# Function to find "intercept" factors
# .detectInterceptFactors <- function(object, cor_threshold = 0.75) {
# # Sanity checks
# if (!is(object, "MOFAmodel")) stop("'object' has to be an instance of MOFAmodel")
# # Fetch data
# data <- getTrainData(object)
# factors <- getfactors_names(object)
# # Correlate the factors with global means per sample
# r <- lapply(data, function(x) abs(cor(colSums(x,na.rm=T),factors, use="pairwise.complete.obs")))
# token <- 0
# for (i in names(r)) {
# if (any(r[[i]]>cor_threshold)) {
# token <- 1
# message(paste0("Warning: Factor ",which(r[[i]]>cor_threshold)," is strongly correlated with the total expression for each sample in ",i))
# }
# }
# if (token==1)
# message("Such (strong) factors usually appear when count-based assays are not properly normalised by library size.")
# }
.infer_likelihoods <- function(object) {
# Gaussian by default
likelihood <- rep(x="gaussian", times=object@dimensions$M)
names(likelihood) <- views_names(object)
for (m in views_names(object)) {
# data <- get_data(object, views=m)[[1]][[1]] # take only first group
data <- object@data[[m]][[1]]
# bernoulli
if (length(unique(data[!]))==2) {
likelihood[m] <- "bernoulli"
# poisson
} else if (all(data[!]%%1==0)) {
likelihood[m] <- "poisson"
# Set view names and group names for nested list objects (e.g. Y)
.name_views_and_groups <- function(nested_list, view_names, group_names) {
names(nested_list) <- view_names
for (view in view_names) { names(nested_list[[view]]) <- group_names }
#' @importFrom stats sd
.detect_outliers <- function(object, groups = "all", factors = "all") {
# Sanity checks
if (!is(object, "MOFA")) stop("'object' has to be an instance of MOFA")
# Define groups
groups <- .check_and_get_groups(object, groups)
H <- length(groups)
# Define factors
factors <- .check_and_get_factors(object, factors)
for (k in factors) {
for (g in groups) {
Z <- get_factors(object, groups=g, factors=k)[[1]][,1]
Z <- Z[!]
cutoff <- 2.5 * 1.96
tmp <- abs(Z - mean(Z)) / sd(Z)
outliers <- names(which(tmp>cutoff & abs(Z)>0.5))
if (length(outliers)>0 & length(outliers)<5) {
object@expectations$Z[[g]][,k][outliers] <- NA
# re-compute variance explained
object@cache[["variance_explained"]] <- calculate_variance_explained(object)
.flip_factor <- function(model, factor){
for(g in names(model@expectations$Z)) {
model@expectations$Z[[g]][,factor] <- - model@expectations$Z[[g]][,factor]
for(m in names(model@expectations$W)) {
model@expectations$W[[m]][,factor] <- -model@expectations$W[[m]][,factor]
.check_and_get_factors <- function(object, factors) {
if (is.numeric(factors)) {
stopifnot(all(factors <= object@dimensions$K))
} else {
if (paste0(factors, collapse = "") == "all") {
} else {
stopifnot(all(factors %in% factors_names(object)))
.check_and_get_views <- function(object, views, non_gaussian=TRUE) {
if (is.numeric(views)) {
stopifnot(all(views <= object@dimensions$M))
views <- views_names(object)[views]
} else {
if (paste0(views, sep = "", collapse = "") == "all") {
views <- views_names(object)
} else {
stopifnot(all(views %in% views_names(object)))
# Ignore non-gaussian views
if (isFALSE(non_gaussian)) {
non_gaussian_views <- names(which(object@model_options$likelihoods!="gaussian"))
views <- views[!views%in%non_gaussian_views]
.check_and_get_groups <- function(object, groups) {
if (is.numeric(groups)) {
stopifnot(all(groups <= object@dimensions$G))
} else {
if (paste0(groups, collapse = "") == "all") {
} else {
stopifnot(all(groups %in% groups_names(object)))
.check_and_get_samples <- function(object, samples) {
if (is.numeric(samples)) {
stopifnot(all(samples <= sum(object@dimensions$N)))
} else {
if (paste0(samples, collapse = "") == "all") {
} else {
stopifnot(all(samples %in% unlist(samples_names(object))))
.check_and_get_features_from_view <- function(object, view, features) {
if (is.numeric(features)) {
stopifnot(all(features <= sum(object@dimensions$D[view])))
} else {
if (paste0(features, collapse = "") == "all") {
} else {
stopifnot(all(features %in% unlist(features_names(object)[[view]])))
.get_top_features_by_loading <- function(object, view, factors, nfeatures = 10) {
# Collect expectations
W <- get_weights(object, factors = factors, views = view,
# Work with absolute values to sort them
W$value <- abs(W$value)
# Extract relevant features
W <- W[with(W, order(-abs(value))), ]
return(as.character(head(W$feature, nfeatures)))
.get_nodes_types <- function() {
nodes_types <- list(
multiview_nodes = c("W", "AlphaW", "ThetaW"),
multigroup_nodes = c("Z", "AlphaZ", "ThetaZ"),
twodim_nodes = c("Y", "Tau")
slots=c(rownames = "ANY",
colnames = "ANY",
nrow = "integer",
ncol = "integer")
setMethod("rownames", "matrix_placeholder", function(x) { x@rownames })
setMethod("colnames", "matrix_placeholder", function(x) { x@colnames })
setMethod("nrow", "matrix_placeholder", function(x) { x@nrow })
setMethod("ncol", "matrix_placeholder", function(x) { x@ncol })
setReplaceMethod("rownames", signature(x = "matrix_placeholder"),
function(x, value) {
x@rownames <- value
x@nrow <- length(value)
setReplaceMethod("colnames", signature(x = "matrix_placeholder"),
function(x, value) {
x@colnames <- value
x@ncol <- length(value)
.create_matrix_placeholder <- function(rownames, colnames) {
mx <- new("matrix_placeholder")
mx@rownames <- rownames
mx@colnames <- colnames
mx@nrow <- length(rownames)
mx@ncol <- length(colnames)
# (Hidden) function to define the group
.set_groupby <- function(object, group_by) {
# Option 0: no group
if (is.null(group_by)) {
group_by <- rep("1",sum(object@dimensions[["N"]]))
# Option 1: by default group
} else if (group_by[1] == "group") {
# group_by = c()
# for (group in names(samples_names(object))) {
# group_by <- c(group_by,rep(group,length(samples_names(object)[[group]])))
# }
# group_by = factor(group_by, levels=groups_names(object))
group_by <- samples_metadata(object)$group
# Option 2: by a metadata column in object@samples$metadata
} else if ((length(group_by) == 1) && (is.character(group_by)|is.factor(group_by)) & (group_by[1] %in% colnames(samples_metadata(object)))) {
group_by <- samples_metadata(object)[,group_by]
# if (is.character(group_by)) group_by <- as.factor( group_by )
# Option 3: input is a data.frame with columns (sample,group)
} else if (is(group_by,"data.frame")) {
stopifnot(all(colnames(group_by) %in% c("sample","group")))
stopifnot(all(unique(group_by$sample) %in% unlist(samples_names(object))))
# Option 4: group_by is a vector of length N
} else if (length(group_by) > 1) {
stopifnot(length(group_by) == sum(object@dimensions[["N"]]))
# Option not recognised
} else {
stop("'group_by' was specified but it was not recognised, please read the documentation")
# Create data.frame with columns (sample,group)
if (!is(group_by,"data.frame")) {
df = data.frame(
# sample = unlist(samples_names(object)),
sample = samples_metadata(object)$sample,
group_by = group_by,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# (Hidden) function to define the color
.set_colorby <- function(object, color_by) {
# Option 0: no color
if (is.null(color_by)) {
color_by <- rep("1",sum(object@dimensions[["N"]]))
# Option 1: by default group
} else if (color_by[1] == "group") {
color_by <- samples_metadata(object)$group
# Option 2: by a metadata column in object@samples$metadata
} else if ((length(color_by) == 1) && (is.character(color_by)|is.factor(color_by)) & (color_by[1] %in% colnames(samples_metadata(object)))) {
color_by <- samples_metadata(object)[,color_by]
# if (is.character(color_by)) color_by <- as.factor( color_by )
# Option 3: by a feature present in the training data
} else if ((length(color_by) == 1) && is.character(color_by) && (color_by[1] %in% unlist(features_names(object)))) {
viewidx <- which(sapply(features_names(object), function(x) color_by %in% x))
foo <- list(color_by); names(foo) <- names(viewidx)
color_by <- lapply(get_data(object, features = foo), function(l) Reduce(cbind, l))[[1]][1,]
# data <- lapply(get_data(object), function(l) Reduce(cbind, l))
# features <- lapply(data, rownames)
# viewidx <- which(sapply(features, function(x) color_by %in% x))
# color_by <- data[[viewidx]][color_by,]
# Option 4: by a factor value in object@expectations$Z
} else if ((length(color_by) == 1) && is.character(color_by) && (color_by[1] %in% colnames(get_factors(object)[[1]]))) {
color_by <-, get_factors(object))[,color_by]
# Option 5: input is a data.frame with columns (sample, color)
} else if (is(color_by, "data.frame")) {
stopifnot(all(colnames(color_by) %in% c("sample", "color")))
stopifnot(all(unique(color_by$sample) %in% unlist(samples_names(object))))
# Option 6: color_by is a vector of length N
} else if (length(color_by) > 1) {
stopifnot(length(color_by) == sum(get_dimensions(object)$N))
# Option not recognised
} else {
stop("'color_by' was specified but it was not recognised, please read the documentation")
# Create data.frame with columns (sample,color)
if (!is(color_by,"data.frame")) {
df <- data.frame(
# sample = unlist(samples_names(object)),
sample = samples_metadata(object)$sample,
color_by = color_by,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (length(unique(df$color_by)) < 5) df$color_by <- as.factor(df$color_by)
# (Hidden) function to define the shape
.set_shapeby <- function(object, shape_by) {
# Option 0: no color
if (is.null(shape_by)) {
shape_by <- rep("1",sum(object@dimensions[["N"]]))
# Option 1: by default group
} else if (shape_by[1] == "group") {
# shape_by = c()
# for (group in names(samples_names(object))){
# shape_by <- c(shape_by,rep(group,length(samples_names(object)[[group]])))
# }
shape_by <- samples_metadata(object)$group
# Option 2: by a metadata column in object@samples$metadata
} else if ((length(shape_by) == 1) && is.character(shape_by) & (shape_by %in% colnames(samples_metadata(object)))) {
shape_by <- samples_metadata(object)[,shape_by]
# Option 3: by a feature present in the training data
} else if ((length(shape_by) == 1) && is.character(shape_by) && (shape_by[1] %in% unlist(features_names(object)))) {
# data <- lapply(get_data(object), function(l) Reduce(cbind, l))
# features <- lapply(data, rownames)
# viewidx <- which(sapply(features, function(x) shape_by %in% x))
# shape_by <- data[[viewidx]][shape_by,]
viewidx <- which(sapply(features_names(object), function(x) shape_by %in% x))
foo <- list(shape_by); names(foo) <- names(viewidx)
shape_by <- lapply(get_data(object, features = foo), function(l) Reduce(cbind, l))[[1]][1,]
# Option 4: input is a data.frame with columns (sample,color)
} else if (is(shape_by,"data.frame")) {
stopifnot(all(colnames(shape_by) %in% c("sample","color")))
stopifnot(all(unique(shape_by$sample) %in% unlist(samples_names(object))))
# Option 5: shape_by is a vector of length N
} else if (length(shape_by) > 1) {
stopifnot(length(shape_by) == sum(object@dimensions[["N"]]))
# Option not recognised
} else {
stop("'shape_by' was specified but it was not recognised, please read the documentation")
# Create data.frame with columns (sample,shape)
if (!is(shape_by,"data.frame")) {
df = data.frame(
sample = samples_metadata(object)$sample,
# sample = unlist(samples_names(object)),
shape_by = as.factor(shape_by),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
.add_legend <- function(p, df, legend, color_name, shape_name) {
# Add legend for color
if (is.numeric(df$color_by)) {
p <- p +
# guides(color=FALSE) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colors=colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n=5, name="RdYlBu")))(10)) +
# scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c('lightgrey', 'blue'))
} else {
if (length(unique(df$color_by))>1) {
p <- p +
guides(fill=guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape=21))) +
} else {
p <- p + guides(fill=FALSE, color=FALSE) +
scale_color_manual(values="black") +
# Add legend for shape
if (length(unique(df$shape_by))>1) {
p <- p +
scale_shape_manual(values=c(21,23,24,25)[1:length(unique(df$shape_by))]) +
guides(shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "black"))) +
} else {
p <- p +
scale_shape_manual(values=c(21)) +
# Add legend theme
if (legend) {
p <- p +
guides(color=guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill="white"))) +
legend.text = element_text(size=rel(0.8)),
legend.title = element_text(size=rel(0.8)),
legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white", color="white")
# legend.background = element_rect(color = NA, fill=NA),
# = element_blank()
} else {
p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
# Function to define the stroke for each dot
.select_stroke <- function(N) {
if (N<=1000) {
stroke <- 0.5
} else if (N>1000 & N<=10000) {
stroke <- 0.2
} else {
stroke <- 0.05
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