#define skew normal distribution to be used in fitristplus
# require(sn);
# require(fitdistrplus);
# dsmnorm<<-function(x, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5, log = FALSE){return(dsnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5, log = FALSE))}
# psmnorm<<-function(q, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5){return(psnorm(q, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5))}
# qsmnorm<<-function(p, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5){return(qsnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5))}
# rsmnorm<<-function(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5){return(rsnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5))}
#available distributions:
#normal - "norm"
#skew-normal - "sn"
#non-central t - "t"
#non-central beta - "cauchy"
#Fit quantiles to the log data and get p-values
#' Simulation PERFect filtering for microbiome data
#' @description Simultaneous filtering of the provided OTU table X at a test level alpha. One distribution is fit to taxa simultaneously.
#' @usage PERFect_sim(X,infocol = NULL, Order = "NP", Order.user = NULL, normalize = "counts",
#' center = FALSE, quant = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5), distr = "sn",
#' alpha = 0.1, rollmean = TRUE, direction = "left", pvals_sim = NULL,
#' nbins = 30, col = "red", fill = "green", hist_fill = 0.2,
#' linecol = "blue")
#' @param X OTU table, where taxa are columns and samples are rows of the table.
#' It should be a in data frame format with columns corresponding to taxa names.
#' It could contains columns of metadata.
#' @param infocol Index vector of the metadata. We assume user only gives a taxa table,
#' but if the metadata of the samples are included in the columns of the input, this option
#' needs to be specified.
#' @param Order Taxa ordering. The default ordering is the number of occurrences (NP) of the taxa in all samples.
#' Other types of order are p-value ordering, number of connected taxa and weighted number of connected taxa,
#' denoted as \code{"pvals"}, \code{"NC"}, \code{"NCw"} respectively. More details about taxa ordering are described in Smirnova et al.
#' User can also specify their preference order with Order.user.
#' @param Order.user User's taxa ordering. This argument takes a character vector of ordered taxa names.
#' @param normalize Normalizing taxa count. The default option does not normalize taxa count,
#' but user can convert the OTU table into a proportion table using the option \code{"prop"}
#' or convert it into a presence/absence table using \code{"pres"}.
#' @param center Centering OTU table. The default option does not center the OTU table.
#' @param quant Quantile values used to fit the distribution to log DFL values.
#' The number of quantile values corresponds to the number of parameters in the distribution the data is fitted to.
#' Assuming that at least 50\% of taxa are not informative, we suggest fitting the log Skew-Normal distribution
#' by matching the 10\%, 25\% and 50\% percentiles of the log-transformed samples to the Skew-Normal distribution.
#' @param distr The type of distribution to fit log DFL values to. While we suggest using Skew-Normal distribution,
#' and set as the default distribution, other choices are available.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{"sn"}}{Skew-Normal distribution with 3 parameters: location xi, scale omega^2 and shape alpha}
#' \item{\code{"norm"}}{Normal distribution with 2 parameters: mean and standard deviation sd}
#' \item{\code{"t"}}{Student t-distribution with 2 parameters: n degrees of freedom and noncentrality ncp}
#' \item{\code{"cauchy"}}{Cauchy distribution with 2 parameters: location and scale}
#' }
#' @param alpha Test level alpha, set to 0.1 by default.
#' @param rollmean Binary TRUE/FALSE value. If TRUE, rolling average (moving mean) of p-values will be calculated,
#' with the lag window set to 3 by default.
#' @param direction Character specifying whether the index of the result should be left- or right-aligned
#' or centered compared to the rolling window of observations, set to "left" by default.
#' @param pvals_sim Object resulting from simultaneous PERFect with taxa abundance ordering,
#' allowing user to perform Simultaneous PERFect with p-values ordering.
#' Be aware that the choice of distribution for both methods must be the same.
#' @param nbins Number of bins used to visualize the histogram of log DFL values, set to 30 by default.
#' @param col Graphical parameter for color of histogram bars border, set to "red" by default.
#' @param fill Graphical parameter for color of histogram fill, set to "green" by default.
#' @param hist_fill Graphical parameter for intensity of histogram fill, set to 0.2 by default.
#' @param linecol Graphical parameter for the color of the fitted distribution density, set to "blue" by default.
#' @details Filtering is the process of identifying and removing a subset of taxa according to a particular criterion.
#' Function \code{PERFect_sim()} filters the provided OTU table X and outputs a filtered table
#' that contains signal taxa. \code{PERFect_sim()} calculates differences in filtering loss DFL
#' for each taxon according to the given taxa order. By default, the function fits Skew-Normal distribution
#' to the log-differences in filtering loss but Normal, t, or Cauchy distributions can be also used.
#' This is implementation of Algorithm 1 described in Smirnova et al.
#' @return
#' A list is returned containing:
#' \item{filtX}{Filtered OTU table.}
#' \item{info}{The metadata information.}
#' \item{pvals}{P-values of the test.}
#' \item{DFL}{Differences in filtering loss values.}
#' \item{fit}{Fitted values and further goodness of fit details passed from the \code{fitdistr()} function.}
#' \item{hist}{Histogram of log differences in filtering loss.}
#' \item{est}{Estimated distribution parameters.}
#' \item{pDFL}{Plot of differences in filtering loss values.}
#' @references Azzalini, A. (2005). The skew-normal distribution and related multivariate families. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 32(2), 159-188.
#' @references Smirnova, E., Huzurbazar, H., Jafari, F. ``PERFect: permutationfiltration of microbiome data", to be submitted.
#' @author Ekaterina Smirnova
#' @seealso \code{\link{PERFect_perm}}
#' @examples
#' data(mock2)
#' # Proportion data matrix
#' Prop <- mock2$Prop
#' # Counts data matrix
#' Counts <- mock2$Counts
#' dim(Counts) # 240x46
#' # Perform simultaenous filtering of the data
#' res_sim <- PERFect_sim(X=Counts)
#' dim(res_sim$filtX) # 240x10, removing 36 taxa
#' colnames(res_sim$filtX) # signal taxa
#' #permutation perfect colored by FLu values
#' pvals_Plots(PERFect = res_sim, X = Counts, quantiles = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9), alpha=0.05)
#' @import phyloseq
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom Matrix nnzero
#' @importFrom sn qsn psn dsn
#' @importFrom fitdistrplus qmedist
#' @importFrom psych tr
#' @importFrom zoo rollmean rollapply
#' @importFrom stats dcauchy dnorm dt pcauchy pnorm pt quantile sd
#' @export
PERFect_sim <- function(X, infocol= NULL, Order = "NP", Order.user = NULL,
normalize = "counts", center = FALSE,
quant = c(0.10, 0.25, 0.5), distr ="sn",
alpha = 0.10, rollmean = TRUE, direction ="left",
pvals_sim = NULL,
nbins =30,
col = "red", fill = "green", hist_fill = 0.2, linecol = "blue"){
phist <- NULL
info <- NULL
#infocol = index vector of other info
if (!is.null(infocol)) {
info <- X[, infocol]
X <- X[, -infocol]
# Check the format of X
if (!is(X, "matrix")) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
# Check the format of Order
if (!(Order %in% c("NP", "pvals", "NC", "NCw")))
stop('Order argument can only be "NP", "pvals", "NC", or "NCw" ')
# Check the format of normalize
if (!(normalize %in% c("counts", "prop", "pres")))
stop('normalize argument can only be "counts", "prop", or "pres" ')
# Check the format of center
if (!is(center,"logical"))
stop('center argument must be a logical value')
# Check the format of quant
if (!is.vector(quant))
stop('quant argument must be a vector')
# Check the format of distr
if (!(distr %in% c("sn", "norm", "t", "cauchy")))
stop('normalize argument can only be "sn", "norm", "t", or "cauchy" ')
# Check the format of alpha
if (!is.numeric(alpha))
stop('alpha argument must be a numerical value')
# Check if pvals_sim object is input correctly
if (!is(pvals_sim,"NULL") & length(pvals_sim$pvals) == 0)
stop('pvals_sim object must be a result from simultaneous PERFect with taxa abundance ordering')
#Order columns by importance
if (is.null(Order.user)) {
if (Order == "NP") {
Order.vec <- NP_Order(X)
if (Order == "pvals") {
Order.vec <- pvals_Order(X, pvals_sim)
if (Order == "NC") {
Order.vec <- NC_Order(X)
if (Order == "NCw") {
Order.vec <- NCw_Order(X)
} else {
Order.vec <- Order.user #user-specified ordering of columns of X
X <- X[, Order.vec]#properly order columns of X
#remove all-zero OTU columns
nzero.otu <- apply(X, 2, Matrix::nnzero) != 0
X <- X[, nzero.otu]
p <- dim(X)[2]
Order.vec <- Order.vec[nzero.otu]
#save non-centered, non-normalized X
X.orig <- X
#normalize the data
if (normalize == "prop") {
X <- X / apply(X, 1, sum)
else if (normalize == "pres") {
X[X != 0] <- 1
#center if true
if (center) {
X <- apply(X, 2, function(x) {
x - mean(x)
#calculate DFL values
Order_Ind <- rep(seq_len(length(Order.vec)))#convert to numeric indicator values
DFL <- DiffFiltLoss(X = X,
Plot = TRUE,
Taxa_Names = Order.vec)
#alternative calculation of filtering loss using presise formula
#Function to calculate j^th DFL loss
Taxa <- Order.vec[-length(Order.vec)]
lfl <- data.frame(Taxa, log(DFL$DFL))
names(lfl) <- c("Taxa", "DFL")
#plot histogram
hist <-
ggplot(data = lfl, aes(lfl$DFL)) + geom_histogram(
bins = nbins,
aes(y = ..density..),
col = col,
fill = fill,
alpha = hist_fill
) +
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10)
) +
ggtitle("") + xlab("log differences in filtering loss") + ylab("Density")
#estimate using normal
if (distr == "norm") {
if (length(quant) > 2) {
quant <- quant[(length(quant) - 1):length(quant)]
print("Warning: more than 2 quantile values are given. \nLargest 2 quantiles are used.")
if (length(quant) < 2) {
stop("At least two quantile values must be specified.")
fit <- fitdistrplus::qmedist(lfl$DFL, distr, probs = quant)
est <- fit$estimate
#add density line to the plot
hist <-
hist + stat_function(
fun = dnorm,
args = list(mean = est[1], sd = est[2]),
colour = linecol
#calculate p-values
pvals <-
q = lfl$DFL,
mean = est[1],
sd = est[2],
lower.tail = FALSE,
log.p = FALSE
#estimate using t-distribution
if (distr == "t") {
if (length(quant) > 2) {
quant <- quant[(length(quant) - 1):length(quant)]
print("Warning: more than 2 quantile values are given. \nLargest 2 quantiles are used.")
if (length(quant) < 2) {
stop("At least 2 quantile value must be specified.")
fit <-
probs = quant,
start = list(df = 2, ncp = mean(lfl$DFL)))
est <- fit$estimate
#add density line to the plot
hist <-
hist + stat_function(fun = dt,
args = list(df = est[1], ncp = est[2]),
colour = linecol)
#calculate p-values
pvals <-
q = lfl$DFL,
df = est[1],
ncp = est[2],
lower.tail = FALSE,
log.p = FALSE
#estimate using cauchy distribution
if (distr == "cauchy") {
if (length(quant) > 2) {
quant <- quant[(length(quant) - 1):length(quant)]
print("Warning: more than 2 quantile values are given. \nLargest 2 quantiles are used.")
if (length(quant) < 2) {
stop("At least 2 quantile value must be specified.")
fit <- fitdistrplus::qmedist(lfl$DFL, distr, probs = quant)
est <- fit$estimate
#add density line to the plot
hist <-
hist + stat_function(
fun = dcauchy,
args = list(location = est[1], scale = est[2]),
colour = linecol
#calculate p-values
pvals <-
q = lfl$DFL,
location = est[1],
scale = est[2],
lower.tail = FALSE,
log.p = FALSE
#estimate using skew normal
if (distr == "sn") {
if (length(quant) > 3) {
quant <- quant[(length(quant) - 2):length(quant)]
print("Warning: more than 3 quantile values are given. \nLargest 3 quantiles are used.")
if (length(quant) < 3) {
stop("At least 3 quantile values must be specified.")
lp <- list(xi = mean(lfl$DFL),
omega = sd(lfl$DFL),
alpha = 1.5)
suppressWarnings(fit <-
fitdistrplus::qmedist(lfl$DFL, distr, probs = quant, start = lp))
#fit <- fitdist(lfl$DFL, distr, method = "qme", probs=quant, start=lp)
est <- fit$estimate
hist <-
hist + stat_function(
fun = dsn,
args = list(
xi = est[1],
omega = est[2],
alpha = est[3]
colour = linecol
#calculate p-values
pvals <-
1 - psn(
x = lfl$DFL,
xi = est[1],
omega = est[2],
alpha = est[3]
#select taxa that are kept in the data set at significance level alpha
names(pvals) <- names(DFL$DFL)
#smooth p-values
if (rollmean){
pvals_avg <-
k = 3,
align = direction,
fill = NA)
} else {
pvals_avg <- pvals
#replace na's with original values
pvals_avg[] <- pvals[]
Ind <- which(pvals_avg <= alpha)
if (length(Ind != 0)) {
Ind <- min(Ind)
Ind <- dim(X)[2] - 1
warning("no taxa are significant at a specified alpha level")
#if jth DFL is significant, then throw away all taxa 1:j
filtX <- X.orig[, -seq_len(Ind)]
filtX = filtX,
info = info,
pvals = round(pvals_avg, 5),
fit = fit,
hist = hist,
est = est,
pDFL = DFL$p + ylab("Difference in Filtering Loss")
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