## Data for GC plot
GC.dat <- function (input, factor = NULL, norm = FALSE) {
# This plot shows the mean expression for each GC content bin, globally or for each biotype (if available).
# datos: Count data matrix. Each column is a different biological sample.
if (inherits(input,"eSet") == FALSE)
stop("Error. You must give an eSet object\n")
if (!is.null(assayData(input)$exprs))
datos <- assayData(input)$exprs
datos <- assayData(input)$counts
ceros = which(rowSums(datos) == 0)
if (length(ceros) > 0) {
print(paste("Warning:", length(ceros),
"features with 0 counts in all samples are to be removed for this analysis."))
datos = datos[-ceros,]
nsam <- NCOL(datos)
if (nsam == 1) datos <- as.matrix(datos)
# Per condition
if (is.null(factor)) { # per sample
print("GC content bias detection is to be computed for:")
} else { # per condition
mifactor = as.factor(pData(input)[,factor])
niveles = levels(mifactor)
print("GC content bias detection is to be computed for:")
if (norm) {
datos = sapply(niveles,
function (k) {
rowMeans(as.matrix(datos[, mifactor == k]))
} else {
datos = sapply(niveles,
function (k) {
rowMeans(t(10^6*t(datos[, mifactor == k])/colSums(as.matrix(datos[, mifactor == k]))))
colnames(datos) = niveles
# GC content
if (any(!$GC)) == FALSE)
stop ("GC content was not provided.\nPlease run addData() function to add
this information\n")
GC <- as.numeric(as.character(featureData(input)$GC))
if (length(ceros) > 0) GC = GC[-ceros]
# Biotypes
if (!is.null(featureData(input)$Biotype)) { # read biotypes if they are provided
infobio <- as.character(featureData(input)$Biotype)
if (length(ceros) > 0) infobio = infobio[-ceros]
biotypes <- unique(infobio)
names(biotypes) <- biotypes
# which genes belong to each biotype
biog <- lapply(biotypes, function(x) { which(is.element(infobio, x)) })
names(biog) = biotypes
bionum <- c(NROW(datos), sapply(biog, length))
names(bionum) <- c("global", names(biotypes))
} else { infobio = NULL; biotypes = NULL; bionum = NULL }
## Calculations for plot
GCexpr = vector("list", length = 1 + length(biotypes))
names(GCexpr) = c("global", names(biotypes))
numXbin = 200
for (i in 1:length(GCexpr)) {
if (i == 1) { # GLOBAL
numdatos = length(GC)
numbins = floor(numdatos / numXbin)
misbins = quantile(GC, probs = seq(0,1,1/numbins), na.rm = TRUE)
if (length(misbins) != length(unique(misbins))) {
repes = names(table(misbins))[which(table(misbins) > 1)]
for (rr in repes) {
cuantos = length(which(misbins == rr))
cuales = which(misbins == rr)
sumo = (misbins[cuales[1]+cuantos] - misbins[cuales[1]])/cuantos
for (j in cuales[-1]) misbins[j] = misbins[j-1] + sumo
miclasi = cut(GC, breaks = misbins, labels = FALSE)
misbins = sapply(1:numbins, function (i) mean(misbins[i:(i+1)]))
miclasi = misbins[miclasi]
GCexpr[[i]] = aggregate(datos, by = list("GCbin" = miclasi), mean, trim = 0.025)
} else { # PER BIOTYPE
datos2 = datos[biog[[i-1]],]
GC2 = GC[biog[[i-1]]]
if (bionum[i] >= numXbin*10) { # more than numXbin*10 genes in the biotype
numdatos = length(GC2)
numbins = floor(numdatos / numXbin)
misbins = quantile(GC2, probs = seq(0,1,1/numbins), na.rm = TRUE)
if (length(misbins) != length(unique(misbins))) {
repes = names(table(misbins))[which(table(misbins) > 1)]
for (rr in repes) {
cuantos = length(which(misbins == rr))
cuales = which(misbins == rr)
sumo = (misbins[cuales[1]+cuantos] - misbins[cuales[1]])/cuantos
for (j in cuales[-1]) misbins[j] = misbins[j-1] + sumo
miclasi = cut(GC2, breaks = misbins, labels = FALSE)
misbins = sapply(1:numbins, function (i) mean(misbins[i:(i+1)]))
miclasi = misbins[miclasi]
GCexpr[[i]] = aggregate(datos2, by = list("GCbin" = miclasi), mean, trim = 0.025, na.rm = TRUE)
} else { # less than numXbin*10 genes in the biotype
GCexpr[[i]] = cbind(GC2, datos2)
datos = GCexpr[[1]]
GCcont = datos[,1]
knots = c(rep(GCcont[1],3), seq(GCcont[1], GCcont[length(GCcont)-1],
length.out=round(length(GCcont)/10, 0)),
rep(GCcont[length(GCcont)], 4))
bx = splineDesign (knots, GCcont, outer.ok = TRUE)
mismodelos = vector("list", length = ncol(datos)-1)
names(mismodelos) = colnames(datos)[-1]
for (i in 2:ncol(datos)) {
mismodelos[[i-1]] = lm(datos[,i] ~ bx)
## Results
list("data2plot" = GCexpr, "RegressionModels" = mismodelos)
## PLOT: Median expression for each length bin
GC.plot <- function (dat, samples = NULL, toplot = "global", toreport = FALSE,...) {
datos = dat[["data2plot"]]
mismodelos = dat[["RegressionModels"]]
if (is.null(samples)) samples <- 1:(ncol(datos[[1]])-1)
if(length(samples) > 12) stop("Please select 12 samples or less to be plotted.")
if (is.numeric(samples)) { samples = colnames(datos[[1]])[samples+1] }
if (is.numeric(toplot)) {
if (toplot == 1) { toplot = "global"} else { toplot = names(toplot)[toplot + 1] }
if ((toplot == "global") && (length(samples) <= 2)) { ### DIAGNOSTIC PLOTS
if((!toreport) && (length(samples) == 2)) par(mfrow = c(1,2))
for (i in 1:length(samples)) {
matplot(datos[[1]][,1], cbind(datos[[1]][,samples[i]], mismodelos[[samples[i]]]$fit),
type="pl", main=samples[i], pch=20, lty=1, lwd = 2, col = c(1,4),
ylab = "Mean expression", xlab = "GC content bins", ylim = c(0,max(datos[[1]][,samples[i]])),...)
text(max(datos[[1]][,1]), 0.2*max(datos[[1]][,samples[i]]), col = 4, adj = 1,
paste("R2 = ", 100*round(summary(mismodelos[[samples[i]]])$"r.squared",4), "%", sep = ""))
laF = summary(mismodelos[[samples[i]]])$"fstatistic"
text(max(datos[[1]][,1]), 0.1*max(datos[[1]][,samples[i]]), col = 4, adj = 1,
paste("p-value:", signif(pf(laF[1], df1 = laF[2], df2 = laF[3], lower.tail = FALSE),2)))
matplot(datos[[toplot]][,1], datos[[toplot]][,samples], xlab = "GC content bins", ylab = "Mean expression",
type = "l", main = toupper(toplot), col = miscolores, lwd = 2,
ylim = range(datos[[toplot]][,-1]),lty = 1,...)
legend("bottomright", samples, col = miscolores[1:length(samples)], lwd = 2, bty = "n")
if((!toreport) && (length(samples) == 2)) layout(1)
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