
Defines functions log2fc ZscoreMatrix

#' Z score computation
#' Computes the z scores for every count in the matrix. 
#' The z score is defined in the log2 space as follows:
#' \ifelse{html}{
#'     \out{z<sub>ij</sub> = (l<sub>ij</sub> - mu<sub>j</sub><sup>l</sup>)/
#'             sigma<sub>j</sub><sup>l</sup>}}{
#'     \deqn{z_{ij} = \frac{l_{ij} - \mu_j^l}{\sigma_j^l}}},
#' where l is the log2 transformed normalized count and mu and sigma the 
#' mean and standard deviation for gene j, respectively.
#' @param ods OutriderDataSet
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to \code{ZscoreMatrix}.
#' @param peerResiduals If TRUE, PEER residuals are used to compute Z scores
#' @return An OutriderDataSet containing the Z score matrix "zScore" and
#'     the log2 fold changes "l2fc" as asasys.
#' @docType methods
#' @name computeZscores
#' @rdname computeZscores
#' @examples 
#' ods <- makeExampleOutriderDataSet()
#' ods <- estimateSizeFactors(ods)
#' ods <- controlForConfounders(ods, implementation="pca")
#' ods <- computeZscores(ods)
#' zScore(ods)[1:10,1:10]
#' assay(ods, "l2fc")[1:10,1:10]
#' @exportMethod computeZscores
        function(ods, ...) standardGeneric("computeZscores"))

#' @rdname computeZscores
#' @export
setMethod("computeZscores", "OutriderDataSet", 
    function(ods, peerResiduals=FALSE, ...){ 
        ZscoreMatrix(ods, peerResiduals=peerResiduals) })

ZscoreMatrix <- function(ods, peerResiduals){
    if(length(normalizationFactors(ods)) == 0){
        stop("Please fit the autoencoder first befor computing Z scores.")
    # default Zscore calculation
    log2fc <- log2fc(ods)
    Zscore <- (log2fc - rowMeans(log2fc)) / rowSds(log2fc)
    # Use residuals from PEER if present
        if(!"PEER_model" %in% names(metadata(ods)) && 
                    !"residuals" %in% names(metadata(ods)[['PEER_model']])){
            stop("Please fit the data with 'peer' first.")
        residuals <- metadata(ods)[['PEER_model']][['residuals']]
        Zscore <- (residuals - rowMeans(residuals)) / rowSds(residuals)
    assay(ods, "l2fc", withDimnames=FALSE) <- log2fc
    zScore(ods) <- Zscore

log2fc <- function(object){
    log2(counts(object) + 1) - log2(normalizationFactors(object) + 1)

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OUTRIDER documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:16 p.m.