#' Return a table with amino acid information
#' This functionality should be located in a separate peptide package in the
#' future
#' @return A data.frame with a row for each of the 20 common amino acids and
#' columns for code, weight, composition, hydrophobicity and pK value
#' @noRd
getAAtable <- function(){
file <- system.file(package='MSGFgui', 'extdata', 'AAtable.csv')
AAtable <- read.csv(file, header=TRUE,
#' Return a table with adduct information
#' This functionality should be located in a separate peptide package in the
#' future
#' @return A data.frame with a row for 32 common adducts and columns for charge
#' and delta mass
#' @noRd
getAdductTable <- function(){
file <- system.file(package='MSGFgui', 'extdata', 'adductTable.csv')
AdductTable <- read.csv(file, header=TRUE,
#' Calculate the mass of a peptide sequence
#' This functionality should be located in a separate peptide package in the
#' future
#' @param pepseq A character string with the one-letter code for the peptide
#' sequence
#' @param modifications A vector of delta-masses for the modifications on the
#' peptide
#' @param mono Logical. Should the mass be calculated as the monoisotopic mass?
#' Defaults to FALSE (calculates the average mass)
#' @param neutral Logical. Should the peptide be considered without water?
#' Defaults to FALSE
#' @return The mass in dalton of the peptide
#' @noRd
pepMass <- function(pepseq, modifications, mono=FALSE, neutral=FALSE){
AAtable <- getAAtable()
pepseq <- toupper(pepseq)
if(!all(unlist(strsplit(pepseq, '')) %in% AAtable$Code1)){
stop('Invalid peptide sequence(s).')
} else {}
mass <- sapply(pepseq, function(x) sum(AAtable$Mono[match(strsplit(x, '')[[1]], AAtable$Code1)], na.rm=FALSE))
} else {
mass <- sapply(pepseq, function(x) sum(AAtable$Mono[match(strsplit(x, '')[[1]], AAtable$Code1)], na.rm=FALSE) + 18.01056)
} else {
mass <- sapply(pepseq, function(x) sum(AAtable$Avg[match(strsplit(x, '')[[1]], AAtable$Code1)], na.rm=FALSE))
} else {
mass <- sapply(pepseq, function(x) sum(AAtable$Avg[match(strsplit(x, '')[[1]], AAtable$Code1)], na.rm=FALSE) + 18.02)
if(!missing(modifications)) {
mass = mass + sum(unlist(modifications))
#' Random ID generator based on UUID
#' This function returns a unique string of the UUID format each time it is
#' called
#' @return A UUID compliant random string
#' @references Based on implementation by thelatemail
#' \url{}
#' @noRd
sampleID <- function() {
baseuuid <- paste(sample(c(letters[1:6],0:9),30,replace=TRUE),collapse="")
#' Converts a string to a msgfParModification object
#' This function takes a string describing a modification as returned by the
#' client, and creates a msgfParModification object.
#' @param modString A string of the format:
#' 'N:string;(C:string | W:num);R:string;T:string;P:string'
#' @return An msgfParModification object matching the information in the string
#' @importFrom MSGFplus msgfParModification
#' @noRd
modStringToMod <- function(modString) {
mod <- strsplit(modString, ';', fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
modPar <- list()
for(i in mod) {
par = strsplit(i, ':', fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
if(par[1] == 'N') {
modPar$name <- par[2]
} else if(par[1] == 'C') {
modPar$composition <- par[2]
} else if(par[1] == 'W') {
modPar$mass <- as.numeric(par[2])
} else if(par[1] == 'R') {
modPar$residues <- par[2]
} else if(par[1] == 'T') {
modPar$type <- par[2]
} else if(par[1] == 'P') {
modPar$position <- par[2]
}'msgfParModification', modPar)
#' Create a list with information on a sample to be send to the client
#' This function takes the information for a sample and formats a subset of it
#' to be send to a client. It tries to strike the balance between size and
#' information needed for fluid interaction from the client.
#' @note This function is a great candidate for refactoring
#' @param mzID An mzID object
#' @param mzML an mzRamp object corresponding to the mzID object
#' @param name the name of the object
#' @param id A unique id across the session for the sample e.g. created by
#' sampleID()
#' @return A list with elements: name, id, modifications and mzid
#' @import mzID
#' @noRd
renderMzID <- function(mzID, mzML, metaML, name, id) {
idNames <- c('peptide_ref', 'experimentalmasstocharge', 'chargestate', 'ms-gf:denovoscore', 'ms-gf:qvalue', 'id')
evidenceNames <- c('post', 'pre', 'end', 'start', 'peptide_ref', 'dbsequence_ref')
databaseNames <- c('accession', 'length', 'id', 'description')
peptide_refPrefix <- 'Pep'
dbsequence_refPrefix <- 'DBSeq'
ans <- list()
ans$name <- name
ans$id <- id
ans$modifications <- parameters(mzID)$ModificationRules
mzID <- removeDecoy(mzID)
tempMzID <- list()
tempMzID$id <- id(mzID)[, names(id(mzID)) %in% idNames]
scanIndex <- rep(1:length(idScanMap(mzID)), sapply(idScanMap(mzID), length))[match(1:nrow(id(mzID)), unlist(idScanMap(mzID)))]
tempMzID$id$scan_ref <- scans(mzID)$id[scanIndex]
tempMzID$id$rt <- metaML$retentionTime[match(scans(mzID)$acquisitionnum, metaML$acquisitionNum)][scanIndex]
tempMzID$id$peptide_ref <- as.numeric(sub(peptide_refPrefix, '', tempMzID$id$peptide_ref))
tempMzID$peptides <- peptides(mzID)
tempMzID$peptides$id <- as.numeric(sub(peptide_refPrefix, '', tempMzID$peptides$id))
tempMzID$modification <- modifications(mzID)
tempMzID$evidence <- evidence(mzID)[, names(evidence(mzID)) %in% evidenceNames]
tempMzID$evidence$peptide_ref <- as.numeric(sub(peptide_refPrefix, '', tempMzID$evidence$peptide_ref))
tempMzID$evidence$dbsequence_ref <- as.numeric(sub(dbsequence_refPrefix, '', tempMzID$evidence$dbsequence_ref))
tempMzID$database <- database(mzID)[, names(database(mzID)) %in% databaseNames]
tempMzID$database$id <- as.numeric(sub(dbsequence_refPrefix, '', tempMzID$database$id))
ans$mzid <- tempMzID
#' Create a list with raw scan information to be send to the client
#' This function creates a simple representation of n annotated scan along with
#' an optional parent ion trace.
#' @param mzML An mzRamp object to extract the scan from
#' @param scan The acquisition number of the scan to extract
#' @param seq The sequence of the predicted peptide
#' @param modifications a list of modifications. The index correspond to the
#' residue
#' @param fragPPM The sensitivity used for matching fragment ions
#' @param tracePPM The sensitivity to trace the parent ion
#' @param ions The fragment ion types to match
#' @param neutralLosses Logical. Should neutral losses be matches. Defaults to
#' @param showTrace Logical should parent ion trace be computed. Defaults to
#' @return A list with the elements: scan, trace and id
#' @noRd
renderScan <- function(mzML, metaML, scan, seq, modifications=list(), fragPPM=60, tracePPM=5, ions='abcxyz', neutralLosses=TRUE, showTrace=FALSE) {
ans <- list()
data <- openMSfile(mzML)
ans$scan <- annotateSpec(getScan(data, metaML, scan, tracePPM), seq, modifications, fragPPM, ions, neutralLosses)
ans$trace <- if(showTrace) {tryCatch(traceParent(data, metaML, scan, tracePPM), error=function(e){NULL})} else {NULL}
ans$id <- sampleID()
#' Get the score distrubutions for target and decoy matches for a set of samples
#' This functions fits a kernel density estimation to the scores for targets and
#' decoy matches for a set of samples
#' @param samples A list of samples, where each sample is a list containing the
#' elements: name, id, mzID and mzML where the two latter are mzID and mzRamp
#' objects
#' @return A list with elements: decoy and target, each containing the output of
#' a density() call
#' @import mzID
#' @noRd
getScoreDistribution <- function(samples) {
ans <- list()
ans$decoy <- density(unlist(lapply(samples, function(sample) {
id(sample$mzID)$`ms-gf:rawscore`[id(sample$mzID)$peptide_ref %in% evidence(sample$mzID)$peptide_ref[evidence(sample$mzID)$isdecoy]]
})), from=0)
ans$target <- density(unlist(lapply(samples, function(sample) {
id(sample$mzID)$`ms-gf:rawscore`[id(sample$mzID)$peptide_ref %in% evidence(sample$mzID)$peptide_ref[!evidence(sample$mzID)$isdecoy]]
})), from=0)
#' Extract the spectrum from a mzRamp object with annotation
#' This function extract a scan based on the acquisition number and, if it is an
#' MS2 scan annotate the parent ion.
#' @param data An mzRamp object
#' @param scan An acquisition number
#' @param ppm The sensitivity used to annotate the parent ion
#' @return A data.frame with columns: mz, intensity and parent
#' @noRd
getScan <- function(data, metaML, scan, ppm=20) {
index <- which(metaML$acquisitionNum == scan)
scanInfo <- header(data, index)
spec <- peaks(data, index)
spec <- data.frame(mz=spec[,1], intensity=spec[,2], parent=FALSE)
if(scanInfo$msLevel > 1){
precursor <- which.min(abs(spec$mz-scanInfo$precursorMZ))
if(abs(spec$mz[precursor]-scanInfo$precursorMZ) < (scanInfo$precursorMZ/1000000)*ppm){
spec$parent[precursor] <- TRUE
#' Calculate the theoretical fragmentation pattern of a peptide
#' This function takes a peptide sequence with optional modifications, and
#' calculate the mz values for the ions corresponding to backbone cleavage
#' @note This algorithm is very bare-bone and can be improved tremendously.
#' Should reside in a peptide utility package
#' @param pepseq A character string with the one-letter code for the peptide
#' sequence
#' @param modifications A list of delta-masses for the modifications on the
#' peptide
#' @param ions The fragment ion types to match
#' @param neutralLosses Logical. Should neutral losses be calculated. Defaults
#' to TRUE
#' @return A dataframe with columns: ion, index and mz
#' @noRd
fragPattern <- function(pepseq, modifications=list(), ions='abcxyz', neutralLosses=TRUE){
AAtable <- getAAtable()
ions <- strsplit(ions, '')[[1]]
pepseq <- toupper(pepseq)
if(!(sum(strsplit(pepseq, '')[[1]] %in% AAtable$Code1)==nchar(pepseq))){
stop('Invalid peptide sequence.')
} else {}
pepseq <- strsplit(pepseq,'')[[1]]
residueIndex <- 1:(length(pepseq)-1)
bion <- data.frame(ion=rep(c('b', 'b*', 'b\u00BA'), each=length(residueIndex)), index=residueIndex, mz=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
yion <- data.frame(ion=rep(c('y', 'y*', 'y\u00BA'), each=length(residueIndex)), index=residueIndex, mz=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
aion <- data.frame(ion=rep(c('a', 'a*', 'a\u00BA'), each=length(residueIndex)), index=residueIndex, mz=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
zion <- data.frame(ion=rep(c('z', 'z*', 'z\u00BA'), each=length(residueIndex)), index=residueIndex, mz=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
cion <- data.frame(ion=rep(c('c', 'c*', 'c\u00BA'), each=length(residueIndex)), index=residueIndex, mz=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
xion <- data.frame(ion=rep(c('x', 'x*', 'x\u00BA'), each=length(residueIndex)), index=residueIndex, mz=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for(i in residueIndex){
abcionseq <- paste(pepseq[1:i], collapse='')
modification <- modifications[1:i]
abcMass <- pepMass(abcionseq, modification, mono=TRUE, neutral=TRUE)
if('b' %in% ions) bion$mz[i] <- abcMass+2*1.0078250 - 1.007850
if('a' %in% ions) aion$mz[i] <- abcMass+2*1.0078250 - 29.00273
if('c' %in% ions) cion$mz[i] <- abcMass+2*1.0078250 + 16.01872
if(any(c('R', 'K', 'N', 'Q') %in% strsplit(abcionseq, '')[[1]])){
if('b' %in% ions) bion$mz[i+length(pepseq)-1] <- bion$mz[i] - 17.02654
if('a' %in% ions) aion$mz[i+length(pepseq)-1] <- aion$mz[i] - 17.02654
if('c' %in% ions) cion$mz[i+length(pepseq)-1] <- cion$mz[i] - 17.02654
} else {}
if(any(c('S', 'T', 'E', 'D') %in% strsplit(abcionseq, '')[[1]])){
if('b' %in% ions) bion$mz[i+2*(length(pepseq)-1)] <- bion$mz[i] - 18.01056
if('a' %in% ions) aion$mz[i+2*(length(pepseq)-1)] <- aion$mz[i] - 18.01056
if('c' %in% ions) cion$mz[i+2*(length(pepseq)-1)] <- cion$mz[i] - 18.01056
} else {}
xyzionseq <- paste(pepseq[(length(pepseq)+1-i):length(pepseq)], collapse='')
modification <- modifications[(length(pepseq)+1-i):length(pepseq)]
xyzMass <- pepMass(xyzionseq, modification, mono=TRUE, neutral=TRUE)
if('y' %in% ions) yion$mz[i] <- xyzMass+18.01056 + 1.0078250
if('x' %in% ions) xion$mz[i] <- xyzMass+18.01056 + 27.99491 - 1.0078250
if('z' %in% ions) zion$mz[i] <- xyzMass+18.01056 - 16.01872
if(any(c('R', 'K', 'N', 'Q') %in% strsplit(xyzionseq, '')[[1]])){
if('y' %in% ions) yion$mz[i+length(pepseq)-1] <- yion$mz[i] - 17.02654
if('x' %in% ions) xion$mz[i+length(pepseq)-1] <- xion$mz[i] - 17.02654
if('z' %in% ions) zion$mz[i+length(pepseq)-1] <- zion$mz[i] - 17.02654
} else {}
if(any(c('S', 'T', 'E', 'D') %in% strsplit(xyzionseq, '')[[1]])){
if('y' %in% ions) yion$mz[i+2*(length(pepseq)-1)] <- yion$mz[i] - 18.01056
if('x' %in% ions) xion$mz[i+2*(length(pepseq)-1)] <- xion$mz[i] - 18.01056
if('z' %in% ions) zion$mz[i+2*(length(pepseq)-1)] <- zion$mz[i] - 18.01056
} else {}
ans <- rbind(aion, bion, cion, xion, yion, zion)
ans <- ans[-which(sapply(ans$mz,, ]
#' Annotate a spectrum based on a peptide
#' This function takes a spectrum as returned by getSpec() and, based on a
#' peptide sequence and a sensitivity, annotate it with fragment ions.
#' @param spec A data.frame as returned by getSpec()
#' @param pepseq A character string with the one-letter code for the peptide
#' sequence
#' @param modifications A vector of delta-masses for the modifications on the
#' peptide
#' @param ppm The sensitivity used during matching
#' @param ions The fragment ion types to match
#' @param neutralLosses Logical. Should neutral losses be calculated. Defaults
#' to TRUE
#' @return A data.frame as spec but extended with the columns: ion and index
#' @noRd
annotateSpec <- function(spec, pepseq, modifications=list(), ppm=20, ions='abcxyz', neutralLosses=TRUE) {
ionlab <- data.frame(spec, ion=NA, index=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
ionlist <- fragPattern(pepseq, modifications, ions=ions, neutralLosses=neutralLosses)
for(i in 1:nrow(ionlist)){
ind <- which(ionlab$mz < ionlist$mz[i]+(ionlist$mz[i]/1000000)*ppm & ionlab$mz > ionlist$mz[i]-(ionlist$mz[i]/1000000)*ppm)
if(length(ind) == 1){
ionlab$ion[ind] <- ionlist$ion[i]
ionlab$index[ind] <- ionlist$index[i]
} else if(length(ind) > 1){
ind <- ind[which.min(abs(ionlab$mz[ind]-ionlist$mz[i]))]
ionlab$ion[ind] <- ionlist$ion[i]
ionlab$index[ind] <- ionlist$index[i]
} else {}
#' Extract an ion chromatogram from an mzRamp object
#' This function takes a number of scans and a high and low mz value and extract
#' an EIC from an mzRamp object. The EIC is base peak and not TIC.
#' @param data An mzRamp object
#' @param scans A vector of scan indexes. Usually only MS1 scans
#' @param low The lower mz bound
#' @param high The higher mz bound
#' @return A matrix with 1 column giving the intensity for each scan
#' @noRd
getEIC <- function(data, scans, low, high) {
spectra <- peaks(data, scans)
if(class(spectra) == 'matrix') spectra <- list(spectra)
uSpectra <-'rbind', spectra)
uSpectra[uSpectra[,1] < low | uSpectra[,1] > high, 2] <- NA
matrix(sapply(split(uSpectra[,2], rep(1:length(spectra), times=sapply(spectra, nrow))), function(x) {if(all( 0 else max(x, na.rm=TRUE)}), ncol=1)
#' Extract the chromatographic trace of an ion
#' This function start from an ion in a scan and traces this ion backwards and
#' forwards in chromatographic time ending up with an EIC. The algorithm tries
#' to include the full chromatographic peak without extending out to noise
#' @param data An mzRamp object
#' @param index The scan number to start at
#' @param mz The mz value of the ion to trace
#' @param ppm The tolerated sensitivity
#' @param meanwidth The expected peakwidth in scan number. Has only an effect
#' in performance. It will not fail on wider peaks.
#' @return A data.frame with columns: intensity, retention and acquisitionNum
#' @noRd
getIonTrace <- function(data, metaML, index, mz, ppm, meanwidth=50){
widthMod <- 1.5
ms1Indexes <- which(metaML$msLevel == 1)
indexIndex <- which(ms1Indexes == index)
mzRes <- (mz/1000000)*ppm*2
mzMin <- mz-mzRes/2
mzMax <- mz+mzRes/2
maxIter <- 10
indexWindow <- c((indexIndex-ceiling(widthMod*meanwidth)), (indexIndex+ceiling(widthMod*meanwidth)))
windowSeed <- ceiling(diff(indexWindow)/2)
if (indexWindow[1] < 1) {
windowSeed <- windowSeed - length(seq(from=indexWindow[1], to=0))
indexWindow[1] <- 1
if (indexWindow[2] > length(ms1Indexes)) {
indexWindow[2] <- length(ms1Indexes)
unfinished <- 0
iter <- 1
while (TRUE && iter <= maxIter) {
if (unfinished) {
if (unfinished == 1) {
addScans <- seq(from=indexWindow[2]+1, length=meanwidth/2)
trace <- rbind(trace, getEIC(data, ms1Indexes[addScans], mzMin, mzMax))
indexWindow[2] <- max(addScans)
} else {
addScans <- seq(to=indexWindow[1]-1, length=meanwidth/2)
trace <- rbind(getEIC(data, ms1Indexes[addScans], mzMin, mzMax), trace)
windowSeed <- windowSeed+(indexWindow-min(addScans))
indexWindow[1] <- min(addScans)
scanWindow <- ms1Indexes[indexWindow[1]:indexWindow[2]]
} else {
scanWindow <- ms1Indexes[indexWindow[1]:indexWindow[2]]
trace <- getEIC(data, scanWindow, mzMin, mzMax)
smooth <- predict(loess(trace[,1] ~ seq(1,nrow(trace)), span=0.25))
differential <- sign(diff(smooth))
middle <- windowSeed
indexPos <- differential[middle]
if (indexPos == 1) {
distTop <- which(differential[middle:length(differential)] == -1)[1]
if (is.null(distTop) || {
if (indexWindow[2] >= length(ms1Indexes)) {
indexWindow[2] <- length(ms1Indexes)
top <- length(smooth)
unfinished = 1
iter <- iter+1
} else {
top = middle+distTop-1
} else if (indexPos == -1) {
distTop <- which(rev(differential[1:middle]) == 1)[1]
if (is.null(distTop) || {
if (indexWindow[1] <= 1) {
indexWindow[1] <- 1
top <- 1
unfinished = -1
iter <- iter+1
} else {
top <- middle-distTop
} else {
max <- smooth[top]
gauss <- function(p) {
d=max*dnorm(seq_along(smooth), top, p)
bw <- 2.35*optimize(gauss, c(0.1, meanwidth*2))$minimum
scans <- round(c(-bw*3, bw*3) + (indexWindow[1]:indexWindow[2])[top])
if (scans[1] < 1) scans[1] <- 1
if (scans[2] > length(ms1Indexes)) scans[2] <- length(ms1Indexes)
if (scans[1] < indexWindow[1]) {
addScans <- seq(from=scans[1], to=indexWindow[1]-1)
trace <- rbind(getEIC(data, ms1Indexes[addScans], mzMin, mzMax), trace)
top <- top+(indexWindow-min(addScans))
indexWindow[1] <- scans[1]
if (scans[2] > indexWindow[2]) {
addScans <- seq(from=indexWindow[2]+1, to=scans[2])
trace <- rbind(trace, getEIC(data, ms1Indexes[addScans], mzMin, mzMax))
indexWindow[2] <- scans[2]
trace <- cbind(trace, indexWindow[1]:indexWindow[2])
scanRange <- scans[1]:scans[2]
data.frame(intensity=trace[trace[,2] %in% scanRange, 1], retention=metaML$retentionTime[ms1Indexes[scanRange]], acquisitionNum=metaML$acquisitionNum[ms1Indexes[scanRange]])
#' Extract the trace of a parent ion
#' Given an MS2 scan find the parent ion scan and get the chromatographic trace
#' for that ion. Furthermore annotate the trace with which scan is the parent
#' and possible additional ions selected for fragmentation
#' @param data An mzRamp object
#' @param scan An acquisition number to an MS2 scan
#' @param ppm The sensitivity used for the ion trace
#' @return A data.frame with columns: intensity, retention, acquisitionNum,
#' parent and MS2scan
#' @noRd
traceParent <- function(data, metaML, scan, ppm=20) {
scans <- metaML
scanInfo <- header(data, which(scans$acquisitionNum == scan))
parentInfo <- scans[scans$acquisitionNum == scanInfo$precursorScanNum, ]
if(nrow(parentInfo) == 0) return(NULL)
trace <- getIonTrace(data, metaML, which(scans$acquisitionNum == scanInfo$precursorScanNum), scanInfo$precursorMZ, ppm=ppm)
trace$parent <- trace$retention == parentInfo$retentionTime
trace$MS2scan <- NA
mzWin <- c(scanInfo$precursorMZ-(scanInfo$precursorMZ/1000000)*ppm, scanInfo$precursorMZ+(scanInfo$precursorMZ/1000000)*ppm)
for(i in 1:nrow(trace)) {
if(trace$parent[i]) {
trace$MS2scan[i] <- scanInfo$acquisitionNum
} else {
ms2 <- which(scans$precursorScanNum == trace$acquisitionNum[i] & scans$precursorMZ > mzWin[1] & scans$precursorMZ < mzWin[2])
if (length(ms2) == 1) {
trace$MS2scan[i] <- scans$acquisitionNum[ms2]
} else if (length(ms2) > 1) {
ms2 <- ms2[which.min(abs(scans$precursorMZ[ms2] - scanInfo$precursorMZ))]
trace$MS2scan[i] <- scans$acquisitionNum[ms2]
if(nrow(trace) > 0) {
} else {
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