#' Compute distances between Peaks
#' This function computes pairwise distances between histograms
#' according to the dist.method (MMD, KS). For large data sets it is a bit
#' time consuming.
#' @inheritParams DBAmmd-Accessors
#' @inheritParams getPeakReads
#' @param sigma sigma parameter of the RBF kernel,
#' determining the distance (along the genome) at which fragment counts
#' decorrelate. If set to NULL, 100 random Peaks are used to determine sigma
#' heuristically according to the method described in the MMDiff paper [1].
#' @return DBAmmd object with updated slot \code{Dists}
#' @seealso \code{\link{DBAmmd}}, \code{\link{plotDists}},
#' \code{\link{plotDISTS4Peak}}, \code{\link{compPvals}}
#' @examples
#' ## Example using a small data set provided with this package:
#' data("MMD")
#' MMD.1 <- compDists(MMD)
#' # To inspect the computed distances:
#' D <- Dists(MMD.1,dist.method='MMD')
#' head(D)
#' # To analyse the result:
#' plotDists(MMD.1)
#' @importFrom stats quantile median ks.test
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @author Gabriele Schweikert \email{}
#' @references [1] Schweikert et al. BMC Genomics 2013
#' ...
# subfunctions:
# - compDist.R
# - mmd.R
# check parameters
# Gabriele Schweikert
# March 2016
compDists <- function(MD, dist.method='MMD',sigma=NULL,
message('checking parameters...')
if (missing(MD))
stop("DBAmmd object")
Meta <- metaData(MD)
PeakBoundary <- Meta$AnaData$PeakBoundary
Peaks <- Regions(MD)
if (length(Peaks)<200){
numPeaksForSigma <- length(Peaks)/2-1
} else
numPeaksForSigma <- 100
#R <- Reads(MD)
#if (!is.element('Reads',names(MD))){
# stop('No reads provided, call getPeakReads first')
#if (!is.element('Pos.Center',names(MD$Reads))){
# stop('Read Centers not provided, call something first')
Counts <- Counts(MD)
Pos.C <- Reads(MD,'Center')
# flanking regions
Flanks <- list(ncol(Counts))
for (i in 1:ncol(Counts)){
N <- median(Counts[,i]/width(Peaks)*PeakBoundary)
Flanks[[i]] <- sample(PeakBoundary,N,replace=TRUE)
## ----------------
## establish all pairwise comparisons
## -----------------
nSamples <- numSamples(MD)
sampleIDs <- Samples(MD)$SampleID
nComps <- (nSamples^2-nSamples)/2
CompIDs <- matrix(0,2,nComps)
CompIDxs <- matrix(0,2,nComps)
st <- 0
for (j in 1:(nSamples-1)){
CompIDs[1,st+1:(nSamples-j)] <- sampleIDs[j]
CompIDs[2,st+1:(nSamples-j)] <- sampleIDs[(j+1):nSamples]
CompIDxs[1,st+1:(nSamples-j)] <- j
CompIDxs[2,st+1:(nSamples-j)] <- (j+1):nSamples
st <- st+nSamples-j
if (dist.method=='MMD'){
## ----------------
## 1. estimate sigma
## ----------------
message('estimating sigma...')
Sigma <- matrix(0,numPeaksForSigma,nSamples )
colnames(Sigma) <- sampleIDs
for (i in 1:nSamples){
C <- Counts[,i]
peak.ids <- which(C>quantile(C)[2]&C<quantile(C)[4])
peak.ids <- sample(peak.ids, numPeaksForSigma)
R <- Pos.C[[i]][peak.ids]
for(j in 1:numPeaksForSigma){
Sigma[j,i] <- chooseSigma(R[[j]],R[[j]])
sigma <- median(as.vector(Sigma))
## ----------------
## 2. precompute Kernel matrix
## ----------------
message('pre-computing Kernel matrix...')
L <- max(width(Peaks))+2*PeakBoundary
KernelMatrix <- compKernelMatrix(seq(1,L),sigma)
} #end if (dist.method=='MMD')
## ----------------
## 3. compute DISTs for all peaks and all sample pairs
## ----------------
message(paste('computing', nComps ,'pair-wise distances...'))
CompNames <- paste(CompIDs[1,],CompIDs[2,],sep=' vs ')
D <- matrix(NA,length(Peaks),nComps)
MCounts <- matrix(NA,length(Peaks),nComps)
for (i in 1:nComps){
i1 <- CompIDxs[1,i]
i2 <- CompIDxs[2,i]
message(paste('computing distances for',
CompIDs[1,i],'vs', CompIDs[2,i]))
#MCounts[,i] <- rowMeans(Counts[,c(i1,i2)])
MCounts[,i] <- rowMax(Counts[,c(i1,i2)])
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=1,max=length(Peaks),style=3)
Ls <- width(Peaks)+PeakBoundary
for (j in 1:length(Peaks)){
posA <- Pos.C[[i1]][[j]]
posB <- Pos.C[[i2]][[j]]
if (dist.method=='MMD'){
if (length(posA)>2 | length(posB)>2){
posA <- c(posA,Flanks[[i1]],Ls[j]+Flanks[[i1]])
posB <- c(posB,Flanks[[i2]],Ls[j]+Flanks[[i2]])
D[j,i] <- mmd(posA,posB,KernelMatrix)
} else if (dist.method=='KS'){
KS <- ks.test(posA,posB)
D[j,i] <- KS$statistic[[1]]
} # end loop over Peaks
} # end loop over comps
#D.L[] = D.R[]
#D.R[] = D.L[]
#DISTs <- (D.L+D.R)/2
DISTs <- D
CompNames <- paste(CompIDs[1,],CompIDs[2,],sep=' vs ')
colnames(DISTs) <- CompNames
rownames(DISTs) <- names(Pos.C[[1]])
colnames(MCounts) <- CompNames
rownames(MCounts) <- names(Pos.C[[1]])
MD@mCounts <- MCounts
if (dist.method=='MMD'){
Meta$AnaData$Flanks <- Flanks
Meta$AnaData$MMDKernelSigma <- Sigma
Meta$AnaData$MMDKernelFinalSigma <- sigma
Meta$AnaData$KernelMatrix <- KernelMatrix
## ----------------
## 4. preparing Output
## ----------------
message('preparing Output...')
MD@MetaData <- Meta
MD <- setDists(MD,DISTs,dist.method)
chooseSigma <- function(x,y){
mdist <- median(Kxy[Kxy!=0])
mdist <- sqrt(mdist/2)
sigma <- mdist
# X <- seq(1,max(c(x,y)))
# D <- as.matrix(dist(X,diag=TRUE,upper=TRUE))
# DISTs <- D[x,y]
# Kxy <- DISTs^2
if (sigma ==0){
sigma <- 1}
compKernelMatrix <- function(x,sigma){
## should do the same as rbf_dot
#DISTs <- as.matrix(dist(x),diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE)
#K <- exp(-1/2/sigma^2 * DISTs^2)
DISTs.sq <- vectorized_pdist.sq(x,x)
K <- exp(-1/2/sigma^2 * DISTs.sq)
mmd <- function(posA,posB,KernelMatrix) {
m <- length(posA)
n <- length(posB)
Kxx <- KernelMatrix[posA,posA]
Kyy <- KernelMatrix[posB,posB]
Kxy <- KernelMatrix[posA,posB]
## Get test statistic (unbiased)
# MMDf = ( Kxx + Kyy - Kxy - t(Kxy) )
# MMDf = MMDf - diag(diag(MMDf))
# testStat = 1/m/(m-1) * sum(sum( MMDf ));
# testStat = testStat * m; #null distirbution on m*MMD
## MMD statistic. Here we use biased
## v-statistic. NOTE: this is m * MMD_b
# testStat = 1/m * sum(sum(Kxx + Kyy - Kxy - t(Kxy)))
biased <- sqrt(sum(Kxx)/(m*m) + sum(Kyy)/(n * n) - 2/m/n * sum(Kxy))
# diag(Kxx) <- 0
# diag(Kxy) <- 0
# unbiased <- sqrt(sum(Kxx)/(m*(m-1)) + sum(Kyy)/(n * (n-1)) - 2/m/n * sum(Kxy))
vectorized_pdist.sq <- function(A,B) {
#from Alex Smola
an = apply(A, 1, function(rvec) crossprod(rvec,rvec))
bn = apply(B, 1, function(rvec) crossprod(rvec,rvec))
m = nrow(A)
n = nrow(B)
tmp = matrix(rep(an, n), nrow=m)
tmp = tmp + matrix(rep(bn, m), nrow=m, byrow=TRUE)
d.sq = tmp - 2 * tcrossprod(A,B)
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