# Call flag_noninf_data() function as follows:
# annotatedData <- flag_noninf_data(processedData)
## feature selection module
#' @importFrom MASS rlm
#' @import tidyr
#' @import dplyr
#' @import purrr
#' @import stringr
#' @import broom
#' @importFrom stats qbinom
#' @importFrom utils data
## Wrapper to fit robust linear model for one protein
#' @keywords internal
fit_prot_huber <- function(df_prot) {
fit <- rlm(log2inty ~ run + feature, data = df_prot, scale.est = "Huber")
## Calculate feature variance with data from broom::augment
#' @keywords internal
calc_fvar <- function(augmented_data, s_resid, rm_olr = FALSE, tol = 3) {
select <- dplyr::select
v_resid <- s_resid ^ 2
if (rm_olr) {
augmented_data <- augmented_data %>%
mutate(is_olr = abs(.resid / s_resid) > tol) %>%
varfeature <- augmented_data %>%
mutate(resid_null = log2inty - mean(log2inty)) %>%
group_by(feature) %>%
nb_run = n(),
svar_feature = sum(.resid ^ 2) / (nb_run - 1) / v_resid,
svar_ref = sum(resid_null ^ 2) / (nb_run - 1) / v_resid
) %>%
select(feature, svar_feature, svar_ref)
## Flag outlier with data from broom::augment
#' @keywords internal
flag_outlier <- function(augmented_data, s_resid, tol = 3, keep_run = FALSE) {
select <- dplyr::select
outlier <- augmented_data %>%
mutate(is_olr = abs(.resid / s_resid) > tol) %>%
select(run, feature, is_olr)
# To keep runs from being completely removed
if (keep_run) {
uncovered_run <- outlier %>%
group_by(run) %>%
filter(all(is_olr)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Handle uncovered runs below
if (nrow(uncovered_run) > 0) {
outlier <- bind_rows(
outlier %>% anti_join(uncovered_run),
outlier %>% semi_join(uncovered_run) %>% mutate(is_olr = FALSE)
## Flag uninformative features and outliers
## Annotate processed data with two additional columns
## - feature_quality: ["Uninformative"|"Informative"]
## - is_outlier: [TRUE|FALSE]
#' @keywords internal
flag_noninf_data <- function(processedData) {
select <- dplyr::select
# Convert to the working format
# df_allftr <- processedData %>%
# select(
# protein = PROTEIN,
# peptide = PEPTIDE,
# feature = FEATURE,
# run = originalRUN,
# label = LABEL,
# log2inty = ABUNDANCE,
# is_censored = censored
# ) %>%
# mutate(
# is_obs = !( | is_censored),
# log2inty = ifelse(is_obs, log2inty, NA),
# protein = as.character(protein),
# peptide = as.character(peptide),
# feature = as.character(feature),
# run = as.character(run),
# label = as.character(label)
# )
if ("censored" %in% names(processedData)) {
df_allftr <- processedData %>%
protein = PROTEIN,
peptide = PEPTIDE,
feature = FEATURE,
run = originalRUN,
label = LABEL,
log2inty = ABUNDANCE,
is_censored = censored
} else {
df_allftr <- processedData %>%
protein = PROTEIN,
peptide = PEPTIDE,
feature = FEATURE,
run = originalRUN,
label = LABEL,
log2inty = ABUNDANCE
) %>%
mutate(is_censored = FALSE)
df_allftr <- df_allftr %>%
is_obs = !( | is_censored),
log2inty = ifelse(is_obs, log2inty, NA),
protein = as.character(protein),
peptide = as.character(peptide),
feature = as.character(feature),
run = as.character(run),
label = as.character(label)
# Is the dataset from a labeled experiment?
is_labeled <- any(df_allftr$label == "H")
all_label <- unique(df_allftr$label)
# Process H/L channels separately
df_rmftr <- vector("list", length(all_label))
df_rmpk <- vector("list", length(all_label))
for (l in seq_along(all_label)) {
lab <- all_label[l]
df_onelab <- df_allftr %>% filter(label == lab)
message(paste0("Analyzing features in ", lab, " channel..."))
# In heavy channel, only positive peaks are used for modeling
if (lab == "H") {
df_onelab <- df_onelab %>% filter(log2inty > 0)
# Singleton (unreplicated) or undetectable features
ftr_unrep <- df_onelab %>%
group_by(protein, feature) %>%
filter(sum(is_obs) <= 1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
distinct(protein, feature)
# Remove singleton or undetectable features & uncovered runs
df_onelab <- df_onelab %>%
anti_join(ftr_unrep) %>%
group_by(protein, run) %>%
filter(any(is_obs)) %>%
# Coverage of each feature
obs_protein <- df_onelab %>%
group_by(protein) %>%
nb_run = n_distinct(run),
nb_feature = n_distinct(feature),
nb_obs = sum(is_obs)
) %>%
mutate(nb_full = nb_run * nb_feature, pi_obs = nb_obs / nb_full) %>%
mutate(min_obs = qbinom(0.01, nb_run, pi_obs))
# Nested data frame
nested_prot <- df_onelab %>%
select(protein, run, peptide, feature, log2inty, is_obs) %>%
group_by(protein) %>%
nested_prot <- nested_prot %>%
left_join(obs_protein %>% select(protein, min_obs))
# Coverage
message("Identifying low-coverage features...")
list_cover <- vector("list", length = nrow(nested_prot))
for (i in seq_along(list_cover)) {
augdata <- nested_prot$data[[i]] %>%
group_by(feature) %>%
mutate(is_lowcvr = sum(is_obs) < nested_prot$min_obs[i]) %>%
nested_prot$data[[i]] <- augdata
list_cover[[i]] <- augdata %>% distinct(feature, is_lowcvr)
nested_prot$cover_feature <- list_cover
# List of low-coverage features
ftr_lowcvr <- nested_prot %>%
unnest(cover_feature) %>%
filter(is_lowcvr) %>%
distinct(protein, feature)
# Keep proteins with at least 3 good-coverage features
is_ftreff <- map_lgl(nested_prot$cover_feature, ~sum(!(.$is_lowcvr)) > 2)
nested_prot <- nested_prot[is_ftreff, ]
# Robust linear model (NB: non-converged models are not used)
message("Fitting robust linear models...")
list_sdata <- map(nested_prot$data, ~filter(., !is_lowcvr))
fit <- list_sdata %>% map(possibly(quietly(fit_prot_huber), NULL))
is_failed <- map_lgl(fit, is.null)
nested_prot <- nested_prot[!is_failed, ]
fit <- fit[!is_failed] %>% transpose()
is_warned <- !map_lgl(fit$warnings, is_empty)
nested_prot$rlm_fit <- fit$result
nested_prot <- nested_prot %>%
slice(which(!(is_warned))) %>%
mutate(df_resid = map_dbl(rlm_fit, ~summary(.)$df[2])) %>%
mutate(s_resid = map_dbl(rlm_fit, ~summary(.)$sigma))
rm(list = c("list_sdata", "fit", "is_failed", "is_warned"))
# Extract variances and degrees of freedom
var_protein <- nested_prot %>%
select(protein, s_resid, df_resid) %>%
mutate(var_resid = s_resid ^ 2) %>%
filter(!, df_resid > 0)
# Shrinkage variance estimation with limma
eb_fit <- limma::squeezeVar(var_protein$var_resid, var_protein$df_resid, robust = TRUE)
var_protein <- var_protein %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(var_resid_eb = eb_fit$ %>%
mutate(s_resid_eb = sqrt(var_resid_eb))
nested_prot <- nested_prot %>%
left_join(var_protein %>% dplyr::select(protein, s_resid_eb))
# Feature variance and outlier detection
message("Identifying outliers and calculating feature variances...")
list_var <- vector("list", nrow(nested_prot))
for (i in seq_along(list_var)) {
s_eb <- nested_prot$s_resid_eb[i]
if (! & !all($rlm_fit[[i]]$residuals))) {
augdata <- nested_prot$rlm_fit[[i]] %>% augment()
if (lab == "L") {
list_var[[i]] <- calc_fvar(augdata, s_eb, rm_olr = TRUE)
nested_prot$data[[i]] <- suppressMessages(
nested_prot$data[[i]] %>%
left_join(flag_outlier(augdata, s_eb, keep_run = FALSE)) %>%
mutate(is_olr = ifelse(, FALSE, is_olr))
} else {
# No outlier detection in heavy channel; all measurements for calculation
list_var[[i]] <- calc_fvar(augdata, s_eb, rm_olr = FALSE)
nested_prot$data[[i]] <- nested_prot$data[[i]] %>% mutate(is_olr = FALSE)
} else {
nested_prot$data[[i]] <- nested_prot$data[[i]] %>% mutate(is_olr = FALSE)
nested_prot$var_feature <- list_var
# Noisy features
allfvar <- nested_prot %>%
filter(! %>%
select(protein, var_feature) %>%
fvar_cut <- quantile(allfvar$svar_ref, 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)
ftr_hivar <- allfvar %>% filter(svar_feature > fvar_cut) %>% distinct(protein, feature)
# Combine unreplicated, low-coverage, and noisy features
df_rmftr[[l]] <- bind_rows(ftr_hivar, ftr_lowcvr, ftr_unrep) %>%
select(protein, feature) %>%
mutate(label = lab)
# Outliers
df_rmpk[[l]] <- nested_prot %>%
unnest(data) %>%
filter(is_olr) %>%
select(protein, run, feature) %>%
mutate(label = lab)
message(paste0("Outlier detection and feature selection in ", lab, " channel are completed"))
df_rmftr <- bind_rows(df_rmftr)
df_rmpk <- bind_rows(df_rmpk)
# Non-positive peaks in heavy channel are considered as outliers
if (is_labeled) {
df_rmpk <- bind_rows(
df_allftr %>%
filter(label == "H", log2inty <= 0) %>%
select(protein, run, feature, label)
# Annotate feature and peak qualities with 2 additional columns
df_rmftr <- df_rmftr %>%
rename(PROTEIN = protein, FEATURE = feature, LABEL = label)
df_rmpk <- df_rmpk %>%
rename(PROTEIN = protein, originalRUN = run, FEATURE = feature, LABEL = label)
annotatedData <- bind_rows(
suppressWarnings(processedData %>% semi_join(df_rmftr) %>% mutate(feature_quality = "Uninformative")),
suppressWarnings(processedData %>% anti_join(df_rmftr) %>% mutate(feature_quality = "Informative"))
annotatedData <- bind_rows(
suppressWarnings(annotatedData %>% semi_join(df_rmpk) %>% mutate(is_outlier = TRUE)),
suppressWarnings(annotatedData %>% anti_join(df_rmpk) %>% mutate(is_outlier = FALSE))
## Flag uninformative features and outliers
## Annotate processed data with two additional columns
## - feature_quality: ["Uninformative"|"Informative"]
## - is_outlier: [TRUE|FALSE]
#' @keywords internal
flag_noninf_data_nbftr <- function(processedData) {
select <- dplyr::select
### [TEST] ###
min_ftr <- 2
### [TEST] ###
# Convert to the working format
# df_allftr <- processedData %>%
# select(
# protein = PROTEIN,
# peptide = PEPTIDE,
# feature = FEATURE,
# run = originalRUN,
# label = LABEL,
# log2inty = ABUNDANCE,
# is_censored = censored
# ) %>%
# mutate(
# is_obs = !( | is_censored),
# log2inty = ifelse(is_obs, log2inty, NA),
# protein = as.character(protein),
# peptide = as.character(peptide),
# feature = as.character(feature),
# run = as.character(run),
# label = as.character(label)
# )
if ("censored" %in% names(processedData)) {
df_allftr <- processedData %>%
protein = PROTEIN,
peptide = PEPTIDE,
feature = FEATURE,
run = originalRUN,
label = LABEL,
log2inty = ABUNDANCE,
is_censored = censored
} else {
df_allftr <- processedData %>%
protein = PROTEIN,
peptide = PEPTIDE,
feature = FEATURE,
run = originalRUN,
label = LABEL,
log2inty = ABUNDANCE
) %>%
mutate(is_censored = FALSE)
df_allftr <- df_allftr %>%
is_obs = !( | is_censored),
log2inty = ifelse(is_obs, log2inty, NA),
protein = as.character(protein),
peptide = as.character(peptide),
feature = as.character(feature),
run = as.character(run),
label = as.character(label)
# Is the dataset from a labeled experiment?
is_labeled <- any(df_allftr$label == "H")
all_label <- unique(df_allftr$label)
# Process H/L channels separately
df_rmftr <- vector("list", length(all_label))
df_rmpk <- vector("list", length(all_label))
for (l in seq_along(all_label)) {
lab <- all_label[l]
df_onelab <- df_allftr %>% filter(label == lab)
message(paste0("Analyzing features in ", lab, " channel..."))
# In heavy channel, only positive peaks are used for modeling
if (lab == "H") {
df_onelab <- df_onelab %>% filter(log2inty > 0)
# Singleton (unreplicated) or undetectable features
ftr_unrep <- df_onelab %>%
group_by(protein, feature) %>%
filter(sum(is_obs) <= 1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
distinct(protein, feature)
# Remove singleton or undetectable features & uncovered runs
df_onelab <- df_onelab %>%
anti_join(ftr_unrep) %>%
group_by(protein, run) %>%
filter(any(is_obs)) %>%
### [TEST] ###
# Proteins with sufficient features to be analyzed
prot_nbftr <- df_onelab %>%
group_by(protein) %>%
summarise(nb_feature = n_distinct(feature)) %>%
filter(nb_feature > min_ftr)
df_onelab <- df_onelab %>%
### [TEST] ###
# Coverage of each feature
obs_protein <- df_onelab %>%
group_by(protein) %>%
nb_run = n_distinct(run),
nb_feature = n_distinct(feature),
nb_obs = sum(is_obs)
) %>%
mutate(nb_full = nb_run * nb_feature, pi_obs = nb_obs / nb_full) %>%
mutate(min_obs = qbinom(0.01, nb_run, pi_obs))
# Nested data frame
nested_prot <- df_onelab %>%
select(protein, run, peptide, feature, log2inty, is_obs) %>%
group_by(protein) %>%
nested_prot <- nested_prot %>%
left_join(obs_protein %>% select(protein, min_obs))
# Coverage
message("Identifying low-coverage features...")
list_cover <- vector("list", length = nrow(nested_prot))
for (i in seq_along(list_cover)) {
augdata <- nested_prot$data[[i]] %>%
group_by(feature) %>%
mutate(is_lowcvr = sum(is_obs) < nested_prot$min_obs[i]) %>%
nested_prot$data[[i]] <- augdata
list_cover[[i]] <- augdata %>% distinct(feature, is_lowcvr)
nested_prot$cover_feature <- list_cover
# List of low-coverage features
ftr_lowcvr <- nested_prot %>%
unnest(cover_feature) %>%
filter(is_lowcvr) %>%
distinct(protein, feature)
# Keep proteins with at least 3 good-coverage features
### [TEST] ###
is_ftreff <- map_lgl(nested_prot$cover_feature, ~sum(!(.$is_lowcvr)) > min_ftr)
# is_ftreff <- map_lgl(nested_prot$cover_feature, ~sum(!(.$is_lowcvr)) > 2)
### [TEST] ###
nested_prot <- nested_prot[is_ftreff, ]
# Robust linear model (NB: non-converged models are not used)
message("Fitting robust linear models...")
list_sdata <- map(nested_prot$data, ~filter(., !is_lowcvr))
fit <- list_sdata %>% map(possibly(quietly(fit_prot_huber), NULL))
is_failed <- map_lgl(fit, is.null)
nested_prot <- nested_prot[!is_failed, ]
fit <- fit[!is_failed] %>% transpose()
is_warned <- !map_lgl(fit$warnings, is_empty)
nested_prot$rlm_fit <- fit$result
nested_prot <- nested_prot[!is_warned, ]
nested_prot <- nested_prot %>%
mutate(df_resid = map_dbl(rlm_fit, ~summary(.)$df[2])) %>%
mutate(s_resid = map_dbl(rlm_fit, ~summary(.)$sigma))
# nested_prot %>%
# slice(which(!(is_warned))) %>%
# mutate(df_resid = map_dbl(rlm_fit, ~summary(.)$df[2])) %>%
# mutate(s_resid = map_dbl(rlm_fit, ~summary(.)$sigma))
rm(list = c("list_sdata", "fit", "is_failed", "is_warned"))
# Extract variances and degrees of freedom
var_protein <- nested_prot %>%
select(protein, s_resid, df_resid) %>%
mutate(var_resid = s_resid ^ 2) %>%
filter(!, df_resid > 0)
# Shrinkage variance estimation with limma
eb_fit <- limma::squeezeVar(var_protein$var_resid, var_protein$df_resid, robust = TRUE)
var_protein <- var_protein %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(var_resid_eb = eb_fit$ %>%
mutate(s_resid_eb = sqrt(var_resid_eb))
nested_prot <- nested_prot %>%
left_join(var_protein %>% select(protein, s_resid_eb))
# Feature variance and outlier detection
message("Identifying outliers and calculating feature variances...")
list_var <- vector("list", nrow(nested_prot))
for (i in seq_along(list_var)) {
s_eb <- nested_prot$s_resid_eb[i]
if (! {
augdata <- nested_prot$rlm_fit[[i]] %>% augment()
if (lab == "L") {
list_var[[i]] <- calc_fvar(augdata, s_eb, rm_olr = TRUE)
nested_prot$data[[i]] <- suppressMessages(
nested_prot$data[[i]] %>%
left_join(flag_outlier(augdata, s_eb, keep_run = FALSE)) %>%
mutate(is_olr = ifelse(, FALSE, is_olr))
} else {
# No outlier detection in heavy channel; all measurements for calculation
list_var[[i]] <- calc_fvar(augdata, s_eb, rm_olr = FALSE)
nested_prot$data[[i]] <- nested_prot$data[[i]] %>% mutate(is_olr = FALSE)
} else {
nested_prot$data[[i]] <- nested_prot$data[[i]] %>% mutate(is_olr = FALSE)
nested_prot$var_feature <- list_var
# Noisy features
allfvar <- nested_prot %>%
filter(! %>%
select(protein, var_feature) %>%
fvar_cut <- quantile(allfvar$svar_ref, 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)
ftr_hivar <- allfvar %>% filter(svar_feature > fvar_cut) %>% distinct(protein, feature)
# Combine unreplicated, low-coverage, and noisy features
df_rmftr[[l]] <- bind_rows(ftr_hivar, ftr_lowcvr, ftr_unrep) %>%
select(protein, feature) %>%
mutate(label = lab)
# Outliers
df_rmpk[[l]] <- nested_prot %>%
unnest(data) %>%
filter(is_olr) %>%
select(protein, run, feature) %>%
mutate(label = lab)
message(paste0("Outlier detection and feature selection in ", lab, " channel are completed"))
df_rmftr <- bind_rows(df_rmftr)
df_rmpk <- bind_rows(df_rmpk)
# Non-positive peaks in heavy channel are considered as outliers
if (is_labeled) {
df_rmpk <- bind_rows(
df_allftr %>%
filter(label == "H", log2inty <= 0) %>%
select(protein, run, feature, label)
# Annotate feature and peak qualities with 2 additional columns
df_rmftr <- df_rmftr %>%
rename(PROTEIN = protein, FEATURE = feature, LABEL = label)
df_rmpk <- df_rmpk %>%
rename(PROTEIN = protein, originalRUN = run, FEATURE = feature, LABEL = label)
annotatedData <- bind_rows(
suppressWarnings(processedData %>% semi_join(df_rmftr) %>% mutate(feature_quality = "Uninformative")),
suppressWarnings(processedData %>% anti_join(df_rmftr) %>% mutate(feature_quality = "Informative"))
annotatedData <- bind_rows(
suppressWarnings(annotatedData %>% semi_join(df_rmpk) %>% mutate(is_outlier = TRUE)),
suppressWarnings(annotatedData %>% anti_join(df_rmpk) %>% mutate(is_outlier = FALSE))
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