## mergeSpectra <- function(object, ## MSnExp object
## fun = sum,
## verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose()) {
## spectra <- spectra(object)
## prec <- sapply(spectra,function(x) x@precursorMz)
## uprec <- unique(prec)
## luprec <- length(uprec)
## if (verbose)
## cat(luprec,"unique precursors for",length(spectra),"spectra\n")
## newSpectra <- vector("list",length=luprec)
## if (verbose)
## pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = luprec, style = 3)
## for (i in 1:luprec) {
## if (verbose)
## setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
## pi <- uprec[i]
## sel <- prec %in% pi
## l <- spectra[sel]
## ## unique M/Z values
## mzs <- unique(unlist(lapply(l,function(x) x@mz)))
## ## vectors of intensitues (ints) and number of times
## ## a given itensity is found (icounts)
## ints <- icounts <- numeric(length(mzs))
## names(icounts) <- mzs
## allints <- unlist(lapply(l,function(x) x@intensity))
## names(allints) <- unlist(lapply(l,function(x) x@mz))
## for (j in 1:length(mzs)) {
## k <- as.character(mzs[j])
## ints[j] <- fun(allints[names(allints) %in% k])
## icounts[j] <- sum(names(allints) %in% k)
## }
## o <- order(mzs)
## newSpectra[[i]] <- new("Spectrum",
## merged=which(sel),
## rt=unique(sapply(l,function(x) x@rt)),
## msLevel=unique(sapply(l,function(x) x@msLevel)),
## precursorMz=pi,
## peaksCount=length(ints),
## intensity=ints[o],
## mz=mzs[o])
## validObject(newSpectra[[i]])
## }
## if (verbose)
## close(pb)
## object@process@processing <- c(object@process@processing,
## paste("Precursor ions with identical M/Z merged:",
## date()))
## object@process@merged <- TRUE
## ## TODO update and set featureData
## return(new("MSnExp",
## assayData=list2env(newSpectra),
## metadata=object@metadata,
## process=object@process))
## }
extractPrecSpectra_MSnExp <- function(object,prec) {
nmissing <- sum(!prec %in% precursorMz(object))
if (nmissing!=0)
warning(nmissing," precursor MZ values not found in 'MSnExp' object.")
sel <-precursorMz(object) %in% prec
orghd <- header(object)
nms <- names(precursorMz(object)[sel])
n <- length(prec)
m <- length(nms)
## updating object
object@processingData@processing <- c(object@processingData@processing,
paste(n," (",m,
") precursors (spectra) extracted: ",
object@assayData <- list2env(mget(nms,assayData(object)))
object@featureData <- object@featureData[nms,]
if (object@.cache$level > 0)
object@.cache <- setCacheEnv(list(assaydata = assayData(object),
hd = orghd[sel, ]),
if (validObject(object))
removePeaks_MSnExp <- function(object, t = "min", verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose()) {
ifelse(verbose, progress <- "text", progress <- "none")
spectraList <- llply(spectra(object),
function(x) removePeaks(x,t),
.progress = progress)
object@assayData <- list2env(spectraList)
object@processingData@removedPeaks <- c(object@processingData@removedPeaks,
object@processingData@processing <- c(object@processingData@processing,
paste("Curves <= ",
," set to '0': ",
if (object@.cache$level > 0) {
hd <- header(object)
hd$ionCount <- ionCount(object)
object@.cache <- setCacheEnv(list(assaydata = assayData(object),
hd = hd),
if (validObject(object))
clean_MSnExp <- function(object, all, verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose()) {
## -- was ---------------------------------------------------
## ifelse(verbose,progress <- "text",progress <- "none")
## spectra <- llply(spectra(object),function(x) clean(x),.progress=progress)
## object@assayData <- list2env(spectra)
## -- new ---------------------------------------------------
e <- new.env()
if (verbose) {
._cnt <- 1
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(object), style = 3)
function(x) {
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._cnt)
._cnt <<- ._cnt+1
sp <- get(x, envir = assayData(object))
xx <- clean(sp, all)
assign(x, xx, envir = e)
if (verbose) {
## ----------------------------------------------------------
object@processingData@cleaned <- TRUE
object@processingData@processing <- c(object@processingData@processing,
paste0("Spectra cleaned: ", date()))
if (object@.cache$level > 0) {
hd <- header(object)
hd$peaks.count <- peaksCount(object)
object@.cache <- setCacheEnv(list(assaydata = assayData(object),
hd = hd),
lockEnvironment(e, bindings = TRUE)
object@assayData <- e
if (validObject(object))
normalise_MSnExp <- function(object,method) {
## Can not directly assign to assayData, as that environment is locked!
e <- new.env()
function(x) {
sp <- get(x,envir=assayData(object))
xx <- normalise(sp,method)
object@processingData@processing <- c(object@processingData@processing,
paste0("Spectra normalised (",method,"): ",
object@processingData@normalised <- TRUE
lockEnvironment(e, bindings = TRUE)
object@assayData <- e
if (validObject(object))
bin_MSnExp <- function(object, binSize = 1, verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose()) {
## copied from clean_MSnExp
e <- new.env()
if (verbose) {
._cnt <- 1
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(object), style = 3)
mzrange <- range(eapply(assayData(object), mz))
breaks <- seq(floor(mzrange[1]), ceiling(mzrange[2]), by = binSize)
function(x) {
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._cnt)
._cnt <<- ._cnt+1
sp <- get(x, envir = assayData(object))
xx <- bin_Spectrum(sp, breaks = breaks)
assign(x, xx, envir = e)
if (verbose) {
## ----------------------------------------------------------
object@processingData@processing <- c(object@processingData@processing,
paste0("Spectra binned: ", date()))
if (object@.cache$level > 0) {
hd <- header(object)
hd$peaks.count <- peaksCount(object)
object@.cache <- setCacheEnv(list(assaydata = assayData(object),
hd = hd),
lockEnvironment(e, bindings = TRUE)
object@assayData <- e
if (validObject(object))
compare_MSnExp <- function(object, fun, ...) {
nm <- featureNames(object)
cb <- combn(nm, 2, function(x) {
compare_Spectra(object[[x[1]]], object[[x[2]]], fun=fun, ...)
m <- matrix(NA, length(object), length(object),
dimnames=list(nm, nm))
## fill lower triangle of the matrix
m[lower.tri(m)] <- cb
## copy to upper triangle
for (i in 1:nrow(m)) {
m[i, ] <- m[, i]
pickPeaks_MSnExp <- function(object, halfWindowSize, method, SNR,
..., msLevel., verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose()) {
## copied from clean_MSnExp
e <- new.env()
if (verbose) {
._cnt <- 1
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(object), style = 3)
function(x) {
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._cnt)
._cnt <<- ._cnt+1
sp <- get(x, envir = assayData(object))
xx <- pickPeaks(sp, halfWindowSize = halfWindowSize,
method = method, SNR = SNR, msLevel. = msLevel.,
assign(x, xx, envir = e)
if (verbose) {
## ----------------------------------------------------------
## TODO: @lgatto object@processingData@centroided ?
## object@processingData@smoothed <- TRUE
object@processingData@processing <- c(object@processingData@processing,
paste0("Spectra centroided: ",
if (object@.cache$level > 0) {
hd <- header(object)
hd$peaks.count <- peaksCount(object)
object@.cache <- setCacheEnv(list(assaydata = assayData(object),
hd = hd),
lockEnvironment(e, bindings = TRUE)
object@assayData <- e
if (validObject(object))
smooth_MSnExp <- function(object, method, halfWindowSize, ..., msLevel.,
verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose()) {
## copied from clean_MSnExp
e <- new.env()
if (verbose) {
._cnt <- 1
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(object), style = 3)
function(x) {
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._cnt)
._cnt <<- ._cnt+1
sp <- get(x, envir = assayData(object))
xx <- smooth(sp, method = method, halfWindowSize = halfWindowSize,
msLevel. = msLevel., ...)
assign(x, xx, envir = e)
if (verbose) {
## ----------------------------------------------------------
object@processingData@smoothed <- TRUE
object@processingData@processing <- c(object@processingData@processing,
paste0("Spectra smoothed (",
method, "): ", date()))
if (object@.cache$level > 0) {
hd <- header(object)
hd$peaks.count <- peaksCount(object)
object@.cache <- setCacheEnv(list(assaydata = assayData(object),
hd = hd),
lockEnvironment(e, bindings = TRUE)
object@assayData <- e
if (validObject(object))
precSelection <- function(object,n=NULL) {
allPrecs <- precursorMz(object)
if (!is.null(n))
allPrecs <- round(allPrecs,n)
number.selection <- c()
scanNums <- precScanNum(object)
uprecmz <- unique(allPrecs)
for (mp in uprecmz)
number.selection <- c(number.selection,
names(number.selection) <- uprecmz
precSelectionTable <- function(object,...) {
x <- precSelection(object,...)
removeReporters_MSnExp <- function(object, reporters = NULL,
clean = FALSE, verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose()) {
ifelse(verbose, progress <- "text", progress <- "none")
spectraList <- llply(spectra(object),
function(x) removeReporters(x, reporters, clean),
.progress = progress)
object@assayData <- list2env(spectraList)
repname <- names(reporters)
object@processingData@processing <- c(object@processingData@processing,
paste("Removed", repname, "reporter ions",sep=" "))
if (validObject(object))
#' @title Estimate m/z scattering in consecutive scans
#' @description
#' Estimate scattering of m/z values (due to technical, instrument specific
#' noise) for the same ion in consecutive scans of a LCMS experiment.
#' @details
#' The m/z values of the same ions in consecutive scans (spectra) of a LCMS run
#' will not be identical. This random noise is expected to be smaller than the
#' resolution of the MS instrument. The distribution of differences of m/z
#' values from neighboring spectra is thus expected to be (at least) bi-modal
#' with the first peak representing the above described random variation and
#' the second (or largest) peak the m/z resolution. The m/z value of the first
#' local minimum between these first two peaks in the distribution is returned
#' as the *m/z scattering*.
#' @note
#' For `timeDomain = TRUE` the function does **not** return the estimated
#' scattering of m/z values, but the scattering of `sqrt(mz)` values.
#' @param x `MSnExp` or `OnDiskMSnExp` object.
#' @param halfWindowSize `integer(1)` defining the half window size for the
#' moving window to combine consecutive spectra.
#' @param timeDomain `logical(1)` whether m/z scattering should be estimated
#' on `mz` (`timeDomain = FALSE`) or `sqrt(mz)` (`timeDomain = TRUE`)
#' values. See [combineSpectraMovingWindow()] for details on this
#' parameter.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @seealso [estimateMzResolution()] for the function to estimate a
#' profile-mode spectrum's m/z resolution from it's data.
#' @examples
#' library(MSnbase)
#' library(msdata)
#' ## Load a profile-mode LC-MS data file
#' f <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE)[1]
#' im <- readMSData(f, mode = "inMem", msLevel = 1L)
#' res <- estimateMzScattering(im)
#' ## Plot the distribution of estimated m/z scattering
#' plot(density(unlist(res)))
#' ## Compare the m/z resolution and m/z scattering of the spectrum with the
#' ## most peaks
#' idx <- which.max(unlist(spectrapply(im, peaksCount)))
#' res[[idx]]
#' abline(v = res[[idx]], lty = 2)
#' estimateMzResolution(im[[idx]])
#' ## As expected, the m/z scattering is much lower than the m/z resolution.
estimateMzScattering <- function(x, halfWindowSize = 1L, timeDomain = FALSE) {
if (!is(x, "MSnExp"))
stop("'x' should be a 'MSnExp' object")
res <- lapply(split(spectra(x), fromFile(x)),
FUN = .estimate_mz_scattering_list,
halfWindowSize = halfWindowSize, timeDomain = timeDomain)
res <- unsplit(res, fromFile(x))
names(res) <- featureNames(x)
#' @title Combine signal from consecutive spectra of LCMS experiments
#' @description
#' `combineSpectraMovingWindow` combines signal from consecutive spectra within
#' a file. The resulting `MSnExp` has the same total number of spectra than the
#' original object, but with each individual's spectrum information
#' representing aggregated data from the original spectrum and its neighboring
#' spectra. This is thus equivalent with a smoothing of the data in retention
#' time dimension.
#' Note that the function returns always a `MSnExp` object, even if `x` was an
#' `OnDiskMSnExp` object.
#' @details
#' The method assumes same ions being measured in consecutive scans (i.e. LCMS
#' data) and thus combines their signal which can increase the increase the
#' signal to noise ratio.
#' Intensities (and m/z values) for signals with the same m/z value in
#' consecutive scans are aggregated using the `intensityFun`.
#' m/z values of intensities from consecutive scans will never be exactly
#' identical, even if they represent signal from the same ion. The function
#' determines thus internally a similarity threshold based on differences
#' between m/z values within and between spectra below which m/z values are
#' considered to derive from the same ion. For robustness reasons, this
#' threshold is estimated on the 100 spectra with the largest number of
#' m/z - intensity pairs (i.e. mass peaks).
#' See [meanMzInts()] for details.
#' Parameter `timeDomain`: by default, m/z-intensity pairs from consecutive
#' scans to be aggregated are defined based on the square root of the m/z
#' values. This is because it is highly likely that in all QTOF MS instruments
#' data is collected based on a timing circuit (with a certain variance) and
#' m/z values are later derived based on the relationship `t = k * sqrt(m/z)`.
#' Differences between individual m/z values will thus be dependent on the
#' actual m/z value causing both the difference between m/z values and their
#' scattering being different in the lower and upper m/z range. Determining
#' m/z values to be combined on the `sqrt(mz)` reduces this dependency. For
#' non-QTOF MS data `timeDomain = FALSE` might be used instead.
#' @note
#' The function has to read all data into memory for the spectra combining
#' and thus the memory requirements of this function are high, possibly
#' preventing its usage on large experimental data. In these cases it is
#' suggested to perform the combination on a per-file basis and save the
#' results using the [writeMSData()] function afterwards.
#' @param x `MSnExp` or `OnDiskMSnExp` object.
#' @param halfWindowSize `integer(1)` with the half window size for the moving
#' window.
#' @param ppm `numeric(1)` to define an m/z relative deviation. Note that if
#' only `ppm` should be considered but not `mzd`, `mzd` should be set to
#' `0` (i.e. `mzd = 0`). This parameter is directly passed to
#' [meanMzInts()].
#' @param BPPARAM parallel processing settings.
#' @inheritParams meanMzInts
#' @return `MSnExp` with the same number of spectra than `x`.
#' @md
#' @seealso
#' [meanMzInts()] for the function combining spectra provided in
#' a `list`.
#' [estimateMzScattering()] for a function to estimate m/z value scattering in
#' consecutive spectra.
#' @author Johannes Rainer, Sigurdur Smarason
#' @examples
#' library(MSnbase)
#' library(msdata)
#' ## Read a profile-mode LC-MS data file.
#' fl <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE)[1]
#' od <- readMSData(fl, mode = "onDisk")
#' ## Subset the object to the retention time range that includes the signal
#' ## for proline. This is done for performance reasons.
#' rtr <- c(165, 175)
#' od <- filterRt(od, rtr)
#' ## Combine signal from neighboring spectra.
#' od_comb <- combineSpectraMovingWindow(od)
#' ## The combined spectra have the same number of spectra, same number of
#' ## mass peaks per spectra, but the signal is larger in the combined object.
#' length(od)
#' length(od_comb)
#' peaksCount(od)
#' peaksCount(od_comb)
#' ## Comparing the chromatographic signal for proline (m/z ~ 116.0706)
#' ## before and after spectra data combination.
#' mzr <- c(116.065, 116.075)
#' chr <- chromatogram(od, rt = rtr, mz = mzr)
#' chr_comb <- chromatogram(od_comb, rt = rtr, mz = mzr)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' plot(chr)
#' plot(chr_comb)
#' ## Chromatographic data is "smoother" after combining.
combineSpectraMovingWindow <- function(x, halfWindowSize = 1L,
intensityFun = base::mean,
mzd = NULL,
timeDomain = FALSE,
weighted = FALSE,
ppm = 0,
BPPARAM = bpparam()){
if (!is(x, "MSnExp"))
stop("'x' has to be a 'MSnExp' or an 'OnDiskMSnExp'")
if (is(x, "OnDiskMSnExp"))
x <- as(x, "MSnExp")
## Combine spectra per file
new_sp <- bplapply(split(spectra(x), fromFile(x)), FUN = function(z, intF,
wght, hws,
ppm) {
len_z <- length(z)
## Estimate m/z scattering on the 100 spectra with largest number of
## peaks
if (is.null(mzd)) {
idx <- order(unlist(lapply(z, function(y) y@peaksCount)),
decreasing = TRUE)[1:min(100, len_z)]
mzs <- .estimate_mz_scattering_list(z[idx], halfWindowSize = hws,
timeDomain = timeD)
dens <- .density(unlist(mzs))
mzd <- dens$x[which.max(dens$y)]
## Combine spectra
res <- vector("list", len_z)
hwsp <- hws + 1L
for (i in seq_along(z)) {
res[[i]] <- meanMzInts(z[windowIndices(i, hws, len_z)],
weighted = wght, intensityFun = intF,
main = hwsp - (i <= hws) * (hwsp - i),
mzd = mzd, timeDomain = timeD, ppm = ppm,
unionPeaks = FALSE)
}, intF = intensityFun, wght = weighted, hws = as.integer(halfWindowSize),
mzd = mzd, timeD = timeDomain, ppm = ppm, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
new_sp <- unsplit(new_sp, fromFile(x))
names(new_sp) <- featureNames(x)
x@assayData <- list2env(new_sp)
lockEnvironment(x@assayData, bindings = TRUE)
if (validObject(x))
plotXIC_MSnExp <- function(x, ...) {
## Restrict to MS level 1
x <- filterMsLevel(x, 1L)
if (!length(x))
stop("No MS1 data available")
fns <- basename(fileNames(x))
if (isMSnbaseVerbose())
message("Retrieving data ...", appendLF = FALSE)
x <- as(x, "data.frame")
x <- split(x, x$file)
if (isMSnbaseVerbose())
## Check if we are greedy and plot a too large area
if (any(unlist(lapply(x, nrow)) > 20000))
warning("The MS area to be plotted seems rather large. It is suggested",
" to restrict the data first using 'filterRt' and 'filterMz'. ",
"See also ?chromatogram and ?Chromatogram for more efficient ",
"functions to plot a total ion chromatogram or base peak ",
immediate = TRUE, call = FALSE)
## Define the layout.
dots <- list(...)
if (any(names(dots) == "layout")) {
if (!is.null(dots$layout))
dots$layout <- NULL
} else
tmp <- mapply(x, fns, FUN = function(z, main, ...) {
.plotXIC(x = z, main = main, layout = NULL, ...)
}, MoreArgs = dots)
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