##Counts for detected genes Plot according to BIOTYPES (boxplots)
countsbio.dat <- function (input, biotypes = NULL, factor = NULL, norm = FALSE) {
# input: input object
# biotypes: List containing groups of biotypes to be studied
# factor: If not NULL, it should contain the conditions to be studied and
# calculation will be done based on the mean of replicates of each condition.
if (inherits(input,"eSet") == FALSE)
stop("Error. You must give an eSet object\n")
if (!is.null(assayData(input)$exprs))
datos <- assayData(input)$exprs
datos <- assayData(input)$counts
depth = round(colSums(datos)/10^6,1); names(depth) = colnames(datos)
ceros = which(rowSums(datos) == 0)
hayceros = (length(ceros) > 0)
if (hayceros) {
print(paste("Warning:", length(ceros),
"features with 0 counts in all samples are to be removed for this analysis."))
datos0 = datos[-ceros,]
} else { datos0 = datos}
nsam <- NCOL(datos)
if (nsam == 1) {
datos <- as.matrix(datos)
datos0 <- as.matrix(datos0)
# Per condition
if (is.null(factor)) { # per sample
print("Count distributions are to be computed for:")
} else { # per condition
mifactor = as.factor(pData(input)[,factor])
niveles = levels(mifactor)
print("Counts per million distributions are to be computed for:")
if (norm) {
datos = sapply(niveles,
function (k) {
rowMeans(as.matrix(datos[, mifactor == k]))
datos0 = sapply(niveles,
function (k) {
rowMeans(as.matrix(datos0[, mifactor == k]))
} else {
datos = sapply(niveles,
function (k) {
10^6 * rowMeans(t(t(datos[, mifactor == k])/colSums(as.matrix(datos[, mifactor == k]))))
datos0 = sapply(niveles,
function (k) {
10^6 * rowMeans(t(t(datos0[, mifactor == k])/colSums(as.matrix(datos0[, mifactor == k]))))
colnames(datos) = colnames(datos0) = niveles
depth = sapply(niveles, function (k) paste(range(depth[mifactor == k]), collapse = "-"))
# Biotypes
if (!is.null(featureData(input)$Biotype)) { # read biotypes if they are provided
if (hayceros) {
infobio0 <- as.character(featureData(input)$Biotype)[-ceros]
} else { infobio0 = as.character(featureData(input)$Biotype) }
infobio <- as.character(featureData(input)$Biotype)
} else { infobio0 = NULL; infobio = NULL }
if (!is.null(infobio)) {
if(is.null(biotypes)) {
biotypes <- unique(infobio)
names(biotypes) <- biotypes
# which genes belong to each biotype
biog <- lapply(biotypes, function(x) { which(is.element(infobio0, x)) })
names(biog) = biotypes
bionum <- c(NROW(datos0), sapply(biog, length))
names(bionum) <- c("global", names(biotypes))
bio0 = which(bionum == 0)
if (length(bio0) > 0) bionum = bionum[-bio0]
} else { biotypes = NULL; bionum = NULL }
# Create the summary matrix information
if (is.null(bionum)) {
resumen = vector("list", length = 1)
names(resumen) = "global"
} else {
resumen = vector("list", length = length(bionum))
names(resumen) = names(bionum)
cuentas = c(0,1,2,5,10)
if (is.null(factor)) {
if (norm) {
datosCPM = datos
} else {
datosCPM = 10^6 * t(t(datos)/colSums(as.matrix(datos)))
} else { datosCPM = datos }
for (i in 1:length(resumen)) {
if (i == 1) {
datosR = datosCPM
} else {
if(!is.null(infobio)) {
datosR = datosCPM[which(infobio == names(resumen)[i]),,drop = FALSE]
# if (class(datosR) != "matrix") { datosR = t(as.matrix(datosR)) }
nfeatures = nrow(datosR)
datosR = datosR[which(rowSums(datosR) > 0),,drop = FALSE]
# if (class(datosR) != "matrix") { datosR = t(as.matrix(datosR)) }
myglobal = NULL
mypersample = NULL
for (kk in 1:length(cuentas)) {
mypersample = rbind(mypersample, apply(datosR, 2, function (x) { length(which(x > cuentas[kk])) }))
myglobal = c(myglobal, sum(apply(datosR, 1, function (x) { max(x) > cuentas[kk] })))
mypersample = round(100*mypersample/nfeatures, 1)
mypersample = rbind(mypersample, depth)
rownames(mypersample) = 1:nrow(mypersample)
myglobal = c(round(100*myglobal/nfeatures, 1), nfeatures)
resumen[[i]] = data.frame(c(paste("CPM >", cuentas), "depth"), mypersample, "total" = myglobal)
colnames(resumen[[i]])[1] = names(resumen)[i]
colnames(resumen[[i]])[2:(ncol(resumen[[i]])-1)] = colnames(datosR)
## results
cosas <- list("result" = datos0,
"bionum" = bionum,
"biotypes" = infobio0,
"summary" = resumen)
## PLOT: Mean length for detected genes Plot according to BIOTYPES
countsbio.plot <- function (dat, samples = c(1,2), toplot = "global",
plottype = c("barplot", "boxplot"), toreport = FALSE,...) {
# dat: Data coming from countsbio.dat function
# samples: Samples to be plotted. If NULL, all samples are plotted.
# toplot: Name of biotype (including "global") to be plotted.
mypar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
plottype = match.arg(plottype)
## Preparing data
if (is.null(samples)) {
if (NCOL(dat$result) == 1) {
samples = 1
} else {
samples <- 1:NCOL(dat$result)
if(is.numeric(toplot)) toplot = names(dat$summary)[toplot]
if (is.numeric(samples) && !is.null(colnames(dat$result))) samples = colnames(dat$result)[samples]
if (plottype == "barplot") {
if ((exists("ylab") && !is.character(ylab)) || !exists("ylab")) ylab = ""
datos = dat$summary[[toplot]]
mytotal = as.numeric(datos[,"total"])
datos = as.matrix(datos[,samples])
rownames(datos) = as.character(dat$summary[[toplot]][,1])
par(mar = c(6,4,4,2))
barplot(as.numeric(datos[1,]), col = miscolores[1], las = 2, main = "", ylab = "", density = 70,
ylim = c(0,100), cex.axis = 0.8, names.arg = "",...)
for (i in 2:(length(mytotal)-2)) {
barplot(as.numeric(datos[i,]), col = miscolores[i], las = 2, main = "", ylab = "", add = TRUE,
density = 70, ylim = c(0,100), cex.axis = 0.8, names.arg = "",...)
bp = barplot(as.numeric(datos[(length(mytotal)-1),]), col = miscolores[(length(mytotal)-1)], las = 2,
main = paste(toupper(toplot), " (", mytotal[length(mytotal)], ")", sep = ""),
ylab = "Sensitivity (%)", add = TRUE, names.arg = colnames(datos), cex.axis = 0.8,
density = 70, ylim = c(0,100), cex.names = 0.8,...)
for (j in 1:(length(mytotal)-1)) abline(h = mytotal[j], col = miscolores[j], lwd = 2)
if (length(samples) <= 10) {
mtext(side = 3, text = datos["depth",], adj = 0.5, at = bp, cex = 0.8)
} else {
mtext(side = 3, text = datos["depth",], at = bp, cex = 0.7, las = 2)
legend("top", rownames(datos)[-length(mytotal)], fill = miscolores, density = 70, bty = "n", ncol = 3)
par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 4) + 0.1)
if (plottype == "boxplot") {
conteos <- as.matrix(dat$result[,samples])
if (is.numeric(samples)) colnames(conteos) = colnames(dat$result)[samples]
else colnames(conteos) = samples
num <- dat$bionum[toplot]
if (is.null(num)) {
if (toplot == "global") {
num = nrow(conteos)
} else {
num = 0
infobio = dat$biotypes
if (num == 0 && toplot != "global") stop("Error: No data available. Please, change toplot parameter.")
#if (!exists("ylim")) ylim = range(na.omit(log2(1+conteos)))
if ((exists("ylab") && !is.character(ylab)) || !exists("ylab")) ylab = "Expression values"
## Plots
if (length(samples) == 1) { # only 1 sample is to be plotted (per biotypes if available)
escala = logscaling(conteos, base = 2)
if (is.null(infobio)) {
boxplot(escala$data, col = miscolores[1], ylab = ylab, #ylim = ylim,
main = "", yaxt = "n", ...)
} else {
par(mar = c(10, 4, 4, 2))
boxplot(escala$data ~ infobio, col = miscolores, ylab = ylab, #ylim = ylim,
main = colnames(conteos), las = 2, cex.axis = 0.8, cex.lab = 0.9, yaxt = "n", ...)
cuantos = dat$bionum[-1]
cuantos = cuantos[sort(names(cuantos))]
mtext(cuantos, 3, at = 1:length(cuantos), cex = 0.6, las = 2)
} else { # more than 1 sample is to be plotted
if (toplot != "global") conteos = conteos[which(infobio == toplot),]
escala = logscaling(conteos, base = 2)
main <- paste(toupper(toplot), " (", num, ")", sep = "")
par(mar = c(6, 4, 2, 2))
boxplot(escala$data, col = miscolores, ylab = ylab, #ylim = ylim,
main = main, las = 2, cex.lab = 0.9, cex.axis = 0.8, yaxt = "n", ...)
axis(side = 2, at = escala$at, labels = escala$labels)
if (!toreport) par(mypar)
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