scoreRankings <- function(r1, r2, nn, bases, two.sided=TRUE) {
n <- length(r1)
if (length(r2)!=n) stop("Rankings have unequal length")
nbases <- length(bases)
nmax <- max(nn)
select <- r1 <= nmax & r2 <= nmax
overlapRanks <- pmax(r1[select], r2[select])
if (two.sided) {
nmin <- n - nmax
select <- r1 >= nmin & r2 >= nmin
overlapRanks <- c(overlapRanks, n+1 - pmin(r1[select], r2[select]))
scores <- numeric(nbases)
for (i in 1:nbases) {
select <- overlapRanks <= nn[i]
nselect <- sum(select)
scores[i] <- sum(bases[i]^overlapRanks[select], -nselect*bases[i]^(nn[i]+1))
scores <- scores/(1-bases)
shuffledRandomScores <- function(n, nn, bases, B=1000, two.sided=TRUE) {
randomScores <- matrix(0, nrow=B, ncol=length(bases))
dotStep <- ceiling(B/50)
cat(" Simulating random scores...\n")
if (B < 50) cat(" 0%", rep(".",B-6), "100%\n ", sep="")
else cat(" 0%.......:.........:.........:.........:......100%\n ")
for (i in 1:B) {
rList <- sample(n)
randomScores[i,] <- scoreRankings(rList, 1:n, nn, bases, two.sided)
if ((i %% dotStep)==0) cat("-")
colnames(randomScores) <- bases
class(randomScores) <- "shuffledRandomScores"
print.shuffledRandomScores <- function(x, ...) {
cat("Random scores from shuffled lists:\n")
cat(" alphas :", round(-log(as.numeric(colnames(x))), 3), "\n")
cat(" nalphs ::", ncol(x), "\n")
cat(" samples :", nrow(x), "\n")
plot.shuffledRandomScores <- function(x, observeds=NULL, revObserveds=NULL, ...) {
for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
d <- density(x[,i], from=0)
plot(d, main=paste("Random Scores for alpha:",
round(-log(as.numeric(colnames(x)[i])), 3)), xlab="Similarity score")
if (!is.null(observeds)) {
mtext("observed", side=3, at=observeds[i], line=0.1)
if (!is.null(revObserveds)) {
mtext("revObserved", side=3, at=revObserveds[i], line=0.1)
readline("<hit enter for next alpha>")
compareLists <- function(ID.List1, ID.List2, mapping=NULL,
two.sided=TRUE, B=1000, alphas=NULL, invar.q=0.5,
min.weight=1e-5, no.reverse=FALSE) {
res <- list()
# checkout mapping
if (!is.null(mapping)) {
res$mapping <- list()
tmp <- ID.List1 %in% mapping[,1]
if (any(!tmp))
cat(sum(!tmp)," of ",length(tmp)," elements in first list not found in mapping\n")
res$mapping$missed1 <- sum(!tmp)
res$mapping$rawlen1 <- length(tmp)
tmp <- ID.List2 %in% mapping[,2]
if (any(!tmp))
cat(sum(!tmp)," of ",length(tmp), " elements in second list not found in mapping\n")
res$mapping$missed2 <- sum(!tmp)
res$mapping$rawlen2 <- length(tmp)
# restrict map
mapping <- mapping[mapping[,1] %in% ID.List1, ,drop=FALSE]
mapping <- mapping[mapping[,2] %in% ID.List2, ,drop=FALSE]
n <- nrow(mapping)
# convert list IDs into combined mapping-IDs
mapIDs <- apply(mapping, 1, paste, collapse="/")
oo <- order(match(mapping[,1], ID.List1))
ID.List1 <- mapIDs[oo]
oo <- order(match(mapping[,2], ID.List2))
ID.List2 <- mapIDs[oo]
# check list consistency
tmp <- sum(!(ID.List1 %in% ID.List2))
if (tmp > 0) stop(tmp, " element(s) of first list not found in second")
tmp <- sum(!(ID.List2 %in% ID.List1))
if (tmp > 0) stop(tmp, " element(s) of second list not found in first")
# determine ranks
n <- length(ID.List2)
Ranks.List1 <- match(ID.List1, ID.List2)
Ranks.List2 <- 1:n
# initialize
if (is.null(alphas)) {
nn <- c(100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500)
alphas <- -log(min.weight)/nn
} else {
nn <- floor(-log(min.weight)/alphas)
select <- nn < n
alphas <- alphas[select]
nn <- nn[select]
nalphas <- length(alphas)
res$n <- n
res$call <- list(B=B,alphas=alphas,invar.q=invar.q,
res$nn <- nn
res$scores <- numeric(nalphas)
res$revScores <- numeric(nalphas)
res$pvalues <- numeric(nalphas)
res$revPvalues <- numeric(nalphas)
class(res) <- "listComparison"
res$overlaps <- overlap(ID.List1, ID.List2, max(nn))
if (no.reverse) { res$revOverlaps <- rep(0, length(res$overlaps)) }
else { res$revOverlaps <- overlap(ID.List1, rev(ID.List2), max(nn)) }
if (two.sided) {
res$overlaps <- c(res$overlaps, rev(overlap(rev(ID.List1), rev(ID.List2), max(nn))))
if (no.reverse) { res$revOverlaps <- rep(res$revOverlaps, 2) }
else { res$revOverlaps <- c(res$revOverlaps, rev(overlap(rev(ID.List1), ID.List2, max(nn)))) }
# compute observed
bases <- exp(-alphas)
res$scores <- scoreRankings(Ranks.List1, Ranks.List2, nn, bases, two.sided)
if (no.reverse) { res$revScores <- rep(0, length(res$scores)) }
else { res$revScores <- scoreRankings(Ranks.List1, n+1-Ranks.List2, nn, bases, two.sided) }
# compute random distributions and p-values
res$randomScores <- shuffledRandomScores(trunc(n*(1-invar.q)), nn, bases, B, two.sided)
for (i in 1:nalphas) {
res$pvalues[i] <- sum(res$randomScores[,i] > res$scores[i])/B
if (no.reverse) { res$revPvalues[i] <- 1 }
else { res$revPvalues[i] <- sum(res$randomScores[,i] > res$revScores[i])/B }
res$ID.List1 <- ID.List1
res$ID.List2 <- ID.List2
print.listComparison <- function(x, ...) {
cat("List comparison")
cat("\n Assessing similarity of :", ifelse(x$call$two.sided, "top and bottom ranks", "top ranks"))
if (is.null(x$mapping)) {
cat("\n Length of lists :", x$n)
} else {
cat("\n Mapped entries from list 1 :",
x$mapping$rawlen1-x$mapping$missed1, "of", x$mapping$rawlen1)
cat("\n Mapped entries from list 2 :",
x$mapping$rawlen2-x$mapping$missed2, "of", x$mapping$rawlen2)
cat("\n Number of mapping pairs :", x$n)
cat("\n Quantile of invariant genes :", x$call$invar.q)
cat("\n Number of random samples :", x$call$B)
m <- data.frame(Genes=x$nn,
rownames(m) <- round(x$call$alphas,3)
plot.listComparison <- function(x, which="overlap",...) {
if (which == "overlap") {
for (i in 1:length(x$nn)){
N <- x$n
NN <- length(x$overlaps)
nn <- x$nn[i]
ylims <- range(x$overlaps, x$revOverlaps)
xlims <- c(1,nn)
if (x$call$two.sided){xlims[2] <- 2*nn}
mu <- (1:nn)^2/N
upper <- qhyper(0.975,1:nn,N-(1:nn),1:nn)
lower <- qhyper(0.025,1:nn,N-(1:nn),1:nn)
polyX <- c(1:nn,nn:1)
polyY <- c(upper,rev(lower))
polyX <- rep(polyX,rep(2,length(polyX)))
polyY <- rep(polyY,rep(2,length(polyY)))
polyX <- polyX[-1]
polyY <- polyY[-length(polyY)]
plot(0,type="n",xaxt="n", xlim=xlims, ylim=ylims,
xlab="",ylab="size of overlap",
main=paste("Overlap for alpha:",round(x$call$alphas[i],3)))
lines(1:nn,mu, col="orange", t="s")
lines(1:nn,x$overlaps[1:nn], col="blue", t="s")
lines(1:nn,x$revOverlaps[1:nn], col="green", t="s")
if (x$call$two.sided) {
polyX <- c((nn+1):(2*nn),rev((nn+1):(2*nn)))
polyY <- c(rev(upper),lower)
polyX <- rep(polyX,rep(2,length(polyX)))
polyY <- rep(polyY,rep(2,length(polyY)))
polyX <- polyX[-1]
polyY <- polyY[-length(polyY)]
lines((nn+1):(2*nn),rev(mu), col="orange", t="s")
lines((nn+1):(2*nn),x$overlaps[(NN-nn+1):NN], col="blue", t="s")
lines((nn+1):(2*nn),x$revOverlaps[(NN-nn+1):NN], col="green", t="s")
axStep <- floor(nn / 45) * 10
axis(side=1, at=c(axStep*(0:4), 2*nn-axStep*(0:4)),
labels=c(1, axStep*(1:4), 1, axStep*(1:4)))
mtext("top ranks", side=1, at=0.5*nn, line=2.5)
mtext("bottom ranks", side=1, at=1.5*nn, line=2.5)
else { # one sided
mtext("top ranks", side=1, at=nn/2, line=2.5)
legend(1, ylims[2], legend=c("direct", "reversed", "expected"), col=c("blue", "green", "orange"),
lty=1, bty="n")
readline("<hit enter for next alpha>")
if (which == "density") {
plot(x$randomScores, x$scores, x$revScores)
stop("Value for parameter 'which' not recognized: ", which)
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