tmm = function (datos, long = 1000, lc = 0, k = 0, refColumn = 1,
logratioTrim = .3, sumTrim = 0.05, doWeighting = TRUE,
Acutoff = -1e10) {
# lc: Length correction. Expression is divided by long^lc. lc can be any real number.
if (!is.null(ncol(long))) {
mynames = long[,1]
long = long[,2]
names(long) = mynames
L <- (long/1000)^lc
datos = datos/L
total <- colSums(as.matrix(datos))
datos0 <- sinceros(datos, k)
if (ncol(as.matrix(datos)) > 1) {
fk <- .calcNormFactors(as.matrix(datos), refColumn = refColumn, method = "TMM",
logratioTrim = logratioTrim, sumTrim = sumTrim,
doWeighting = doWeighting, Acutoff = Acutoff)
fk = fk * (total/mean(total))
datos.norm <- t(t(datos0)/fk)
} else {
datos.norm <- datos0/L
rpkm <- function (datos, long = 1000, lc = 1, k = 0) {
if (!is.null(ncol(long))) {
mynames = long[,1]
long = long[,2]
names(long) = mynames
total <- colSums(as.matrix(datos))
datos0 <- sinceros(datos, k)
datos.norm <- (t(t(datos0)/total)*10^6)/((long/1000)^lc)
uqua <- function (datos, long = 1000, lc = 0, k = 0) {
# lc: Length correction. Expression is divided by long^lc. lc can be any real number.
if (!is.null(ncol(long))) {
mynames = long[,1]
long = long[,2]
names(long) = mynames
L <- (long/1000)^lc
datos = datos/L
datos0 <- sinceros(datos, k)
if (ncol(as.matrix(datos)) > 1) {
sumatot <- rowSums(datos)
supertot <- sum(sumatot)
counts0 <- which(sumatot == 0)
if (length(counts0) > 0) {
datitos <- datos[-counts0,]
} else {
datitos <- datos
q3 <- apply(datitos, 2, quantile, probs = 0.75)
d <- q3*supertot/sum(q3)
datos.norm <- t(t(datos0)/d)*10^6
} else {
datos.norm <- datos0/L
## Taken from the edgeR package with minor modifications
.calcNormFactors <- function(object, method=c("TMM","quantile"), refColumn=NULL,
logratioTrim=.3, sumTrim=0.05, doWeighting=TRUE, Acutoff=-1e10,
quantile=0.75) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if( is.matrix(object) ) {
refColumn <- 1
data <- object
libsize <- colSums(data)
} else {
stop("calcNormFactors() only operates on 'matrix' objects")
f <- switch(method,
TMM = apply(data,2,.calcFactorWeighted,ref=data[,refColumn],
logratioTrim=logratioTrim, sumTrim=sumTrim, doWeighting=doWeighting,
quantile = .calcFactorQuantile(data, libsize, q=quantile))
f <- f/exp(mean(log(f)))
.calcFactorQuantile <- function (data, lib.size, q=0.75) {
y <- t(t(data)/lib.size)
f <- apply(y,2,function(x) quantile(x,p=q))
.calcFactorWeighted <- function(obs, ref, logratioTrim=.3, sumTrim=0.05, doWeighting=TRUE, Acutoff=-1e10) {
if( all(obs==ref) )
obs <- as.numeric(obs)
ref <- as.numeric(ref)
nO <- sum(obs)
nR <- sum(ref)
logR <- log2((obs/nO)/(ref/nR)) # log ratio of expression, accounting for library size
absE <- (log2(obs/nO) + log2(ref/nR))/2 # absolute expression
v <- (nO-obs)/nO/obs + (nR-ref)/nR/ref # estimated asymptotic variance
# remove infinite values, cutoff based on A
fin <- is.finite(logR) & is.finite(absE) & (absE > Acutoff)
logR <- logR[fin]
absE <- absE[fin]
v <- v[fin]
# taken from the original mean() function
n <- sum(fin)
loL <- floor(n * logratioTrim) + 1
hiL <- n + 1 - loL
loS <- floor(n * sumTrim) + 1
hiS <- n + 1 - loS
#keep <- (rank(logR) %in% loL:hiL) & (rank(absE) %in% loS:hiS)
# a fix from leonardo ivan almonacid cardenas, since rank() can return
# non-integer values when there are a lot of ties
keep <- (rank(logR)>=loL & rank(logR)<=hiL) & (rank(absE)>=loS & rank(absE)<=hiS)
if (doWeighting)
2^( sum(logR[keep]/v[keep], na.rm=TRUE) / sum(1/v[keep], na.rm=TRUE) )
2^( mean(logR[keep], na.rm=TRUE) )
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