cat("\n Starting per-gene-mutation-rates long at", date(), "\n") ## whole file takes about 30 seconds
## When submitting, probably move half of the tests (mcfl?) to the "long"
## file.
## FIXME wrap some of the p-value based tests on a loop to catch
## occasional mistakes. See, e.g., test.mutator-oncoSimulSample.R.
mutsPerClone <- function(x, per.pop.mean = TRUE) {
perCl <- function(z)
unlist(lapply(z$GenotypesWDistinctOrderEff, length))
perCl2 <- function(z)
mean(unlist(lapply(z$GenotypesWDistinctOrderEff, length)))
unlist(lapply(x, function(u) perCl2(u)))
lapply(x, function(u) perCl(u))
mutsPerCloneLast <- function(x, per.pop.mean = TRUE) {
## Only clones alive in the last period
aliveLast <- function(u) {
pbt <- u$
which(pbt[nrow(pbt), -1] >= 1)
perCl <- function(z) {
this <- aliveLast(z)
unlist(lapply(z$GenotypesWDistinctOrderEff[this], length))
perCl2 <- function(z) {
this <- aliveLast(z)
mean(unlist(lapply(z$GenotypesWDistinctOrderEff[this], length)))
unlist(lapply(x, function(u) perCl2(u)))
lapply(x, function(u) perCl(u))
## we could have used this below . Oh well
## totalind <- function(out) {
## ## total num indivs
## sum(unlist(lapply(out, function(x) x$TotalPopSize)))
## }
## RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") ## for the mclapplies
## RNGkind("Mersenne-Twister")
p.value.threshold <- 0.01
test_that("Same freqs, chisq, when s=0", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s08: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-5, "z" = 1e-5, "e" = 1e-5, "m" = 1e-5, "D" = 1e-5)
ni1 <- rep(0, 5)
names(ni1) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni1)
no <- 1e7
reps <- 200
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = 0.001, max.wall.time = 900,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
## colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))
## chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)))
## It will fail with prob ~ <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)),
p = expectedC/sum(expectedC))$p.value >
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Same freqs, chisq, when s", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s09: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-5, "z" = 1e-5, "e" = 1e-5, "m" = 1e-5, "D" = 1e-5)
ni1 <- rep(0.02, 5)
names(ni1) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni1)
no <- 1e7
reps <- 200
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = 0.001,max.wall.time = 900,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
## colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)) <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)),
p = expectedC/sum(expectedC))$p.value >
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Different freqs as they should be ordered and chisq, when s=0",{
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s010: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-3, "z" = 1e-7, "e" = 1e-6, "m" = 1e-5, "D" = 1e-4)
## too small mu: observed often 0 and expected below 1. Make larger
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-3, "z" = 5e-5, "e" = 5e-4, "m" = 5e-3, "D" = 1e-4)
ni1 <- rep(0, 5)
names(ni1) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni1)
no <- 5e7
reps <- 800
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = .00001, max.wall.time = 900,
seed =NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
## It will fail with prob ~ <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)),
p = expectedC/sum(expectedC))$p.value >
## the ordering criterion could fail even if things are OK
TTT <- c(TTT, identical(
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Different freqs as they should be ordered, when s and t > 1", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s011: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-3, "z" = 1e-7, "e" = 1e-6, "m" = 1e-5, "D" = 1e-4)
ni2 <- rep(0.01, 5)
names(ni2) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni2)
no <- 5e5
reps <- 100
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = 2, max.wall.time = 900,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
## A chisq will not work as we increase finalTime. But ordering of
## freqs. should.
TTT <- c(TTT, identical(
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
TTT <- c(TTT, all(TTT))
test_that("Different freqs as they should be ordered, when s and t> 1, again", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s012: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-3, "z" = 5e-5, "e" = 5e-4, "m" = 5e-3, "D" = 1e-4)
## we increase s and finalTime
ni2 <- rep(0.1, 5)
names(ni2) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni2)
no <- 1e5
reps <- 100
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = 4, max.wall.time = 900,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, tough no real effect
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
TTT <- c(TTT, identical(
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Complex fitness specification, s diffs, tiny finalTime, systematic mu", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s1: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
p4 <- data.frame(parent = c(rep("Root", 4), "A", "B", "D", "E", "C", "F"),
child = c("A", "B", "D", "E", "C", "C", "F", "F", "G", "G"),
s = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3),
sh = c(rep(0, 4), c(-.9, -.9), c(-.95, -.95), c(-.99, -.99)),
typeDep = c(rep("--", 4),
"XMPN", "XMPN", "MN", "MN", "SM", "SM"))
oe <- c("C > F" = -0.1, "H > I" = 0.12)
sm <- c("I:J" = -.1)
sv <- c("-K:M" = -.5, "K:-M" = -.5)
epist <- c(sm, sv)
modules <- c("Root" = "Root", "A" = "a1",
"B" = "b1, b2", "C" = "c1",
"D" = "d1, d2", "E" = "e1",
"F" = "f1, f2", "G" = "g1",
"H" = "h1, h2", "I" = "i1",
"J" = "j1, j2", "K" = "k1, k2", "M" = "m1")
noint <- runif(5, min = 0.051, max = 0.1)
names(noint) <- paste0("n", 1:5)
drvN <- paste0(letters[c(1:11, 13, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11)],
c(rep(1, 12), rep(2, 6)))
fea <- allFitnessEffects(rT = p4, epistasis = epist, orderEffects = oe,
noIntGenes = noint, geneToModule = modules,
drvNames = drvN)
nfea <- OncoSimulR:::allNamedGenes(fea)$Gene
## systematic spacing
muvar <- sample(seq(from = 5e-6, to = 1e-3, length.out = length(nfea)))
names(muvar) <- nfea
no <- 5e7
reps <- 300
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fea, mu = muvar,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = 0.0001, max.wall.time = 900,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar)
## expectedC - colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))
## chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)),
## p = expectedC/sum(expectedC)) <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)),
p = expectedC/sum(expectedC))$p.value >
## Order will not necessarily be OK, because of random fluctuations,
## when muvar diffs are tiny
## expect_equal(
## order(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))),
## order(expectedC))
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Complex fitness specification, tiny s diffs", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s2: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
p4 <- data.frame(parent = c(rep("Root", 4), "A", "B", "D", "E", "C", "F"),
child = c("A", "B", "D", "E", "C", "C", "F", "F", "G", "G"),
s = c(0.00001, 0.00002, 0.00003, 0.00004, 0.00001, 0.00001, 0.00002, 0.00002, 0.00003, 0.00003),
sh = c(rep(0, 4), c(-.0000009, -.0000009), c(-.00000095, -.00000095), c(-.00000099, -.00000099)),
typeDep = c(rep("--", 4),
"XMPN", "XMPN", "MN", "MN", "SM", "SM"))
oe <- c("C > F" = -0.00001, "H > I" = 0.000012)
sm <- c("I:J" = -.00001)
sv <- c("-K:M" = -.000005, "K:-M" = -.000005)
epist <- c(sm, sv)
modules <- c("Root" = "Root", "A" = "a1",
"B" = "b1, b2", "C" = "c1",
"D" = "d1, d2", "E" = "e1",
"F" = "f1, f2", "G" = "g1",
"H" = "h1, h2", "I" = "i1",
"J" = "j1, j2", "K" = "k1, k2", "M" = "m1")
noint <- runif(5, min = 0.0000051, max = 0.00001)
names(noint) <- paste0("n", 1:5)
drvN <- paste0(letters[c(1:11, 13, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11)],
c(rep(1, 12), rep(2, 6)))
fea <- allFitnessEffects(rT = p4, epistasis = epist, orderEffects = oe,
noIntGenes = noint, geneToModule = modules,
drvNames = drvN)
nfea <- OncoSimulR:::allNamedGenes(fea)$Gene
## Now, random muvar
## muvar <- sample(seq(from = 5e-6, to = 1e-3, length.out = length(nfea)))
muvar <- runif(length(nfea), min = 5e-6, max = 1e-3)
names(muvar) <- nfea
no <- 5e7
reps <- 100
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fea, mu = muvar,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = .0001,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar)
## chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)),
## p = expectedC/sum(expectedC)) <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)),
p = expectedC/sum(expectedC))$p.value >
## Even with systematic spacing, you need huge reps to even out the
## sampling effects on order. And ordering tested above several
## times. This is an overkill.
## expect_equal(
## order(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))),
## order(expectedC))
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Init mutant with tiny mutation always present", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s11: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
## We check the two init mutants have same frequency, and it is the
## largest. So we also verify no additional mutation to
## either one (since their freq is same) and we verify present in all.
p4 <- data.frame(parent = c(rep("Root", 4), "A", "B", "D", "E", "C", "F"),
child = c("A", "B", "D", "E", "C", "C", "F", "F", "G", "G"),
s = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3),
sh = c(rep(0, 4), c(-.9, -.9), c(-.95, -.95), c(-.99, -.99)),
typeDep = c(rep("--", 4),
"XMPN", "XMPN", "MN", "MN", "SM", "SM"))
oe <- c("C > F" = -0.1, "H > I" = 0.12)
sm <- c("I:J" = -1)
sv <- c("-K:M" = -.5, "K:-M" = -.5)
epist <- c(sm, sv)
modules <- c("Root" = "Root", "A" = "a1",
"B" = "b1, b2", "C" = "c1",
"D" = "d1, d2", "E" = "e1",
"F" = "f1, f2", "G" = "g1",
"H" = "h1, h2", "I" = "i1",
"J" = "j1, j2", "K" = "k1, k2", "M" = "m1")
noint <- runif(5, min = 0.01, max = 0.1)
names(noint) <- paste0("n", 1:5)
drvN <- paste0(letters[c(1:11, 13, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11)],
c(rep(1, 12), rep(2, 6)))
fea <- allFitnessEffects(rT = p4, epistasis = epist, orderEffects = oe,
noIntGenes = noint, geneToModule = modules,
drvNames = drvN)
nfea <- OncoSimulR:::allNamedGenes(fea)$Gene
## muvar <- runif(length(nfea), min = 1e-7, max = 1e-3) ## too tiny
## diffs sometimes for order comp
muvar <- sample(seq(from = 1e-7, to = 1e-4, length.out = length(nfea)))
names(muvar) <- nfea
muvar["h2"] <- 1e-13
muvar["i1"] <- 2e-13
no <- 1e5
reps <- 20
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fea, mu = muvar,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
sampleEvery = 0.03,
keepEvery = 2,
finalTime = 10000, ## yes, huge; we only get close to 4 or 5.
detectionDrivers = 4,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## yes, exclude this possible effect
initMutant = "h2 > i1",
mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar)
ccs <- colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))
totalindivs <- sum(unlist(lapply(bb, function(x) x$TotalPopSize)))
expect_true(ccs["h2"] == ccs["i1"])
expect_true(ccs["h2"] == totalindivs)
TTT <- c(TTT, all(ccs["h2"] > ccs[!(names(ccs) %in% c("h2", "i1"))]))
## of course, no agreement with chi-square or ordering <- 1e-6
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)),
p = expectedC/sum(expectedC))$p.value <
TTT <- c(TTT, !(
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Different freqs as they should be ordered and chisq, when s and a tiny mu", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s13: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-13, "z" = 1e-7, "e" = 1e-6, "m" = 1e-5, "D" = 1e-4)
ni2 <- rep(0.01, 5)
names(ni2) <- names(muvar2)
ni2["U"] <- 0.5
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni2)
no <- 1e6
reps <- 100
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = 5,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
TTT <- c(TTT, colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[1] == 0)
TTT <- c(TTT, identical(
## A chisq will not work as we increase finalTime.
cat("\n s13b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = .001,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
TTT <- c(TTT, colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[1] == 0)
## This will fail sometimes <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[-1],
p = expectedC[-1]/sum(expectedC))$p.value >
## could fail because very small freqs
## expect_equal(
## order(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))),
## order(expectedC))
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Different freqs as they should be ordered and chisq, when s=0, and initMutant",{
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s17: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-3, "z" = 5e-5, "e" = 1e-6, "m" = 1e-5, "D" = 1e-4)
ni1 <- rep(0, 5)
names(ni1) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni1)
no <- 1e7
reps <- 200
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = .001,
seed =NULL,
initMutant = "e",
mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
ccs <- colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))
totalindivs <- sum(unlist(lapply(bb, function(x) x$TotalPopSize)))
expect_true(ccs["e"] == totalindivs)
## It will fail with prob ~ <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[-3],
p = expectedC[-3]/sum(expectedC[-3]))$p.value >
TTT <- c(TTT, identical(
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Different freqs as they are expected with chisq, when s=0 and initMutant, many genotypes",{
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n s19: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ft <- 0.001 ## yes, small
lni <- 100 ## 16
muvar2 <- runif(lni, min = 1e-4, max = 1e-3)
names(muvar2) <- c(replicate(lni,
paste(sample(letters, 12), collapse = "")))
names(muvar2)[3] <- "e"
muvar2[3] <- 1e-9
ni1 <- rep(0, lni)
names(ni1) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni1)
no <- 1e7
reps <- 100
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
seed =NULL,
initMutant = "e",
mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
(ccs <- colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)))
totalindivs <- sum(unlist(lapply(bb, function(x) x$TotalPopSize)))
expect_true(ccs["e"] == totalindivs)
## It will fail with prob ~ <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[-3],
p = expectedC[-3]/sum(expectedC[-3]))$p.value >
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("McFL: Different freqs as they should be ordered and chisq, when s=0, and initMutant",{
## More on the above, with less variation. But yet another set of tests.
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n mcs20: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-3, "z" = 1e-7, "e" = 1e-6, "m" = 1e-5, "D" = 1e-4)
## moderately small mu
muvar2[] <- 1e-5
muvar2["e"] <- 1e-3
ni1 <- rep(0, 5)
names(ni1) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni1)
no <- 1e7
reps <- 200
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = 0.002,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
initMutant = "e",
model = "McFL",
mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
ccs <- colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))
totalindivs <- sum(unlist(lapply(bb, function(x) x$TotalPopSize)))
expect_true(ccs["e"] == totalindivs)
## It will fail with prob ~ <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[-3],
p = expectedC[-3]/sum(expectedC[-3]))$p.value >
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-3, "z" = 1e-7, "e" = 1e-6, "m" = 1e-5, "D" = 1e-4)
## relatively large mu
muvar2[] <- 1e-3
muvar2["e"] <- 1e-6
ni1 <- rep(0, 5)
names(ni1) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni1)
no <- 1e7
reps <- 200
cat("\n mcs20b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = 0.002,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
initMutant = "e",
model = "McFL",
mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
ccs <- colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))
totalindivs <- sum(unlist(lapply(bb, function(x) x$TotalPopSize)))
expect_true(ccs["e"] == totalindivs)
## It will fail with prob ~ <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[-3],
p = expectedC[-3]/sum(expectedC[-3]))$p.value >
## nope, as many are equal
## expect_equal(
## order(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[-3]),
## order(expectedC[-3]))
## chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)),
## p = expectedC/sum(expectedC))
## some moderate, one very large
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-3, "z" = 1e-7, "e" = 1e-6, "m" = 1e-5, "D" = 1e-4)
muvar2[] <- 1e-4
muvar2["e"] <- 1e-6
muvar2[4] <- 1e-2
ni1 <- rep(0, 5)
names(ni1) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni1)
no <- 1e7
reps <- 200
cat("\n mcs20c: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = 0.002,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
initMutant = "e",
model = "McFL",
mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
(ccs <- colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb)))
totalindivs <- sum(unlist(lapply(bb, function(x) x$TotalPopSize)))
expect_true(ccs["e"] == totalindivs)
## It will fail with prob ~ <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[-3],
p = expectedC[-3]/sum(expectedC[-3]))$p.value >
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Num clones, muts per clone for different per-gene-mut",{
## Like previous, but larger finalTime, so no longer chi-square test
## here.
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n df2: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ng <- 40
ni <- rep(0, ng)
m1 <- runif(ng, min = 1e-6, max = 1e-5)
m2 <- runif(ng, min = 1e-4, max = 1e-3)
names(ni) <- names(m1) <- names(m2) <- c(replicate(ng,
paste(sample(letters, 12), collapse = "")))
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
ft <- 2
no <- 1e5
reps <- 20
cat("\n df2a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
mu = m1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
mc.cores = 2, max.wall.time = 900
cat("\n df2b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
mu = m2,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
mc.cores = 2, max.wall.time = 900
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(b2)$NumClones,
summary(b1)$NumClones, alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## Note the short time, so this is not always very different as few
## have double or triple mutants
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(mutsPerClone(b2),
mutsPerClone(b1), alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("McFL: Expect freqs, num clones, muts per clone for different per-gene-mut",{
## More on the above, with less variation. But yet another set of tests.
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n mcdf1: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ng <- 10
ni <- rep(0, ng)
m1 <- runif(ng, min = 1e-6, max = 1e-5)
m2 <- runif(ng, min = 1e-4, max = 1e-3)
names(ni) <- names(m1) <- names(m2) <- c(replicate(ng,
paste(sample(letters, 12), collapse = "")))
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
ft <- 0.01
no <- 1e7
reps <- 80
cat("\n mcdf1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
mu = m1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
model = "McFL",
mc.cores = 2, max.wall.time = 900
cat("\n mcdf1b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
mu = m2,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
model = "McFL",
mc.cores = 2, max.wall.time = 900
(expected1 <- no*reps*m1)
(expected2 <- no*reps*m2)
(cc1 <- colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(b1)))
(cc2 <- colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(b2)))
## It will fail with prob ~ <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(b1)),
p = expected1/sum(expected1))$p.value >
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(b2)),
p = expected2/sum(expected2))$p.value >
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(b2)$NumClones,
summary(b1)$NumClones, alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## Note the short time, so this is not always very different as few
## have double or triple mutants
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(mutsPerClone(b2),
mutsPerClone(b1), alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that(" And mutPropGrowth, 3",{
## This is extremely variable, so the pattern is hard to catch as few genes.
## And one can even see apparently counterintuitive patterns if
## if you make the number of genes tiny and s very large.
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n sz033: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-4, "Z" = 5e-5, "E" = 5e-4, "M" = 5e-3, "D" = 1e-3)
muvar2 <- c(muvar2, rep(1e-7, 10))
names(muvar2)[6:15] <- letters[1:10]
## muvar2 <- c("U" = 5e-5, "z" = 5e-5, "e" = 5e-5, "m" = 5e-5, "D" = 5e-5)
ni1 <- rep(.5, 5) ## 1.9
ni1 <- c(ni1, rep(0, 10))
names(ni1) <- names(muvar2)
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni1)
no <- 1e6
reps <- 25
ft <- 36 ## irrelevant, we stop on size
cat("\n sz033a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
detectionSize = 1e8,
sampleEvery = 0.05,
keepEvery = 1,
seed =NULL,
mc.cores = 2, max.wall.time = 900
cat("\n sz033b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
detectionSize = 1e8,
sampleEvery = 0.05,
keepEvery = 1,
seed =NULL,
mc.cores = 2, max.wall.time = 900
summary(b1)[, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b2)[, c(1:3, 8:9)]
## More mutations in mutationPropGrowth
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(mutsPerClone(b2),
mutsPerClone(b1), alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(b2)$NumClones,
summary(b1)$NumClones, alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## But frequency of mutations about the same? Nope: since very fast
## growth and thus non-indep, huge variation in geneCounts in each
## run, etc. so hard to compare geneCounts
## Just for reference, here
## First, look at run to run variation
## OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(b1)
## OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(b2)
## ## The next makes sense
## fb1 <- colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(b1))
## fb2 <- colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(b2))
## fb1
## fb2
## fb2/fb1
## fb1/sum(fb1)
## fb2/sum(fb2)
## (fb2/sum(fb2))/(fb1/sum(fb1))
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("McFL: More mutpropgrowth, in modules of s", {
## From a similar test in mutPropGrowth, but we have a vector mu
## With McFL, since total size is bounded from above, the effects of
## mutPropGrowth are rarely those of popSize. But we stop on popSize
## anyway here.
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n mcmpgs3: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
pops <- 20
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 50 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e3
ft <- 15 ## 5
s3 <- 3.0
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
names(ni) <- paste0("ni", 1:lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste(paste0("a", 1:fni), collapse = ", ")
f3 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s3),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni)
mu <- runif(fni + lni, min = 1e-7, max = 1e-4)
names(mu) <- c(paste0("a", 1:fni), names(ni))
cat("\n mcmpgs3a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n") <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
finalTime =ft,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 2.5e4,
detectionDrivers = 9999,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
model = "McFL", max.wall.time = 900,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
cat("\n mcmpgs3b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
s3.g <- oncoSimulPop(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
finalTime =ft,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 2.5e4,
detectionDrivers = 9999,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
model = "McFL", max.wall.time = 900,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2)
summary(s3.g)[, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
summary([, c(1, 2, 3, 8, 9)]
summary(summary([, 2])
summary(summary(s3.g)[, 2])
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(mutsPerClone(s3.g),
mutsPerClone(, alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(s3.g)$NumClones,
summary($NumClones, alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("oncoSimulSample: expected vs. observed for different per-gene-mut",{
## Here, we test that freqs as they should, but so that the test is
## not eternal, we use different settings of reps and no
## We want to get about 2 mutations in each population, but not more
## than 2, as that would mean we are not picking diffrences between
## muts with different mut rate, because we have
## wholePopulationSample.
## We probably want about a mean or median number of clones of about 2
## or so. Though if fewer, better but then to have power in the
## chi-square we need much larger reps (as usual, if ft increase, etc,
## we increase the reproduction/death events, which then screws up
## simple expectations for chi-square)
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n oss11: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ng <- 10
ni <- rep(0, ng)
m1 <- seq(from = 1e-7, to = 1e-4, length.out = ng)
m2 <- runif(ng, min = 1e-6, max = 1e-3)
names(ni) <- names(m1) <- names(m2) <- c(replicate(ng,
paste(sample(letters, 12), collapse = "")))
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
ft <- 5e-3
no <- 5e5 # delicate as if this is huge, we get the cc1 or cc2 below
# to be equal to reps in many genes, because they are
# present in at least one cell in all populations
reps <- 5000 ## large because few events with small mut
## freqs. o.w. chi has many small cells.
x <- 1e-20
cat("\n oss1a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulSample(reps,
mu = m1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
sampleEvery = 0.01, thresholdWhole = 1e-20,
detectionSize = 1e9,
detectionDrivers = 9999,
b1$popSummary[, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
(expected1 <- no*reps*m1)
(cc1 <- colSums(b1$popSample))
if( (any(cc1 == reps)) )
warning("The test is likely to fail because reps == cc1 or cc2")
## It will fail with prob ~ <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(cc1,
p = expected1/sum(expected1))$p.value >
reps <- 500
no <- 1e4
ft <- 0.03
cat("\n oss1b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulSample(reps,
mu = m2,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
sampleEvery = 0.01, thresholdWhole = 1e-20,
detectionSize = 1e9,
detectionDrivers = 9999,
summary(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
## we detect anything that is present in at least one case.
## Not exactly the same as what we did in oncoSimulPop
(expected2 <- no*reps*m2)
(cc2 <- colSums(b2$popSample))
if( (any(cc2 == reps)))
warning("The test is likely to fail because reps == cc1 or cc2")
## It will fail with prob ~ <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(cc2,
p = expected2/sum(expected2))$p.value >
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("oncoSimulSample comparing different per-gene-mut",{
## No attempt to compare against expected (other tests do that). We
## just verify that larger mutations rates lead to more total
## mutations and clones.
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n oss2: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ng <- 10
ni <- rep(0, ng)
m1 <- runif(ng, min = 1e-6, max = 1e-5)
m2 <- runif(ng, min = 1e-4, max = 1e-3)
names(ni) <- names(m1) <- names(m2) <- c(replicate(ng,
paste(sample(letters, 12), collapse = "")))
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
ft <- .05 ## if you make it too large, then all pops will have at
## least one cell with one of the genes mutated. You can see
## this when cc1 or cc2 have most/all entries equal to reps.
no <- 1e5 # delicate as if this is huge, we get the cc1 or cc2 below
# to be equal to reps in many genes, because they are
# present in at least one cell in all populations
reps <- 500
x <- 1e-20
cat("\n oss2a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulSample(reps,
mu = m1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
thresholdWhole = x
cat("\n oss2b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulSample(reps,
mu = m2,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE, ## cleaner, though no real effect
seed =NULL,
thresholdWhole = x
## we detect anything that is present in at least one case.
## Not exactly the same as what we did in oncoSimulPop
(cc1 <- colSums(b1$popSample))
(cc2 <- colSums(b2$popSample))
TTT <- c(TTT, sum(cc2) > sum(cc1))
## This is very similar to above, like assimilating a pop to a clone
mutsPerClone1 <- rowSums(b1$popSample)
mutsPerClone2 <- rowSums(b2$popSample)
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(mutsPerClone2,
mutsPerClone1, alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"],
b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"], alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## Note the short time, so this is not always very different as few
## have double or triple mutants
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
## From similar tests in mutPropGrwoth-long, but here mu is a vector
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("oncoSimulSample Without initmutant and modules, fixed size", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n osSFPS: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
pops <- 60
lni <- 1 ## no fitness effects genes
fni <- 50 ## fitness effects genes
no <- 1e4
ft <- 9 #4
s3 <- 2.5
mu <- 1e-5
## noInt have no fitness effects, but can accumulate mutations
ni <- rep(0, lni)
names(ni) <- paste0("ni", 1:lni)
## Those with fitness effects in one module, so
## neither fitness nor mut. rate blow up
gn <- paste0("a", 1:fni)
mu <- runif(lni + fni, min = 1e-7, max = 1e-4)
names(mu) <- c(gn, names(ni))
gn <- paste(gn, collapse = ", ")
f3 <- allFitnessEffects(epistasis = c("A" = s3),
geneToModule = c("A" = gn),
noIntGenes = ni)
x <- 1e-9 ## so basically anything that appears once
cat("\n osSFPSa: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulSample(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = FALSE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 6e4,
detectionDrivers = 99, max.wall.time = 900,
seed =NULL,
thresholdWhole = x)
cat("\n osSFPSb: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulSample(pops,
mu = mu,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
finalTime =ft,
initSize = no,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
sampleEvery = 0.01,
detectionSize = 6e4,
detectionDrivers = 99, max.wall.time = 900,
seed =NULL,
thresholdWhole = x)
b1$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
summary(b1$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
b2$popSummary[1:5, c(1:3, 8:9)]
summary(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"])
summary(b2$popSummary[, "TotalPopSize"])
## cc1 and cc2 should all be smaller than pops, or you are maxing
## things and not seeing patterns
(cc1 <- colSums(b1$popSample))
(cc2 <- colSums(b2$popSample))
## Of course, these are NOT really mutationsPerClone: we collapse over
## whole population.
(mutsPerClone1 <- rowSums(b1$popSample))
(mutsPerClone2 <- rowSums(b2$popSample))
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(mutsPerClone2,
mutsPerClone1, alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(b2$popSummary[, "NumClones"],
b1$popSummary[, "NumClones"], alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n", date(), "\n")
test_that("Different freqs as they should be ordered and chisq, when s and a tiny mu", {
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n mpg s13: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
muvar2 <- c("U" = 1e-13, "z" = 1e-7, "e" = 1e-6, "m" = 1e-5, "D" = 1e-4)
ni2 <- rep(0.01, 5)
names(ni2) <- names(muvar2)
ni2["U"] <- 0.5
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni2)
no <- 1e6
reps <- 600
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = 5,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
TTT <- c(TTT, colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[1] == 0)
TTT <- c(TTT, identical(
## A chisq will not work as we increase finalTime.
cat("\n mpg s13b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
bb <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
fe1, mu = muvar2, onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = .001,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
seed = NULL, mc.cores = 2
(expectedC <- no*reps*muvar2)
TTT <- c(TTT, colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[1] == 0)
## This will fail sometimes <- 1e-3
TTT <- c(TTT, chisq.test(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))[-1],
p = expectedC[-1]/sum(expectedC))$p.value >
## expect_equal(
## order(colSums(OncoSimulR:::geneCounts(bb))),
## order(expectedC))
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
test_that("Num clones, muts per clone for different per-gene-mut",{
## Like previous, but larger finalTime, so no longer chi-square test
## here.
max.tries <- 4
for(tries in 1:max.tries) {
cat("\n mpg df2: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
ng <- 40
ni <- rep(0, ng)
m1 <- runif(ng, min = 1e-6, max = 1e-5)
m2 <- runif(ng, min = 1e-4, max = 1e-3)
names(ni) <- names(m1) <- names(m2) <- c(replicate(ng,
paste(sample(letters, 12), collapse = "")))
fe1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = ni)
ft <- 2
no <- 1e5
reps <- 20
cat("\n mpg df2a: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b1 <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
mu = m1,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
seed =NULL, max.wall.time = 900,
mc.cores = 2
cat("\n mpg df2b: a runif is", runif(1), "\n")
b2 <- oncoSimulPop(reps,
mu = m2,
onlyCancer = FALSE, detectionProb = NA,
initSize = no,
finalTime = ft,
mutationPropGrowth = TRUE,
seed =NULL, max.wall.time = 900,
mc.cores = 2
TTT <- c(TTT, wilcox.test(summary(b2)$NumClones,
summary(b1)$NumClones, alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
## Note the short time, so this is not always very different as few
## have double or triple mutants
TTT <- c(TTT, t.test(mutsPerClone(b2),
mutsPerClone(b1), alternative = "greater")$p.value < p.value.threshold)
if( all(TTT) ) break;
cat(paste("\n done tries", tries, "\n"))
cat("\n Ending per-gene-mutation-rates long at", date(), "\n")
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