context("Spectrum class")
test_that("Spectrum validity", {
expect_true(validObject(sp3 <- new("Spectrum2", msLevel = 3L)))
expect_equal(msLevel(sp3), 3L)
test_that("Empty spectrum after trimming/filterrMz", {
int <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 10, 6, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0,
0, 1, 5, 10, 5, 1)
sp <- new("Spectrum2",
intensity = int,
mz = 1:length(int))
expect_warning(emptysp <- filterMz(sp, c(100, 110)))
test_that("Spectrum processing", {
int <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 10, 6, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0,
0, 1, 5, 10, 5, 1)
sp <- new("Spectrum2",
intensity = int,
mz = 1:length(int))
centroided(sp) <- FALSE
## removePeaks
defaultT <- min(intensity(sp)[intensity(sp)>0])
sp2a <- removePeaks(sp)
sp2b <- removePeaks(sp, defaultT)
sp2c <- removePeaks(sp, 3)
expect_true(identical(sp2a, sp2b))
expect_true(identical(sp, sp2b))
expect_false(identical(sp, sp2c))
expect_equal(ionCount(sp), sum(int))
expect_equal(peaksCount(sp2c), peaksCount(sp))
expect_equal(ionCount(sp), 55)
expect_equal(ionCount(sp2c), 45)
## clean
sp3 <- clean(sp)
expect_equal(ionCount(sp), ionCount(sp3))
expect_equal(peaksCount(sp), length(int))
expect_equal(peaksCount(sp3), 23)
sp4 <- trimMz(sp, c(10, 20))
expect_equal(intensity(sp4), int[10:20])
expect_equal(mz(sp4), 10:20)
expect_equal(peaksCount(sp4), length(10:20))
expect_equal(ionCount(sp4), sum(int[10:20]))
test_that("Spectrum normalisation", {
s1 <- new("Spectrum1", mz = 1:5, intensity = 1:5)
s2 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5, intensity = 1:5,
precursorIntensity = 10)
## Spectrum1
## max is default
expect_equal(intensity(normalize(s1)), (1:5) / 5)
expect_equal(intensity(normalise(s1)), (1:5) / 5)
expect_equal(intensity(normalize(s1, method = "max")), (1:5) / 5)
expect_equal(intensity(normalize(s1, method = "sum")), (1:5) / 15)
expect_error(normalize(s1, method = "precursor"), "'arg' should be one of")
## Spectrum2
## max is default
expect_equal(intensity(normalize(s2)), (1:5) / 5)
expect_equal(intensity(normalise(s2)), (1:5) / 5)
expect_equal(intensity(normalize(s2, method = "max")), (1:5) / 5)
expect_equal(intensity(normalize(s2, method = "sum")), (1:5) / 15)
expect_equal(intensity(normalize(s2, method = "precursor")), (1:5) / 10)
expect_equal(intensity(normalize(s2, method = "precursor",
precursorIntensity = 20)), (1:5) / 20)
test_that("Noise estimation", {
s1 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5, intensity = c(1:3, 2:1))
s2 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 3, intensity = 3, centroided = TRUE)
e <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c(), c("mz", "intensity")))
expect_warning(estimateNoise(new("Spectrum2")), "spectrum is empty")
expect_warning(estimateNoise(s2), "only supported for profile spectra")
expect_equal(suppressWarnings(estimateNoise(new("Spectrum2"))), e)
expect_equal(suppressWarnings(estimateNoise(s2)), e)
centroided(s1) <- FALSE
cbind(mz = 1:5, intensity = mad(intensity(s1))))
test_that("Peak picking", {
s1 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5, intensity = c(1:3, 2:1))
s2 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 3, intensity = 3, centroided = TRUE)
expect_warning(pickPeaks(new("Spectrum2")), "spectrum is empty")
expect_equal(suppressWarnings(pickPeaks(s2)), s2)
centroided(s1) <- FALSE
expect_equal(pickPeaks(s1), s2)
expect_equal(pickPeaks(s1, msLevel = 1), s1)
expect_equal(pickPeaks(s1, msLevel = c(2, 3)), s2)
test_that("Spectrum smoothing", {
s1 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5, intensity = c(1:3, 2:1))
s2 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5, intensity = c(2, 2, 2+1/3, 2, 2))
expect_warning(smooth(new("Spectrum2")), "spectrum is empty")
expect_equal(smooth(s1, method = "MovingAverag", halfWindowSize = 1), s2)
expect_equal(smooth(s1, msLevel = 1), s1)
test_that("Spectrum quantification", {
## dummy Spectrum
int <- c(0, 2, 3, 1, 0)
mz <- c(114.11,
sp <- new("Spectrum2",
intensity = int,
mz = mz,
centroided = FALSE)
expect_equal(getCurveWidth(sp, iTRAQ4[1]),
list(lwr = 1, upr = 5))
expect_equal(as.numeric(quantify(sp, "sum", iTRAQ4[1])$peakQuant), 6)
expect_equal(as.numeric(quantify(sp, "max", iTRAQ4[1])$peakQuant), 3)
expect_that(as.numeric(quantify(sp, "trap", iTRAQ4[1])$peakQuant),
equals((0.01 * 2) / 2 +
(0.01 * 2) +
(0.01 * 1) / 2 +
0.01 * 1 +
(0.01 * 2) / 2 +
(0.01 * 0.5) / 2))
## print("Warnings expected because there is not data for
## iTRAQ4[2].") -- not since v1.1.2
expect_true(as.logical(, "sum", iTRAQ4[2])$peakQuant)))
## expect_warning(quantify(sp,"sum",iTRAQ4[2])$peakQuant)
test_that("Spectrum strict quantification", {
## dummy Spectrum
int <- c(0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0)
mz. <- c(113.9,
sp <- new("Spectrum2",
intensity = int,
mz = mz.,
centroided = FALSE)
quantify(sp, "trap", iTRAQ4[1], strict = FALSE)$peakQuant,
(mz.[2] - mz.[1]) * (int[2] - int[1]) / 2 +
(mz.[3] - mz.[2]) * int[3] +
(mz.[4] - mz.[3]) * int[3] +
(mz.[4] - mz.[3]) * (int[4] - int[3]) / 2 +
(mz.[5] - mz.[4]) * int[5] +
(mz.[5] - mz.[4]) * (int[4] - int[5]) / 2 +
(mz.[6] - mz.[5]) * int[6] +
(mz.[7] - mz.[6]) * (int[6] - int[7]) / 2)
## changing width to keep calculation below correct, since
## reporter ions mz changed in commit
## c82c82bd20af5840375abca0f7f41f7f36e8e4ef
iTRAQ4@width <- 0.065
quantify(sp, "trap", iTRAQ4[1], strict = TRUE)$peakQuant ,
(mz.[4] - mz.[3]) * int[3] +
(mz.[4] - mz.[3]) * (int[4] - int[3]) / 2 +
(mz.[5] - mz.[4]) * int[5] +
(mz.[5] - mz.[4]) * (int[4] - int[5]) / 2)
## test_that("breaks_Spectrum", {
## s1 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:4, intensity = 1:4)
## ## issue 191
## expect_equal(MSnbase:::breaks_Spectrum(s1), 1:5)
## expect_equal(MSnbase:::breaks_Spectrum(s1, breaks = 1:2), c(1, 2, 5))
## expect_equal(MSnbase:::breaks_Spectrum(s1, binSize = 2), c(1, 3, 6))
## })
test_that(".fix_breaks works as breaks_Spectra", {
s1 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:4, intensity = 1:4)
s2 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5, intensity = 1:5)
brks <- seq(floor(min(c(mz(s1), mz(s1)))),
ceiling(max(c(mz(s1), mz(s1)))), by = 1)
expect_equal(brks, 1:4)
expect_equal(.fix_breaks(brks, c(1, 4)), 1:5)
brks <- seq(floor(min(c(mz(s1), mz(s2)))),
ceiling(max(c(mz(s1), mz(s2)))), by = 1)
expect_equal(brks, 1:5)
## issue 190
expect_equal(.fix_breaks(brks, c(1, 5)), 1:6)
brks <- seq(floor(min(c(mz(s1), mz(s2)))),
ceiling(max(c(mz(s1), mz(s2)))), by = 2)
expect_equal(brks, c(1, 3, 5))
expect_equal(.fix_breaks(brks, c(1, 6)), c(1, 3, 5, 7))
s3 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:4, intensity = 1:4)
s4 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 11:15, intensity = 1:5)
brks <- seq(floor(min(c(mz(s3), mz(s4)))),
ceiling(max(c(mz(s3), mz(s4)))), by = 1)
expect_equal(brks, 1:15)
expect_equal(.fix_breaks(brks, c(1, 15)), 1:16)
brks <- seq(floor(min(c(mz(s3), mz(s4)))),
ceiling(max(c(mz(s3), mz(s4)))), by = 2)
expect_equal(brks, seq(1, 15, 2))
expect_equal(.fix_breaks(brks, c(1, 15)), seq(1, 17, by=2))
test_that("bin_Spectrum", {
s1 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5, intensity = 1:5)
s2 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5 + 0.1, intensity = 1:5)
r1 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5 + 0.5, intensity = 1:5, tic = 15)
r2 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = c(2, 4, 6), intensity = c(3, 7, 5), tic = 15)
r3 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = c(2, 4, 6), intensity = c(1.5, 3.5, 5), tic = 10)
r31 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = c(2, 4, 6), intensity = c(1.5, 3.5, 5), tic = 10)
r4 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = c(1, 3, 5), intensity = c(1, 5, 9), tic = 15)
expect_equal(bin_Spectrum(s1, binSize = 1), r1)
expect_equal(bin_Spectrum(s1, binSize = 2), r2)
expect_equal(bin_Spectrum(s1, binSize = 2, fun = mean), r3)
expect_equal(bin_Spectrum(s1, breaks = seq(0, 7, by = 2)), r4)
expect_equal(bin_Spectrum(s2, binSize = 1), r1)
expect_equal(bin_Spectrum(s2, binSize = 2, fun = mean), r31)
expect_equal(bin_Spectrum(s2, breaks = seq(0, 7, by = 2)), r4)
test_that("bin_Spectrum - bug fix #ecaaa324505b17ee8c4855806f7e37f14f1b27b8", {
s <- new("Spectrum2", mz = c(1:7, 55, 78, 100), intensity = 1:10)
s2 <- bin(s)
expect_equal(mz(s2), c(seq(1.5, 100.5, 1)))
ires <- rep(0, peaksCount(s2))
ires[peaksCount(s2)] <- intensity(s)[peaksCount(s)]
ires[1:7] <- 1:7
ires[55] <- 8
ires[78] <- 9
expect_equal(intensity(s2), ires)
test_that("bin_Spectra", {
# issue 190
s1 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:4, intensity = 1:4)
s2 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5, intensity = 1:5)
r1 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5 + 0.5, intensity = c(1:4, 0))
r2 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:5 + 0.5, intensity = 1:5)
r3 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = 1:4 + 0.5, intensity = 1:4)
expect_equal(bin_Spectra(s1, s2), list(r1, r2))
expect_equal(bin_Spectra(s1, s1), list(r3, r3))
test_that("removePeaks profile vs centroided", {
int <- c(2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 2, 1)
sp1 <- new("Spectrum2",
intensity = int,
centroided = FALSE,
mz = 1:length(int))
res1 <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
expect_identical(intensity(removePeaks(sp1, 4)), res1)
res2 <- int <- c(104, 57, 32, 33, 118, 76, 38, 39, 52, 140, 52,
88, 394, 71, 408, 94, 2032)
sp2 <- new("Spectrum2",
intensity = int,
centroided = FALSE,
mz = seq_len(length(int)))
expect_identical(intensity(removePeaks(sp2, 500)),
res2[res2 < 500] <- 0
expect_identical(intensity(removePeaks(sp2, 500)),
centroided(sp2) <- TRUE
expect_identical(intensity(removePeaks(sp2, 500)),
test_that("empty spectrum", {
s <- new("Spectrum2")
t <- removePeaks(s, 10)
expect_true(all.equal(s, t))
int <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 10, 6,
2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 5, 10, 5, 1)
sp <- new("Spectrum2",
intensity = int,
mz = 1:length(int))
test_that("show MS1 spectrum", {
f <- dir(system.file("threonine", package = "msdata"),
full.names = TRUE)
x <- readMSData(f, msLevel = 1)
test_that(".spectrum_header works", {
mzf <- mzR::openMSfile(fileNames(tmt_erwinia_on_disk))
hdr <- header(mzf)
sp_1 <- tmt_erwinia_on_disk[[1]]
sp_2 <- tmt_erwinia_on_disk[[2]]
hdr_1 <- MSnbase:::.spectrum_header(sp_1)
hdr_1$seqNum <- 1L
expect_true(all(colnames(hdr) %in% colnames(hdr_1)))
cns <- colnames(hdr)
cns <- cns[!(cns %in% c("basePeakMZ", "basePeakIntensity", "injectionTime",
"filterString", "spectrumId",
"scanWindowLowerLimit", "scanWindowUpperLimit"))]
for (cn in cns)
expect_equal(hdr[1, cn], hdr_1[1, cn])
hdr_2 <- .spectrum_header(sp_2)
hdr_2$seqNum <- 1L
expect_true(all(colnames(hdr) %in% colnames(hdr_2)))
for (cn in cns)
expect_equal(hdr[1, cn], hdr_1[1, cn])
test_that("kNeighbors works", {
## Test the m/z refining method for peak picking/centroiding.
ints <- c(3, 4, 5, 7, 3, 4, 2, 8, 5, 6, 8, 8.1, 4, 5, 6, 3)
mzs <- 1:length(ints) + rnorm(length(ints), mean = 0, sd = 0.1)
plot(mzs, ints, type = "h")
pk_pos <- c(4, 8, 12)
res <- kNeighbors(mzs, ints, peakIdx = pk_pos, k = 1)
points(res[, 1], res[, 2], type = "h", col = "blue")
expect_equal(unname(res[1, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[3:5], ints[3:5]))
expect_equal(unname(res[2, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[7:9], ints[7:9]))
expect_equal(unname(res[3, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[11:13], ints[11:13]))
res <- kNeighbors(mzs, ints, peakIdx = pk_pos, k = 2)
points(res[, 1], res[, 2], type = "h", col = "green")
expect_equal(unname(res[1, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[2:6], ints[2:6]))
expect_equal(unname(res[2, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[6:10], ints[6:10]))
expect_equal(unname(res[3, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[10:14], ints[10:14]))
expect_error(kNeighbors(mz = 3, ints))
test_that("descendPeak works", {
ints <- c(2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 5, 8, 7, 6,
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 4)
mzs <- 1:length(ints) + rnorm(length(ints), mean = 0, sd = 0.1)
plot(mzs, ints, type = "h")
pk_pos <- c(13, 18)
res <- descendPeak(mzs, ints, pk_pos, signalPercentage = 0)
points(res[, 1], res[, 2], type = "h", col = "blue")
expect_equal(unname(res[1, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[11:15], ints[11:15]))
expect_equal(unname(res[2, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[15:26], ints[15:26]))
res <- descendPeak(mzs, ints, pk_pos, signalPercentage = 0,
stopAtTwo = TRUE)
points(res[, 1], res[, 2], type = "h", col = "green")
expect_equal(unname(res[1, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[6:15], ints[6:15]))
expect_equal(unname(res[2, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[15:26], ints[15:26]))
## With signalPercentage
res <- descendPeak(mzs, ints, pk_pos, signalPercentage = 50,
stopAtTwo = TRUE)
points(res[, 1], res[, 2], type = "h", col = "orange")
idx <- 6:15
idx <- idx[ints[idx] > ints[13]/2]
expect_equal(unname(res[1, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[idx], ints[idx]))
idx <- 15:26
idx <- idx[ints[idx] > ints[18]/2]
expect_equal(unname(res[2, 1]), weighted.mean(mzs[idx], ints[idx]))
test_that("pickPeaks,Spectrum works with refineMz", {
## Get one spectrum from the tmt
spctr <- tmt_erwinia_in_mem_ms1[[1]]
centroided(spctr) <- FALSE
mzr <- c(530.9, 531.2)
plot(mz(filterMz(spctr, mz = mzr)), intensity(filterMz(spctr, mz = mzr)),
type = "h")
## plain pickPeaks
spctr_pks <- pickPeaks(spctr)
points(mz(filterMz(spctr_pks, mz = mzr)),
intensity(filterMz(spctr_pks, mz = mzr)),
type = "p", col = "blue")
## Now the same but using a refineMz method.
spctr_kn <- pickPeaks(spctr, refineMz = "kNeighbors", k = 1)
points(mz(filterMz(spctr_kn, mz = mzr)),
intensity(filterMz(spctr_kn, mz = mzr)),
type = "p", col = "red")
## Now the same but using a refineMz method.
spctr_kn <- pickPeaks(spctr, refineMz = "kNeighbors", k = 2)
points(mz(filterMz(spctr_kn, mz = mzr)),
intensity(filterMz(spctr_kn, mz = mzr)),
type = "p", col = "green")
spctr_kn <- pickPeaks(spctr, refineMz = "descendPeak",
signalPercentage = 45)
points(mz(filterMz(spctr_kn, mz = mzr)),
intensity(filterMz(spctr_kn, mz = mzr)),
type = "p", col = "red")
spctr_kn <- pickPeaks(spctr, refineMz = "descendPeak",
signalPercentage = 10, stopAtTwo = TRUE)
points(mz(filterMz(spctr_kn, mz = mzr)),
intensity(filterMz(spctr_kn, mz = mzr)),
type = "p", col = "orange")
## Check if we can call method and refineMz and pass arguments to both
spctr_kn <- pickPeaks(spctr, refineMz = "kNeighbors", k = 1,
method = "SuperSmoother", span = 0.9)
points(mz(filterMz(spctr_kn, mz = mzr)),
intensity(filterMz(spctr_kn, mz = mzr)),
type = "p", col = "red")
## Check errors
expect_error(pickPeaks(spctr, refineMz = "some_method"))
expect_error(pickPeaks(spctr, not_sup = TRUE, method = "SuperSmoother"))
test_that(".combineMovingWindow works for Spectrum", {
## on a list of spectra.
spcts <- spectra(tmt_erwinia_in_mem_ms1)
s_comb <- .combineMovingWindow(spcts)
expect_equal(length(spcts), length(s_comb))
expect_equal(unname(lapply(spcts, rtime)), lapply(s_comb, rtime))
expect_equal(unname(lapply(spcts, msLevel)), lapply(s_comb, msLevel))
## Check the first.
vals_exp <-, lapply(spcts[1:2],
vals_exp <- vals_exp[order(vals_exp$mz), ]
expect_equal(mz(s_comb[[1]]), vals_exp$mz)
expect_equal(intensity(s_comb[[1]]), vals_exp$i)
## Check the second.
vals_exp <-, lapply(spcts[1:3],
vals_exp <- vals_exp[order(vals_exp$mz), ]
expect_equal(mz(s_comb[[2]]), vals_exp$mz)
expect_equal(intensity(s_comb[[2]]), vals_exp$i)
## With halfWindowSize 4L
s_comb <- .combineMovingWindow(spcts, halfWindowSize = 4L)
expect_equal(length(spcts), length(s_comb))
expect_equal(unname(lapply(spcts, rtime)), lapply(s_comb, rtime))
expect_equal(unname(lapply(spcts, msLevel)), lapply(s_comb, msLevel))
## Check the first.
vals_exp <-, lapply(spcts[1:5],
vals_exp <- vals_exp[order(vals_exp$mz), ]
expect_equal(mz(s_comb[[1]]), vals_exp$mz)
expect_equal(intensity(s_comb[[1]]), vals_exp$i)
## Check the fifth
vals_exp <-, lapply(spcts[1:9],
vals_exp <- vals_exp[order(vals_exp$mz), ]
expect_equal(mz(s_comb[[5]]), vals_exp$mz)
expect_equal(intensity(s_comb[[5]]), vals_exp$i)
test_that(".estimate_mz_scattering works", {
mzs <- seq(1, 20, 0.1)
all_mz <- c(mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.01),
mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.005),
mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.02))
res <- .estimate_mz_scattering(sort(all_mz))
expect_true(length(res) == 1)
expect_true(res < 0.051)
all_mz <- c(mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.01),
mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.005),
mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.06))
res <- .estimate_mz_scattering(sort(all_mz))
expect_true(res < 0.08)
expect_true(length(res) == 1)
test_that(".group_mz_values works", {
mzs <- seq(1, 20, 0.1)
all_mz <- sort(c(mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.001),
mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.005),
mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.002)))
res <- .group_mz_values(all_mz)
expect_true(length(res) == length(all_mz))
## Expect groups of 3 each.
expect_true(all(table(res) == 3))
## Remove one from the 2nd group.
res <- .group_mz_values(all_mz[-5])
expect_true(sum(res == 2) == 2)
res <- .group_mz_values(all_mz, ppm = 20)
expect_true(all(table(res) == 3))
test_that("meanMzInts works", {
mzs <- seq(1, 20, 0.1)
mzs_2 <- c(mzs, 20.1)
ints1 <- abs(rnorm(length(mzs), 10))
ints1[11:20] <- c(15, 30, 90, 200, 500, 300, 100, 70, 40, 20) # add peak
ints2 <- c(abs(rnorm(length(mzs), 10)), 4)
ints2[11:20] <- c(15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 200, 90, 60, 30, 23)
ints3 <- abs(rnorm(length(mzs), 10))
ints3[11:20] <- c(13, 20, 50, 100, 200, 100, 80, 40, 30, 20)
## Create the spectra
sp1 <- new("Spectrum1", mz = mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.01),
intensity = ints1, rt = 1)
sp2 <- new("Spectrum1", mz = mzs_2 + rnorm(length(mzs_2), sd = 0.01),
intensity = ints2, rt = 2)
sp3 <- new("Spectrum1", mz = mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.008),
intensity = ints3, rt = 3)
sp4 <- new("Spectrum2", mz = mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.3),
intensity = ints2, rt = 4)
expect_error(meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp2, sp3, sp4)))
expect_error(meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp2, sp3), main = 5))
res <- meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp2, sp3), timeDomain = TRUE,
unionPeaks = FALSE)
expect_equal(length(mz(res)), length(mz(sp1)))
expect_equal(rtime(res), rtime(sp1))
res <- meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp2, sp3), timeDomain = TRUE,
unionPeaks = TRUE, main = 2)
expect_true(length(mz(res)) > length(mz(sp2)))
expect_equal(rtime(res), rtime(sp2))
res <- meanMzInts(list(sp2, sp1), timeDomain = FALSE, unionPeaks = FALSE)
expect_equal(length(mz(res)), length(mz(sp2)))
expect_equal(rtime(res), rtime(sp2))
res <- meanMzInts(list(sp2, sp1), timeDomain = FALSE, unionPeaks = FALSE,
main = 2)
expect_equal(length(mz(res)), length(mz(sp1)))
expect_equal(rtime(res), rtime(sp1))
sp4 <- new("Spectrum1", mz = mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.3),
intensity = ints2, rt = 4)
## randon noise larger than resolution.
res <- meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp3, sp4))
res <- meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp2, sp3), main = 1, timeDomain = TRUE,
unionPeaks = FALSE)
expect_equal(rtime(res), rtime(sp1))
expect_equal(length(mz(res)), length(mz(sp1)))
res <- meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp2, sp3), main = 3, timeDomain = TRUE,
unionPeaks = FALSE)
expect_equal(rtime(res), rtime(sp3))
expect_equal(length(mz(res)), length(mz(sp3)))
res <- meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp1), intensityFun = sum,
timeDomain = TRUE, unionPeaks = TRUE)
expect_equal(mz(res), mz(sp1))
expect_equal(intensity(res), intensity(sp1) * 2)
res <- meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp2, sp3))
res2 <- meanMzInts(list(sp1, sp2, sp3), weighted = TRUE)
expect_equal(intensity(res), intensity(res2))
expect_false(all(mz(res) == mz(res2)))
## Use real data.
od1 <- filterFile(sciex, 1)
lst <- spectra(od1[3:5])
res <- meanMzInts(lst, timeDomain = TRUE, main = 2)
res_2 <- meanMzInts(lst, timeDomain = FALSE, main = 2)
expect_equal(mz(res), mz(res_2))
expect_equal(intensity(res), intensity(res_2))
## with (wrongly) pre-calculated mzd
mzd <- .estimate_mz_scattering(sort(unlist(lapply(lst, mz))))
meanMzInts(lst, timeDomain = TRUE, mzd = mzd)
res_3 <- meanMzInts(lst, timeDomain = FALSE, mzd = mzd, main = 2)
expect_equal(mz(res), mz(res_3))
expect_equal(intensity(res), intensity(res_3))
## Difference between unionPeaks = TRUE and FALSE
res <- meanMzInts(lst, unionPeaks = FALSE, main = 2)
res_2 <- meanMzInts(lst, unionPeaks = TRUE, main = 2)
expect_true(length(mz(res)) < length(mz(res_2)))
mzs <- unique(unlist(lapply(lst, mz)))
test_that(".estimate_mz_resolution, estimateMzResolution,Spectrum works", {
mzs <- seq(1, 2000, 0.1)
mzs <- mzs + rnorm(length(mzs), sd = 0.005)
res <- .estimate_mz_resolution(mzs)
## expect_true(res - 0.1 < 0.005)
expect_true(res - 0.1 < 0.008)
res1 <- estimateMzResolution(tmt_erwinia_in_mem_ms1[[1]])
res2 <- estimateMzResolution(tmt_erwinia_in_mem_ms1[[2]])
expect_true(res1 != res2)
test_that(".findPeakValley works", {
vals <- c(3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 5, 4, 2, 1, 5, 7, 4, 1)
expect_equal(.findPeakValley(6:20, vals), 10)
expect_equal(.findPeakValley(6:1, vals), NA)
expect_equal(.findPeakValley(12:14, vals), NA)
expect_equal(.findPeakValley(12:1, vals), 10)
test_that(".density works", {
xs <- rnorm(300, 2, 45)
res <- .density(xs)
res_2 <- density(xs, n = 512L)
expect_equal(res$x, res_2$x)
expect_equal(res$y, res_2$y)
test_that("consensusSpectrum works", {
sp1 <- new("Spectrum2", rt = 1, precursorMz = 1.41,
mz = c(1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 3.6, 4.9, 5.0, 7.8, 8.4),
intensity = c(10, 3, 140, 14, 299, 12, 49, 20))
sp2 <- new("Spectrum2", rt = 1.1, precursorMz = 1.4102,
mz = c(1.4, 1.81, 2.4, 4.91, 6.0, 7.2, 9),
intensity = c(3, 184, 8, 156, 12, 23, 10))
sp3 <- new("Spectrum2", rt = 1.2, precursorMz = 1.409,
mz = c(1, 1.82, 2.2, 3, 7.0, 8),
intensity = c(8, 210, 7, 101, 17, 8))
spl <- MSpectra(sp1, sp2, sp3)
cons <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02)
expect_true(is(cons, "Spectrum2"))
expect_equal(length(mz(cons)), 2)
expect_equal(rtime(cons), rtime(sp1))
cons <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02, minProp = 1/3)
expect_equal(peaksCount(cons), 18)
expect_error(consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.03, intensityFun = "nofun"),
"of mode 'function'")
expect_error(consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.03, mzFun = "nofun"),
"of mode 'function'")
res_1 <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02, intensityFun = max)
res_2 <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02, intensityFun = mean)
expect_true(all(intensity(res_1) > intensity(res_2)))
res_1 <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02, mzFun = max)
res_2 <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02, mzFun = median)
expect_true(all(mz(res_1) > mz(res_2)))
res_1 <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02, mzFun = mean)
res_2 <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02, weighted = TRUE)
expect_true(all(mz(res_1) != mz(res_2)))
res_1 <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02, mzFun = max, weighted = TRUE)
res_2 <- consensusSpectrum(spl, mzd = 0.02, weighted = TRUE)
expect_identical(mz(res_1), mz(res_2))
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