## make contrast matrix for pairwise comparisons
#' @keywords internal
.makeContrast <- function(groups) {
ncomp <- length(groups) * (length(groups) - 1) / 2 # Number of comparison
contrast.matrix <- matrix(rep(0, length(groups) * ncomp), ncol = length(groups))
colnames(contrast.matrix) <- groups
count <- 0
contrast.matrix.rownames <- NULL
for(j in seq_len(length(groups)-1)){
for(k in (j+1):length(groups)){
count <- count + 1
# save row name
contrast.matrix.rownames <- c(contrast.matrix.rownames, paste(groups[j], groups[k], sep = "-"))
# set constrast value
contrast.matrix[count, groups[j]] <- 1
contrast.matrix[count, groups[k]] <- -1
rownames(contrast.matrix) <- contrast.matrix.rownames
## check single subject within each condition in each mixture
#' @keywords internal
.checkSingleSubject <- function(annotation) {
temp <- unique(annotation[, c("Mixture", "Group", "Subject")])
temp$Group <- factor(temp$Group)
temp$Mixture <- factor(temp$Mixture)
temp1 <- xtabs(~ Mixture+Group, data=temp)
singleSubject <- all(temp1 <= "1")
## check .checkTechReplicate
#' @keywords internal
.checkTechReplicate <- function(annotation) {
temp <- unique(annotation[, c("Mixture", "Run")])
temp$Mixture <- factor(temp$Mixture)
temp1 <- xtabs(~ Mixture, data=temp)
TechReplicate <- all(temp1 != "1")
## check whether there are multiple biological mixtures
#' @keywords internal
.checkMulBioMixture <- function(annotation) {
temp <- unique(annotation[, "Mixture"])
temp <- as.vector(as.matrix(temp))
## check whether there is only single run
#' @keywords internal
.checkSingleRun <- function(annotation) {
temp <- unique(annotation[, "Run"])
temp <- as.vector(as.matrix(temp))
## fit the full model with mixture, techrep and subject effects
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the whole plot and subplot model if the data has
#' multiple mixtures, multiple technical replicate runs per mixture and biological variation
fit_full_model <- function(data) {
fit <- suppressMessages(try(lmerTest::lmer(Abundance ~ 1 + (1|Mixture) + (1|Mixture:TechRepMixture) + # whole plot
Group + #subplot
(1|Subject:Group:Mixture), data = data), TRUE))
## fit the reduced model with run and subject effects
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the whole plot and subplot model if the data has
#' single mixture with multiple technical replicate runs
fit_reduced_model_techrep <- function(data) {
fit <- suppressMessages(try(lmerTest::lmer(Abundance ~ 1 + (1|Run) + # whole plot
Group + #subplot
(1|Subject:Group), data = data), TRUE))
## fit the reduced model with mixture and techrep effects
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the whole plot and subplot model if the data has no biological variation,
#' multiple mixtures with multiple technical replicate runs
fit_full_model_spikedin <- function(data) {
fit <- suppressMessages(try(lmerTest::lmer(Abundance ~ 1 + (1|Mixture) + (1|Mixture:TechRepMixture)
+ Group, data = data), TRUE))
## fit the reduced with only run effect
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the whole plot and subplot model if the data has no biological variation,
#' multiple mixtures or multiple technical replicate runs
#' or if the data has multiple mixtures but single technical replicate MS run
fit_reduced_model_mulrun <- function(data) {
fit <- suppressMessages(try(lmerTest::lmer(Abundance ~ 1 + (1|Run) + Group, data = data), TRUE))
## fit one-way anova model
#' @importFrom lmerTest lmer
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the whole plot and subplot model if the data has single run
fit_reduced_model_onerun <- function(data) {
fit <- suppressMessages(try(lm(Abundance ~ 1 + Group, data = data), TRUE))
## fit the proper linear model for each protein
#' @importFrom lme4 fixef
#' @import lmerTest
#' @importFrom stats vcov
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @keywords internal
#' fit the proper linear model for each protein
.linear.model.fitting <- function(data){
Abundance <- Group <- Protein <- NULL
data$Protein <- as.character(data$Protein) ## make sure protein names are character
proteins <- as.character(unique(data$Protein)) ## proteins
num.protein <- length(proteins)
linear.models <- list() # linear models
s2.all <- NULL # sigma^2
s2_df.all <- NULL # degree freedom of sigma^2
pro.all <- NULL # testable proteins
coeff.all <- list() # coefficients
message(paste0("Model fitting for ", num.protein , " proteins:"))
pb <- txtProgressBar(max=num.protein, style=3)
## do inference for each protein individually
for(i in seq_along(proteins)) {
#message(paste("Model fitting for Protein :", proteins[i] , "(", i, " of ", num.protein, ")"))
sub_data <- data %>% dplyr::filter(Protein == proteins[i]) ## data for protein i
# sub_groups <- as.character(unique(sub_data$Group))
# if(length(sub_groups) == 1){
# stop("Only one condition!")
# }
## Record the annotation information
sub_annot <- unique(sub_data[, c('Run', 'Channel', 'Subject',
'Group', 'Mixture', 'TechRepMixture')])
## check the experimental design
sub_singleSubject <- .checkSingleSubject(sub_annot)
sub_TechReplicate <- .checkTechReplicate(sub_annot)
sub_bioMixture <- .checkMulBioMixture(sub_annot)
sub_singleRun <- .checkSingleRun(sub_annot)
if(sub_singleSubject){ # no biological variation within each condition and mixture
if(sub_TechReplicate & sub_bioMixture){ # multiple mixtures and technical replicates
# fit the full model with mixture and techrep effects for spiked-in data
fit <- fit_full_model_spikedin(sub_data)
if(inherits(fit, "try-error")){ # full model is not applicable
# fit the reduced model with only run effect
fit <- fit_reduced_model_mulrun(sub_data)
if(inherits(fit, "try-error")){ # the second model is not applicable
# fit one-way anova model
fit <- fit_reduced_model_onerun(sub_data)
} else{
if(sub_TechReplicate | sub_bioMixture){ # multiple mixtures or multiple technical replicates
# fit the reduced model with only run effect
fit <- fit_reduced_model_mulrun(sub_data)
if(inherits(fit, "try-error")){ # the second model is not applicable
# fit one-way anova model
fit <- fit_reduced_model_onerun(sub_data)
} else{ # single run case
# fit one-way anova model
fit <- fit_reduced_model_onerun(sub_data)
} else{ # biological variation exists within each condition and mixture
if (sub_bioMixture) { # multiple biological mixtures
if (sub_TechReplicate) { # multiple technical replicate MS runs
# fit the full model with mixture, techrep, subject effects
fit <- fit_full_model(sub_data)
if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")){ # full model is not applicable
# fit the reduced model with run and subject effects
fit <- fit_reduced_model_techrep(sub_data)
if(inherits(fit, "try-error")){ # full model is not applicable
# fit the reduced model with only run effect
fit <- fit_reduced_model_mulrun(sub_data)
if(inherits(fit, "try-error")){ # second model is not applicable
# fit one-way anova model
fit <- fit_reduced_model_onerun(sub_data)
} else { # single technical replicate MS run
# fit the reduced model with only run effect
fit <- fit_reduced_model_mulrun(sub_data)
if(inherits(fit, "try-error")){ # second model is not applicable
# fit one-way anova model
fit <- fit_reduced_model_onerun(sub_data)
} else { # single biological mixture
if (sub_TechReplicate) { # multiple technical replicate MS runs
# fit the reduced model with run and subject effects
fit <- fit_reduced_model_techrep(sub_data)
if(inherits(fit, "try-error")){ # second model is not applicable
# fit one-way anova model
fit <- fit_reduced_model_onerun(sub_data)
} else { # single run
# fit one-way anova model
fit <- fit_reduced_model_onerun(sub_data)
} # single technical replicate MS run
} # single biological mixture
} # biological variation
## estimate variance and df from linear models
if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")){ # the model is fittable
if(inherits(fit, "lm")){# single run case
## Estimate the coeff from fixed model
av <- anova(fit)
coeff <- coef(fit)
s2_df <- av["Residuals", "Df"]
if(s2_df == 0){
s2 <- 0
} else{
# use error variance for testing
s2 <- av["Residuals", "Mean Sq"]
linear.models[[proteins[i]]] <- fit
} else{
av <- anova(fit)
coeff <- lme4::fixef(fit)
s2_df <- av$DenDF
s2 <- av$'Mean Sq'/av$'F value'
linear.models[[proteins[i]]] <- fit
pro.all <- c(pro.all, proteins[i])
s2.all <- c(s2.all, s2)
s2_df.all <- c(s2_df.all, s2_df)
coeff.all[[proteins[i]]] <- coeff
} else{ # the model is not fittble
# message(proteins[i], " is untestable due to no enough measurements.")
linear.models[[proteins[i]]] <- fit
pro.all <- c(pro.all, proteins[i])
s2.all <- c(s2.all, NA)
s2_df.all <- c(s2_df.all, NA)
coeff.all[[proteins[i]]] <- NA
## progress
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
} # for each protein
names(s2.all) <- proteins
names(s2_df.all) <- proteins
return(list(protein = pro.all,
model = linear.models,
s2 = s2.all,
s2_df = s2_df.all,
coeff = coeff.all))
## check the reason for results with NA
#' @keywords internal
#' check the possible reason for untestable comparison
.issue.checking <- function(data,
## choose each comparison
contrast.matrix.sub <- contrast.matrix
# groups in the sub data
sub_groups <- as.character(unique(data$Group))
# groups with positive coefficients
positive.groups <- names(contrast.matrix.sub)[contrast.matrix.sub>0]
# groups with negative coefficients
negative.groups <- names(contrast.matrix.sub)[contrast.matrix.sub<0]
if(is.null(positive.groups) | is.null(negative.groups)){
stop("Please check the contrast.matrix.
Each row must have both positive and negative values,
and their sum must be 1!")
if(any(positive.groups %in% sub_groups) &
any(negative.groups %in% sub_groups)){
logFC = NA
issue = "unfittableModel"
} else{
# more than one condition
if(all(!positive.groups %in% sub_groups) &
any(negative.groups %in% sub_groups)){
logFC = (-Inf)
issue = "oneConditionMissing"
} else{
if(any(positive.groups %in% sub_groups) &
all(!negative.groups %in% sub_groups)){
logFC = Inf
issue = "oneConditionMissing"
} else{
logFC = NA
issue = "completeMissing"
return(list(logFC = logFC, issue = issue))
## make constrast
# MSstats
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @importFrom lme4 fixef
#' @keywords internal
.make.contrast.single <- function(fit, contrast, sub_data) {
## when there are some groups which are all missing
sub_groups <- as.character(unique(sub_data$Group))
# groups with positive coefficients
positive.groups <- names(contrast)[contrast>0]
# groups with negative coefficients
negative.groups <- names(contrast)[contrast<0]
# if some groups not exist in the protein data
if(!(all(positive.groups %in% sub_groups) &
all(negative.groups %in% sub_groups))){
contrast.single <- contrast[sub_groups]
## tune the coefficients of positive groups so that their summation is 1
temp <- contrast.single[contrast.single > 0]
temp <- temp*(1/sum(temp, na.rm = TRUE))
contrast.single[contrast.single > 0] <- temp
## tune the coefficients of positive groups so that their summation is 1
temp2 <- contrast.single[contrast.single < 0]
temp2 <- temp2*abs(1/sum(temp2, na.rm = TRUE))
contrast.single[contrast.single < 0] <- temp2
## set the coefficients of non-existing groups to zero
contrast[] <- 0
contrast[sub_groups] <- contrast.single
if (inherits(fit, "lm")) {
coef_name <- names(stats::coef(fit))
} else {
coef_name <- names(lme4::fixef(fit))
## intercept
temp <- coef_name[grep("Intercept", coef_name)]
intercept_c <- rep(0, length(temp))
names(intercept_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
intercept_c <- NULL
## group
temp <- coef_name[grep("Group", coef_name)]
tempcontrast <- contrast[sub_groups]
group_c <- tempcontrast[gsub("Group", "", temp)]
names(group_c) <- temp
if (length(temp) == 0) {
## combine all
newcontrast <- c(intercept_c, group_c)
if(inherits(fit, "lm")) {
contrast1 <- newcontrast[!]
} else {
contrast1 <- newcontrast[!]
# retired fuction (2020.04.13)
# #############################################
# ## get the unscaled covariance matrix
# #############################################
# # statOmics, MSqRob hurdle model
# # Created 2020
# .getVcovUnscaled <- function(model){
# if(inherits(fixed.model, "lm")){
# vcov <- summary(model)$cov.unscaled
# } else{
# p <- ncol(lme4::getME(model,"X"))
# q <- nrow(lme4::getME(model,"Zt"))
# Ct <- rbind2(t(lme4::getME(model,"X")),lme4::getME(model,"Zt"))
# Ginv <- Matrix::solve(Matrix::tcrossprod(lme4::getME(model,"Lambda"))+Matrix::Diagonal(q,1e-18))
# vcovInv <- Matrix::tcrossprod(Ct)
# vcovInv[((p+1):(q+p)),((p+1):(q+p))] <- vcovInv[((p+1):(q+p)),((p+1):(q+p))]+Ginv
# #remove rows with only zeros, making it uninvertible
# defined <- rowSums(as.matrix(vcovInv==0))!=ncol(vcovInv)
# defined[] <- TRUE
# vcovInv <- vcovInv[defined, defined, drop=FALSE]
# #Estimated variance-covariance matrix vcov:
# vcov <- tryCatch(as.matrix(Matrix::solve(vcovInv)), error=function(e){
# return(vcovInv*NA)
# })
# rownames(vcov) <- colnames(vcovInv)
# colnames(vcov) <- rownames(vcovInv)
# }
# return(vcov)
# }
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