#' @include MultiAssayExperiment-class.R ExperimentList-class.R
#' @importFrom utils .DollarNames
.checkOverlapsAny <- function(obj_cl) {
if (identical(obj_cl, c("matrix", "array")))
obj_cl <- "matrix"
hasMethod("overlapsAny", signature(obj_cl, "GRanges"),
hasMethod("overlapsAny", signature(obj_cl, "GRanges"),
hasMethod("overlapsAny", signature(obj_cl, "GRanges"),
.rowIdx <- function(x) {
IntegerList(lapply(x, function(exper) seq_len(dim(exper)[[1L]])))
.getHits <- function(expList, i, ...) {
IntegerList(lapply(expList, function(element) {
rnames <- rownames(element)
if (is(i, "Vector")) {
if (is(element, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"))
element <- rowRanges(element)
if (is(element, "VcfStack"))
i <- which(rnames %in% as.character(seqnames(i)))
if (.checkOverlapsAny(class(element)) &&
!is(element, "SummarizedExperiment"))
i <- which(overlapsAny(element, i, ...))
i <- match(intersect(as.character(i), rnames), rnames)
} else if (is.character(i)) {
i <- match(intersect(i, rnames), rnames)
} else {
i <- as.integer(i)
.matchReorderSub <- function(assayMap, identifiers) {
positions <-
unlist(lapply(identifiers, function(ident) {
which(![["primary"]], ident)))
assayMap[positions, ]
#' @name subsetBy
#' @title Subsetting a MultiAssayExperiment object
#' @description A set of functions for extracting and dividing a
#' \code{MultiAssayExperiment}
#' @param x A \code{MultiAssayExperiment} or \code{ExperimentList}
#' @param i Either a \code{character}, \code{integer}, \code{logical} or
#' \code{GRanges} object for subsetting by rows
#' @param j Either a \code{character}, \code{logical}, or \code{numeric} vector
#' for subsetting by \code{colData} rows. See details for more information.
#' @param k Either a \code{character}, \code{logical}, or \code{numeric} vector
#' for subsetting by assays
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to lower level functions.
#' @param drop logical (default TRUE) whether to drop empty assay elements
#' in the \code{ExperimentList}
#' @aliases [,MultiAssayExperiment,ANY-method subsetByColData subsetByRow
#' subsetByColumn subsetByAssay subset subsetBy
#' @details
#' Subsetting a MultiAssayExperiment by the \strong{j} index can yield a call
#' to either \code{subsetByColData} or \code{subsetByColumn}. For vector inputs,
#' the subset will be applied to the \code{colData} rows. For \code{List}-type
#' inputs, the List will be applied to each of the elements in the
#' \code{ExperimentList}.
#' The order of the subsetting elements in the
#' \code{List} must match that of the \code{ExperimentList} in the
#' \code{MultiAssayExperiment}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item subsetBycolData: Select biological units by vector input types
#' \item subsetByColumn: Select observations by assay or for each assay
#' \item subsetByRow: Select rows by assay or for each assay
#' \item subsetByAssay: Select experiments
#' }
#' @return \code{subsetBy*} operations are endomorphic and return either
#' \code{MultiAssayExperiment} or \code{ExperimentList} depending on the
#' input.
#' @examples
#' ## Load the example MultiAssayExperiment
#' example("MultiAssayExperiment")
#' ## Using experiment names
#' subsetByAssay(mae, "Affy")
#' ## Using numeric indices
#' subsetByAssay(mae, 1:2)
#' ## Using a logical vector
#' subsetByAssay(mae, c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
#' ## Subset by character vector (Jack)
#' subsetByColData(mae, "Jack")
#' ## Subset by numeric index of colData rows (Jack and Bob)
#' subsetByColData(mae, c(1, 3))
#' ## Subset by logical indicator of colData rows (Jack and Jill)
#' subsetByColData(mae, c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
#' subsetByColumn(mae, list(Affy = 1:2,
#' Methyl450k = c(3,5,2), RNASeqGene = 2:4, GISTIC = 1))
#' subsetWith <- S4Vectors::mendoapply(`[`, colnames(mae),
#' MoreArgs = list(1:2))
#' subsetByColumn(mae, subsetWith)
#' ## Use a GRanges object to subset rows where ranged data present
#' egr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = "chr2",
#' IRanges::IRanges(start = 11, end = 13), strand = "-")
#' subsetByRow(mae, egr)
#' ## Use a logical vector (recycling used)
#' subsetByRow(mae, c(TRUE, FALSE))
#' ## Use a character vector
#' subsetByRow(mae, "ENST00000355076")
# subsetBy Generics -------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname subsetBy
#' @export subsetByRow
setGeneric("subsetByRow", function(x, y, ...) standardGeneric("subsetByRow"))
#' @rdname subsetBy
#' @export subsetByColData
setGeneric("subsetByColData", function(x, y) standardGeneric("subsetByColData"))
#' @rdname subsetBy
#' @export subsetByColumn
setGeneric("subsetByColumn", function(x, y) standardGeneric("subsetByColumn"))
#' @rdname subsetBy
#' @export subsetByAssay
#' @param y Any argument used for subsetting, can be a \code{character},
#' \code{logical}, \code{integer}, \code{list} or \code{List} vector
setGeneric("subsetByAssay", function(x, y) standardGeneric("subsetByAssay"))
.subsetCOLS <- function(object, cutter) {
mendoapply(function(x, j) {
if (!is.null(j))
x[, j, drop = FALSE]
}, x = object, j = cutter)
.subsetROWS <- function(object, cutter) {
mendoapply(function(x, i) {
if (!is.null(rownames(x)) && !is.null(i))
x[i, , drop = FALSE]
}, x = object, i = cutter)
.fillEmptyExps <- function(exps, subr) {
if (!any(names(subr) %in% names(exps)))
stop("No matching experiment names in subset list", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(names(exps) %in% names(subr))) {
outnames <- setdiff(names(exps), names(subr))
names(outnames) <- outnames
subr <- c(subr, lapply(outnames, function(x) NULL))
# subsetByRow,ExperimentList-methods -----------------------------------------
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByRow", c("ExperimentList", "ANY"), function(x, y, ...) {
rowIds <- .rowIdx(x)
if (is.integer(y)) {
lowerLimit <- min(max(rowIds))
if (max(y) > lowerLimit)
stop("subscript contains out-of-bounds indices,\n",
" use an ", sQuote("IntegerList"), " index for finer control")
subsetor <- .getHits(x, y, ...)
subsetByRow(x, subsetor)
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByRow", c("ExperimentList", "list"), function(x, y) {
y <- .fillEmptyExps(x, y)
.subsetROWS(x, y)
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByRow", c("ExperimentList", "List"), function(x, y) {
if (is(y, "DataFrame") || is(y, "GRangesList"))
stop("Provide a list of indices for subsetting")
if (is(y, "GRanges"))
y <- as.list(y)
subsetByRow(x, y)
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByRow", c("ExperimentList", "logical"), function(x, y) {
logi <- LogicalList(rep(list(y), length(x)))
# subsetByColumn,ExperimentList-methods -----------------------------------
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByColumn", c("ExperimentList", "list"), function(x, y) {
y <- .fillEmptyExps(x, y)
.subsetCOLS(x, y)
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByColumn", c("ExperimentList", "List"), function(x, y) {
Y <- as.list(y)
subsetByColumn(x, Y)
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByColumn", c("ExperimentList", "logical"), function(x, y) {
Y <- endoapply(colnames(x), `[`, y)
.subsetCOLS(x, Y)
# subsetByAssay,ExperimentList-methods ------------------------------------
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByAssay", c("ExperimentList", "ANY"), function(x, y) {
# subsetByColData,MultiAssayExperiment-methods -----------------------------------------
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByColData", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "ANY"), function(x, y) {
rcols <- rownames(colData(x))
if (length(y) > length(rcols))
warning("'j' in 'mae[i, j, k]' is greater than 'nrow(coldata(mae))'",
call. = FALSE)
if (is.logical(y) || is.numeric(y))
y <- unique(rcols[y])
selectors <- y[y %in% rcols]
newcolData <- colData(x)[match(selectors, rcols), , drop = FALSE]
listMap <- mapToList(sampleMap(x), "assay")
listMap <- lapply(listMap, function(elementMap, keepers) {
.matchReorderSub(elementMap, keepers)
}, keepers = selectors)
newMap <- listToMap(listMap)
columns <- lapply(listMap, function(mapChunk) {
mapChunk[, "colname", drop = TRUE]
columns <- columns[names(experiments(x))]
newSubset <- Map(function(x, j) {x[, j, drop = FALSE]},
x = experiments(x), j = columns)
newSubset <- ExperimentList(newSubset)
harmon <- .harmonize(newSubset, newcolData, newMap)
ExperimentList = harmon[["experiments"]],
colData = harmon[["colData"]],
sampleMap = harmon[["sampleMap"]],
check = FALSE)
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByColData", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "character"),
function(x, y) {
y <- unique(y)
if (!any(rownames(colData(x)) %in% y))
stop("No matching identifiers found")
if (!all(y %in% rownames(colData(x))))
warning("Not all identifiers found in data")
callNextMethod(x = x, y = y)
# subsetByRow,MultiAssayExperiment-method ---------------------------------
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByRow", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "ANY"), function(x, y, ...) {
experiments(x) <- subsetByRow(experiments(x), y)
# subsetByColumn,MultiAssayExperiment-method ------------------------------
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByColumn", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "ANY"), function(x, y) {
if (is.character(y) || is.logical(y) || is.numeric(y))
subsetByColData(x, y)
else {
experiments(x) <- subsetByColumn(experiments(x), y)
# subsetByAssay,MultiAssayExperiment-method -------------------------------
#' @rdname subsetBy
setMethod("subsetByAssay", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "ANY"), function(x, y) {
experiments(x) <- experiments(x)[y]
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