
Defines functions interaction_model_quant_rlm interaction_model_quant_zeroinfl interaction_model_zeroinfl interaction_model_rlm interaction_model_output get_triplet_data interaction_quant_model_no_results interaction_all_model_no_results interaction_model

Documented in interaction_model

#' @title Fits linear models with interaction to triplet data (Target, TF, DNAm), where DNAm
#' is a binary variable (samples in Q1 or Q4)
#' @description Evaluates regulatory potential of DNA methylation (DNAm) on gene expression,
#' by fitting robust linear model or zero inflated negative binomial model to triplet data.
#' These models consist of terms to model direct effect of DNAm on target gene expression,
#' direct effect of TF on gene expression, as well as an interaction term that evaluates
#' the synergistic effect of DNAm and TF on gene expression.
#' @param triplet Data frame with columns for DNA methylation region (regionID), TF  (TF), and target gene  (target)
#' @param dnam DNA methylation matrix or SummarizedExperiment object
#' (columns: samples in the same order as \code{exp} matrix, rows: regions/probes)
#' @param exp A matrix or SummarizedExperiment object object
#'  (columns: samples in the same order as \code{dnam},
#' rows: genes represented by ensembl IDs (e.g. ENSG00000239415))
#' @param cores Number of CPU cores to be used. Default 1.
#' @param tf.activity.es A matrix with normalized enrichment scores for each TF across all samples
#' to be used in linear models instead of TF gene expression. See \code{\link{get_tf_ES}}.
#' @param sig.threshold Threshold to filter significant triplets.
#' Select if interaction.pval < 0.05 or pval.dnam <0.05 or pval.tf < 0.05 in binary model
#' @param fdr Uses fdr when using sig.threshold.
#' Select if interaction.fdr < 0.05 or fdr.dnam <0.05 or fdr.tf < 0.05 in binary model
#' @param filter.correlated.tf.exp.dnam  If wilcoxon test of TF expression Q1 and Q4 is significant (pvalue < 0.05),
#' triplet will be removed.
#' @param filter.triplet.by.sig.term Filter significant triplets ?
#' Select if interaction.pval < 0.05 or pval.dnam <0.05 or pval.tf < 0.05 in binary model
#' @param stage.wise.analysis A boolean indicating if stagewise analysis should be performed
#' to correct for multiple comparisons. If set to FALSE FDR analysis is performed.
#' @param verbose A logical argument indicating if
#' messages output should be provided.
#' @return A dataframe with \code{Region, TF, target, TF_symbo, target_symbol, estimates and P-values},
#' after fitting robust linear models or zero-inflated negative binomial models (see Details above).
#' Model considering DNAm values as a binary variable generates \code{quant_pval_metGrp},
#' \code{quant_pval_rna.tf}, \code{quant_pval_metGrp.rna.tf},
#' \code{quant_estimates_metGrp}, \code{quant_estimates_rna.tf}, \code{quant_estimates_metGrp.rna.tf}.
#' \code{Model.interaction} indicates which model (robust linear model or zero inflated model)
#' was used to fit Model 1, and \code{Model.quantile} indicates which model(robust linear model or zero
#' inflated model) was used to fit Model 2.
#'@details This function fits the linear model
#' \code{log2(RNA target) ~ log2(TF) + DNAm + log2(TF) * DNAm}
#' to triplet data as follow:
#' Model by considering \code{DNAm} as a binary variable - we defined a binary group for
#' DNA methylation values (high = 1, low = 0). That is, samples with the highest
#' DNAm levels (top 25 percent) has high = 1, samples with lowest
#' DNAm levels (bottom 25 percent) has high = 0. Note that in this
#' implementation, only samples with DNAm values in the first and last quartiles
#' are considered.
#' In these models, the term \code{log2(TF)} evaluates direct effect of TF on
#' target gene expression, \code{DNAm} evaluates direct effect of DNAm on target
#' gene expression, and \code{log2(TF)*DNAm} evaluates synergistic effect of DNAm
#' and TF, that is, if TF regulatory activity is modified by DNAm.
#' There are two implementations of these models, depending on whether there are an excessive
#' amount (i.e. more than 25 percent) of samples with zero counts in RNAseq data:
#' \itemize{
#' \item When percent of zeros in RNAseq data is less than
#' 25 percent, robust linear models are implemented using \code{rlm} function from \code{MASS} package. This
#' gives outlier gene expression values reduced weight. We used \code{"psi.bisqure"}
#' option in function \code{rlm} (bisquare weighting,
#' https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/dae/robust-regression/).
#' \item When percent of zeros in RNAseq data is more than 25 percent, zero inflated negative binomial models
#' are implemented using \code{zeroinfl} function from \code{pscl} package. This assumes there are
#' two processes that generated zeros (1) one where the counts are always zero
#' (2) another where the count follows a negative binomial distribution.
#' }
#' To account for confounding effects from covariate variables, first use the \code{get_residuals} function to obtain
#' RNA or DNAm residual values which have covariate effects removed, then fit interaction model. Note that no
#' log2 transformation is needed when \code{interaction_model} is applied to residuals data.
#' Note that only triplets with TF expression not significantly different in high vs. low
#' methylation groups will be evaluated (Wilcoxon test, p > 0.05).
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' dnam <- runif(20,min = 0,max = 1) %>%
#'   matrix(ncol = 1) %>%  t
#' rownames(dnam) <- c("chr3:203727581-203728580")
#' colnames(dnam) <- paste0("Samples",1:20)
#' exp.target <-  runif(20,min = 0,max = 10) %>%
#'   matrix(ncol = 1) %>%  t
#' rownames(exp.target) <- c("ENSG00000232886")
#' colnames(exp.target) <- paste0("Samples",1:20)
#' exp.tf <- runif(20,min = 0,max = 10) %>%
#'   matrix(ncol = 1) %>%  t
#' rownames(exp.tf) <- c("ENSG00000232888")
#' colnames(exp.tf) <- paste0("Samples",1:20)
#' exp <- rbind(exp.tf, exp.target)
#' triplet <- data.frame(
#'    "regionID" =  c("chr3:203727581-203728580"),
#'    "target" = "ENSG00000232886",
#'    "TF" = "ENSG00000232888"
#' results <- interaction_model(triplet, dnam, exp)
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom MASS rlm psi.bisquare
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise filter_at contains vars any_vars pull filter
interaction_model <- function(
    cores = 1,
    tf.activity.es = NULL,
    sig.threshold = 0.05,
    fdr = TRUE,
    filter.correlated.tf.exp.dnam = TRUE,
    filter.triplet.by.sig.term = TRUE,
    stage.wise.analysis = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE

    if (stage.wise.analysis) check_package("stageR")

    if (missing(dnam)) stop("Please set dnam argument with DNA methylation matrix")
    if (missing(exp)) stop("Please set exp argument with gene expression matrix")

    if (is(dnam,"SummarizedExperiment")) dnam <- assay(dnam)
    if (is(exp,"SummarizedExperiment")) exp <- assay(exp)

    check_data(dnam, exp)

    if (!all(grepl("ENSG", rownames(exp)))) {
        stop("exp must have the following row names as ENSEMBL IDs (i.e. ENSG00000239415)")

    if (missing(triplet)) stop("Please set triplet argument with interactors (region,TF, target gene) data frame")

    if (!all(c("regionID","TF","target") %in% colnames(triplet))) {
        stop("triplet must have the following columns names: regionID, TF, target")

     if(verbose)  message("Removing genes with RNA expression equal to 0 for all samples from triplets")
    exp <- filter_genes_zero_expression_all_samples(exp)

     if(verbose)  message("Removing triplet with no DNA methylation information for more than 25% of the samples")
    regions.keep <- (rowSums(is.na(dnam)) < (ncol(dnam) * 0.75)) %>% which %>% names
    dnam <- dnam[regions.keep,,drop = FALSE]

    triplet <- triplet %>% dplyr::filter(
        .data$target %in% rownames(exp) &
            .data$regionID %in% rownames(dnam)

    if (!is.null(tf.activity.es)) {

        if (!all(grepl("^ENSG", rownames(tf.activity.es)))) {
            rownames(tf.activity.es) <- map_symbol_to_ensg(rownames(tf.activity.es))

        triplet <- triplet %>% dplyr::filter(
            .data$TF %in% rownames(tf.activity.es)

    } else {
        triplet <- triplet %>% dplyr::filter(
            .data$TF %in% rownames(exp)

    # Remove cases where target is also the TF if it exists
    triplet <- triplet %>% dplyr::filter(
        .data$TF != .data$target

    if (nrow(triplet) == 0) {
        stop("We were not able to find the same rows from triple in the data, please check the input.")

    triplet$TF_symbol <- map_ensg_to_symbol(triplet$TF)
    triplet$target_symbol <- map_ensg_to_symbol(triplet$target)
     if(verbose)  message("Evaluating ", nrow(triplet), " triplets")

    parallel <- register_cores(cores)

    ret <- plyr::adply(
        .data = triplet,
        .margins = 1,
        .fun = function(

            data <- get_triplet_data(
                exp = exp,
                dnam = dnam,
                row.triplet = row.triplet,
                tf.es = tf.activity.es

            quant.met <-  quantile(data$met,na.rm = TRUE)
            quant.diff <- data.frame("met.IQR" = quant.met[4] - quant.met[2])

            low.cutoff <- quant.met[2]
            upper.cutoff <- quant.met[4]

            data.high.low <- data %>% filter(.data$met <= low.cutoff | .data$met >= upper.cutoff)
            data.high.low$metGrp <- ifelse(data.high.low$met <= low.cutoff, 0, 1)

            # pct.zeros.in.samples <- sum(data$rna.target == 0, na.rm = TRUE) / nrow(data)

                # Add information to filter TF if differenly expressed between DNAm high and DNAm low groups
                wilcoxon.tf.q4met.vs.q1met <- wilcox.test(
                    data.high.low %>% filter(.data$metGrp == 1) %>% pull(.data$rna.tf),
                    data.high.low %>% filter(.data$metGrp == 0) %>% pull(.data$rna.tf),
                    exact = FALSE

                # Add information to filter Target if differently expressed between DNAm high and DNAm low groups
                wilcoxon.target.q4met.vs.q1met <- wilcox.test(
                    data.high.low %>% filter(.data$metGrp == 1) %>% pull(.data$rna.target),
                    data.high.low %>% filter(.data$metGrp == 0) %>% pull(.data$rna.target),
                    exact = FALSE

            pct.zeros.in.quant.samples <- sum(
                data.high.low$rna.target == 0,
                na.rm = TRUE) / nrow(data.high.low)

            if (pct.zeros.in.quant.samples > 0.25) {
                itx.quant <- interaction_model_quant_zeroinfl(data.high.low)
            } else {
                itx.quant <- interaction_model_quant_rlm(data.high.low)

            # Create output
                wilcoxon.target.q4met.vs.q1met = wilcoxon.target.q4met.vs.q1met,
                wilcoxon.tf.q4met.vs.q1met = wilcoxon.tf.q4met.vs.q1met
        .progress = "time",
        .parallel = parallel,
        .inform = TRUE,
        .paropts = list(.errorhandling = 'pass')

    if (stage.wise.analysis) {
         if(verbose)  message("Performing Stage wise correction for triplets")
        ret <- calculate_stage_wise_adjustment(ret)
    } else {
         if(verbose)  message("Performing FDR correction for triplets p-values per region")
        ret <- calculate_fdr_per_region_adjustment(ret)

    if (filter.triplet.by.sig.term) {
         if(verbose)   message("Filtering results to have interaction, TF or DNAm significant")

        if (fdr) {
            if (!stage.wise.analysis) {
                ret <- ret %>% filter_at(vars(contains("quant_fdr")), any_vars(. < sig.threshold))
            } else {
                ret <- ret %>% filter_at(vars(contains("quant_triplet_stage_wise_")), any_vars(. < sig.threshold))
        } else {
            ret <- ret %>% filter_at(vars(contains("quant_pval")), any_vars(. < sig.threshold))

    # Since we used enrichment scores in the linear model
    # we will rename the output
    if (!is.null(tf.activity.es)) {
        colnames(ret) <- gsub("rna.tf","es.tf",colnames(ret))

    if (filter.correlated.tf.exp.dnam) {
         if(verbose)  message("Filtering results to wilcoxon test TF Q1 vs Q4 not significant")
        ret <- ret %>% dplyr::filter(.data$Wilcoxon_pval_tf_q4met_vs_q1met > sig.threshold)


interaction_all_model_no_results <- function(){
        "pval_met" = NA,
        "pval_rna.tf" = NA,
        "pval_met:rna.tf" = NA,
        "estimate_met" = NA,
        "estimate_rna.tf" = NA,
        "estimate_met:rna.tf" = NA
    ) %>% as.data.frame()

interaction_quant_model_no_results <- function(){
        "quant_pval_metGrp" = NA,
        "quant_pval_rna.tf" = NA,
        "quant_pval_metGrp:rna.tf" = NA,
        "quant_estimate_metGrp" = NA,
        "quant_estimate_rna.tf" = NA,
        "quant_estimate_metGrp:rna.tf" = NA
    ) %>% as.data.frame()

get_triplet_data <- function(
    rna.target <- exp[rownames(exp) == row.triplet$target, , drop = FALSE]
    met <- dnam[rownames(dnam) == as.character(row.triplet$regionID), ]

    if (!is.null(tf.es)) {
        rna.tf <- tf.es[rownames(tf.es) == row.triplet$TF, , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        rna.tf <- exp[rownames(exp) == row.triplet$TF, , drop = FALSE]

    data <- data.frame(
        rna.target = rna.target %>% as.numeric,
        met = met %>% as.numeric,
        rna.tf = rna.tf %>% as.numeric

interaction_model_output <- function(
    # itx.all,
    if (is.null(itx.quant)) itx.quant <- interaction_quant_model_no_results()

            "Model quantile" =
                ifelse(pct.zeros.in.quant.samples > 0.25,
                       "Zero-inflated Negative Binomial Model",
                       "Robust Linear Model"
            "Wilcoxon_pval_target_q4met_vs_q1met" = wilcoxon.target.q4met.vs.q1met,
            "Wilcoxon_pval_tf_q4met_vs_q1met" = wilcoxon.tf.q4met.vs.q1met
        "% of 0 target genes (Q1 and Q4)" = paste0(round(pct.zeros.in.quant.samples * 100,digits = 2)," %")

interaction_model_rlm <- function(data){
    rlm.bisquare <- tryCatch({
        # 2) fit linear model: target RNA ~ DNAm + RNA TF
            rna.target ~ met + rna.tf + rna.tf * met,
            data = data,
            psi = MASS::psi.bisquare,
            maxit = 100
        ) %>% summary %>% coef %>% data.frame
    }, error = function(e) {
        # message("Continuous model: ", e)

    # if (is.null(rlm.bisquare)) return(interaction_model_no_results())
    if (is.null(rlm.bisquare)) return(interaction_all_model_no_results())
    # if (is.null(rlm.bisquare)) return(NULL)

    if (!"met:rna.tf" %in% rownames(rlm.bisquare)) {
        rlm.bisquare <- rbind(
                row.names = "met:rna.tf",
                "Value" = NA,
                "Std..Error" = NA,
                "t.value" = NA

    degrees.freedom.value <- nrow(data) - 4
    rlm.bisquare$pval <- 2 * (1 - pt( abs(rlm.bisquare$t.value), df = degrees.freedom.value) )

    all.pval <- rlm.bisquare[-1,4,drop = FALSE] %>% t %>% as.data.frame()
    colnames(all.pval) <- paste0("pval_",colnames(all.pval))

    all.estimate <- rlm.bisquare[-1,1,drop = FALSE] %>% t %>% as.data.frame()
    colnames(all.estimate) <- paste0("estimate_",colnames(all.estimate))
    return(cbind(all.pval, all.estimate))

#' @importFrom pscl zeroinfl
interaction_model_zeroinfl <- function(data){
    zinb <- tryCatch({
                trunc(rna.target) ~ met + rna.tf + rna.tf * met | 1,
                data = data,
                dist = "negbin",
                EM = FALSE) %>% summary %>% coef
    }, error = function(e) {
        # message("Continuous model: ", e)
    if (is.null(zinb)) return(interaction_all_model_no_results())

    zinb <- zinb$count %>% data.frame

    all.pval <- zinb[c(-1,-5),4,drop = FALSE] %>% t %>% as.data.frame()
    colnames(all.pval) <- paste0("pval_",colnames(all.pval))

    all.estimate <- zinb[c(-1,-5),1,drop = FALSE] %>% t %>% as.data.frame()
    colnames(all.estimate) <- paste0("estimate_",colnames(all.estimate))
    return(cbind(all.pval, all.estimate))

interaction_model_quant_zeroinfl <- function(data){
    zinb.quant <- tryCatch({
                trunc(rna.target) ~ metGrp + rna.tf + metGrp * rna.tf | 1,
                data = data,
                dist = "negbin",
                EM = FALSE
            ) %>% summary %>% coef
    }, error = function(e) {
        # message("Continuous model: ", e)
    if (is.null(zinb.quant)) return(interaction_quant_model_no_results())

    zinb.quant <- zinb.quant$count %>% data.frame
    quant.pval <- zinb.quant[c(-1,-5),4,drop = FALSE] %>%
        t %>%
    colnames(quant.pval) <- paste0("quant_pval_",colnames(quant.pval))

    quant.estimate <- zinb.quant[c(-1,-5),1,drop = FALSE] %>%
        t %>%
    colnames(quant.estimate) <- paste0("quant_estimate_",colnames(quant.estimate))

    return(cbind(quant.pval, quant.estimate))

interaction_model_quant_rlm <- function(data){
    rlm.bisquare.quant <- tryCatch({
                rna.target ~ metGrp + rna.tf + metGrp * rna.tf,
                data = data,
                psi = MASS::psi.bisquare,
                maxit = 100
            ) %>% summary %>% coef %>% data.frame
    }, error = function(e) {
        #message("Binary model: ", e)

    if (is.null(rlm.bisquare.quant)) return(interaction_quant_model_no_results())

    # if the interaction is NA, it is removed from the data frame,
    # we have to re add it
    if (!"metGrp:rna.tf" %in% rownames(rlm.bisquare.quant)) {
        rlm.bisquare.quant <- rbind(
                row.names = "metGrp:rna.tf",
                "Value" = NA,
                "Std..Error" = NA,
                "t.value" = NA

    degrees.freedom.value <- nrow(data) - 4
    rlm.bisquare.quant$pval <- 2 * (1 - pt( abs(rlm.bisquare.quant$t.value),
                                            df = degrees.freedom.value) )

    quant.pval <- rlm.bisquare.quant[-1,4,drop = FALSE] %>%
        t %>%
    colnames(quant.pval) <- paste0("quant_pval_",colnames(quant.pval))

    quant.estimate <- rlm.bisquare.quant[-1,1,drop = FALSE] %>%
        t %>%
    colnames(quant.estimate) <- paste0("quant_estimate_",colnames(quant.estimate))

    return(cbind(quant.pval, quant.estimate))

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