#' Main function to generate the summary plots of the analysis
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @import circlize
#' @import grid
#' @param momaObj : momaObj that has already run the saturationCalculation function
#' @param clustering.solution : clustering vector with sample names and cluster designations
#' @param important.genes : vector of gene names to prioritize when plotting.
#' Can be general genes of interest, oncogenes, tumor supressors etc
#' @param fCNV : vector of confirmed functional CNVs if calculated. Will filter for only those CNVs
#' @param : maximum number of events to plot for the oncoplots
#' @return object with both types of summary plot for each subtype
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' makeSaturationPlots(momaObj, = 20)
#' }
#' @export
makeSaturationPlots <- function(momaObj, clustering.solution = NULL,
important.genes = NULL, fCNV = NULL, = 30) {
# check for required components of previous saturation analysis and set as local variables
if (length(momaObj$checkpoints) == 0) {
stop("Genomic Saturation analysis has not been done. Run momaObj$saturationCalculation() before continuing.
checkpoints <- momaObj$checkpoints
genomic.saturation <- momaObj$genomic.saturation
# get clustering solution to use for calculations. should be provided or previously saved in the momaObj
if (is.null(clustering.solution)) {
if (length(momaObj$sample.clustering) == 0) {
stop("No clustering solution provided. Provide one as an argument or save one
to the momaObj. Quitting...")
} else {
clustering.solution <- momaObj$sample.clustering
# make gene to cytoband location mapping
band2gene <- momaObj$gene.loc.mapping$Gene.Symbol
names(band2gene) <- momaObj$gene.loc.mapping$Cytoband
# Get raw input mutation/cnv/fusion matrices
# from the momaObj and prep for oncoprint plots
# Mutations
snpmat <- momaObj$mut
snpmat[snpmat == 1] <- "mut"
snpmat[snpmat == 0] <- NA
rownames(snpmat) <- mapEntrez(rownames(snpmat))
# Fusions if they exist
fusions.mat <- NULL
if(!$fusions[1,1])) {
fusions.mat <- momaObj$fusions
fusions.mat[fusions.mat == 1] <- "fus"
fusions.mat[fusions.mat == 0] <- NA
# CNVs. Input should be GISITC scores so separate into high/low events
# Filter to only keep fCNVs if provided
cnv <- momaObj$cnv
cnv <- cnv[na.omit(match(fCNV, rownames(cnv))),]
if(nrow(cnv) == 0) {
stop("CNV matrix after functional CNV filtering is empty.
Check that names are in same format or if too many fCNVs are provided.
amps <- dels <- cnv
amps[amps < 0.5] <- NA
amps[amps >= 0.5] <- "amp"
dels[dels > -0.5] <- NA
dels[dels <= -0.5] <- "del"
rownames(amps) <- rownames(dels) <- mapEntrez(rownames(cnv))
# Restructure saturation data
# to prep for plotting
# get subtype event tables
subtype.tables <- getSubtypeEventTables(genomic.saturation, clustering.solution, checkpoints)
# get summary table of unique events added in for each regulator
## could be clarified/improved
## also potential improvement: look for inflection points of huge jumps of new unique events and highlight those regulators in particular?
tissue.coverage.df <- mergeDataBySubtype(genomic.saturation, clustering.solution, 100)
# initalize object to save plots in
tmp.oncoplots <- list()
tmp.curveplots <- list()
if(!is.null(important.genes)) {
message("List of important genes has been provided. Will prioritize plotting these events first")
for(k in seq_along(subtype.tables)) {
# Oncoprint Events Plots
samples.thisCluster <- names(clustering.solution[clustering.solution == k])
message("Number of samples in cluster ", k, ": ", length(samples.thisCluster))
# subset genomic event matrices for this cluster
snpmat.thisClus <- snpmat[,colnames(snpmat) %in% samples.thisCluster]
#cnv.thisClus <- cnv[,colnames(cnv) %in% samples.thisCluster]
amps.thisClus <- amps[,colnames(amps) %in% samples.thisCluster]
dels.thisClus <- dels[,colnames(dels) %in% samples.thisCluster]
fusions.thisClus <- NULL
if (!is.null(fusions.mat)) {
fusions.thisClus <- fusions.mat[,colnames(fusions.mat) %in% samples.thisCluster]
if(ncol(fusions.thisClus) == 0) {
fusions.thisClus <- NULL
p.oncoprint <- oncoprintPlot(summary.vec = subtype.tables[[k]], snpmat.thisClus, amps.thisClus, dels.thisClus, fusions.thisClus,
important.genes, band2gene,, k)
tmp.oncoplots[[k]] <- p.oncoprint
# Saturation Curve Plots
p.coverage <- genomicPlotSmall(tissue.coverage.df, fraction=0.85, tissue.cluster=k)
tmp.curveplots[[k]] <- p.coverage
list("oncoprint.plots" = tmp.oncoplots, "curve.plots" = tmp.curveplots)
#' Helper function to get subtype specific events
#' @param : genomic saturation object from MOMA. List indexed by
#' cluster then sample then regulator with the number of events associated with
#' each additional regulator
#' @param sample.clustering : clustering vector with sample names and
#' cluster designations
#' @param checkpoints : from momaObj
#' @return a table that has counts of how many times a particular event
#' happens in a cluster
#' @keywords internal
getSubtypeEventTables <- function(, sample.clustering,
checkpoints) {
subtype.coverage <- list()
coverage.allSubtypes <-
clustering <- sample.clustering
# aggregate statistics across all samples, but use different subtype
# specific solutions
for ( in unique(clustering)) {
# dataframe with sample, type, gene names for each
# amp/del events can be locations.
coverage <- coverage.allSubtypes[[]]
sample.set <- names(coverage)
# get number of regulators decided for this checkpoint depending on threshold
mr.cutoff <- length(checkpoints[[]])
#if (isTRUE(checkpoint.spec)) {
#mr.cutoff <- length(momaObj$checkpoints.clusterSpecific[[]])
#} else {
# mr.cutoff <- length(momaObj$checkpoints[[]])
subtype.coverage[[]] <- makeCoverageDf(coverage, cutoff=mr.cutoff)
names(subtype.coverage) <- unique(clustering)
# make summary table that counts the number of events in the group
subtype.tables <- lapply(names(subtype.coverage), function( {
table(apply(subtype.coverage[[]], 1, function(x) paste0(x[1], ':', x[2])))
#' Helper function for making the coverage dataframe
#' @param coverage.list : List indexed by sample name,
#' contains mut/fus/amp/del interactions
#' @param cutoff : number of regulators to include
#' @return dataframe with each sample and which events are
#' captured by the checkpoint mrs
#' @keywords internal
makeCoverageDf <- function(coverage.list, cutoff) {
df <- c()
for (name in names(coverage.list)) {
# skip empty/missing sample data
if (is.null(coverage.list[[name]])) { next }
for (type in c("mut", "amp", "del", "fus")) {
events.thisSample <- coverage.list[[name]][[cutoff]][[type]]
if (is.null(events.thisSample)) {
non.null.idx <- which(vapply(coverage.list[[name]],
function(x) !is.null(x),
FUN.VALUE = logical(1))) ## ??
real.cutoff <- max(non.null.idx[non.null.idx < cutoff])
events.thisSample <- coverage.list[[name]][[real.cutoff]][[type]]
CT <- length(events.thisSample)
if (CT==0) { next }
submat <- cbind(rep(name, CT), rep(type, CT), events.thisSample)
df <- rbind(df, submat)
df <- data.frame(event=df[,3], type=df[,2], sample=df[,1])
#' Create data frame from coverage data, including number of total events
#' 'covered' and unique events
#' @param genomic.saturation : data from genomic saturation function
#' @param sample.clustering : clustering vector with sample names and
#' cluster designations
#' @param topN : number of regulators to look through. default is 100
#' @return dataframe with coverage data for genomic events
#' @keywords internal
mergeDataBySubtype <- function(genomic.saturation, sample.clustering,
topN = 100) {
# generate summary stats for each subtype
full.df <- c()
for (subtype in unique(sample.clustering)) {
# unnecessary
# subtype.samples <- names(sample.clustering[sample.clustering==subtype])
coverage.subtype <- genomic.saturation[[subtype]]
df <- mergeData(coverage.subtype, topN)
# append a column specifying the subtype
df$subtype <- rep(subtype, nrow(df))
full.df <- rbind(full.df, df)
#' Helper function for mergeDataBySubtype
#' @param coverage.range : genomic saturation for a particular subtype
#' @param topN : max number of top regulators to search through
#' @return dataframe with coverage data for genomic events
#' @keywords internal
mergeData <- function(coverage.range, topN) {
data <- c()
for (i in seq_len(topN)) {
# count for each sample
# $mut/amp/del all point to either a NA or a vector of names of the event. If NA the length will be zero
# so simply count the number of each type of event
count <- unlist(lapply(coverage.range, function(x) { <- length(x[[i]]$mut)+length(x[[i]]$amp)+length(x[[i]]$del)
count <- na.omit(count)
# apply over each sample, get the coverage for each
fraction <- unlist(lapply(coverage.range, function(x) {
# critically: must omit the NAs so they don't interfere with count
event.fractions <- x[[i]]$total.frac
fraction <- na.omit(fraction) <- unlist(lapply(coverage.range, function(x) {
c(x[[i]]$mut, x[[i]]$amp, x[[i]]$del)
})) <- na.omit(
data <- rbind(data, c(i, mean(count), mean(fraction), length(unique(
df <- data.frame(mean=data[,2], k=data[,1], fraction=data[,3],[,4])
#' Function to plot genomic events in the style of oncoPrint/cBioPortal
#' @importFrom tidyr separate
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange select mutate mutate_all everything bind_rows group_by n desc
#' @importFrom tibble deframe as_tibble rownames_to_column tibble column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom stringr str_split_fixed
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom grid textGrob
#' @param summary.vec : named vector of the counts, named 'Event name':'Type'
#' where type is 'mut', 'amp', 'del', 'fus'. Mutations are in Entrez ID
#' Amp/Deletion CNV events are in genomic band location
#' @param snpmat.thisClus : SNP matrix subset to samples in current cluster
#' @param amps.thisClus : CNV matrix subset to samples in current cluster (just amplifications)
#' @param dels.thisClus : CNV matrix subset to samples in current cluster (just deletions)
#' @param fusions.thisClus : Fusion matrix subset to samples in current cluster
#' @param important.genes : well known genes to highlight in the analysis
#' @param band2gene : mapping of genomic location IDs to gene name: vector of
#' HUGO gene ids, named by genomic location
#' @param : maximum number of events to plot for the oncoplots
#' @param k : current cluster number
#' @return oncoprint event plot
#' @keywords internal
oncoprintPlot <- function(summary.vec, snpmat.thisClus, amps.thisClus,
dels.thisClus, fusions.thisClus, important.genes,
band2gene,, k) {
data <- data.frame(coverage=names(summary.vec), freq=as.numeric(summary.vec)) %>%
tidyr::separate(.data$coverage, c("id", "type"), ":", remove = FALSE) %>%
## Split into separate data types <- data[data$type == "mut",] %>%
dplyr::mutate(id = mapEntrez(.data$id)) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$id, .data$freq) %>%
tibble::deframe() <- data[data$type == "amp",] %>%
dplyr::select(.data$id, .data$freq) %>%
dplyr::mutate(gene = NA) <- data[data$type == "del",] %>%
dplyr::select(.data$id, .data$freq) %>%
dplyr::mutate(gene = NA) <- data[data$type == "fus",] %>%
dplyr::select(.data$id, .data$freq) %>%
if(is.null(important.genes)) {
# if no list of important genes has been provided just plot top events
# subset mutations by name
mut.mat <- tibble::as_tibble(snpmat.thisClus[names(,], rownames = NA) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "genomic.event") %>%
dplyr::mutate(type = "mut") %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(as.character) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$genomic.event, .data$type, dplyr::everything())
# for each cytoband region subset the genes in that region and get the gene
# with the highest number of events to represent it
# amplifications
for(row in seq_len(nrow( {
cnv.loc <-$id[row]
genes.inBand <- as.character(band2gene[which(names(band2gene)==cnv.loc)])
band.mat <- amps.thisClus[intersect(genes.inBand, rownames(amps.thisClus)),]
if(is.null(nrow(band.mat))) {
# only one gene case, just use that one$gene[row] <- intersect(genes.inBand, rownames(amps.thisClus))
} else { <- apply(band.mat, 1, function(x) sum(! %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)
# take the one with most events cause sometimes genes in the band won't all have same score$gene[row] <- names([1]
amps.mat <- amps.thisClus[$gene, ]
amps.mat <- cbind(genomic.event =$id, type = rep("amp", nrow(amps.mat)), amps.mat) %>% = FALSE)
# deletions
for(row in seq_len(nrow( {
cnv.loc <-$id[row]
genes.inBand <- as.character(band2gene[which(names(band2gene)==cnv.loc)])
band.mat <- dels.thisClus[intersect(genes.inBand, rownames(dels.thisClus)),]
if(is.null(nrow(band.mat))) {
# only one gene case, just use that one$gene[row] <- intersect(genes.inBand, rownames(dels.thisClus))
} else { <- apply(band.mat, 1, function(x) sum(! %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)
# take the one with most events cause sometimes genes in the band won't all have same score$gene[row] <- names([1]
dels.mat <- dels.thisClus[$gene, ]
dels.mat <- cbind(genomic.event =$id, type = rep("del", nrow(dels.mat)), dels.mat) %>% = FALSE)
# fusions
if(!is.null(fusions.thisClus) & length( > 0) {
fus.mat <- tibble::as_tibble(fusions.thisClus[names(,], rownames = NA) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "genomic.event") %>%
dplyr::mutate(type = "fus") %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(as.character) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$genomic.event, .data$type, dplyr::everything())
} else {
fus.mat <- NULL
} <- dplyr::bind_rows(mut.mat, amps.mat, dels.mat, fus.mat)
# merge rows that are duplicated (have muts and amp/dels)
dups.count <- %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$genomic.event) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n())
dups.count <- dups.count[dups.count$n > 1, 1]
dups <-[$genomic.event %in% dups.count$genomic.event,]
if(nrow(dups) > 0 ) {
dups.names <- unique(dups$genomic.event)
# remove duplicates from the current matrix <-[!$genomic.event %in% dups.count$genomic.event,]
for (name in dups.names) {
# collapse all types of events together into one row and then rebind to main matrix
# having NA;event is fine syntax for use in oncoprint function
#### added in function to keep amps and dels separate, only merge mut with amps/dels
merged <- dups[dups$genomic.event == name,]
if(!"mut" %in% merged$type) {
# means that only events are amps/dels, don't merge.
# add a/d to the end do be able to differentiate later
# (and to not run into issue of duplicate rownames in the matrix)
merged$genomic.event <- paste(merged$genomic.event, merged$type, sep = "_")
} else if ("mut" %in% merged$type & nrow(merged) == 2) {
# means that one event is a mut and other is amp/del
# merge together like before by collapsing the rows together
merged <- apply(merged, 2, paste0, collapse = ";")
merged[1] <- name
} else if (nrow(merged) == 3) {
# means that there is one of each type of event mut, amp and del
# merge mut with amp and del separately
amp.merged <- merged[merged$type %in% c("amp", "mut"),] %>% apply(2, paste0, collapse = ";")
amp.merged[1] <- paste(name, "amp", sep = "_")
del.merged <- merged[merged$type %in% c("del", "mut"),] %>% apply(2, paste0, collapse = ";")
del.merged[1] <- paste(name, "del", sep = "_")
merged <- dplyr::bind_rows(amp.merged, del.merged)
} else {
stop("Problem merging duplicates, double check gene names.")
} <- dplyr::bind_rows(, merged)
# replace new NA's with regular ones so that plots can be counted for events again[ == "NA;NA"] <- NA[ == "NA;NA;NA"] <- NA
# get row sums, in terms of events and take top ones. filter for events that happen at least twice here <- %>% dplyr::select($type) %>%
tibble::column_to_rownames(var = "genomic.event") %>%
as.matrix() <- apply(, 1, function(x) sum(! %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE) <-[ > 1]
# add events in chunks of frequency until max is reached
final.mat <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(
freq.range <- unique(
freq.idx <- 1
while(nrow(final.mat) < & freq.idx <= length(unique( {
to.add <- names([ == freq.range[freq.idx]])
to.add.mat <- matrix([to.add,], nrow = length(to.add), dimnames = list(rownames = to.add))
# final.mat <- rbind(final.mat, to.add.mat) <- rbind(final.mat, to.add.mat)
if(nrow( > {
} else {
final.mat <-
freq.idx <- freq.idx + 1
# check if all genes are unique (as per merging of muts with amps/dels)
# if so remove _cnv ending, else leave it on
final.plot.names <- stringr::str_split_fixed(rownames(final.mat), pattern = "_", n = 2)
if(length(unique(final.plot.names[,1])) == nrow(final.mat)) {
rownames(final.mat) <- final.plot.names[,1]
message("Plotting ", nrow(final.mat), " total events for subtype ")
if(nrow(final.mat) == 0) {
return(grid::textGrob("No significant events to plot for this subtype"))
# Heatmap plot
heatmap_legend_param = list(title = "Alterations",
at = c("amp", "del", "mut", "fus"),
labels = c("Amplification", "Deletion", "Mutation", "Fusion"))
# color parameters for oncoprint
col = c("del" = "blue", "amp" = "red", "mut" = "#008000", "fus" = 'gold2', "NA" = "grey22")
alter_fun = list(
background = function(x, y, w, h) {
grid.rect(x, y, w*0.6, h*0.75,
gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC", col = NA))
# big blue - dels
del = function(x, y, w, h) {
grid.rect(x, y, w*0.6, h*0.75,
gp = gpar(fill = col["del"], col = NA))
# big red - amps
amp = function(x, y, w, h) {
grid.rect(x, y, w*0.6, h*0.75,
gp = gpar(fill = col["amp"], col = NA))
# small green
mut = function(x, y, w, h) {
grid.rect(x, y, w*0.6, h*0.33,
gp = gpar(fill = col["mut"], col = NA))
# big yellow
fus = function(x, y, w, h) {
grid.rect(x, y, w*0.6, h*0.75,
gp = gpar(fill = col["fus"], col = NA))
# optimize size of labels
if(nrow(final.mat) >= 55) {
label.size <- 3
} else if (nrow(final.mat) >= 40 ) {
label.size <- 4
} else if (nrow(final.mat) >= 30) {
label.size <- 5
} else if (nrow(final.mat) >= 20) {
label.size <- 6
} else {
label.size <- 7
title <- paste("Genomic Events for Subtype", k)
# set NAs to empty string in final mat to avoid Complex Heatmap warning
final.mat[] <- ""
ht <- ComplexHeatmap::oncoPrint(final.mat,
alter_fun = alter_fun, col = col,
heatmap_legend_param = heatmap_legend_param,
pct_side = "right", pct_gp = gpar(fontsize = label.size),
column_title = title, column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
row_names_side = "left", row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = label.size),
show_heatmap_legend = TRUE,
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(
column_barplot = anno_oncoprint_barplot(height = unit(.4, "cm"), axis_param = list(gp = gpar(fontsize = 4)))),
right_annotation = rowAnnotation(
row_barplot = anno_oncoprint_barplot(width = unit(1, "cm"), axis_param = list(gp = gpar(fontsize = 5)))))
p <- grid::grid.grabExpr(draw(ht, padding = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm")))
##### No longer the primary plot style but keeping as an option plot style
##### TODO: Need to make it a freestanding function
#' Plot barchart of genomic events
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @param summary.vec : named vector of the counts, named 'Event name':'Type'
#' where type is 'mut', 'amp', 'del', 'fus'. Mutations are in Entrez ID
#' Amp/Deletion CNV events are in genomic band location
#' @param highlight.genes : well known genes to highlight in the analysis in
#' @param genomeBand_2_gene : mapping of genomic location IDs to gene name:
#' vector of HUGO gene ids, named by genomic loci
#' @param : number of samples in the subtype, used to calculate percentages
#' @param max.muts : maximum number of mutations to get per sample, default is 10
#' @param max.cnv : maximum number of cnvs to per sample, default is 5
#' @return plot object
#' @keywords internal
plotEvents <- function(summary.vec, highlight.genes=NULL, genomeBand_2_gene=NULL,, max.muts = 10, max.cnv = 5) {
data <- data.frame(coverage=names(summary.vec), Freq=as.numeric(summary.vec))
# order by individual frequency
data <- data[order(-data$Freq),]
data$id <- unlist(lapply(data$coverage, function(label) {
label <- as.character(label)
name <- strsplit(label, ':')[[1]][1]
hugo <- mapEntrez(as.character(name))
if ( {
return (name)
} else {
return (hugo)
# make a new column: for CNV band locations
data$type <- unlist(lapply(data$coverage, function(label) {
type <- strsplit(as.character(label), ':')[[1]][2]
# get order dataframe of events
mapped <- getDataFrame(data, highlight.genes, genomeBand_2_gene, max.muts = 10, max.cnv = 5)
# check the size: if we have too many events to display, then select the top N unique IDs
# already sorted by frequency of occurence.
if (nrow(mapped) > 50) {
# add at least half simply with mutated gene labels <- mapped[mapped$type=='mut',]
add.labels <- na.omit(unique([order($Freq),][seq_len(25),]$id))
# and add cnv
additional <- setdiff(unique(mapped$id), add.labels)[seq_len(50-length(add.labels))]
mapped <- mapped[mapped$id %in% union(additional, add.labels),]
# The palette with black: (unnecessary?)
# cbbPalette <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
# if exporting as object then just use default of 10 and then change by adding geom/layer when plotting
# else if plotting directly then try to adjust text size to fit based on number of events
# data.size <- nrow(mapped)
# if(is.null(output)) {
# print("No file output name found, using pre-selected text size for plotting")
# y.textSize <- 10
# } else {
# print("Output plot name found, adjusting text size based on number of events")
# if (num.subtypes > 5 && data.size > 50) {
# y.textSize <- 1
# } else if (num.subtypes > 4 && data.size > 25) {
# y.textSize <- 2
# } else if (num.subtypes > 4 && data.size <= 25) {
# y.textSize <- 3
# } else if (data.size < 20) {
# y.textSize <- 5
# } else if (data.size < 40) {
# y.textSize <- 6
# }
# }
message('Number of entries in events matrix: ', nrow(mapped))
#print (paste('Using font size ', y.textSize))
# Scale frequency to a percentage of samples in that cluster not number of occurences
mapped$freq.percentage <- mapped$Freq/
p <- ggplot2::qplot(x=mapped$id, y=mapped$freq.percentage, fill=mapped$type, data=mapped, geom = "col") + coord_flip() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("mut"='#00BA38', "amp"= '#F8766D', "del" = '#619CFF', "fus" = '#FF8C00' )) +
ylab("Frequency") + xlab("Event")
#theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=y.textSize))
# if (!is.null(output)) {
# p <- p + labs(title = paste(plot.label, "subtype", k))
# ggsave(output)
# }
#' Helper function to get data frame for bar plot function
#' @param data data.frame with $type, $id, $Freq per event
#' @param highlight.genes genes to look for in mutations/cnv lists (if looking
#' for specific genes because of prior knowledge)
#' @param genomeBand_2_gene mapping of genomic location IDs to gene name:
#' vector of HUGO gene ids, named by genomic loci
#' @param max.muts maximum number of mutations to get per sample, default is 10
#' @param max.cnv maximum number of cnvs to per sample, default is 5
#' @return ordered data frame with each genomic event and it's frequency
#' @keywords internal
getDataFrame <- function(data, highlight.genes, genomeBand_2_gene,
max.muts = 10, max.cnv = 5) {
#### edit logic of this section ?
MAX.muts <- max.muts
MAX.CNV.loc <- max.cnv
## all all highlight genes and events to the
## for each CNV location event, find genes that overlap with the highlight list.
## add duplicate entries for those genes
mapped <- c() <- data[data$type=='del',]
for (row in seq_len(nrow( {
loc <-[row, 3]
genes.inBand <- as.character(genomeBand_2_gene[which(names(genomeBand_2_gene)==loc)])
hgIB <- intersect(genes.inBand, highlight.genes)
if (length(hgIB)==0) { next }
mapped <- rbind(mapped, data.frame([row, 1],[row, 2],
id=hgIB,[row, 4]))
} <- data[data$type=='amp',]
for (row in seq_len(nrow( {
loc <-[row, 3]
genes.inBand <- as.character(genomeBand_2_gene[which(names(genomeBand_2_gene)==loc)])
hgIB <- intersect(genes.inBand, highlight.genes)
if (length(hgIB)==0) { next }
mapped <- rbind(mapped, data.frame([row, 1],[row, 2],
id=hgIB,[row, 4]))
# find mutations in key regions <- data[data$type=='mut',]
for (row in seq_len(nrow( {
gene <-[row, 3]
hgIB <- intersect(gene, highlight.genes)
if (length(hgIB)==0) { next }
mapped <- rbind(mapped, data.frame([row, 1],[row, 2],
id=hgIB,[row, 4]))
# HUGO ids: add additional mutation events outside of the highlight genes
all.gene.ids <- as.character(mapped$id)
# add in top X mutations not in the driver list <- data[data$type=='mut',]
i = 1
for (row in seq_len(nrow( {
if ([row,]$id %in% all.gene.ids) { next }
if (i > MAX.muts) { break }
mapped <- rbind(mapped,[row,])
i = 1+i
# add all fusions
mapped <- rbind(mapped, data[data$type=='fus',])
# add CNV band locations (a few)
subset <- data[apply(cbind(data$type=='amp', data$type=='del'), 1, any),]
if (nrow(subset) > MAX.CNV.loc) { subset <- subset[seq_len(MAX.CNV.loc),] }
mapped <- rbind(mapped, subset)
# order by total frequency of events by gene/id
mapped$event_sums <- vapply(mapped$id, function(id) {
sum(as.numeric(mapped[which(mapped$id==as.character(id)),]$Freq)) },
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
mapped <- mapped[order(-mapped$event_sums),]
mapped$id <- factor(mapped$id, levels=unique(rev(mapped$id)))
#' Make small genomic plot
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import magrittr
#' @param input.df : tissue.coverage.df with mean, k, fraction and unique events.
#' @param fraction : what fraction coverage to use for genomic curve threshold
#' @param tissue.cluster : which cluster subsample to look at
#' @return output .png
#' @keywords internal
genomicPlotSmall <- function(input.df, fraction=0.85, tissue.cluster=NULL) {
#### need to add in null matrix function ###
# get number of subtypes and colors for plotting
num.subtypes <- length(unique(input.df$subtype))
getPalette <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Dark2"))
subtype.colors <- getPalette(num.subtypes)
color.this.sub <- subtype.colors[tissue.cluster]
subtype.df <- input.df[input.df$subtype == tissue.cluster,]
subtype.df <- subtype.df %>% tidyr::drop_na(.data$fraction)
sweep <- subtype.df$fraction
names(sweep) <- sort(unique(subtype.df$k))
best.k <- fitCurvePercent(sweep, frac=fraction)
message("Number of MRs in checkpoint: ", best.k)
# mean statistic for these samples
mean.stat <- unlist(lapply(sort(unique(subtype.df$k)), function(k) {
sweep <- mean.stat
# Get mean # of samples <- unlist(lapply(sort(unique(subtype.df$k)), function(k) {
names( <- sort(unique(input.df$k))
# the average multiplier across all the bands:
# use to count the mean number of events on the right side
y.multiplier <- mean(na.omit(
# first make a condensed plot just the first ~100 events
ymax <- subtype.df[nrow(subtype.df),]$fraction
# make plot
p.100 <- ggplot(subtype.df, aes(.data$k, .data$fraction)) + geom_line(color = color.this.sub, size=1.5, alpha=0.75) +
xlab("Number of MRs") +
"Mean Fraction",
sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . * y.multiplier, name = "Count"),
) +
#geom_ribbon(aes(, ymax=null.uq), color='#808080', alpha=0.2, linetype=2) +
geom_vline(xintercept=as.numeric(best.k), linetype=3) +
xlim(0,100) +
#labs(title=tissue) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=10), axis.text.y = element_text(size=10), legend.position="none")
# return the plot itself
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