
Defines functions getAttribute getObjectAttributes

Documented in getAttribute getObjectAttributes

#' Get the Object Attributes
#' The function to obtain the attributes and their data types for the object created.
#' @param obj the object of interest
#' @return an list of object attributes and their data classes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' attributes = getObjectAttributes(getOMAGroup(id ='YEAST58'))

getObjectAttributes <- function(obj) {
    for (name in attributes(obj)$names) {

        class_name <- class(obj[[name]])

        if (class_name == "character" && startsWith(obj[[name]], "https://")) {
            class_name <- "URL"


        print(paste(name, ":", class_name))


#' Get the value for the Object Attribute
#' The function to obtain the value for an object attribute.
#' @param obj the object of interest
#' @param attribute the attribute of interest
#' @return an value for a given object attribute
#' @export
#' @examples
#' members = getAttribute(getOMAGroup(id ='YEAST58'),'members')

getAttribute <- function(obj, attribute) {

    if (is.character(obj[[attribute]]) && grepl("https://", obj[[attribute]])) {

        value <- requestFactory(obj[[attribute]])
        obj_name <- deparse(substitute(obj))
        set_new_val(obj, attribute) <- value
        assign(obj_name, obj, envir = .GlobalEnv)



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OmaDB documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 2 a.m.