## checkOutliers Method
function(obj) standardGeneric("checkOutliers"))
setMethod("checkOutliers", signature(obj="RGList"),
function(obj) {
## Detect outliers outside range of mean +/- two std deviations
## Returns indexes of outlying observations in each channel (R,Rb and G,Gb)
sdR <- apply(obj$R, 1, sd)
sdG <- apply(obj$G, 1, sd)
meR <- rowMeans(obj$R)
meG <- rowMeans(obj$G)
sdRb <- apply(obj$Rb, 1, sd)
sdGb <- apply(obj$Gb, 1, sd)
meRb <- rowMeans(obj$Rb)
meGb <- rowMeans(obj$Gb)
Rout <- which(meR + 2.665*sdR < apply(obj$R, 1, max))
Rbout <- which(meRb + 2.665*sdRb < apply(obj$Rb, 1, max))
Gout <- which(meG + 2.665*sdG < apply(obj$G, 1, max))
Gbout <- which(meGb + 2.665*sdGb < apply(obj$Gb, 1, max))
return(list(Rout=Rout, Rbout=Rbout, Gout=Gout, Gbout=Gbout))
## checkMVs Method
function(obj) standardGeneric("checkMVs"))
setMethod("checkMVs", signature(obj="RGList"),
function(obj) { <- which(apply(obj$R, 1, function(y) any( <- which(apply(obj$Rb, 1, function(y) any( <- which(apply(obj$G, 1, function(y) any( <- which(apply(obj$Gb, 1, function(y) any(
## filterArray Method
function(obj, ... ) standardGeneric("filterArray"))
setMethod("filterArray", signature(obj="RGList"),
function(obj, keep, frac, number, reps) {
## Keeping everything in toKeep
## 'valid' values have text in 'keep' AND
## have fg levels > frac*bg in at least 'number' samples
## 1. Text Filter
## NOTE - need to document that text filter is based on 'genes$Name' ...
toKeep.txt <- unique(unlist(sapply(keep, function(x) grep(x, obj$genes$Name))))
## 2. Background Filter
pass <- matrix(obj$R > frac*obj$Rb & obj$G > frac*obj$Gb, ncol=ncol(obj)) <- which(rowSums(pass) >= number)
toKeep <- intersect(toKeep.txt,
reducedSet <- obj[toKeep,]
## Third filter step (keep only probes with at least 'reps' replicates)
replicates <- table(reducedSet$genes$Gene)
gene.list <- as.numeric(attr(replicates, "dimnames")[[1]])[replicates>=reps]
reducedSet <- reducedSet[reducedSet$genes$Gene %in% gene.list,]
## Methods for lattice plots
## Need for densityplot and levelplot
## One for 'RGList', another for 'list' (with each item in list as 'RGList' object)
## densityplot
setGeneric("densityplot", function(x, data, ...)
## densityplot - class 'RGList'
setMethod("densityplot", signature(x="RGList", data = "missing"),
function (x, channel=c("G", "R"), group=NULL, subset=NULL, ... ) {
channel <- match.arg(channel)
log2 <-[[channel]]))
## need to add condition in case 'group' is NULL
if (!is.null(group)) {
log2$group <- x$genes[[group]]
if (!is.null(subset)) {
log2 <- log2[log2$group%in%subset,]
log2$group <- factor(log2$group)
if (is.null(group)) {
form <- as.formula(paste(" ~ `", paste(names(log2)[-ncol(log2)], collapse = "` + `"), "`", sep=""))
} else {
form <- as.formula(paste(" ~ `", paste(names(log2)[-ncol(log2)], collapse = "` + `"),
"` | ", "group", sep=""))
xlabtext <- ifelse(channel == "G",
"log2 Expression of Green (Control) Channel",
"log2 Expression of Red (Experimental) Channel")
ylab = "Estimated Density",
xlab = xlabtext, ... )
## densityplot - class 'list'
## Method for list of either MAList or NChannelSet objects
setMethod("densityplot", signature(x="list", data = "missing"),
function (x, channel=c("G", "R"), group=NULL, subset=NULL, ... ) {
channel <- match.arg(channel)
classes <- sapply(x, class)
if (any(!classes%in%c("MAList", "NChannelSet"))) {
stop("Items in list need to be either class 'MAList' or 'NChannelSet'")
idx1 <- which(classes=="MAList")
idx2 <- which(classes=="NChannelSet")
res <- vector("list", length(x))
res[idx1] <- lapply(x[idx1], function(x) log2(RG.MA(x)[[channel]]))
res[idx2] <- lapply(x[idx2], function(x) assayData(x)[[channel]])
## assayData() already stored as log2 values
nlog2 <-, res))
## Normalization
if(!is.null(names(x))) {
nlog2$normalization <- rep(names(x), sapply(x, nrow))
nlog2$normalization <- factor(nlog2$normalization, levels=names(x))
} else {
nnames <- paste("Normalization", 1:length(x), sep="")
nlog2$normalization <- factor(rep(nnames, sapply(x, nrow)))
## need to add condition in case 'group' is NULL
if (!is.null(group)) {
res <- vector("list", length(x))
res[idx1] <- lapply(x[idx1], function(x) x$genes[[group]])
res[idx2] <- lapply(x[idx2], function(x) pData(featureData(x))[[group]])
nlog2$group <- unlist(res)
if (!is.null(subset)) {
nlog2 <- nlog2[nlog2$group%in%subset,]
nlog2$group <- factor(nlog2$group)
if (is.null(group)) {
form <- as.formula(paste(" ~ `", paste(names(nlog2)[1:ncol(x[[1]])], collapse = "` + `"),
"` | ", "normalization", sep=""))
} else {
form <- as.formula(paste(" ~ `", paste(names(nlog2)[1:ncol(x[[1]])], collapse = "` + `"),
"` | ", "group + normalization", sep=""))
xlabtext <- ifelse(channel == "G",
"log2 Expression of Green (Control) Channel",
"log2 Expression of Red (Experimental) Channel")
res <- densityplot(form,
ylab = "Estimated Density",
xlab = xlabtext, ... )
## if (!is.null(group))
## res <- useOuterStrips(res)
## levelplot
setGeneric("levelplot", function(x, data, ...)
## levelplot - class 'RGList'
## Use 'levelplot' in lattice with separation by type of probe
## Input can be a multi-dimensional array w/3rd dimension giving
## conditioning variable (here probe type)
setMethod("levelplot", signature(x="RGList", data = "missing"),
function (x, channel=c("G", "R"), group=NULL, subset=NULL, ... ) {
channel <- match.arg(channel)
nc <- ncol(x)
log2 <-[[channel]]))
if (!is.null(group)) {
log2$group <- x$genes[[group]]
if (!is.null(subset)) {
log2 <- log2[log2$group%in%subset,]
log2$group <- factor(log2$group)
if(!is.null(group)) {
ngrps <- nlevels(log2$group)
dist.array <- array(NA, dim = c(nc, nc, ngrps))
dimnames(dist.array) <- list(colnames(x), colnames(x), levels(log2$group))
} else {
dist.array <- array(NA, dim = c(nc, nc))
dimnames(dist.array) <- list(colnames(x), colnames(x))
if (!is.null(group)) {
for (i in 1:nc) {
for (j in 1:nc) {
for (k in 1:ngrps) {
idx <- which(log2$group == levels(log2$group)[k])
dist.array[i,j,k] <- median(abs(log2[idx, i] - log2[idx, j]))
diag(dist.array[,,k]) <- NA ## no color for diagonals
} else {
for (i in 1:nc) {
for (j in 1:nc) {
dist.array[i,j] <- median(abs(log2[, i] - log2[, j]))
diag(dist.array) <- NA ## no color for diagonals
res <- levelplot(dist.array,
xlab = "Median of absolute differences in log2 expression",
ylab="", ... )
## levelplot - class 'list'
## Method for list of either MAList or NChannelSet objects
## take out 'group' and 'subset' arguments
setMethod("levelplot", signature(x="list", data = "missing"),
function (x, channel=c("G", "R"), order=NULL, ... ) {
channel <- match.arg(channel)
classes <- sapply(x, class)
if (any(!classes%in%c("MAList", "NChannelSet"))) {
stop("Items in list need to be either class 'MAList' or 'NChannelSet'")
idx1 <- which(classes=="MAList")
idx2 <- which(classes=="NChannelSet")
log2 <- vector("list", length(x))
## condition on whether reordered
if(is.null(order)) {
log2[idx1] <- lapply(x[idx1], function(x) log2(RG.MA(x)[[channel]]))
log2[idx2] <- lapply(x[idx2], function(x) assayData(x)[[channel]])
} else {
log2[idx1] <- lapply(x[idx1], function(x) log2(RG.MA(x)[[channel]][,order]))
log2[idx2] <- lapply(x[idx2], function(x) assayData(x)[[channel]][,order])
## assayData() already stored as log2 values
nc <- ncol(log2[[1]])
ngrps <- length(x)
dist.array <- array(NA, dim = c(nc, nc, ngrps))
if(is.null(order)) {
cnames <- colnames(log2[[1]])
} else {
cnames <- colnames(log2[[1]])[order]
if(is.null(names(x))) {
nnames <- paste("Normalization", 1:length(x))
} else {
nnames <- names(x)
dimnames(dist.array) <- list(cnames, cnames, nnames)
for (i in 1:nc) {
for (j in 1:nc) {
for (k in 1:ngrps) {
dist.array[i,j,k] <- median(abs(log2[[k]][,i] - log2[[k]][, j]), na.rm=TRUE)
diag(dist.array[,,k]) <- NA ## no color for diagonals
res <- levelplot(dist.array,
xlab = "Median of absolute differences in log2 expression",
ylab="", ... )
## MADvsMedianPlot - uses xyplot in lattice
setGeneric("MADvsMedianPlot", function(x, ...)
## MADvsMedianPlot - class 'list'
## Method for list of either MAList or NChannelSet objects
setMethod("MADvsMedianPlot", signature(x="list"),
function (x, channel=c("G", "R"), group=NULL, subset=NULL, ... ) {
channel <- match.arg(channel)
classes <- sapply(x, class)
if (any(!classes%in%c("MAList", "NChannelSet"))) {
stop("Items in list need to be either class 'MAList' or 'NChannelSet'")
idx1 <- which(classes=="MAList")
idx2 <- which(classes=="NChannelSet")
res <- vector("list", length(x))
res[idx1] <- lapply(x[idx1], function(x) log2(RG.MA(x)[[channel]]))
res[idx2] <- lapply(x[idx2], function(x) assayData(x)[[channel]])
## assayData() already stored as log2 values
## nlog2 <-, res))
MADs <- sapply(res, function(x) apply(x, 1, mad))
medians <- sapply(res, function(x) apply(x, 1, median))
if (!is.null(names(x))) {
colnames(MADs) <- colnames(medians) <- names(x)
} else {
colnames(MADs) <- paste("Normalization", 1:length(x), sep="")
## stack this result into single data frame
res.df <- stack(
names(res.df) <- c("MAD", "Method")
res.df$Medians <- stack($values
## need to add condition in case 'group' is NULL
if (!is.null(group)) {
res <- vector("list", length(x))
res[idx1] <- lapply(x[idx1], function(x) x$genes[[group]])
res[idx2] <- lapply(x[idx2], function(x) pData(featureData(x))[[group]])
res.df$group <- unlist(res)
if (!is.null(subset)) {
res.df <- res.df[res.df$group%in%subset,]
res.df$group <- factor(res.df$group)
if (!is.null(group)) {
res <- xyplot(MAD ~ Medians | Method, data=res.df, groups = group, auto.key=TRUE, ...)
} else {
res <- xyplot(MAD ~ Medians | Method, data=res.df, ...)
## MAplot - uses xyplot in lattice
## Note other packages have versions of 'MAplot'
## which may be superior (affy, ... )
setGeneric("MAplot", function(x, ...)
## MAPlot - class 'MAList'
setMethod("MAplot", signature(x="MAList"),
function (x, ... ) {
res.df <- stack($A))
names(res.df) <- c("A", "array")
res.df$M <- stack($M))$values
xyplot(M ~ A | array, data=res.df,
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, col="black", ...)
panel.loess(x, y, col="red", lwd=2, ...)
}, ... )
## MAPlot - class 'NChannelSet'
setMethod("MAplot", signature(x="NChannelSet"),
function (x, ... ) {
x.Mvals <- (assayData(x)$R - assayData(x)$G)
x.Avals <- (assayData(x)$R + assayData(x)$G)
res.df <- stack(
names(res.df) <- c("A", "array")
res.df$M <- stack($values
xyplot(M ~ A | array, data=res.df,
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, col="black", ...)
panel.loess(x, y, col="red", lwd=2, ...)
}, ... )
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