##' Select feature variables to be retained.
##' @title Select feature variables of interest
##' @param object An \code{MSnSet}, \code{MSnExp} or \code{OnDiskMSnExp}.
##' @param graphics A \code{logical} (default is \code{TRUE})
##' indicating whether a shiny application should be used if
##' available. Otherwise, a text menu is used. Ignored if \code{k}
##' is not missing.
##' @param fcol A \code{numeric}, \code{logical} or \code{character} of
##' valid feature variables to be passed directly.
##' @return For \code{selectFeatureData}: updated object containing only
##' selected feature variables.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(hyperLOPIT2015)
##' ## 5 first feature variables
##' x <- selectFeatureData(hyperLOPIT2015, fcol = 1:5)
##' fvarLabels(x)
##' \dontrun{
##' ## select via GUI
##' x <- selectFeatureData(hyperLOPIT2015)
##' fvarLabels(x)
##' }
##' ## Subset the feature data of an OnDiskMSnExp object to the minimal
##' ## required columns
##' f <- system.file("microtofq/MM14.mzML", package = "msdata")
##' od <- readMSData(f, mode = "onDisk")
##' ## what columns do we have?
##' fvarLabels(od)
##' ## Reduce the feature data data.frame to the required columns only
##' od <- selectFeatureData(od, fcol = requiredFvarLabels(class(od)))
##' fvarLabels(od)
selectFeatureData <- function(object,
graphics = TRUE,
fcol) {
if (missing(fcol)) {
if (graphics) {
if (!requireNamespace("shiny", quietly = TRUE)) {
warning("The shiny package is required to use the graphical interface.")
fcol <- .selectTextFeatureData(object)
} else
fcol <- .selectShinyFeatureData(object)
} else fcol <- .selectTextFeatureData(object)
fData(object) <- fData(object)[, fcol, drop = FALSE]
if (validObject(object))
.selectTextFeatureData <- function(object)
select.list(fvarLabels(object), multiple=TRUE)
.selectShinyFeatureData <- function(object) {
sel <- fv <- fvarLabels(object)
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
title = 'Examples of DataTables',
shiny::actionButton("stop", "Stop app"),
shiny::checkboxGroupInput('vars', 'Feature variables',
as.list(fv), selected = sel)),
server <- function(input, output) {
shiny::observeEvent(input$stop, {
shiny::stopApp(returnValue = sel)
output$fd <- shiny::renderDataTable({
sel <<- input$vars
fData(object)[, input$vars, drop = FALSE]
app <- list(ui=ui, server=server)
#' @rdname selectFeatureData
#' @description `requiredFvarLabels` returns a `character` vector with the
#' required feature data variable names (`fvarLabels`, i.e. the column
#' names in the `fData` `data.frame`) for the specified object.
#' @param x `character(1)` specifying the class name for which the required
#' feature data variable names should be returned.
#' @return For `requiredFvarLabels`: `character` with the required feature
#' variable names.
#' @md
requiredFvarLabels <- function(x = c("OnDiskMSnExp", "MSnExp", "MSnSet")) {
x <- match.arg(x)
if (x == "OnDiskMSnExp")
else character()
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