#' Draw dot plot of the enrichment object
#' @param mrnaObject Object of the enrichment result
#' @param type Draw the dot plot according to the p-value or adjusted p-value
#' ("pvalue", "pAdjust")
#' @param n Number of GO terms or pathways, that ordered by type and has
#' least number of top p-value
#' @return Dot plot of the top n enrichment results
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi Term
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes element_text geom_point ggplot labs theme theme_bw
#' @export
drawDotPlot <- function(mrnaObject, type = "pAdjust", n) {
if (missing(mrnaObject)) {
message("Expected input is NoRCE object.")
if (missing(n)) {
n <- length(mrnaObject@ID)
if (n > length(mrnaObject@ID))
n <- length(mrnaObject@ID)
tmp <- topEnrichment(mrnaObject, type, n)
if (type == "pvalue") {
p <-
p <-
ggplot(tmp, aes(x = Pvalue, y = reorder(Term, Pvalue))) +
geom_point(aes(size = EnrichGeneNumber, color =
Pvalue), position = "dodge") + theme_bw() + theme(
axis.text.x = element_text(
angle = 85,
hjust = 1,
size = 15
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15),
legend.text = element_text(size = 13),
legend.title = element_text(size = 13)
) + labs(
x =
y = "GO Terms",
color = "p-value",
size = "Gene Count"
p <-
ggplot(tmp, aes(y = reorder(Term, PAdjust), x = PAdjust)) +
geom_point(aes(size = EnrichGeneNumber, color =
PAdjust), position = "dodge") + theme_bw() + theme(
axis.text.x = element_text(
angle = 85,
hjust = 1,
size = 15
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15),
legend.text = element_text(size = 13),
legend.title = element_text(size = 13)
) + labs(
x =
y = "GO Terms",
color = "p-Adj",
size = "Gene Count"
#' Write the tabular form of the pathway or GO term enrichment results
#' @param mrnaObject Object of the enrichment result
#' @param fileName File name of the txt file
#' @param sept File separator, by default, it is tab('\\t')
#' @param type Draw the dot plot according to the p-value or adjusted
#' p-value ("pvalue", "pAdjust"). Default value is "pAdjust".
#' @param n Number of GO terms or pathways, that ordered by type and has least
#' number of top p-value
#' @return Text file of the enrichment results in a tabular format
#' @examples
#' ncGO<-geneGOEnricher(gene = brain_disorder_ncRNA, org_assembly='hg19',
#' near=TRUE, genetype = 'Ensembl_gene')
#' writeEnrichment(mrnaObject = ncGO,fileName = "a.txt",sept = '\t')
#' @export
writeEnrichment <-
sept = "\t",
type = "pAdjust",
n) {
if (missing(n)) {
n <- length(mrnaObject@ID)
if (n > length(mrnaObject@ID))
n <- length(mrnaObject@ID)
if (missing(mrnaObject)) {
message("Expected input is NoRCE object.")
if (missing(fileName)) {
message("Please specify the name of the output file.")
dd <- topEnrichment(mrnaObject, type, n)
file = fileName,
sep = sept,
row.names = FALSE)
#' Number of top enrichment results of the pathway or GO terms for the given
#' object and the order type - p-value or adjusted p-value.
#' @param mrnaObject Object of the enrichment result
#' @param type Draw the dot plot according to the p-value or adjusted p-value
#' ("pvalue", "pAdjust")
#' @param n Number of GO terms or pathways, that ordered by type and has
#' least number of top p-value
#' @return Give top n enrichment results
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @export
topEnrichment <- function(mrnaObject, type, n) {
if (missing(mrnaObject)) {
message("Expected input is NoRCE object.")
if (missing(type)) {
message("Type of the sorting method is missing.")
if (missing(n)) {
message("Number of top enrichment is missing.")
if (n > length(mrnaObject@ID))
n <- length(mrnaObject@ID)
table <- data.frame(gene = rep(
lapply(mrnaObject@geneList, length)
go = unlist(mrnaObject@geneList))
table1 <- data.frame(gene = rep(
lapply(mrnaObject@ncGeneList, length)
go = unlist(mrnaObject@ncGeneList))
table <- table[!duplicated(table), ]
table1 <- table1[!duplicated(table1), ]
#split_tibble function is copied from
split_tibble <- function(tibble, column = 'col') {
tibble %>% split(., .[, column]) %>%
lapply(., function(x)
x[, setdiff(names(x), column)])
#xy.list <- split(table$go, table$gene)
#xy.list1 <- split(table1$go, table1$gene)
xy.list <- split_tibble(table, 'gene')
xy.list1 <- split_tibble(table1, 'gene')
ft <- lapply(xy.list, paste0, collapse = " ")
ft1 <- lapply(xy.list1, paste0, collapse = " ")
#x_nc <-
x.1 <-
rt <- row.names(x.1)
# rt1 <- row.names(x_nc)
x.1 <- data.frame(x.1, rt)
#x_nc <- data.frame(x_nc, rt1)
x.2 <-
go = rep(names(ft), lapply(ft, length)),
gene = unlist(ft),
ncgene = unlist(ft1)
dd <- merge(x.1, x.2, by.x = "rt", by.y = "go")
newf <-
dd <- merge(newf, dd, by.x = "mrnaObject.ID", by.y = "rt")
colnames(dd) <-
ifelse(type == "pvalue", dd <-
dd[order(dd$Pvalue), ], dd <- dd[order(dd$PAdjust), ])
return(dd[seq_len(n), ])
#' Create interaction network for top n enriched GO term:coding RNA or GO-term:noncoding RNA interaction.
#' Nodes are GO term and RNA, edges are interactions between them. Each
#' GO-term is annotated and enriched with the mRNAs provided from the input
#' list.
#' @param mrnaObject Output of enrichment results
#' @param type Sort in terms of p-values or FDR. Possible values
#' "pvalue", "padjust"
#' @param n Number of top enrichments
#' @param isNonCode Boolean value that checks whether node of the network is
#' GO-term\& coding or GO-term\& noncoding genes. By default, it is FALSE
#' so node of the network is GO-term\& coding gene. Otherwise, nodes are
#' GO-term\& noncoding genes.
#' @param takeID Boolean value that checks the name decision of the GO/pathway
#' node, GO-term/pathway-term or GO ID-pathway ID. If it is true, name of
#' the GO/pathway node will be GO ID/pathway ID will be used, otherwise,
#' name of the GO/pathway node is GO-term. By default, it is FALSE. It is
#' suggested to used when the GO-term is two long or the GO-term is
#' missing for the custom enrichment database.
#' @return Network
#' @importFrom igraph cluster_optimal degree graph_from_data_frame
#' @importFrom igraph layout_with_fr norm_coords V E V<- E<-
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes element_text geom_point ggplot labs theme theme_bw
#' @export
createNetwork <-
type = 'pvalue',
isNonCode = FALSE,
takeID = FALSE) {
if (missing(mrnaObject)) {
message("Expected input is NoRCE object.")
if (missing(n)) {
"Number of top enrichment is missing.
Please specify maximum number of enrichment of interest"
if (n > length(mrnaObject@ID))
n <- length(mrnaObject@ID)
tf <- topEnrichment(mrnaObject = mrnaObject,
type = type,
n = n)
grap <- data.frame()
if (isNonCode)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
if (!takeID) {
foo <-
data.frame('cbind', strsplit(
as.character(tf$ncGeneList[i]), ' ', fixed = FALSE
ng <- data.frame(go = rep(tf[i, 2], ncol(foo)),
gene = foo)
grap <- rbind(grap, ng)
foo <-
data.frame('cbind', strsplit(
as.character(tf$ncGeneList[i]), ' ', fixed = FALSE
ng <- data.frame(go = rep(tf[i, 1], ncol(foo)),
gene = foo)
grap <- rbind(grap, ng)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
if (!takeID) {
foo <-
data.frame('cbind', strsplit(
as.character(tf$GeneList[i]), ' ', fixed = FALSE
ng <- data.frame(go = rep(tf[i, 2], ncol(foo)),
gene = foo)
grap <- rbind(grap, ng)
foo <-
data.frame('cbind', strsplit(
as.character(tf$GeneList[i]), ' ', fixed = FALSE
ng <- data.frame(go = rep(tf[i, 1], ncol(foo)),
gene = foo)
grap <- rbind(grap, ng)
g <- graph_from_data_frame(grap, directed = FALSE)
deg <- degree(g, mode = "all")
V(g)$size <- deg * 1.5
V(g)$frame.color <- "white"
V(g)$color <- "orange"
E(g)$arrow.mode <- 0
E(g)$width <- E(g)$weight * 2
E(g)$edge.color <- "grey20"
graphics::plot(g, vertex.label.color = "black")
clp <- cluster_optimal(g)
V(g)$community <- clp$membership
colrs <-
"dark orange",
alpha.f = .6
l <- layout_with_fr(g)
l <- norm_coords(
ymin = -1,
ymax = 1,
xmin = -1,
xmax = 1
p <-
vertex.color = colrs[V(g)$community],
vertex.label.color = "black",
vertex.label.cex = .75,
rescale = FALSE,
layout = l * 1.0
#' Plot and save the GO term DAG of the top n enrichments in terms of
#' p-values or adjusted p-values with an user provided format
#' @param mrnaObject Output of enrichment results
#' @param type Sort in terms of p-values or FDR. possible values "pvalue",
#' "padjust"
#' @param n Number of top enrichments
#' @param filename Name of the DAG file
#' @param imageFormat Image format of the DAG. possible values "png" or "svg"
#' @param p_range Break points for the p-values or FDR. By default
#' [0.05, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0.00005,0.00001,0] is used
#' @return Saves image file in a given format
#' @examples
#' ncRNAPathway<-mirnaPathwayEnricher(gene = brain_mirna,
#' org_assembly = 'hg19',near = TRUE)
#' @export
getGoDag <-
p_range = seq(0, 0.05, by = 0.001))
if (missing(mrnaObject)) {
message("Expected input is NoRCE object.")
if (missing(type)) {
message("Type of the sorting method is missing.")
if (missing(n))
message("Number of top enrichment is missing. ")
if (missing(imageFormat))
message("Image format is missing. ")
if (n > length(mrnaObject@ID))
n <- length(mrnaObject@ID)
if (missing(filename)) {
message("Name of the output file is missing. ")
if (missing(imageFormat)) {
message("Format of the output image is missing.")
dt <- topEnrichment(mrnaObject = mrnaObject,
type = type,
n = n)
node_color <-
grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("lightgoldenrodyellow", "orangered"),
bias = 0.5)(length(p_range))
color <- seq_along(dt$Pvalue)#seq_len(2)
if (type == 'pvalue') {
for (i in seq_along(dt$Pvalue)) {
for (j in seq_along(p_range)) {
if (dt$Pvalue[i] <= p_range[j]) {
color[i] <- node_color[j]
for (i in seq_along(color)) {
for (j in seq_along(p_range)) {
if (dt$PAdjust[i] <= p_range[j]) {
color[i] <- node_color[j]
gojson <-
paste0("\"", dt$ID, "\":{\"fill\": \"", color, "\"},", collapse = "")
gojson1 <-
paste0("{", substr(gojson, 1, nchar(gojson) - 1), "}")
goGraph <-
term_data = gojson1,
inline = "false",
format = imageFormat,
mode = 'amigo',
term_data_type = "json"
if (imageFormat == 'png') {
png::writePNG(png::readPNG(goGraph), filename)
writeLines(goGraph, filename)
#' Display the enriched KEGG diagram of the KEGG pathway. This function is
#' specific to only one KEGG pathway id and identifies the enriched genes
#' in the diagram.
#' @param mrnaObject Output of enrichment results
#' @param pathway Kegg pathway term such as 'hsa04010'
#' @param org_assembly Genome assembly of interest for the analysis.
#' Possible assemblies are "mm10" for mouse, "dre10" for zebrafish,
#' "rn6" for rat, "dm6" for fruit fly, "ce11" for worm, "sc3" for yeast,
#' "hg19" and "hg38" for human
#' @return Shows kegg diagram marked with an enriched genes in a browser
#' @importFrom utils browseURL read.table write.table
#' @examples
#' ncRNAPathway<-mirnaPathwayEnricher(gene = brain_mirna,
#' org_assembly = 'hg19',near = TRUE)
#' getKeggDiagram(mrnaObject = ncRNAPathway, org_assembly ='hg19',
#' pathway = ncRNAPathway@ID[1])
#' @export
getKeggDiagram <-
org_assembly = c("hg19",
"sc3")) {
if (missing(mrnaObject)) {
message("Expected input is NoRCE object.")
if (missing(pathway))
message("Expected pathway ID is missing. Please specify pathway ID")
if (class(pkg.env$mart)[1] != "Mart") {
path_index <- which(names(mrnaObject@geneList) == pathway)
ns <- unique(
attributes = c("hgnc_symbol", "entrezgene_id"),
filters = "hgnc_symbol",
values = mrnaObject@geneList[path_index],
mart = pkg.env$mart
n <- paste(ns$entrezgene_id, collapse = '/')
if(identical(interactive(), TRUE)){
collapse = ''
#' Display the enriched Reactome diagram of the given Reactome pathway id.
#' This function is specific to only one pathway id and identifies the
#' enriched genes in the diagram.
#' @param mrnaObject Output of enrichment results
#' @param pathway Reactome pathway term
#' @param imageFormat Image format of the diagram. Possible image formats are
#' 'png', 'svg'
#' @return Shows reactome diagram marked with an enriched genes in a browser
#' @examples
#' br_enr<-reactomeEnrichment(genes = breastmRNA,org_assembly='hg19')
#' getReactomeDiagram(mrnaObject = br_enr,pathway = br_enr@ID[1],
#' imageFormat = 'png')
getReactomeDiagram <- function(mrnaObject, pathway, imageFormat) {
if (missing(mrnaObject)) {
message("Expected input is NoRCE object.")
if (missing(pathway))
message("Expected pathway ID is missing. Please specify pathway ID")
if (missing(imageFormat))
message("Image format is missing. The format of the image should be ")
path_index <- which(names(mrnaObject@geneList) == pathway)
n <-
paste(mrnaObject@geneList[[path_index]], collapse = ',', sep = '')
a <-
if(identical(interactive(), TRUE))
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