#' Fit mutational signatures to a mutation matrix with bootstrapping
#' @description
#' Bootstrapping the signature refitting shows how stable the refit is, when small changes are made to the
#' mutation matrix. You can be more confident in the refitting results, when the differences in signature
#' contributions are small between bootstrap iterations.
#' @details
#' The mutation matrix is resampled 'n_boots' times.
#' Resampling is done per column (sample) with replacement.
#' The row weights are used as probabilities.
#' On each resampled matrix the 'fit_to_signatures()' or 'fit_to_signatures_strict()' function
#' is applied.
#' In the end a matrix is returned with the contributions for each bootstrap iteration.
#' Each row is a single bootstrap iteration from a single sample.
#' The method you choose determines how strict the signature refitting is.
#' The 'regular' and "regular_10+ methods often suffer from a lot of overfitting,
#' however this is less of an issue when you refit on an limited number of signatures.
#' The 'strict' method suffers less from overfitting, but can suffer from more
#' signature misattribution. The best method will depend on your data and
#' research question.
#' @param mut_matrix mutation count matrix (dimensions: x mutation types
#' X n samples)
#' @param signatures Signature matrix (dimensions: x mutation types
#' X n signatures)
#' @param n_boots Number of bootstrap iterations.
#' @param max_delta The maximum difference in original vs reconstructed cosine similarity between two iterations.
#' Only used with method strict.
#' @param method The refitting method to be used.
#' Possible values:
#' * 'strict' Uses fit_to_signatures_strict;
#' * 'regular' Uses fit_to_signatures;
#' * 'regular_10+' Uses fit_to_signatures, but removes signatures with less than 10 variants.;
#' @param verbose Boolean. If TRUE, the function will show how far along it is.
#' @return A matrix showing the signature contributions across all the bootstrap iterations.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{mut_matrix}},
#' \code{\link{fit_to_signatures_strict}},
#' \code{\link{fit_to_signatures_bootstrapped}}
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' ## See the 'mut_matrix()' example for how we obtained the mutation matrix:
#' mut_mat <- readRDS(system.file("states/mut_mat_data.rds",
#' package = "MutationalPatterns"
#' ))
#' ## Get pre-defined signatures
#' signatures <- get_known_signatures()
#' ## Fit to signatures with bootstrapping
#' contri_boots <- fit_to_signatures_bootstrapped(mut_mat,
#' signatures,
#' n_boots = 10,
#' max_delta = 0.05
#' )
#' ## Use the regular refit method
#' contri_boots <- fit_to_signatures_bootstrapped(mut_mat,
#' signatures,
#' n_boots = 10,
#' max_delta = 0.05,
#' method = "regular"
#' )
fit_to_signatures_bootstrapped <- function(mut_matrix,
n_boots = 1000,
max_delta = 0.05,
method = c("strict", "regular", "regular_10+"),
verbose = TRUE) {
# These variables use non standard evaluation.
# To avoid R CMD check complaints we initialize them to NULL.
sigs <- . <- NULL
method <- match.arg(method)
# Check enough mutations are present
min_nr_muts <- colSums(mut_matrix) %>%
if (min_nr_muts <= 10) {
warning("At least one of your samples has less than 10 mutations.
This will negatively impact the signature refitting.
Please consider removing or pooling this sample.")
sig_names_tb <- tibble::tibble("sigs" = colnames(signatures))
contri_list <- vector("list", n_boots)
for (i in seq_len(n_boots)) {
# Resample mut_mat
mut_mat_resampled <- .resample_mut_mat(mut_matrix)
# Perform refit method
if (method == "strict") {
refit_out <- fit_to_signatures_strict(mut_mat_resampled, signatures, max_delta = max_delta)
contri <- refit_out$fit_res$contribution
else if (method == "regular") {
fit_res <- fit_to_signatures(mut_mat_resampled, signatures)
contri <- fit_res$contribution
else if (method == "regular_10+") {
fit_res <- fit_to_signatures(mut_mat_resampled, signatures)
index <- rowSums(fit_res$contribution >= 10) != 0 # Check whether a signature has at least 10 mutations in a single sample
contri <- fit_res$contribution[index, ]
# Reformat contribution
colnames(contri) <- paste(colnames(contri), i, sep = "_")
contri_tb <- contri %>% %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("sigs") %>%
dplyr::left_join(sig_names_tb, ., by = "sigs") %>%
# Add contribution to list
contri_list[[i]] <- contri_tb
if (i %% 10 == 0 & verbose == TRUE) {
message(paste0("Performed ", i, " of ", n_boots, " iterations"))
# Combine contribution from all samples
contri_boots <-, contri_list) %>%
# Clean up format
colnames(contri_boots) <- sig_names_tb$sigs
contri_boots[] <- 0
contri_boots <- contri_boots[, colSums(contri_boots) != 0, drop = FALSE]
#' Resample a mutation matrix
#' The mutation matrix is resampled per column (sample).
#' Resampling is done with replacement using the row weights as propabilities.
#' @param mut_matrix mutation count matrix (dimensions: x mutation types
#' X n samples)
#' @return A resamples mutation matrix
#' @noRd
.resample_mut_mat <- function(mut_matrix) {
mut_mat_resampled <- apply(mut_matrix, 2, function(x) {
total_muts <- sum(x)
sample_weights <- x / total_muts
feature_rows <- sample(seq_along(x), total_muts, replace = TRUE, prob = sample_weights)
row_counts <- table(feature_rows)
index <- as.numeric(names(row_counts))
x[index] <- as.vector(row_counts)
x[-index] <- 0
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