## A list of functions for power calculation
## With simulation results, this function compute stratified power, etc.
comparePower <- function(simOutput, alpha.type=c("fdr","pval"), alpha.nominal=0.1,"expr", "dispersion"), strata,"none", "expr"), strata.filtered=1,"lfc", "effectsize"), delta=0.5) {
alpha.type = match.arg(alpha.type) = match.arg( = match.arg( = match.arg(
## set strata if not given
if(missing(strata)) {
if( == "expr")
strata = c(0,10,2^(1:7)*10,Inf)
strata = c(0, c(0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1), Inf)
## some general parameters
Nreps1 = simOutput$Nreps1
Nreps2 = simOutput$Nreps2
ngenes = simOutput$sim.opts$ngenes
sim.opts = simOutput$sim.opts
DEids = simOutput$DEid
lfcs = simOutput$lfcs
nsims = dim(simOutput$pvalue)[3]
## initialize results
## determine dimension of results, for filtering
nr = length(strata) - 1
if( == "expr") {
nr = nr - length(strata.filtered)
TD = FD = FDR = alpha = power = array(NA,dim=c(nr,length(Nreps1), nsims))
power.marginal = alpha.marginal = FDR.marginal = matrix(NA,length(Nreps1), nsims)
## loop over simulation and replicates
for(i in 1:nsims) {
for(j in seq(along=Nreps1)) {
nn1 = Nreps1[j]
nn2 = Nreps2[j]
## get DE flags.
DEid = simOutput$DEid[[i]]
lfc = simOutput$lfcs[[i]]
Zg = Zg2 = rep(0, ngenes)
Zg[DEid] = 1
## find target (interesting) genes
if( == "lfc") {
lfc = simOutput$lfcs[[i]]
ix = abs(lfc) > delta
} else if ( == "effectsize") {
effectsize = simOutput$lfcs[[i]] / sqrt(exp(simOutput$sim.opts$lOD[DEid]))
ix = abs(effectsize) > delta
Zg2[DEid[ix]] = 1
## stratification and filtering
X.bar1 = simOutput$xbar[,j,i]
ix.keep = which(X.bar1>0)
if( == "expr") { ## stratify by expression
xgr = cut(X.bar1[ix.keep], strata)
## filtering. This only applies when stratifying by expression
if( == "expr") { ## filter by expression levels (average counts)
lev = levels(xgr)
ix.keep = ix.keep[!(xgr %in% lev[strata.filtered])]
## recut
xgr = cut(X.bar1[ix.keep], strata[-strata.filtered])
else if( == "dispersion") { ## stratify by dispersion
xgr=cut(simOutput$sim.opts$lOD[ix.keep], log(strata))
if( != "none") { ## filter
stop("Filtering only applies when stratifying by expression level.")
## get type I error
if(alpha.type == "pval")
x = simOutput$pvalue[ix.keep,j,i]
else { ## use FDR.
x = simOutput$fdr[ix.keep,j,i]
if( != "none") { ## Need to recompute FDR after filtering. I'll just use BH
pval = simOutput$pvalue[ix.keep,j,i]
x = p.adjust(pval, "BH")
## update Zg flags after filtering
Zg = Zg[ix.keep]
Zg2 = Zg2[ix.keep]
## calculate stratified power-related quantities
power00 = POWER1(x, p.crit=alpha.nominal, Zg, Zg2, xgr=xgr)
TD[,j,i] = power00$TD
FD[,j,i] = power00$FD
alpha[,j,i] = power00$alpha
alpha.marginal[j,i] = power00$alpha.marginal
power[,j,i] = power00$power
power.marginal[j,i] = power00$power.marginal
FDR[,j,i] = power00$FDR
FDR.marginal[j,i] = power00$FDR.marginal
output <- list(TD=TD, FD=FD, FDR=FDR, alpha=alpha, power=power,
alpha.marginal=alpha.marginal, power.marginal=power.marginal, FDR.marginal=FDR.marginal,
## below are input parameters
alpha.type=alpha.type, alpha.nominal=alpha.nominal,, strata=strata,, Nreps1=simOutput$Nreps1, Nreps2=simOutput$Nreps2,
## Power function, compute the stratified power-realted quantities
## Return values:
## TD: number of True Discoveries in each stratum
## FD: number of False Discoveries in each stratum
## power: within strata, proportion of TD out of total DE
## alpha.nomial: cutoff of alpha on raw p-values
## alpha: empirical p-value in each stratum
## alpha.marginal: overall empirical p-value
POWER1 <- function(p, p.crit, Zg, Zg2, xgr){
## p is input nominal p-value or FDR.
## alpha is cutoff of p
## !Zg is indicator for TN, Zg2 is indicators for TP,
## xgr is grouping in covariate
ix.D = p <= p.crit
N = sum(ix.D) ## this is the total discovery
N.stratified = tapply(ix.D, xgr, sum)
## TD
id.TP = Zg2==1
TD = tapply(p[id.TP] <= p.crit, xgr[id.TP], sum)
TD[] = 0
## FD
id.TN = Zg==0
FD = tapply(p[id.TN] <= p.crit, xgr[id.TN], sum)
FD[] = 0
## type I error
alpha = as.vector(FD/table(xgr[id.TN]))
alpha.marginal = sum(FD)/sum(id.TN)
## power
power[is.nan(power)] = 0
## FDR
FDR = FD / N.stratified
FDR.marginal = sum(FD, na.rm=TRUE) / N
alpha=alpha, alpha.marginal=alpha.marginal,
power=power, power.marginal=power.marginal,
FDR=FDR, FDR.marginal=FDR.marginal)
## summary the power calculation result.
## The result is an object from comparePower function.
summaryPower <- function(powerOutput) {
nn1 <- powerOutput$Nreps1
nn2 <- powerOutput$Nreps2
alpha.type <- powerOutput$alpha.type
if(alpha.type == "pval") {
alpha.nam <- "type I error"
alpha.mar <- rowMeans(powerOutput$alpha.marginal)
} else {
alpha.nam <- "FDR"
alpha.mar <- rowMeans(powerOutput$FDR.marginal)
TD.avg <- colSums(apply(powerOutput$TD,c(1,2), mean, na.rm=TRUE))
FD.avg <- colSums(apply(powerOutput$FD,c(1,2), mean, na.rm=TRUE))
res <- cbind(nn1, nn2, powerOutput$alpha.nominal, alpha.mar, rowMeans(powerOutput$power.marginal),
TD.avg, FD.avg, FD.avg/TD.avg)
colnames(res) <- c("SS1", "SS2", paste(c("Nominal", "Actual"), alpha.nam),
"Marginal power", "Avg # of TD", "Avg # of FD", "FDC")
## recompute power based on sequencing depth
power.seqDepth <- function(simResult, powerOutput,
depth.factor=c(0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10)) {
## first get stratified power
power.expr <- apply(powerOutput$power,c(1,2),mean, na.rm=TRUE)
dd = dim(powerOutput$TD)
nsims = dd[3]
nSS = dd[2]
res = matrix(0, nrow=length(depth.factor), ncol=nSS)
rownames(res) = depth.factor = powerOutput$
delta = powerOutput$delta
for(idepth in 1:length(depth.factor)) {
power.adj = matrix(0, nrow=nsims, ncol=nSS)
for(isim in 1:nsims) {
## find biologically interesting DE genes.
DEid = simResult$DEid[[isim]]
lfc = simResult$lfcs[[isim]]
if( == "lfc") {
ix = abs(lfc) > delta
} else if ( == "effectsize") {
effectsize = lfc / sqrt(exp(simResult$sim.opts$lOD[DEid]))
ix = abs(effectsize) > delta
DEid2 = DEid[ix]
for(iSS in 1:nSS) {
X.bar1 = simResult$xbar[DEid2, iSS, isim] * depth.factor[idepth]
xgr = cut(X.bar1[K], powerOutput$strata)
tt = table(xgr)
tt = tt/sum(tt)
power.expr = powerOutput$power[,iSS,isim]
power.adj[isim, iSS] = sum(tt*power.expr)
res[idepth, ] = colMeans(power.adj)
colnames(res) = paste0("SS=", powerOutput$Nreps1, ",", powerOutput$Nreps2)
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