#' Fit dna and rna model to a given enhancer
#' Optim wrapper that performs numerical optimisation and extracts results.
#' Depending on the function chosen, a single optimisation or iterative
#' estimation are performed.
#' @name fit.dnarna
#' @rdname fit.dnarna
#' @import stats
#' @aliases
#' fit.dnarna.noctrlobs
#' fit.dnarna.wctrlobs.iter
#' @details dna model
#' The dna model is encoded as a vector where the first parameter
#' is the variance-link (ln: stdv, nb: dispersion) and the remaining parameters
#' are the coefficient of the linear model that consitutes the mean parameter,
#' as encoded in the model matrix.
#' @details rna model
#' The case rna model and the control rna interaction terms are encoded as
#' seperate linear models so that they can be added up by design matrix
#' concatenation (cbind) if a control enhancer is considered. Note that the
#' first parameter may be a variance link parameter (ln.nb: nb: dispersion)
#' which does not contribute to the linear model that constitutes the mean
#' parameter. As all parameters only act on the mean parameter in the case of
#' gamma.pois, the rna model matrix is augmented by a first column containing
#' only padding 0s if such a variance parameter exists, so that the mean
#' parameter can be computed via the same matrix multiplication irrespective of
#' whether the rna model contains such parameter that does not contribute to the
#' mean model. The code that throws away non-used coefficients before fitting
#' is blocked for this parameter. Note that the ctrl rna model is not allowed to
#' have and additional variance coefficient so that the testing is only on the
#' first moment. This is guaranteed by the default that this non-use cofficient
#' is discarded.
#' @param model noise model
#' @param dcounts the DNA counts
#' @param rcounts the RNA counts
#' @param ddepth dna library size correction vector (numeric, dna samples)
#' @param rdepth rna library size correction vector (numeric, rna samples)
#' @param ddesign.mat the dna model design matrix
#' (logical, rna samples x dna parameters)
#' @param rdesign.mat the rna model design matrix
#' (logical, rna samples x rna parameters)
#' @param d2rdesign.mat the transition matrix relating DNA estimates to RNA
#' observations (logical, rna sample x dna parameters)
#' @param rctrlscale control-based correction scalers
#' @param rdesign.ctrl.mat the control rna model design matrix
#' (logical, samples x rna parameters)
#' @param theta.d.ctrl.prefit ctrl dna model parameters to condition likelihood
#' on (numeric, control enhancers x dna parameters)
#' @param compute.hessian if TRUE (default), compute the Hessian matrix of the
#' coefficients to facilitate coefficient-based hypothesis testing
#' @return a list with components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item d.fitval: the fitted values of the DNA counts
#' \item d.est: the estimated true DNA levels (corrected for library size)
#' \item d.coef: the fitted mode parameters for the DNA counts
#' \item the standard errors of the estimates of the DNA counts
#' \item r.est: the fitted values of the RNA counts
#' \item r.fitval: the fitted mode parameters for the RNA counts
#' \item r.est: the estimated true RNA levels (corrected for library size)
#' \item the standard errors of the estimates of the RNA counts
#' \item ll: the log likelihood of the model
#' }
#' @noRd
#' @rdname fit.dnarna
#' @noRd
fit.dnarna.noctrlobs <- function(model, dcounts, rcounts,
ddepth, rdepth, rctrlscale,
ddesign.mat, rdesign.mat, d2rdesign.mat,
rdesign.ctrl.mat, theta.d.ctrl.prefit,
compute.hessian) {
## get likelihood function
ll.funs <- get.ll.functions(model)
## filter invalid counts (NAs) from data and design
valid.c.d <- (dcounts > 0) & !
valid.c.r <- (rcounts > 0) & !
dcounts.valid <- dcounts[valid.c.d]
rcounts.valid <- rcounts[1,valid.c.r,drop=FALSE]
log.ddepth.valid <- log(ddepth[valid.c.d])
log.rdepth.valid <- log(rdepth[valid.c.r])
## clean design matrix from unused factors
valid.df <- apply(ddesign.mat[valid.c.d,,drop=FALSE], 2,
function(x) !all(x==0))
valid.rf <- apply(rdesign.mat[valid.c.r,,drop=FALSE], 2,
function(x) !all(x==0))
ddmat.valid <- ddesign.mat[valid.c.d,valid.df,drop=FALSE]
rdmat.valid <- rdesign.mat[valid.c.r,valid.rf,drop=FALSE]
d2rmat.valid <- d2rdesign.mat[valid.c.r,valid.df,drop=FALSE]
rdmat.ctrl.valid <- rdesign.ctrl.mat[valid.c.r,,drop=FALSE]
## Initialize parameter vector with a guess
guess <- rep(0, 1 + NCOL(ddmat.valid) + NCOL(rdmat.valid))
## optimize
fit <- optim(
par = guess,
fn = cost.dnarna,
llfnDNA = ll.funs$dna,
llfnRNA = ll.funs$rna,
dcounts = dcounts.valid,
rcounts = rcounts.valid,
log.ddepth = log.ddepth.valid,
log.rdepth = log.rdepth.valid,
rctrlscale = rctrlscale,
ddesign.mat = ddmat.valid,
rdesign.mat = rdmat.valid,
d2rdesign.mat = d2rmat.valid,
rdesign.ctrl.mat = rdmat.ctrl.valid,
hessian = compute.hessian,
method = "L-BFGS-B", control = list(maxit=1000),
lower=-23, upper=23)
## split parameters to the two parts of the model
fit$par <- pmax(pmin(fit$par, 23), -23)
d.par <- fit$par[seq(1, 1+NCOL(ddmat.valid))]
r.par <- fit$par[c(1, seq(1+NCOL(ddmat.valid)+1,
d.coef <- c(d.par[1], rep(NA, NCOL(ddesign.mat)))
d.coef[1 + which(valid.df)] <- d.par[-1]
d.df <- length(d.par)
r.coef <- c(r.par[1], rep(NA, NCOL(rdesign.mat)))
r.coef[1 + which(valid.rf)] <- r.par[-1]
r.df <- length(r.par)
## standard error of the estimates
se <- NULL <- NULL <- NULL
if (compute.hessian) {
se.comp <- tryCatch({
se <- sqrt(diag(solve(fit$hessian)))
}, error = function(e) return(e))
if(!inherits(se.comp, "error")) { <- c(se[1], rep(NA, NCOL(ddesign.mat)))[1 + which(valid.df)] <- se[seq(2, 1+NCOL(ddmat.valid))] <- c(se[1], rep(NA, NCOL(rdesign.mat)))[1 + which(valid.rf)] <- se[seq(1+NCOL(ddmat.valid)+1,
} else {
d.coef = d.coef, =, d.df = d.df,
r.coef = r.coef, =, r.df = r.df,
r.ctrl.coef = NULL, = NULL, r.ctrl.df = 0,
converged = fit$convergence,
ll = -fit$value))
#' fit the control-based joint model. Seperate DNA model per enhancer, joint RNA
#' model.
#' @inheritParams fit.dnarna
#' @param print.progress print a progress report on the fitting (default:TRUE),
#' recommended since the joint model fitting is computationally intensive
#' @param BPPARAM the parallelization backend to use
#' @return a list with components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item d.fitval: the fitted values of the DNA counts
#' \item d.est: the estimated true DNA levels (corrected for library size)
#' \item d.coef: the fitted mode parameters for the DNA counts
#' \item the standard errors of the estimates of the DNA counts
#' \item r.est: the fitted values of the RNA counts
#' \item r.fitval: the fitted mode parameters for the RNA counts
#' \item r.est: the estimated true RNA levels (corrected for library size)
#' \item the standard errors of the estimates of the RNA counts
#' \item ll: the log likelihood of the model
#' }
#' @noRd
fit.dnarna.onlyctrl.iter <- function(model, dcounts, rcounts,
ddepth, rdepth,
ddesign.mat, rdesign.mat, d2rdesign.mat,
BPPARAM, print.progress=TRUE) {
## get cost function
ll.funs <- get.ll.functions(model)
## filter invalid counts (NAs) from data and design
valid.c.d <- (dcounts > 0) & !
valid.c.r.agg <- apply((rcounts > 0) & !, 2, any)
log.ddepth <- log(ddepth)
log.rdepth <- log(rdepth)
## clean design matrix from unused factors
valid.rf <- apply(rdesign.mat[valid.c.r.agg,,drop=FALSE], 2,
function(x) !all(x==0))
## Iterative parameter estimation: coordinate ascent
# Iterate DNA and RNA model estimation
# Initialize DNA model parameter vector with a guess
d.par <- matrix(0, nrow=NROW(dcounts), ncol=1+NCOL(ddesign.mat))
r.par <- rep(0, 1+NCOL(rdesign.mat))
llold <- 0
llnew <- 0
iter <- 1
converged <- TRUE
RELTOL <- 10^(-6) # down to -6 or -8?
MAXITER <- 1000
while((llnew > llold-llold*RELTOL | iter <= 2) & iter < MAXITER) {
## estimate dna model for each control enhancer
dfits <- bplapply(seq_len(NROW(dcounts)), function(i) {
valid.df <- apply(ddesign.mat[valid.c.d[i,],,drop=FALSE], 2,
function(x) !all(x==0))
d.par <- rep(0, sum(valid.df) + 1)
fit <- optim(
par = d.par,
fn = cost.dna,
theta.r = r.par,
llfnDNA = ll.funs$dna,
llfnRNA = ll.funs$rna,
dcounts = t(dcounts[i,valid.c.d[i,],drop=FALSE]),
rcounts = t(rcounts[i,valid.c.r.agg,drop=FALSE]),
log.ddepth = log.ddepth[valid.c.d[i,]],
log.rdepth = log.rdepth[valid.c.r.agg],
ddesign.mat = ddesign.mat[valid.c.d[i,],valid.df,drop=FALSE],
rdesign.mat = rdesign.mat[valid.c.r.agg,valid.rf,drop=FALSE],
d2rdesign.mat = d2rdesign.mat[valid.c.r.agg,
hessian = FALSE,
method = "L-BFGS-B", control = list(maxit=1000),
lower=-23, upper=23)
fit$par <- pmax(pmin(fit$par, 23), -23)
d.par <- matrix(0, nrow=NROW(dcounts), ncol=NCOL(ddesign.mat)+1)
d.par[,1] <- vapply(dfits, function(x) x$par[1], 0.0)
for(i in seq_len(NROW(dcounts))){
valid.df <- apply(ddesign.mat[valid.c.d[i,],,drop=FALSE], 2,
function(x) !all(x==0))
d.par[i, 1 + which(valid.df)] <- dfits[[i]]$par[-1]
## estimate rna model conditioned on dna model
rfit <- optim(
par = r.par,
fn = cost.rna,
theta.d = t(d.par),
llfnRNA = ll.funs$rna,
rcounts = t(rcounts[,valid.c.r.agg,drop=FALSE]),
log.rdepth = log.rdepth[valid.c.r.agg],
d2rdesign.mat = d2rdesign.mat[valid.c.r.agg,,drop=FALSE],
rdesign.mat = rdesign.mat[valid.c.r.agg,valid.rf,drop=FALSE],
hessian = FALSE,
method = "L-BFGS-B", control = list(maxit=1000),
lower=-23, upper=23)
rfit$par <- pmax(pmin(rfit$par, 23), -23)
r.par <- rfit$par
names(r.par) <- NULL
## update iteration convergence reporters
llold <- llnew
llnew <- -sum(rfit$value + vapply(dfits, function(x) x$value, 0.0))
iter <- iter + 1
if(iter == MAXITER & llnew > llold-llold*RELTOL) {
converged <- FALSE
if(print.progress) {
message("iter:", iter, "\tlog-likelihood:", llnew)
d.coef <- d.par
d.df <- vapply(dfits, function(x) length(x$fit), 0)
r.coef <- rep(NA, NCOL(rdesign.mat))
r.coef[valid.rf] <- r.par[-1]
r.df <- length(r.par) - 1
return(lapply(seq_len(NROW(d.coef)), function(i){
d.coef = d.coef[i,], = NULL, d.df = d.df[i],
r.coef = r.coef, = NULL, r.df = r.df,
r.ctrl.coef = NULL, = NULL, r.ctrl.df = 0,
converged = converged,
ll = NA)
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