# Weighted statistics:
weighted.stats <- function(x, w, conditions){
n = ncol(x) #number of samples
p = nrow(x) #number of genes
nclass = length(unique(conditions)) #number of class
if (is.factor(conditions)){
cNames = sort(levels(conditions))
if (is.numeric(conditions)){
cNames = as.character(sort(unique(conditions)))
WM = WS = wSum = se.scale = matrix(0, p, nclass)
rownames(WS) = rownames(WM) = rownames(wSum) = rownames(se.scale) = rownames(x)
colnames(WS) = colnames(WM) = colnames(wSum) = colnames(se.scale) = cNames
c.ind = as.numeric(conditions)
w.mean00 = function (x, w){
wm = NULL
for (i in 1:p){
wm0 = sum(w[i,]*x[i,]) / sum(w[i,])
wm = c(wm, wm0)
w.mean = function (x, w, conditions){
for (j in 1:nclass){
WM[,j] = w.mean00(x[,c.ind == j], w[,c.ind == j])
} = function (x, w, conditions){
w.sd00 = function (x, w){
ws = NULL
w.sd0 = function (x, w){
sumw = sum(w)
sumw.sq = sum(w)^2
w.sq = sum(w^2)
denom = sum(w * ((x - mean(x))^2))
sqrt((sumw * denom) / (sumw.sq - w.sq))
for (i in 1:p){
ws0 = w.sd0(x[i,], w[i,])
ws = c(ws, ws0)
for (j in 1:nclass){
WS[,j] = w.sd00(x[,c.ind == j], w[,c.ind == j])
weightedMean = w.mean00(x, w) #Overall weighted mean
weightedMean.C = w.mean(x, w, conditions) #Weighted means for each group
weightedSD.C =, w, conditions) #Weighted standard deviations for each group
#weightedSD.pooled = weightedSD.C
for (i in 1:nclass){
tmp = w[,which(c.ind == i)]
rSum.tmp = rowSums(tmp)
wSum[,i] = rSum.tmp
weightedSD.pooled = sqrt(rowSums((wSum - 1) * (weightedSD.C^2)) / (rowSums(wSum) - nclass))
se.scale = sqrt(1 / wSum - 1 / rowSums(wSum))
s0 = median(weightedSD.pooled)
delta = (weightedMean.C - weightedMean)/(se.scale*(weightedSD.pooled + s0))
weightedSD.pooled = sqrt(rowSums( / (n - nclass))
stats = list(n = n, p = p, nclass = nclass, se.scale = se.scale, weightedMean = weightedMean, weightedMean.C = weightedMean.C, weightedSD.C = weightedSD.C, weightedSD.pooled = weightedSD.pooled, delta = delta)
# soft.shrink(...)
soft.shrink = function(delta, threshold){
dif = abs(delta) - threshold
delta = sign(delta) * dif * (dif > 0)
nonzero = sum(drop((dif > 0) %*% rep(1, ncol(delta))) > 0)
attr(delta, "nonzero") = nonzero
# diag.disc(...)
diag.disc = function(x, centroids, prior, weight) {
if (!missing(weight)) {
posid = (weight > 0)
if (any(posid)) {
weight = sqrt(weight[posid])
centroids = centroids[posid, , drop = FALSE] * weight
x = x[posid, , drop = FALSE] * weight
} else {
mat = outer(rep(1, ncol(x)), log(prior), "*")
dimnames(mat) = list(NULL, dimnames(centroids)[[2]])
dd = t(x) %*% centroids
dd0 = drop(rep(1, nrow(centroids)) %*% (centroids^2))/2 - log(prior)
names(dd0) = NULL
scale(dd, dd0, FALSE)
# safe.exp(...)
safe.exp = function(x){
xx = sign(x) * pmin(abs(x), 500)
# softmax(...)
softmax = function(x, gap = FALSE){
d = dim(x)
maxdist = x[, 1]
pclass = rep(1, d[1])
for (i in seq(2, d[2])) {
l = x[, i] > maxdist
pclass[l] = i
maxdist[l] = x[l, i]
dd = dimnames(x)[[2]]
if (gap) {
x = abs(maxdist - x)
x[cbind(seq(d[1]), pclass)] = drop(x %*% rep(1, d[2]))
gaps ="pmin", data.frame(x))
pclass <- if (is.null(dd) || !length(dd)){
} else {
factor(pclass, levels = seq(d[2]), labels = dd)
if (gap){
list(class = pclass, gaps = gaps)
} else {
######### 1. voomDLDA & voomDQDA functions: ###########
# control arguements for voom classifier.
#' Define controlling parameters for voom-based classifiers
#' This function sets the control parameters for voom based classifiers while training the model.
#' @param method validation method. Support repeated cross validation only ("repeatedcv").
#' @param number a positive integer. Number of folds.
#' @param repeats a positive integer. Number of repeats.
#' @param tuneLength a positive integer. If there is a tuning parameter in the classifier, this value
#' is used to define total number of tuning parameter to be searched.
#' @author Dincer Goksuluk, Gokmen Zararsiz, Selcuk Korkmaz, Vahap Eldem, Ahmet Ozturk and Ahmet Ergun Karaagaoglu
#' @keywords RNA-seq classification
#' @seealso \code{\link{classify}}, \code{\link[caret]{trainControl}}, \code{\link{discreteControl}}
#' @examples
#' 1L
#' @name voomControl
#' @rdname voomControl
#' @export
voomControl <- function(method = "repeatedcv", number = 5, repeats = 10, tuneLength = 10){
list(method = method, number = number,
repeats = repeats, tuneLength = tuneLength, controlClass = "voom.control")
#Calculation of quantile normalization factors necessary for calcNormFactorsGSD function. Same for both train and test sets.
calcFactorQuantileGSD <- function(data, lib.size, p = 0.75){
y <- t(t(data)/lib.size)
f <- apply(y, 2, function(x) quantile(x, p = p))
#Calculation of weighted normalization factors necessary for calcNormFactorsGSD function.
calcFactorWeightedGSD <- function(obs, ref, libsize.obs = NULL, libsize.ref = NULL, logratioTrim = 0.3,
sumTrim = 0.05, doWeighting = TRUE, Acutoff = -1e+10){
if (all(obs == ref)){
obs <- as.numeric(obs)
ref <- as.numeric(ref)
if (is.null(libsize.obs)){
nO <- sum(obs)
} else {
nO <- libsize.obs
if (is.null(libsize.ref)){
nR <- sum(ref)
} else {
nR <- libsize.ref
logR <- log2((obs/nO)/(ref/nR))
absE <- (log2(obs/nO) + log2(ref/nR))/2
v <- (nO - obs)/nO/obs + (nR - ref)/nR/ref
fin <- is.finite(logR) & is.finite(absE) & (absE > Acutoff)
logR <- logR[fin]
absE <- absE[fin]
v <- v[fin]
n <- sum(fin)
loL <- floor(n * logratioTrim) + 1
hiL <- n + 1 - loL
loS <- floor(n * sumTrim) + 1
hiS <- n + 1 - loS
keep <- (rank(logR) >= loL & rank(logR) <= hiL) & (rank(absE) >= loS & rank(absE) <= hiS)
if (doWeighting){
2^(sum(logR[keep]/v[keep], na.rm = TRUE)/sum(1/v[keep],na.rm = TRUE))
} else {
2^(mean(logR[keep], na.rm = TRUE))
#Calculation of deseq normalization factors necessary for calcNormFactorsGSD function.
calcFactorRLEGSD <- function(data.train, data.test, lib.size, lib.size.test){
gm <- exp(rowMeans(log(data.train)))
f = apply(data.train, 2, function(u) median((u/gm)[gm > 0]))
f.test = apply(data.test, 2, function(u) median((u/gm)[gm > 0]))
f = f / lib.size
f.test = f.test / lib.size.test
deseqsizefactors = list(f, f.test)
#Calculation of normalization factors using calcNormFactorsGSD function.
calcNormFactorsGSD <- function(data.train, data.test, lib.size = NULL, method = c("TMM", "deseq", "none"), refColumn = NULL, logratioTrim = 0.3, sumTrim = 0.05,
doWeighting = TRUE, Acutoff = -1e+10, p = 0.75, ...){
x <- as.matrix(data.train)
xtest <- as.matrix(data.test)
if (any(||
stop("NAs not permitted")
if (is.null(lib.size))
lib.size <- colSums(x)
lib.size.test <- colSums(xtest)
method <- match.arg(method)
allzero <- rowSums(x > 0) == 0
if (any(allzero)){
x <- x[!allzero, , drop = FALSE]
xtest <- xtest[!allzero, , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(x) == 0 || ncol(x) == 1){
method = "none"
if (method == "TMM"){
f75 <- calcFactorQuantileGSD(data = x, lib.size = lib.size, p = 0.75)
f75.test <- calcFactorQuantileGSD(data = xtest, lib.size = lib.size.test, p = 0.75)
refColumn <- which.min(abs(f75 - mean(f75)))
f <- rep(NA, ncol(x))
f.test <- rep(NA, ncol(xtest))
for (i in 1:ncol(x)) f[i] <- calcFactorWeightedGSD(obs = x[,i], ref = x[, refColumn], libsize.obs = lib.size[i],
libsize.ref = lib.size[refColumn], logratioTrim = logratioTrim,
sumTrim = sumTrim, doWeighting = doWeighting, Acutoff = Acutoff)
for (i in 1:ncol(xtest)) f.test[i] <- calcFactorWeightedGSD(obs = xtest[,i], ref = x[, refColumn], libsize.obs = lib.size.test[i],
libsize.ref = lib.size[refColumn], logratioTrim = logratioTrim,
sumTrim = sumTrim, doWeighting = doWeighting, Acutoff = Acutoff)
normf = list(f,f.test)
} else if (method == "deseq"){
normf = calcFactorRLEGSD(data.train = x, data.test = xtest, lib.size = lib.size, lib.size.test = lib.size.test)#/lib.size
} else {
normf = list(rep(1, ncol(x)), rep(1, ncol(xtest)))
names(normf) = c("train", "test")
f = as.numeric(normf[[1]]) / (exp(mean(log(normf[[1]]))))
f.test = as.numeric(normf[[2]]) / (exp(mean(log(normf[[1]]))))
normf2 = list(f, f.test, lib.size, lib.size.test)
names(normf2) = c("TrainNormFactor","TestNormFactor","TrainLibSize","TestLibSize")
#' @importFrom stats lowess approxfun
#' @importFrom limma lmFit
voomGSD <- function(data.train, data.test, group, norm.method = c("TMM", "deseq", "none"), design = NULL, lib.size = NULL, span = 0.5){
#traindatayi, testdatayi ve trainclassi alacak, method = TMM, RLE, none olacak.
#train ve test icin voom gibi expression ve weights dodurecek.
out <- list()
NormFactors = calcNormFactorsGSD(data.train = data.train, data.test = data.test, method = norm.method)
TrainNormFactor = NormFactors$TrainNormFactor
TestNormFactor = NormFactors$TestNormFactor
TrainLibSize = NormFactors$TrainLibSize
TestLibSize = NormFactors$TestLibSize = TrainNormFactor * TrainLibSize
lib.size.ts = TestNormFactor * TestLibSize = model.matrix(~group)
rownames( = colnames(data.train)
design.ts <- matrix(1, ncol(data.test), 1)
rownames(design.ts) <- colnames(data.test)
colnames(design.ts) <- "GrandMean" <- t(log2(t(data.train + 0.5)/( + 1) * 1e+06))
y.ts <- t(log2(t(data.test + 0.5)/(lib.size.ts + 1) * 1e+06)) <- lmFit(,
fit.ts <- lmFit(y.ts, design.ts)
if (is.null($Amean))
fit$Amean <- rowMeans(, na.rm = TRUE)
fit.ts$Amean =$Amean
fit.ts$sigma =$sigma
fit.ts$coefficients =$coefficients[,1]
sx <-$Amean + mean(log2( + 1)) - log2(1e+06)
sy <- sqrt($sigma)
l <- lowess(sx, sy, f = span)
f <- approxfun(l, rule = 2) <-$coefficients %*% t($design)
fitted.values.ts <- fit.ts$coefficients %*% t(fit.ts$design) <- 2^
fitted.cpm.ts <- 2^fitted.values.ts <- 1e-06 * t(t( * ( + 1))
fitted.count.ts <- 1e-06 * t(t(fitted.cpm.ts) * (lib.size.ts + 1)) <- log2(
fitted.logcount.ts <- log2(fitted.count.ts) <- 1/f(^4
w.ts <- 1/f(fitted.logcount.ts)^4
dim( <- dim(
dim(w.ts) <- dim(fitted.logcount.ts)
dimnames( = dimnames(
dimnames(w.ts) = dimnames(y.ts)
out$TrainExp <-
out$TestExp <- y.ts
out$TrainWeights <-
out$TestWeights <- w.ts
new("EList", out)
# input <- counts(data)
# output <- colData(data)[ ,class.labels]
# pooled.var = ifelse(method == "voomDLDA", TRUE, FALSE)
# input: raw counts extracted from 'DESeqDataSet' object.
# output: sınıf labellarını içeren bir vector.
voomDDA.train = function(input, output, pooled.var = ifelse(method == "voomDLDA", TRUE, FALSE),
normalize = normalize, class.labels = NULL){
rawCounts <- input
countsDGE <- DGEList(counts = input, genes = rownames(input))
normalizedCounts <- function(x, type){
deseq = calcNormFactors(x, method = "RLE"),
TMM = calcNormFactors(x, method = "TMM"),
none = calcNormFactors(x, method = "none"))
countsDGE.normalized <- normalizedCounts(x = countsDGE, type = normalize) ## RLE: DESeq mantigi ile normalize ediyor.
rawData <- countsDGE
rawData[[class.labels]] <- output
### Design matrisi daha sonra düzenlenecek.
# des <- model.matrix(~ rep(1, length(rawData[[class.labels]])) + colData(data)[ ,"treat"])[ ,1, drop = FALSE]
voomRes = voom(counts = countsDGE.normalized, plot = F)
x = voomRes$E # pxn dim gene expression matrix - logCPM values
w = voomRes$weights #pxn dim weight matrix - Precision Weigts
dimnames(w) = dimnames(x)
transformedData <- list(normalizedData = countsDGE.normalized, transformedData = voomRes)
transformedData[[class.labels]] <- output
# input <- list(x = x, w = w) ## Input data from transformed expression data.
# output <- output ## Output: class labels of samples.
trainParameters <- list(NULL)
p = nrow(x)
n = ncol(x)
nclass = length(unique(output))
n.class = table(output)
if (min(n.class) == 1) {
stop(warning("Warning: a class contains only 1 sample"))
if (is.factor(output)){
classNames = levels(output)
wStats = weighted.stats(x = x, w = w, output)
results = structure(list(counts = rawCounts, input = list(x = x, w = w), output = factor(output),
weightedStats = wStats, normalization = normalize,
nclass = nclass, classNames = classNames, PooledVar = pooled.var,
rawData = countsDGE, transformedData = transformedData), class = "voomDDA")
#' @importFrom stats napredict
predict.voomDDA = function(object, newdata){
## Object: "voomDDA.train" fonksiyonundan dönen bir obje olacak.
## newdata: features in the rows, samples in the columns. count datalar.
n = ncol(newdata)
p = nrow(newdata)
disc = matrix(0, n, object$nclass) ## Discriminant scores for each class
dimnames(disc) = list(colnames(newdata), object$classNames)
vm = voomGSD(data.train = object$counts, data.test = newdata, group = object$output,
norm.method = object$normalization)
x = vm$TestExp
x2 = t(x)
### Bu kısım ayrıca bir fonksiyon olarak düzenlenecek. calculateDiscriminantScores(...)
if (object$PooledVar) {
vp = (object$weightedStats$weightedSD.pooled)^2
if (any(i0 <- vp == 0))
vp[i0] <- 1e-07 * min(vp[!i0])
ivp <- rep(1/vp, each = n)
for (k in 1:(object$nclass)) {
y = x2 - rep(object$weightedStats$weightedMean.C[, k], each = n)
disc[, k] = rowSums(y * y * ivp)
} else {
if (FALSE) {
for (k in 1:(object$nclass)) {
x2 = x2 - rep(object$weightedStats$weightedMean.C[, k], each = n)
vsd = (object$weightedStats$weightedSD.C)^2
disc[, k] = rowSums((x2 * x2)/rep(vsd[, k], each = n)) + sum(log(vsd[, k]))
} else {
vsd = (object$weightedStats$weightedSD.C)^2
for (k in 1:(object$nclass)) {
disc[, k] = apply(x2, 1, function(z) sum((z - object$weightedStats$weightedMean.C[, k])^2/vsd[, k])) + sum(log(vsd[, k]))
idx = apply(disc, 1, which.min)
pred = colnames(disc)[idx]
if (inherits(attr(x2, "na.action"), "exclude"))
pred = napredict(omit = attr(x2, "na.action"), pred)
######### 2. voomNSC functions: ###########
### voom NSC train
# counts = counts(data)
# conditions = colData(data)[ ,class.labels]
# normalization = "TMM"
# n.threshold = control$tuneLength
# thresholds = NULL
# getInitialThresholds = FALSE
# remove.zeros = TRUE
# offset.percent = 50
# idxIn = folds$indexIn$Fold1.Rep1
voomNSC.train = function(counts, conditions, n.threshold = 30, thresholds = NULL, offset.percent = 50,
remove.zeros = TRUE, normalization = c("TMM", "deseq", "none"), idxIn = NULL,
getInitialThresholds = FALSE, ...){
y = as.factor(conditions)
n.class = table(y)
prior = n.class/length(y)
# weights = w
## wnsc(....)
# y = conditions
# offset.percent = offset.percent
# n.threshold = n.threshold
# prior = prior
# remove.zeros = remove.zeros
# weights = w
# idx = idxIn
wnsc = function(x, y, n.threshold = 30, offset.percent = 50, prior = NULL, remove.zeros = TRUE,
weights = NULL, idx = idxIn){
selected.genes <- selected.genesIndex <- list() =
Y = model.matrix(~factor(y) - 1, data = list(y = y)) #### BURADAKİ DESIGN MATRİSİNİ DE KONTROL EDELİM
if (!is.null(idx)){
xtest = x[ ,-idx]
ytest = y[-idx]
} else {
xtest <- x
ytest <- y
wStats = weighted.stats(x, weights, y)
if (min(n.class) == 1) {
stop(warning("Warning: a class contains only 1 sample"))
# n = sum(n.class)
ntest = ncol(xtest)
K = length(prior)
# p = nrow(x)
dimnames(Y) = list(NULL, names(n.class))
centroids = wStats$weightedMean.C
sd = wStats$weightedSD.pooled
offset = quantile(sd, offset.percent/100)
sd = sd + offset
centroid.overall = wStats$weightedMean
se.scale = wStats$se.scale
delta = wStats$delta
if (is.null(thresholds)){
threshold = seq(0, max(abs(delta)), length = n.threshold)
} else {
threshold <- thresholds
nonzero = numeric(length(threshold))
errors = numeric(length(threshold))
predictions = as.list(seq(n.threshold))
prob = array(0, c(ntest, K, n.threshold))
dshrunkAll <- list()
for (ii in 1:n.threshold){
delta.shrunk = soft.shrink(delta, threshold[ii])
delta.shrunk = t(t(delta.shrunk) * as.numeric(se.scale))
dshrunkAll[[ii]] <- delta.shrunk
nonzero[ii] = attr(delta.shrunk, "nonzero")
posid = drop(abs(delta.shrunk) %*% rep(1, K)) > 0
selected.genes[[ii]] = rownames(wStats$weightedMean.C)[posid]
selected.genesIndex[[ii]] = which(posid == TRUE)
dd = diag.disc((xtest - centroid.overall)/sd, delta.shrunk,
prior, weight = posid)
predictions[[ii]] = softmax(dd)
dd = safe.exp(dd)
prob[, , ii] = dd/drop(dd %*% rep(1, K))
if (!is.null(ytest)) {
errors[ii] = sum(predictions[[ii]] != ytest)
thresh.names = format(round(threshold, 3))
names(predictions) = names(selected.genes) = thresh.names
attr(predictions, "row.names") = paste(seq(ntest))
class(predictions) = "data.frame"
if (remove.zeros){
n.threshold = match(0, nonzero, n.threshold)
dimnames(prob) = list(paste(seq(ntest)), names(n.class), thresh.names)
object = list(counts = counts, conditions = factor(conditions), predictions = predictions, prob = prob[, , seq(n.threshold)],
weightedMean.C = centroids, weightedMean = centroid.overall, delta = delta, normalization = normalization,
weightedSD.pooled = sd, threshold = threshold[seq(n.threshold)], nonzero = nonzero[seq(n.threshold)],
se.scale = se.scale, call =, prior = prior, offset = offset, SelectedGenes = selected.genes,
SelectedGenesIndex = selected.genesIndex, weightedStats = wStats)
# object$errors = errors
object$accuracy = 1 - errors / ntest
# opt.threshold = max(object$threshold[which(object$errors == min(object$errors))])
opt.threshold = max(object$threshold[which(object$accuracy == max(object$accuracy))])
model.res =$threshold, object$nonzero, object$accuracy))
colnames(model.res) = c("threshold", "nonzero", "accuracy")
object$modelRes = model.res
object$delta.shrunk <- dshrunkAll[[which(object$threshold == opt.threshold)]]
object$opt.threshold = opt.threshold
### Initial Calculations:
if (!is.null(thresholds)){
n.threshold <- length(thresholds)
normalization = match.arg(normalization) =
#### voom transformation steps
if (normalization == "TMM"){
design = model.matrix(~ conditions) ##### Design sadece "conditions"a göre olmamali.
rownames(design) = colnames(counts)
dge = DGEList(counts = counts)
dge = calcNormFactors(dge, method = "TMM")
vm = voom(dge, design, plot = F)
x = vm $ E #pxn dim gene expression matrix
w = vm $ weights #pxn dim weight matrix
dimnames(w) = dimnames(x)
} else if (normalization == "deseq"){
design = model.matrix(~ conditions)
rownames(design) = colnames(counts)
dge = DGEList(counts = counts)
dge = calcNormFactors(dge, method = "RLE")
vm = voom(dge, design, plot=F)
x = vm $ E #pxn dim gene expression matrix
w = vm $ weights #pxn dim weight matrix
dimnames(w) = dimnames(x)
} else {
design = model.matrix(~ conditions)
rownames(design) = colnames(counts)
vm = voom(counts, design, plot = F)
x = vm $ E #pxn dim gene expression matrix
w = vm $ weights #pxn dim weight matrix
dimnames(w) = dimnames(x)
if (getInitialThresholds){
wStats = weighted.stats(x, w, y)
delta = wStats$delta
threshold = seq(0, max(abs(delta)), length = n.threshold)
} else {
junk = wnsc(x, y = conditions, offset.percent = offset.percent, n.threshold = n.threshold, prior = prior,
remove.zeros = remove.zeros, weights = w)
junk$call =
# class(junk) = "pamrtrained" #### voom.train sınıfında bir obje olarak dönecek.
## voom NSC prediction
predict.voomNSC = function(fit, newdata, threshold = NULL, prior = NULL){
# Args:
# fit: fitted model from voomNSC.train(...)
# newdata: (p x n) raw counts matrix for test set.
# threshold: a numeric value for threshold (tuning parameter).
# If NULL, it is obtained from fitted model.
# prior: a numeric value in the interval [0, 1] for prior probabilities of classes.
# If NULL, it is obtained from fitted model.
if (is.null(prior)) prior = fit$prior
if (is.null(threshold)) threshold = fit$opt.threshold
vm = voomGSD(data.train = fit$counts, data.test = newdata, group = fit$conditions,
norm.method = fit$normalization)
x = vm$TestExp
sd = fit$weightedSD.pooled
centroid.overall = fit$weightedMean
centroids = fit$weightedMean.C
se.scale = fit$se.scale
delta = fit$delta
delta.shrunk = soft.shrink(delta, threshold)
delta.shrunk = t(t(delta.shrunk) * as.numeric(se.scale))
posid = drop(abs(delta.shrunk) %*% rep(1, length(prior))) > 0
dd = diag.disc((x - fit$weightedMean)/(fit$weightedSD.pooled), delta.shrunk, prior, posid)
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