)) %>%
layout(font = list(size = 10),
yaxis = list(title = '', type = 'category',
tickmode = "array",
tickvals = rownames(df.plot),
showticklabels = FALSE,
categoryorder = 'trace'),
xaxis = list(title = 'Relative Abundance'),
barmode = 'stack',
showlegend = input$sra_show_legend)
for (i in 2:(ncol(df.plot)-1)) {
sbp <- add_trace(sbp, x=df.plot[[colnames(df.plot)[i]]], name=substr(colnames(df.plot)[i], 1, 40))
# Create a multiplot if any conditions are selected
if (!is.null(input$sra_select_conditions) || (input$group_samples & input$gra_select_conditions != "All")) {
hm.sbp <- subplot(hm, sbp, widths=c(0.1, 0.9))
hm.sbp$elementId <- NULL # To suppress a shiny warning
} else {
sbp$elementId <- NULL # To suppress a shiny warning
# Only plots if button is pressed
do_plot_ra <- eventReactive(input$plot_sra, {
output$ra_plot <- renderPlotly({
# Used to dynamically adjust plot height
output$dynamic_hmra_plot <- renderUI({
height = paste(input$plot_hmra_height, "px", sep="")
plotlyOutput("hmra_plot", width="800px", height=height)
# Used to dynamically generate selectable organisms based on taxlev
output$hmra_isolate_organisms <- renderUI({
shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
tables <- pstat.extraction(pstat)
TAX_TABLE <- tables$TAX
choices <- unique(TAX_TABLE[[input$hmra_taxlev]])
selectizeInput('hmra_isolate_organisms', label='Isolate Organisms', choices=choices, multiple=TRUE)
plot_hmra <- function() {
shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
# Future proofing this plot
tables <- pstat.extraction(pstat)
TAX_TABLE <- tables$TAX
OTU_TABLE <- tables$OTU
RA_TABLE <- tables$RLA
SAM_DATA <- tables$SAM
# Isolate samples of interest
if (!is.null(input$hmra_isolate_samples)) {
SAM_DATA <- SAM_DATA[rownames(SAM_DATA) %in% input$hmra_isolate_samples,,drop=FALSE]
OTU_TABLE <- OTU_TABLE[,colnames(OTU_TABLE) %in% input$hmra_isolate_samples,drop=FALSE]
RA_TABLE <- RA_TABLE[,colnames(RA_TABLE) %in% input$hmra_isolate_samples,drop=FALSE]
if (input$hmra_logcpm) {
df.ra = OTU_TABLE
} else {
df.ra = RA_TABLE
# Sum by taxon level
df.ra <- upsample.ra(df.ra, TAX_TABLE, input$hmra_taxlev)
if (input$hmra_logcpm) {
df.ra = log.cpm(df.ra)
if (!is.null(input$hmra_isolate_organisms)) {
df.ra <- df.ra[,input$hmra_isolate_organisms,drop=FALSE]
# Reorder by most prominent organisms
df.ra <- df.ra[,order(colSums(df.ra)),drop=FALSE]
# Order samples by organisms if not by conditons
if (input$hmra_sort_by == "organisms") {
for (i in 1:ncol(df.ra)) {
df.ra <- df.ra[order(df.ra[,i]),,drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(input$hmra_select_conditions)) {
df.sam <- SAM_DATA[,input$hmra_select_conditions,drop=FALSE]
if (input$hmra_sort_by == "conditions") {
for (i in ncol(df.sam):1) {
df.sam <- df.sam[order(df.sam[[i]]),,drop=FALSE]
# Reorder stacked barplot
df.ra <- df.ra[order(match(rownames(df.ra), rownames(df.sam))),,drop=FALSE]
} else {
df.sam <- df.sam[order(match(rownames(df.sam), rownames(df.ra))),,drop=FALSE]
m <- data.matrix(df.ra)
hover.txt <- c()
for (i in 1:ncol(df.ra)) {
hover.txt <- cbind(hover.txt, df.ra[[i]])
hm.ra <- plot_ly(x = colnames(m), y = rownames(m), z = m,
type = "heatmap",
colors= "RdPu",
hoverinfo = "x+y+z+text",
text=hover.txt) %>%
layout(xaxis = list(showticklabels = FALSE, title = "", ticks = "", tickangle = -45),
yaxis = list(showticklabels = FALSE, type = 'category', ticks = ""))
if (!is.null(input$hmra_select_conditions)) {
hover.txt <- c()
for (i in 1:ncol(df.sam)) {
hover.txt <- cbind(hover.txt, df.sam[[i]])
df.sam[] <- lapply(df.sam, factor)
m <- data.matrix(df.sam)
m.row.normalized <- apply(m, 2, function(x)(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))
hm.sam <- plot_ly(x = colnames(m), y = rownames(m), z = m.row.normalized,
type = "heatmap",
hoverinfo = "x+y+text",
text=hover.txt) %>%
layout(xaxis = list(title = "", tickangle = -45),
yaxis = list(showticklabels = FALSE, type = 'category', ticks = ""))
# Create a multiplot if any conditions are selected
if (!is.null(input$hmra_select_conditions)) {
hm.sam.ra <- subplot(hm.sam, hm.ra, widths=c(0.1, 0.9))
hm.sam.ra$elementId <- NULL # To suppress a shiny warning
} else {
hm.ra$elementId <- NULL # To suppress a shiny warning
# Only plots if button is pressed
do_plot_hmra <- eventReactive(input$plot_hmra, {
output$hmra_plot <- renderPlotly({
###### Boxplots Moved Here
output$single_species_ui <- renderUI({
shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
pstat <- shinyInput$pstat <- TranslateIdToTaxLevel(pstat, rownames(pstat@otu_table@.Data), input$taxl_single_species)
"Select names (support multiple)",, selected =[1], multiple = TRUE)
plotSingleSpeciesBoxplotServer <- eventReactive(input$boxplotButton,{
shinyInput <- vals$shiny.input
pstat <- shinyInput$pstat
if (input$taxl_single_species !="no rank") {
pstat <- tax_glom(pstat, input$taxl_single_species)
if (length(input$select_single_species_name_plot) == 1){
condition.vec <- pstat@sam_data@.Data[[which(pstat@sam_data@names == input$select_single_species_condition)]]
# change microbe names to selected taxon level <- TranslateIdToTaxLevel(pstat, rownames(pstat@otu_table@.Data), input$taxl_single_species)
#cat(paste("condition:", length(condition.vec)))
read.num.condition.1 <- rep(0, length(condition.vec))
if (input$ssv_format == "read count"){
for (i in 1:nrow(pstat@otu_table@.Data)){
if ([i] == input$select_single_species_name_plot){
read.num.condition.1 <- read.num.condition.1 + pstat@otu_table@.Data[i,]
df.tmp <- data.frame(condition = condition.vec, read_Number = read.num.condition.1)
p <- plot_ly(df.tmp, y = ~read_Number, color = ~condition, type = "box")
}else if(input$ssv_format == "log10 CPM"){
df.cpm <- getLogCPM(pstat@otu_table@.Data)
for (i in 1:nrow(df.cpm)){
if ([i] == input$select_single_species_name_plot){
read.num.condition.1 <- read.num.condition.1 + df.cpm[i,]
df.tmp <- data.frame(condition = condition.vec, logCPM = read.num.condition.1)
p <- plot_ly(df.tmp, y = ~logCPM, color = ~condition, type = "box")
df.ra <- getRelativeAbundance(pstat@otu_table@.Data)
for (i in 1:nrow(df.ra)){
if ([i] == input$select_single_species_name_plot){
read.num.condition.1 <- read.num.condition.1 + df.ra[i,]
df.tmp <- data.frame(condition = condition.vec, RA = read.num.condition.1)
p <- plot_ly(df.tmp, y = ~RA, color = ~condition, type = "box")
## plot
} else{
condition.vec <- pstat@sam_data@.Data[[which(pstat@sam_data@names == input$select_single_species_condition)]]
condition.vec.all <- c()
species.vec <- c()
read.num.condition.all <- c() <- TranslateIdToTaxLevel(pstat, rownames(pstat@otu_table@.Data), input$taxl_single_species)
for (i in 1:length(input$select_single_species_name_plot)){
condition.vec.all <- c(condition.vec.all, condition.vec)
species.vec <- c(species.vec, rep(input$select_single_species_name_plot[i], length(condition.vec)))
read.num.condition.tmp <- rep(0, length(condition.vec))
for (j in 1:nrow(pstat@otu_table@.Data)){
if ([j] == input$select_single_species_name_plot[i]){
if (input$ssv_format == "read count"){
read.num.condition.tmp <- read.num.condition.tmp + pstat@otu_table@.Data[j,]
}else if(input$ssv_format == "log10 CPM"){
df.cpm <- getLogCPM(pstat@otu_table@.Data)
read.num.condition.tmp <- read.num.condition.tmp + df.cpm[j,]
df.ra <- getRelativeAbundance(pstat@otu_table@.Data)
read.num.condition.tmp <- read.num.condition.tmp + df.ra[j,]
read.num.condition.all <- c(read.num.condition.all, read.num.condition.tmp)
if (input$ssv_format == "read count"){
df.tmp <- data.frame(condition = condition.vec.all, read_Number = read.num.condition.all, name = species.vec)
p <- plot_ly(df.tmp, x = ~name, y = ~read_Number, color = ~condition, type = "box") %>%
layout(boxmode = "group")
}else if(input$ssv_format == "log10 CPM"){
df.tmp <- data.frame(condition = condition.vec.all, logCPM = read.num.condition.all, name = species.vec)
p <- plot_ly(df.tmp, x = ~name, y = ~logCPM, color = ~condition, type = "box") %>%
layout(boxmode = "group")
df.tmp <- data.frame(condition = condition.vec.all, RA = read.num.condition.all, name = species.vec)
p <- plot_ly(df.tmp, x = ~name, y = ~RA, color = ~condition, type = "box") %>%
layout(boxmode = "group")
output$single_species_boxplot <- renderPlotly({
# suppress warnings
storeWarn<- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1)
plott <- plotSingleSpeciesBoxplotServer()
#restore warnings, delayed so plot is completed
shinyjs::delay(expr =({
options(warn = storeWarn)
}) ,ms = 100)
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