
Defines functions `theta<-` theta `padj<-` padj `pValue<-` pValue `zScore<-` zScore

Documented in padj pValue theta zScore

#' Getter/Setter functions
#' This is a collection of small accessor/setter functions for easy access to
#' the values within the OUTRIDER model.
#' @param ods,object An OutriderDataSet object.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to the underlying assay function.
#' @return A matrix or vector dependent on the type of data retrieved.
#' @name getter_setter_functions
#' @rdname getter_setter_functions
#' @aliases zScore, pValue, padj, theta, dispersion, getBestQ
#' @examples 
#' ods <- makeExampleOutriderDataSet(10, 10)
#' ods <- OUTRIDER(ods)
#' zScore(ods)
#' pValue(ods)
#' padj(ods)
#' theta(ods)
#' theta(ods) == 1/dispersions(ods)
#' getBestQ(ods)

#' @rdname getter_setter_functions
#' @export
zScore <- function(ods){
    if(!'zScore' %in% assayNames(ods)){
        stop('Please compute first the Z-scores before retrieving them.')
    assay(ods, 'zScore')

`zScore<-` <- function(ods, ..., value){
    stopifnot(dim(ods) == dim(value))
    assay(ods, 'zScore', ...) <- value

#' @rdname getter_setter_functions
#' @export
pValue <- function(ods){
    if(!'pValue' %in% assayNames(ods)){
        stop('Please compute first the P-values before retrieving them.')
    assay(ods, 'pValue')

`pValue<-` <- function(ods, ..., value){
    stopifnot(dim(ods) == dim(value))
    assay(ods, 'pValue', ...) <- value

#' @rdname getter_setter_functions
#' @export padj
padj <- function(ods){
    if(!'padjust' %in% assayNames(ods)){
        stop('Please compute first the P-values before retrieving', '
                the adjusted ones.')
    assay(ods, 'padjust')

`padj<-` <- function(ods, ..., value){
    stopifnot(dim(ods) == dim(value))
    assay(ods, 'padjust', ...) <- value

#' @rdname getter_setter_functions
#' @aliases dispersions dispersions,OutriderDataSet-method
#' @seealso \code{\link[DESeq2]{estimateDispersions}}
#' @export
setMethod("dispersions", signature(object="OutriderDataSet"),
    function(object, ...){ 1/theta(object) })

#' @rdname getter_setter_functions
#' @export theta
theta <- function(ods){
    if(!'theta' %in% colnames(mcols(ods))){
        stop('Please fit first the autoencoder before retrieving thetas.')

`theta<-` <- function(ods, value){
    mcols(ods)[['theta']] <- value

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OUTRIDER documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:16 p.m.