#' Data process and analysis pipeline
#' A systematical pipeline for opera data importing, normalization, quality
#' control, hit detection, analysis, and visualization.
#' @param configFile the location of the file specifying all parameters
#' @param gDevice the graphics device
#' @param ... addition arguments for graphics devices
#' @return a list of three components: a list of cellData objects, the
#' annotated table of each well, and the enrichment analysis table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' configFile <- file.path(system.file("Test", package = "OperaMate"),
#' "demoData", "demoParam.txt")
#' operaReport <- operaMate(configFile, gDevice = "png")
#' head(operaReport$report)
operaMate <- function(configFile, gDevice = "png", ...) {
## To avoid warning in RCheck
platemap <- NULL; eg.filename <- NULL; <- NULL <- NULL; cellnames <- NULL; barcode <- NULL; well.digits <- NULL
genemap <- NULL; cellformat <- NULL; cell.digits <- NULL
correlationTh <- NULL; zfactorTh <- NULL; cellnumberTh <- NULL
positive.control <- NULL; negative.control <- NULL
neglect.well <- NULL; case.well <- NULL; norm.method <- NULL
opm.qcType <- NULL; opm.QC.threshold <- NULL; sep <- NULL
if.replace.badPlateData <- NULL; sig.method <- NULL
sig.threshold <- NULL; sig.pvalue.threshold <- NULL
verbose <- NULL; summaryFile <- NULL; organism <- NULL
functionFile <- NULL; egFilename <- NULL; datapath <- NULL
configParser <- function(configFile) {
config <- file(configFile, open = "r")
lines <- readLines(config)
ID <- grep("^#", lines)
lines <- gsub(" *", "", lines[-ID])
lstlines <- strsplit(lines, ":")
i <- 0
for (line in lstlines) {
i <- i + 1
if (length(line) == 1) {
eval(parse(text = paste(line[1]," = NULL", sep = "")))
} else {
tmp <- paste("\"", unlist(strsplit(line[2], ",")), "\"", sep = "")
if (length(tmp) > 1){
tmp <- paste("c(", paste(tmp, collapse = ","), ")", sep = "")
eval(parse(text = paste("assign(\"", line[1], "\", ", tmp,
", parent.env(environment()))", sep = "")))
if (is.null(datapath)){
stop("You must provide the location of files!")
} else if (datapath == "operaMateDemoLocation") {
file.path(system.file("Test", package = "OperaMate"), "Matrix"),
if (!file.exists(datapath)) {
stop("The location does not exists!")
if (is.null(outpath)) {
assign("outpath", getOption("opm.outpath"), parent.env(environment()))
if (outpath == "operaMateDemoOutput") {
assign("outpath", tempdir(), parent.env(environment()))
if (!is.null(platemap)) {
assign("platemap", read.csv(platemap, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
if (is.null(genemap)) {
warning("No well-gene specification file provide.
Functional analysis will not perform.")
} else {
if (genemap == "operaMateDemoGenemap")
genemap <- file.path(system.file("Test", package = "OperaMate"),
"demoData", "genemap.csv")
assign("genemap", read.csv(genemap, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
if (is.null(eg.filename) | is.null( | is.null(
| is.null(sep) | is.null(barcode)) {
warning("File format is not clear. The standard format will be used.")
egFilename <- getOption("opm.filename.example")
} else{
egFilename <- list(eg.filename = eg.filename, =, =, sep = sep, barcode = barcode)
assign("egFilename", egFilename, parent.env(environment()))
if (is.null(cellnames)) {
stop ("Please specify the terms to analyze!")
opm.QC.threshold <- vector()
if (!is.null(correlationTh))
opm.QC.threshold["correlation"] <- correlationTh
if (!is.null(zfactorTh))
opm.QC.threshold["zfactor"] <- zfactorTh
if (!is.null(cellnumberTh))
opm.QC.threshold["cellnumber"] <- cellnumberTh
mode(opm.QC.threshold) <- "numeric"
assign("opm.QC.threshold", opm.QC.threshold, parent.env(environment()))
mode(sig.threshold) <- "numeric"
mode(sig.pvalue.threshold) <- "numeric"
mode(well.digits) <- "numeric"
mode(if.replace.badPlateData) <- "logical"
mode(verbose) <- "logical"
assign("sig.threshold", sig.threshold, parent.env(environment()))
assign("sig.pvalue.threshold", sig.pvalue.threshold, parent.env(environment()))
assign("well.digits", well.digits, parent.env(environment()))
assign("if.replace.badPlateData", if.replace.badPlateData, parent.env(environment()))
assign("verbose", verbose, parent.env(environment()))
configParser(configFile) #Parse all parameters from text file
if (is.null(outpath)) {
outpath <- getOption("opm.outpath")
if (!file.exists(outpath)) {
dir.create(outpath) #Create the output folder
op <- options("device")
options("device" = gDevice)
message("[",format(Sys.time(), "%m-%d-%Y %T"),"]")
message(" OperaMate Data Processing & Analysis") #Log head
message("Loading data ...")
lstPlates <- loadAll(cellformat = cellformat, datapath = datapath,
egFilename = egFilename, well.digits = well.digits,
platemap = platemap)
cellnames.1 <- cellnames[cellnames %in% names(lstPlates[[1]]["data"])]
if("Average.Total.Intensity" %in% cellnames){
cellnames.1 <- unique(c("Average.Intensity.of.Nuclei",
"Average.Intensity.of.Cytoplasm", cellnames.1))
lstCells <- list()
for(cellname in c("Cells.Analyzed", cellnames.1)){
oneCell <- cellData(cellname)
lstCells[[cellname]] <- cellLoad(oneCell, lstPlates,
positive.ctr = positive.control,
negative.ctr = negative.control,
neglect.well = neglect.well,
expwell = case.well)
cell.cellNum <- lstCells[["Cells.Analyzed"]]
lstCells <- lstCells[-1]
lstCells <- lapply(lstCells, function(cell) {
cellNumLoad(cell, cell.cellNum)
message("Data normalization ...")
lstCells <- lapply(lstCells,function(cell){
cellNorm(cell, norm.method = norm.method)
message("Data visualization ..." )
for(cell in lstCells){
cellViz(cell, outpath = outpath, ...)
message("Quality control ...")
lstCells <- lapply(lstCells,function(cell){
cellQC(cell, qcType = opm.qcType, qc.threshold = opm.QC.threshold,
replace.badPlateData = if.replace.badPlateData,
outpath = outpath, ...)
if("Average.Total.Intensity" %in% cellnames){
lstCells[["Average.Total.Intensity"]] <-
lstCells[[ "Average.Intensity.of.Cytoplasm"]],
lstCells <- lstCells[cellnames]
message("Hit detection ...")
lstCells <- lapply(lstCells, function(cell){
cell <- cellSig(cell, method = sig.method,
th = sig.threshold, thPVal = sig.pvalue.threshold,
adjust.method = getOption("opm.adjust.methods"),
digits = getOption("opm.threshold.digits"),
plot = TRUE, outpath = outpath, ...)
cellSigPlot(cell, outpath = outpath, ...)
message("Annotation ... ")
report <- generateReport(lstCells, genemap, verbose = verbose,
file = summaryFile,
outpath = outpath, plot = TRUE, ...)
message("Hit analysis ...")
if (is.null(genemap)) {
funReport <- NULL
} else{
funReport <- lapply(lstCells,function(cell){
chart <- cellSigAnalysis(cell, genemap, organism,
file = file.path(outpath, functionFile), ...)
cellSigAnalysisPlot(chart, prefix = cell@name, outpath = outpath,
return(list(lstCells = lstCells, report = report, funReport = funReport))
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