# This file is revised from the lmerTest package for R
## Create rho vector containing info about mixed model ##################
#' @importFrom lme4 fixef getME
#' @importFrom stats sigma
#' @keywords internal
.rhoInit <- function(rho, model, change.contr = FALSE, = NULL)
rho$model <- .updateModel(model, =, change.contr = change.contr)
rho$model <- model
rho$fixEffs <- lme4::fixef(rho$model)
rho$sigma <- stats::sigma(rho$model)
rho$thopt <- lme4::getME(rho$model, "theta")
## returns Lc %*% vcov as a function of theta parameters %*% t(Lc)
#' @importFrom lme4 isGLMM isLMM fixef
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @keywords internal
.vcovLThetaL <- function(fm) {
stopifnot(is(fm, "merMod"))
np <- length(fm@pp$theta)
nf <- length(lme4::fixef(fm))
if (!lme4::isGLMM(fm))
np <- np + 1L
ff2 <- .updateModel(fm, devFunOnly = TRUE)
envff2 <- environment(ff2)
if (lme4::isLMM(fm)) {
ans <- function(Lc, thpars) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(thpars), length(thpars) == np)
sigma2 <- thpars[np]^2
vcov_unscaled <- tcrossprod(envff2$pp$RXi())
vcov_out <- sigma2 * vcov_unscaled
return(list(varcor = as.matrix(Lc %*% as.matrix(vcov_out) %*% t(Lc)),
unscaled.varcor = vcov_unscaled,
sigma2 = sigma2))
class(ans) <- ".vcovLThetaL"
## calculate gradient
#' @keywords internal
.mygrad <- function(fun, x, delta = 1e-4,
method = c("central", "forward", "backward"), ...)
method <- match.arg(method)
nx <- length(x)
if(method %in% c("central", "forward")) {
Xadd <- matrix(rep(x, nx), nrow=nx, byrow=TRUE) + diag(delta, nx)
fadd <- apply(Xadd, 1, fun, ...)
if(method %in% c("central", "backward")) {
Xsub <- matrix(rep(x, nx), nrow=nx, byrow=TRUE) - diag(delta, nx)
fsub <- apply(Xsub, 1, fun, ...) ## eval.parent perhaps?
res <- switch(method,
"forward" = (fadd - fun(x, ...)) / delta,
"backward" = (fun(x, ...) - fsub) / delta,
"central" = (fadd - fsub) / (2 * delta)
## devfun function as a function of optimal parameters
#' @importFrom stats formula getCall terms update.formula
#' @keywords internal
.updateModel <- function(object, = NULL, ..., change.contr = FALSE) {
if (is.null(call <- getCall(object)))
stop("object should contain a 'call' component")
extras <- = FALSE)$...
if (!is.null(
call$formula <- update.formula(formula(object),
if(any(grepl("sample", call))){
call <- as.list(call)[-which(names(as.list(call)) %in% c("data", "subset"))]
call[["data"]] <- quote(model.frame(object))
if (length(extras) > 0) {
existing <- !, names(call)))
for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
if (any(!existing)) {
call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
mm <- model.matrix(object)
contr <- attr(mm,"contrasts")
## change contrasts for F tests calculations
## list of contrasts for factors
if(change.contr && length(which(unlist(contr)!="contr.SAS")) > 0)
names.facs <- names(contr)
l.lmerTest.private.contrast <- as.list(rep("contr.SAS",length(names.facs)))
names(l.lmerTest.private.contrast) <- names(contr)
call[["contrasts"]] <- l.lmerTest.private.contrast
else if(!is.null(contr)){
call[["contrasts"]] <- contr[names(contr) %in% attr(terms(call$formula),"term.labels")]
call <-
ff <- environment(formula(object))
pf <- parent.frame() ## save parent frame in case we need it
sf <- sys.frames()[[1]]
ff2 <- environment(object)
tryCatch(eval(call, envir=ff),
error=function(e) {
tryCatch(eval(call, envir=sf),
error=function(e) {
tryCatch(eval(call, envir=pf),
error=function(e) {
eval(call, envir=ff2)
#' # retired fuction (2020.12.17)#############################################
#' ## calculates asymptotic variance covariance matrix of variance parameters based on theta
#' #############################################
#' #' @keywords internal
#' .calcApvar <- function(rho){
#' ## based on theta parameters and sigma
#' dd <- .devfunTheta(rho$model)
#' h <- .myhess(dd, c(rho$thopt, sigma = rho$sigma))
#' ch <- try(chol(h), silent=TRUE)
#' if(inherits(ch, "try-error")) {
#' return(rho)
#' }
#' A <- 2*chol2inv(ch)
#' eigval <- eigen(h, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values
#' isposA <- TRUE
#' if(min(eigval) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) ## tol ~ sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
#' isposA <- FALSE
#' if(!isposA)
#' print("Asymptotic covariance matrix A is not positive!")
#' A
#' }
#' #############################################
#' ## devfun function as a function of optimal parameters
#' #############################################
#' #' @importFrom lme4 isGLMM isLMM getME
#' #' @importFrom methods is
#' #' @keywords internal
#' .devfunTheta <- function(fm)
#' {
#' stopifnot(is(fm, "merMod"))
#' np <- length(fm@pp$theta)
#' nf <- length(fixef(fm))
#' if (!lme4::isGLMM(fm))
#' np <- np + 1L
#' n <- nrow(fm@pp$V)
#' ff <- .updateModel(fm, devFunOnly = TRUE)
#' reml <- lme4::getME(fm, "is_REML")
#' envff <- environment(ff)
#' if (lme4::isLMM(fm)) {
#' ans <- function(thpars) {
#' stopifnot(is.numeric(thpars), length(thpars) == np)
#' ff(thpars[-np])
#' sigsq <- thpars[np]^2
#' dev <- envff$pp$ldL2() + (envff$resp$wrss() + envff$pp$sqrL(1))/sigsq + n * log(2 * pi * sigsq)
#' if(reml){
#' p <- ncol(envff$pp$RX())
#' dev <- dev + 2*determinant(envff$pp$RX())$modulus - p * log(2 * pi * sigsq)
#' }
#' return(dev)
#' }
#' }
#' attr(ans, "thopt") <- fm@pp$theta
#' class(ans) <- ".devfunTheta"
#' ans
#' }
#' #############################################
#' ## calculate hessian matrix
#' #############################################
#' #' @keywords internal
#' .myhess <- function(fun, x, fx=NULL, delta=1e-4, ...) {
#' nx <- length(x)
#' fx <- if(!is.null(fx)) fx else fun(x, ...)
#' H <- array(NA, dim=c(nx, nx))
#' for(j in 1:nx) {
#' ## Diagonal elements:
#' xadd <- xsub <- x
#' xadd[j] <- x[j] + delta
#' xsub[j] <- x[j] - delta
#' H[j, j] <- (fun(xadd, ...) - 2 * fx +
#' fun(xsub, ...)) / delta^2
#' ## Upper triangular (off diagonal) elements:
#' for(i in 1:nx) {
#' if(i >= j) break
#' xaa <- xas <- xsa <- xss <- x
#' xaa[c(i, j)] <- x[c(i, j)] + c(delta, delta)
#' xas[c(i, j)] <- x[c(i, j)] + c(delta, -delta)
#' xsa[c(i, j)] <- x[c(i, j)] + c(-delta, delta)
#' xss[c(i, j)] <- x[c(i, j)] - c(delta, delta)
#' H[i, j] <- (fun(xaa, ...) - fun(xas, ...) -
#' fun(xsa, ...) + fun(xss, ...)) /
#' (4 * delta^2)
#' }
#' }
#' ## Fill in lower triangle:
#' H[lower.tri(H)] <- t(H)[lower.tri(H)]
#' H
#' }
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