## fixOutliers function
fixOutliers <- function(mat, idx, gene.ids) {
if (class(mat) != "matrix") {
stop("'mat' needs to be an 'matrix'")
## browser()
## Find gene names for outliers
gene.out <- gene.ids[idx]
## Column index (could be multiple)
col.out <- apply(mat[idx, ], 1, function(x) which(x > mean(x) + 2.665*sd(x)))
## pull out values corresponding to that gene, for that sample
## omit the outlying value in the average
mean.vals <- vector("list", length(gene.out))
for (i in 1:length(gene.out)) {
mvals <- numeric(length(col.out[[i]]))
for (j in seq_along(col.out[[i]])) {
values <- mat[which(gene.ids==gene.out[i]), col.out[[i]][j] ]
## here can set outlying values to missing and then take mean ...
mvals[j] <- mean(values[-which.max(values)]) ## ok, assumes 1 outlier among 4 reps
mean.vals[[i]] <- mvals
idxs <- cbind(rep(idx, sapply(col.out, length)), unlist(col.out))
mat[idxs] <- unlist(mean.vals)
## fixMVs function
fixMVs <- function(mat, idx, gene.ids) {
if (class(mat) != "matrix") {
stop("'mat' needs to be an 'matrix'")
## Find gene names for MVs
gene.out <- gene.ids[idx]
## Column index (could be multiple)
col.out <- apply(mat[idx, ], 1, function(x) which(
## pull out values corresponding to that gene, for that sample
## omit the MV in the average
mean.vals <- vector("list", length(gene.out))
for (i in 1:length(gene.out)) {
mvals <- numeric(length(col.out[[i]]))
for (j in seq_along(col.out[[i]])) {
values <- mat[which(gene.ids==gene.out[i]), col.out[[i]][j]]
mvals[j] <- mean(values[-which(])
mean.vals[[i]] <- mvals
idxs <- cbind(rep(idx, sapply(col.out, length)), unlist(col.out))
mat[idxs] <- unlist(mean.vals)
## clustPlot function
clustPlot <- function(cl, mat, nrow, ncol) {
par(mfrow=c(nrow, ncol))
for(i in 1:length(table(cl))){
int <- mat[cl==i,]
if(is.vector(int)) {
plot(1:ncol(mat), int, ylim=c(min(int), max(int)+.5), type="l",
col=ifelse(is.vector(int),"red","grey"), bty="n", xaxt="n", xlab="")
} else {
plot(1:ncol(mat), int[1,], ylim=c(min(int),max(int)+.5),type="l",
col="grey", bty="n", xaxt="n", xlab="")
if (is.null(colnames(mat))) {
labs <- 1:ncol(mat)
} else {
labs <- colnames(mat)
axis(1, 1:ncol(mat), labels=labs)
for(j in 2:nrow(int)){
lines(1:ncol(mat), int[j,], col="grey")
lines(1:ncol(mat), apply(int,2,mean), col="red")
legend("topright", paste(ifelse(is.vector(int),1,nrow(int)),
text.col="blue", bty="n")
## imputeKNN function
imputeKNN <- function (data, k = 10, distance = "euclidean", = TRUE, rm.nan = TRUE, rm.inf = TRUE) {
if (!(is.matrix(data))) {
stop(message = paste(deparse(substitute(data)),
" is not a matrix.", sep = ""))
distance <- match.arg(distance, c("euclidean","correlation"))
nr <- dim(data)[1]
if (k < 1 | k > nr) {
stop(message = "k should be between 1 and the number of rows")
if (distance=="correlation"){
imp.knn <- data
imp.knn[is.finite(data) == FALSE] <- NA<-t(data)
mv.ind <- which(, arr.ind = TRUE)
arrays <- unique(mv.ind[, 2])
array.ind <- match(arrays, mv.ind[, 2])
ngenes <- 1:nr
for (i in 1:length(arrays)) {
set <- array.ind[i]:min((array.ind[(i + 1)] - 1), dim(mv.ind)[1],
na.rm = TRUE)
cand.genes <- ngenes[-unique(mv.ind[set, 1])]
cand.vectors <-[,cand.genes]
exp.num<- arrays[i]
for (j in set) {
gene.num <- mv.ind[j, 1]
tar.vector <- data[gene.num,]
r <- cor(cand.vectors,tar.vector, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
dist <- switch(distance,
euclidean = sqrt(colMeans((tar.vector-cand.vectors)^2, na.rm = TRUE)),
correlation = 1 - r)
dist[is.nan(dist) |]<-Inf
dist[dist==0]<-ifelse(is.finite(min(dist[dist>0])), min(dist[dist>0])/2, 1)
if (sum(is.finite(dist)) < k) {
stop(message = "Fewer than K finite distances found")
k.genes.ind <- order(dist)[1:k]
k.genes <- cand.genes[k.genes.ind]
wghts <- 1/dist[k.genes.ind]/sum(1/dist[k.genes.ind])
imp.knn[gene.num, exp.num] <- wghts %*% data[k.genes, exp.num]
if (distance=="correlation") {
imp.knn <- (imp.knn * genesd) + genemeans
if (! {
imp.knn[ == TRUE & is.nan(data) == FALSE] <- NA
if (!rm.inf) {
index <- is.finite(data) == FALSE & == FALSE &
is.nan(data) == FALSE
imp.knn[index] <- data[index]
if (!rm.nan) {
imp.knn[is.nan(data) == TRUE] <- NaN
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