#' @import stats
#' @import methods
#' Data visualization
#' Visualize data by heatmap or boxplot.
#' @param object a cellData object
#' @param data.type c("raw", "norm), visualizing both types by default
#' @param plot c("heatmap","boxplot")
#' @param outpath directory of output figures, default: getOption("opm.outpath")
#' @param multiplot logical, the output images are placed in one figure or not
#' @param plateID numeric or character
#' @param tag character, unique tag for one figure
#' @param ctr.excluded logical, if controls are included in the visualization
#' @param ... other arguments for graphical devices and \code{pheatmap}
#' @examples
#' data(demoCell)
#' op <- options("device")
#' options("device" = "png")
#' cellViz(oneCell, data.type = c("raw", "norm"), plateID = 1:6, outpath = tempdir())
#' cellViz(oneCell, data.type = c("raw", "norm"), plateID = 1, outpath = tempdir())
#' options(op)
#' @return Invisibly a list of the values returned by \code{pheatmap} and
#' ggplot2 function for boxplot
#' @details
#' By visualizing the raw data, users can observe the batch effects as
#' a large region of distinguishing color in heatmap or
#' biased distribution by boxplots. Users can also visualize thr normalized data
#' for comparison.
#' @docType methods
#' @import ggplot2 pheatmap
#' @importFrom grid pushViewport viewport grid.newpage grid.text gpar
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @export
cellViz <- function(object, data.type = c("raw", "norm"),
plot = c("heatmap","boxplot"),
outpath = getOption("opm.outpath"),
multiplot = FALSE, plateID = NULL, tag = NULL,
ctr.excluded = TRUE, ...) {
if(!length(object[""]) & "norm" %in% data.type) {
msg <- "Cannot visualize normalized data before normalization! "
if(length(data.type) == 2) {
warning(msg,"Visualize raw data only.")
data.type <- "raw"
} else {
} # parameter checking
showRow <- object["expwell"]
showCol <- colnames(object[""])
if (!is.null(plateID)) {
if (is.numeric(plateID)) {
showCol <- intersect(1:length(showCol), plateID)
} else {
showCol <- intersect(showCol, plateID)
if (length(showCol) == 1) {
if ("raw" %in% data.type) { <- object[""][, showCol, drop = TRUE]
if ("norm" %in% data.type) { <- object[""][, showCol, drop = TRUE]
tmp <- split(, substr(names(, 1, 1))
mcolname <- unique(substr(names(, 2, 3)) <-, lapply(tmp,function(x) {
colnames( <- mcolname
rownames( <- names(tmp)
g <- showPlate(, pos.control = object["posctrwell"],
neg.control = object["negctrwell"], outpath = outpath,
prefix = paste(object["name"], showCol, sep = "-"), ...)
g1 <- NULL; g2 <- NULL
if("heatmap" %in% plot) {
if (! ctr.excluded) {
showRow <- rownames(object[""])
if("raw" %in% data.type){
if.close.device <-"heatmap.raw.",object["name"], tag), outpath, ...)
g1 <- cellHeatmap(object[""][showRow, showCol], ...)
if("norm" %in% data.type){
if.close.device <-"heatmap.norm.",object["name"], tag), outpath, ...)
g2 <- cellHeatmap(object[""][showRow, showCol], ...)
p1 <- NULL; p2 <- NULL; p3 <- NULL; p4 <- NULL
if("boxplot" %in% plot) {
if (ctr.excluded) {
positive.ctr <- NULL
negative.ctr <- NULL
} else {
postive.ctr <- object["posctrwell"]
negative.ctr <- object["negctrwell"]
if("raw" %in% data.type) {
p1 <- cellBoxplot(object[""][showRow, showCol], "Plate",
positive.ctr, negative.ctr, ...)
p2 <- cellBoxplot(object[""][showRow, showCol], "Well",
positive.ctr, negative.ctr, ...)
if("norm" %in% data.type) {
p3 <- cellBoxplot(object[""][showRow, showCol], "Plate",
positive.ctr, negative.ctr, ...)
p4 <- cellBoxplot(object[""][showRow, showCol], "Well",
positive.ctr, negative.ctr, ...)
if(!multiplot) {
if("raw" %in% data.type) {
if.close.device <-
paste0("boxplot.rawPlate.", object["name"], tag), outpath, ...)
print(p1)"boxplot.rawWell.", object["name"], tag),
outpath, ...)
if("norm" %in% data.type) {
if.close.device <-"boxplot.normPlate.", object["name"], tag),
outpath, ...)
print(p3)"boxplotnormWell.", object["name"], tag),
outpath, ...)
} else{
if(length(data.type) == 2 ) {
if.close.device <-
paste0("boxplot.raw&norm.", object["name"], tag), outpath, ...)
} else {
if.close.device <-
paste0("boxplot.", data.type, ".", object["name"], tag),
outpath, ...)
if(length(data.type) == 2) {
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, nrow = 2 ,ncol = 2)
}else if (data.type == "raw") {
grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 2 ,ncol = 1)
}else if (data.type == "norm") {
grid.arrange(p3, p4, nrow = 2 ,ncol = 1)
invisible(list(heatmapRaw = g1, heatmapNorm = g2,
boxRawPlate = p1, boxRawWell = p2,
boxNormPlate = p3, boxNormWell = p4))
## Heatmap of data matrix
## Performs hieratical clustering to data matrix.
## An inner function of \code{\link{cellViz}}
## @param data the data matrix
## @para ... arguments to be passed to \code{cellHeatmap}
## @return Invisibly a list of component by \code{pheatmap}.
## @docType methods
## @import grid
## @import pheatmap
cellHeatmap <- function(data, ...) {
user.custom <- names(list(...))
if(!"fontsize" %in% user.custom)
fontsize <- getOption("opm.heatmap.fontsize")
if(!"fontsize_row" %in% user.custom)
fontsize_row <- getOption("opm.heatmap.fontsize_row")
if(!"fontsize_col" %in% user.custom)
fontsize_col <- getOption("opm.heatmap.fontsize_col")
if(!"color" %in% user.custom)
color <- getOption("opm.heatmap.color")
if(!"remove.noise" %in% user.custom)
remove.noise <- getOption("opm.heatmap.rmnoise")
setHook( "grid.newpage", function()
pushViewport(viewport(x=1, y=1, width=0.9, height=0.9, name="vp",
just = c("right", "top"))), action="replace" )
if(remove.noise) {
medianData <- median(as.vector(data), na.rm = TRUE)
madData <- mad(as.vector(data), na.rm = TRUE)
breaks <- seq(medianData - 3 * madData,
medianData + 3 * madData, length.out = 51)
breaks <- NA
g <- pheatmap(data, color = color, fontsize = fontsize,
fontsize_row = fontsize_row, fontsize_col = fontsize_col,
breaks = breaks, ...)
setHook("grid.newpage", NULL, "replace")
grid.text("Well ID", x= -0.02, rot = 90, gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize))
grid.text("Plate ID", y= -0.01, gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize))
## The boxplot of data of plates and well positions
## An inner function of \code{\link{cellViz}}.
## @param data the data matrix
## @type c("Well", "Plate")
## @positive.ctr matrix
## @negative.ctr matrix
## @... other arguments
## @return Invisibly the ggplot2 function
## @docType methods
## @import ggplot2
cellBoxplot <- function(data, type = c("Well", "Plate"),
positive.ctr = NULL, negative.ctr = NULL, ...) {
if(type == "Plate") {
data <- suppressMessages(melt(
} else if(type == "Well") {
data <- suppressMessages(melt(
colnames(data) <- c(type,"Values")
g <- ggplot(data, aes_string(x = type, y = "Values")) + geom_boxplot()
if (! is.null(positive.ctr)) {
if(type == "Plate") {
data.pc <- suppressMessages(melt(
colnames(data.pc) <- c(type,"Values")
g <- g + geom_point(data = data.pc, aes_string(x = type, y = "Values"),
size = 1.5, colour = "red")
} else if(type == "Well") {
data.pc <- suppressMessages(melt(
g <- g + geom_boxplot(data.pc, aes_string(x = type, y = "Values"),
aes(fill = "red"))
if (! is.null(negative.ctr)) {
if(type == "Plate") { <- suppressMessages(melt(
colnames( <- c(type,"Values")
g <- g + geom_point(data =, aes_string(x = type, y = "Values"),
size = 1.5, colour = "blue")
} else if(type == "Well") { <- suppressMessages(melt(
g <- g + geom_boxplot(, aes_string(x = type, y = "Values"),
aes(fill = "blue"))
#' Hits volcano plot
#' Visualizes hits by volcano plot.
#' Users can highlight a certain samples during plotting.
#' @param object a cellData object
#' @param outpath diretory of the output figures
#' @param color.highlight a character specifying the color of the hits
#' @param color.background a character specifying the color of the other samples
#' @param highlight.label a vector of characters specifying the names of the
#' samples to be highlighted, with the names are the "barcode:wellID".
#' @param highlight.label.color a character specifying the color of the labels
#' @param ... arguments of the graphic device and ggplot2
#' @docType methods
#' @return Invisibly an object of \code{ggplot}
#' @examples
#' data(demoCell)
#' op <- options("device")
#' options("device" = "png")
#' labels <- c("Axin1")
#' names(labels) <- c("DSIMGA04:C07")
#' cellSigPlot(oneCell, highlight.label = labels, outpath = tempdir())
#' options(op)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
cellSigPlot <- function(object, outpath = getOption("opm.outpath"),
color.highlight = getOption("opm.sig.color.highlight"),
color.background = getOption("opm.sig.color.background"),
highlight.label = NULL,
highlight.label.color = getOption("opm.sig.label.color"),
...) {
if (length(object["Sig"]) == 0) {
stop("No data have passed quality control.")
stop("This method requires three or more replicates.")
objSig <- object["Sig"]
vc.threshold <- ifelse(apply(objSig$SigMat, 1, any),
color.highlight, color.background)
vc.threshold[] <- color.background
volcanoData <- data.frame(exp = log2(object[""][, "mean"]),
pvalue = -log10(objSig$pvalue),
threshold = vc.threshold)
if.close.device <-["name"], "volcanoPlot",sep="."), outpath, ...)
exp <- NULL; pvalue <- NULL; label <- NULL
## Just for avoiding warnings in Rcheck
g <- ggplot(data = volcanoData, aes(x = exp, y = pvalue)) +
geom_point(..., size=2.5, shape=21, colour="black",
fill = volcanoData$threshold, alpha = 1) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
xlab("log2( intensity )") +
ylab("-log10 p-value")
if(!is.null(highlight.label)) {
TextFrame <- volcanoData[
match(names(highlight.label), rownames(volcanoData))
, ]
if(is.null(TextFrame)) {
warning("Cannot find the highlight well IDs.
Parameter 'highlight.label' is a vector of labels with the vector names are in
the format of plateID:wellID.")
} else {
TextFrame$label <- highlight.label
TextFrame <- transform(TextFrame,
w = sapply(label, strwidth, "inches"),
h = sapply(label, strheight, "inches"))
w <- NULL; h <- NULL ## Just for avoiding warnings in Rcheck
g <- g +
geom_point(..., data = TextFrame, aes(x = exp,y = pvalue),
colour = "black", fill = highlight.label.color,
alpha = 1, shape=21, size=3) +
geom_rect(data = TextFrame,
aes(xmin = exp - w/2, xmax = exp + w/2,
ymin = pvalue + h/2, ymax = pvalue + 3 * h/2),
color = highlight.label.color,
fill = highlight.label.color) +
geom_text(data = TextFrame,
aes(x = exp, y = pvalue, label = label),
colour = "black", size = 4, vjust = -1)
if(if.close.device) {
#' Hits function analysis
#' Performs function analysis using gProfileR
#' @param object a cellData object
#' @param genemap a data frame, the well-gene specification table
#' @param organism organism name.
#' @details genemap must include colnames "Barcode","Well","GeneSymbol".
#' organism name can be referred to g:Profiler tool.
#' For example, human: hsapiens, mouse: mmusculus.
#' @param type include both high and low expressed hits or one of them.
#' @param file the filename of the enrichment table (default: disabled)
#' @param ... the arguments of \code{gprofiler}.
#' @return a data frame of the functional report from gProfiler
#' @docType methods
#' @examples
#' data(demoCell)
#' genemap <- read.csv(file.path(system.file("Test", package = "OperaMate"),
#' "demoData", "genemap.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' chart <- cellSigAnalysis(oneCell, genemap, organism = "mmusculus")
#' head(chart)
#' @import gProfileR
#' @export
cellSigAnalysis <- function(object, genemap, organism, type = c("High", "Low"),
file = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(genemap)) {
warning("No well-gene specification file provided!")
if(any( !c("Barcode","Well","GeneSymbol") %in% colnames(genemap))){
warning("Column Barcode, Well and GeneSymbol are not included
in the well-gene specification file.")
rownames(genemap) <- paste(genemap$Barcode, genemap$Well, sep = ":")
objSig <- object["Sig"]$SigMat
sig <- objSig[match(rownames(genemap), rownames(objSig)), ]
if ("High" %in% type)
ID <- c(ID, rownames(objSig)[objSig[, "High"]])
if ("Low" %in% type)
ID <- c(ID, rownames(objSig)[objSig[, "Low"]])
query <- genemap[match(na.omit(ID), rownames(genemap)), "GeneSymbol"]
pars <- list(...) <- formals(gprofiler)
pars <- pars[names(pars) %in% names(]
gprofile.chart <- try(gprofiler(query, organism = organism, pars))
if (class(gprofile.chart) == "try-error") {
warning("Function gProfile failed.")
if (!is.null(file)) {
write.table(gprofile.chart, file = file,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE,
quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
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