glm.LRT <- function(NanoStringData, design.full, Beta = ncol(design.full), contrast = NULL) {
c = positiveFactor(NanoStringData)
d = housekeepingFactor(NanoStringData)
k = c * d
lamda_i = negativeFactor(NanoStringData)
if (length(k) == 0) {
stop("Before calling function glm.LRT, should get normalization factors \n
first using function estNormalizationFactors")
Y = exprs(NanoStringData)
Y_n = sweep(Y, 2, lamda_i, FUN = "-")
Y_nph = sweep(Y_n, 2, k, FUN = "/")
Y_nph[Y_nph <= 0] = 0.1
X.full = design.full
nsamples = ncol(Y)
Beta.names = colnames(design.full)
result.full = glmfit.full(NanoStringData, design.full)
Beta.full = result.full$Beta.full
U.full = result.full$mean.full
phi.hat = result.full$dispersion
df.full = result.full$df.full
m0 = result.full$m0
sigma = result.full$sigma
V.full = sweep(U.full, 2, k, FUN = "*")
## Make reduced design matrix.
## Here we borrow the idea from paskage edgeR to make reduced design matrix
if (is.null(contrast)) {
if (length(Beta) > 1)
Beta = unique(Beta)
if (is.character(Beta)) {
check.Beta = Beta %in% Beta.names
if (any(!check.Beta))
stop("The name(s) of Beta arguments do not match the \n
name(s) of the design matrix.")
Beta = match(Beta, Beta.names)
logFC = Beta.full[, Beta, drop = FALSE]/log(2)
} else {
contrast = as.matrix(contrast)
qrc = qr(contrast)
ncontrasts = qrc$rank
if (ncontrasts == 0)
stop("Need at least one none zero contrast")
Beta = 1:ncontrasts
if (ncontrasts < ncol(contrast))
contrast = contrast[, qrc$pivot[Beta]]
logFC = drop((Beta.full %*% contrast)/log(2))
Dvec =, nsamples)
Dvec[Beta] = diag(qrc$qr)[Beta]
Q = qr.Q(qrc, complete = TRUE, Dvec = Dvec)
design.full = design.full %*% Q
design.reduce = design.full[, -Beta, drop = FALSE]
if (ncol(design.reduce) == 1) {
result.reduce = glmfit.OneGroup(NanoStringData, m0, sigma, phi.hat)
} else {
result.reduce = glmfit.reduce(NanoStringData, design.reduce, m0, sigma, phi.hat)
Beta.reduce = result.reduce$Beta.reduce
U.reduce = result.reduce$mean.reduce
df.reduce = result.reduce$df.reduce
V.reduce = sweep(U.reduce, 2, k, FUN = "*")
get.loglikelihood <- function(dat) {
y = dat[1:nsamples]
Ey = dat[nsamples + (1:nsamples)]
phi = dat[2 * nsamples + 1]
alpha = 1/phi
tmp1 = 1/(1 + Ey * phi)
tmp2 = 1 - tmp1
tmp2[tmp2==0] = 1e-08
item1 = function(yy) {
y_gi = yy[1]
lamda_gi = yy[2]
tmp2_gi = yy[3]
t = c(0:y_gi)
tmp33.t = exp(lgamma(t + alpha) + (y_gi - t) * log(lamda_gi) + t * log(tmp2_gi) -
lfactorial(t) - lfactorial(y_gi - t)) = log(max(sum(tmp33.t), 1e-08))
tmp3 = apply(cbind(matrix(y, ncol = 1), matrix(lamda_i, ncol = 1), matrix(tmp2,
ncol = 1)), 1, item1)
sum(tmp3) - nsamples * lgamma(alpha) + alpha * sum(log(tmp1)) - sum(lamda_i)
## compute likelihood under null
tmpl1 = cbind(Y, V.reduce, phi.hat)
l0 = apply(tmpl1, 1, get.loglikelihood)
## compute likelihood under alternative
tmpl2 = cbind(Y, V.full, phi.hat)
la = apply(tmpl2, 1, get.loglikelihood)
lr = -2 * (l0 - la)
lr[which(lr <= 0)] = 0
df = df.full - df.reduce
pval = 1 - pchisq(lr, df = df)
qval = p.adjust(pval, method = "BH")
if (length(Beta) == 1)
logFC <- as.vector(logFC)
table = data.frame(logFC = logFC, lr = lr, pvalue = pval, qvalue = qval)
list(table = table, dispersion = phi.hat, log.dispersion = log(phi.hat), design.full = X.full,
design.reduce = design.reduce, Beta.full = Beta.full, mean.full = U.full,
Beta.reduce = Beta.reduce, mean.reduce = U.reduce, m0 = m0, sigma = sigma)
glmfit.full <- function(NanoStringData, design.full) {
c = positiveFactor(NanoStringData)
d = housekeepingFactor(NanoStringData)
k = c * d
lamda_i = negativeFactor(NanoStringData)
Y = exprs(NanoStringData)
Y_n = sweep(Y, 2, lamda_i, FUN = "-")
Y_nph = sweep(Y_n, 2, k, FUN = "/")
Y_nph[Y_nph <= 0] = 0.1
nsamples = ncol(Y)
ngenes = nrow(Y)
nbeta = ncol(design.full) # number of full parameters (Beta)
# Beta matrix from linear model, starting value for Betas in optim
Blm = matrix(NA, ngenes, nbeta)
for (i in 1:ngenes) {
model = lm(log(Y_nph[i, ]) ~ 0 + design.full)
Blm[i, ] = model$coefficients
U = exp(Blm %*% t(design.full))
V = sweep(U, 2, k, FUN = "*")
phi.g = est.dispersion(Y, Y_nph, lamda_i, c, d)$phi
ii = rowMins(Y) > max(negativeControl(NanoStringData))
l = length(which(ii == TRUE))
if (l > 0) {
phi.g0 = phi.g[ii]
lphi.g0 = log(phi.g0)
m0 = median(lphi.g0, na.rm = TRUE)
sigma2.mar = (IQR(lphi.g0, na.rm = TRUE)/1.349)^2
# Here we borrow the idea to compute the base sigma for DSS The function
# compute.baseSigma borrow the idea from Hao Wu's function
# compute.baseSigma.nontrend in DSS Package
sigma2.base = compute.baseSigma(exp(m0), Y[ii, ], V[ii, ], nsamples)
sigma = sqrt(max(sigma2.mar - sigma2.base, 0.01))
} else {
cat("There is no data satisied that min of endo great than max
of negative control ", "\n")
m0 = -2
sigma = 1
lphi.g0 = 10
max.phi = max(lphi.g0, 10, na.rm = TRUE)
max.mean = max(rowMeans(Y_nph))
get.phi <- function(dat) {
y = dat[1:nsamples]
Ey = dat[nsamples + (1:nsamples)]
obj = function(phi) {
alpha = 1/phi
tmp1 = 1/(1 + Ey * phi)
tmp2 = 1 - tmp1
tmp2[tmp2==0] = 1e-08
item1 = function(yy) {
y_gi = yy[1]
lamda_gi = yy[2]
tmp2_gi = yy[3]
t = c(0:y_gi)
com = matrix(700, length(t), 1)
tmp33.t = exp(rowMins(cbind(lgamma(t + alpha) + (y_gi - t) * log(lamda_gi) +
t * log(tmp2_gi) - lfactorial(t) - lfactorial(y_gi - t), com))) = log(max(sum(tmp33.t), 1e-08))
tmp3 = apply(cbind(matrix(y, ncol = 1), matrix(lamda_i, ncol = 1), matrix(tmp2,
ncol = 1)), 1, item1)
-(sum(tmp3) - nsamples * lgamma(alpha) + alpha * sum(log(tmp1)) - ((log(phi) -
m0)^2)/(2 * (sigma^2)) - log(sigma) - sum(lamda_i))
return(optimize(obj, interval = c(0.005, max.phi))$minimum)
get.beta.full <- function(dat) {
n = nsamples
y = dat[1:n]
phi = dat[n + 1]
Bstart = dat[(n + 2):(n + 1 + nbeta)]
obj = function(beta) {
alpha = 1/phi
xb = beta %*% t(design.full)
xb[xb > 700] = 700 ## control upper band for exp operation
tmp1 = 1/(1 + exp(xb) * k * phi)
tmp2 = 1 - tmp1
tmp2[tmp2==0] = 1e-08
item1 = function(yy) {
y_gi = yy[1]
lamda_gi = yy[2]
tmp2_gi = yy[3]
t = c(0:y_gi)
com = matrix(700, length(t), 1)
tmp33.t = exp(rowMins(cbind(lgamma(t + alpha) + (y_gi - t) * log(lamda_gi) +
t * log(tmp2_gi) - lfactorial(t) - lfactorial(y_gi - t), com))) = log(max(sum(tmp33.t), 1e-08))
tmp3 = apply(cbind(matrix(y, ncol = 1), matrix(lamda_i, ncol = 1), matrix(tmp2,
ncol = 1)), 1, item1)
-(sum(tmp3) - n * lgamma(alpha) + alpha * sum(log(tmp1)) - ((log(phi) -
m0)^2)/(2 * (sigma^2)) - log(sigma) - sum(lamda_i))
return(optim(Bstart, obj)$par)
id = c(1:ngenes)
Beta.full = matrix(0, ngenes, nbeta)
phi.full = rep(0, ngenes)
phi.s = apply(cbind(matrix(Y, ncol = nsamples), matrix(V, ncol = nsamples)),
1, get.phi)
B.s = Blm
Y.t = Y
con11 = 1
con21 = 1
j = 0
while ((con11 >= 0.5 | con21 >= 0.001) & j < 50) {
j = j + 1
Beta = apply(cbind(matrix(Y.t, ncol = nsamples), matrix(phi.s, ncol = 1),
matrix(B.s, ncol = nbeta)), 1, get.beta.full)
xb = t(design.full %*% Beta)
xb[xb > 700] = 700 ## control the upper band of exp operation
U.t = exp(xb)
V.t = sweep(U.t, 2, k, FUN = "*")
phi.t = apply(cbind(matrix(Y.t, ncol = nsamples), matrix(V.t, ncol = nsamples)),
1, get.phi)
con1 = rowMaxs(abs((B.s - t(Beta))/t(Beta)))
con2 = abs((phi.s - phi.t)/phi.s)
con11 = max(con1)
con21 = max(con2)
idx = which(con1 < 0.5 & con2 < 0.001)
if (!length(idx) == 0) {
Beta.full[id[idx], ] = t(Beta)[idx, ]
phi.full[id[idx]] = phi.t[idx]
phi.s = phi.t
B.s = t(Beta)
if (!length(idx) == 0 & !length(idx) == length(id)) {
Y.t = Y.t[-idx, ]
phi.s = phi.s[-idx]
B.s = B.s[-idx, ]
id = id[-idx]
# print(j)
if (j == 50 & !length(idx) == length(id)) {
if(length(idx) == 0) {
Beta.full[id, ] = t(Beta)
phi.full[id] = phi.t
} else{
Beta.full[id, ] = t(Beta)[-idx,]
phi.full[id] = phi.t[-idx]
U.full = exp(Beta.full %*% t(design.full))
V.full = sweep(U.full, 2, k, FUN = "*")
eta = log(phi.full)
list(Beta.full = Beta.full, design = design.full, dispersion = phi.full, log.dispersion = eta,
m0 = m0, sigma = sigma, df.full = nbeta, mean.full = U.full, nineration = j)
glmfit.reduce <- function(NanoStringData, design.reduce, m0, sigma, phi) {
c = positiveFactor(NanoStringData)
d = housekeepingFactor(NanoStringData)
k = c * d
lamda_i = negativeFactor(NanoStringData)
Y = exprs(NanoStringData)
Y_n = sweep(Y, 2, lamda_i, FUN = "-")
Y_nph = sweep(Y_n, 2, k, FUN = "/")
Y_nph[Y_nph <= 0] = 0.1
nsamples = ncol(Y)
ngenes = nrow(Y)
nbeta = ncol(design.reduce) # number of parameters (Beta)
# Beta matrix from linear model, starting value for Betas in optim
Blm = matrix(NA, ngenes, nbeta)
for (i in 1:ngenes) {
model = lm(log(Y_nph[i, ]) ~ 0 + design.reduce)
Blm[i, ] = model$coefficients
get.beta.reduce <- function(dat) {
n = nsamples
y = dat[1:n]
phi = dat[n + 1]
Bstart = dat[(n + 2):(n + 1 + nbeta)]
obj = function(beta) {
alpha = 1/phi
xb = beta %*% t(design.reduce)
xb[xb > 700] = 700 ## control upper band for exp operation
tmp1 = 1/(1 + exp(xb) * k * phi)
tmp2 = 1 - tmp1
tmp2[tmp2==0] = 1e-08
item1 = function(yy) {
y_gi = yy[1]
lamda_gi = yy[2]
tmp2_gi = yy[3]
t = c(0:y_gi)
com = matrix(700, length(t), 1)
tmp33.t = exp(rowMins(cbind(lgamma(t + alpha) + (y_gi - t) * log(lamda_gi) +
t * log(tmp2_gi) - lfactorial(t) - lfactorial(y_gi - t), com))) = log(max(sum(tmp33.t), 1e-08))
tmp3 = apply(cbind(matrix(y, ncol = 1), matrix(lamda_i, ncol = 1), matrix(tmp2,
ncol = 1)), 1, item1)
-(sum(tmp3) - n * lgamma(alpha) + alpha * sum(log(tmp1)) - ((log(phi) -
m0)^2)/(2 * (sigma^2)) - log(sigma) - sum(lamda_i))
return(optim(Bstart, obj)$par)
Beta.reduce = apply(cbind(matrix(Y, ncol = nsamples), matrix(phi, ncol = 1),
matrix(Blm, ncol = nbeta)), 1, get.beta.reduce)
U.reduce = exp(t(design.reduce %*% Beta.reduce))
V.reduce = sweep(U.reduce, 2, k, FUN = "*")
list(Beta.reduce = t(Beta.reduce), mean.reduce = U.reduce, dispersion = phi,
df.reduce = nbeta)
glmfit.OneGroup <- function(NanoStringData, m0, sigma, phi) {
c = positiveFactor(NanoStringData)
d = housekeepingFactor(NanoStringData)
k = c * d
lamda_i = negativeFactor(NanoStringData)
Y = exprs(NanoStringData)
Y_n = sweep(Y, 2, lamda_i, FUN = "-")
Y_nph = sweep(Y_n, 2, k, FUN = "/")
Y_nph[Y_nph <= 0] = 0.1
n = ncol(Y)
max.mean = max(rowMeans(Y_nph)) <- function(dat) {
y = dat[1:n]
phi = dat[n + 1]
obj = function(mu) {
alpha = 1/phi
tmp1 = 1/(1 + mu * k * phi)
tmp2 = 1 - tmp1
tmp2[tmp2==0] = 1e-08
item1 = function(yy) {
y_gi = yy[1]
lamda_gi = yy[2]
tmp2_gi = yy[3]
t = c(0:y_gi)
com = matrix(700, length(t), 1)
tmp33.t = exp(rowMins(cbind(lgamma(t + alpha) + (y_gi - t) * log(lamda_gi) +
t * log(tmp2_gi) - lfactorial(t) - lfactorial(y_gi - t), com))) = log(max(sum(tmp33.t), 1e-08))
tmp3 = apply(cbind(matrix(y, ncol = 1), matrix(lamda_i, ncol = 1), matrix(tmp2,
ncol = 1)), 1, item1)
-(sum(tmp3) - n * lgamma(alpha) + alpha * sum(log(tmp1)) - ((log(phi) -
m0)^2)/(2 * (sigma^2)) - log(sigma) - sum(lamda_i))
return(optimize(obj, interval = c(0.1, max.mean))$minimum)
mu = apply(cbind(matrix(Y, ncol = n), matrix(phi, ncol = 1)), 1,
Beta.reduce = log(mu)
U.reduce = matrix(rep(mu, n), ncol = n)
V.reduce = sweep(U.reduce, 2, k, FUN = "*")
eta = log(phi)
list(Beta.reduce = Beta.reduce, mean.reduce = U.reduce, dispersion = phi, df.reduce = 1)
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